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The door burst open and smoke filled the room. The needle was pulled out and the grip on your hair loosened. You tried to look around but couldn't see anything in front of you. The smoke stung your eyes and caught in your throat, making you cough.

"Y/N!?" Clints voice came through the smoke. You could hear people falling, being thrown against walls and you weren't sure who was winning.

"Oh thank God" you whispered with a happy sigh, "I can't get out!" You shouted over to him.

"Of course you can!" Bucky shouted "think back to your first day with us!"

He paused as you heard him grunt and grab something before an almighty crack echoed through the room. You guessed he threw someone. "You broke out of them!"

You thought back to that day. You were upset; upset with yourself for getting into these types of situations, upset that Bucky wasn't there, upset you had memories that you, well, couldn't remember. But above all else, you were so determined that it wasn't going to happen again. You were Angry.

Everything you had accomplished in the passed few days, the friends you had made who have become family. They protected you when you couldn't. It would be for nothing. These people would just take you again and erase everything.

The anger built up...but it wasn't enough, the metal cutting into your wrists. Then you thought of him. Steve Rogers. You never got the chance to tell him how much you liked him. He'd never know. You'd never know if he liked you, how his touch would feel, how his lips would feel in other places.... no. That was not happening!

You pushed against the restraints as hard as you could. Your skin burned the more you pushed. But you kept thinking of him. You pushed one last time and your wrists broke free, followed closely by your ankles.

You jumped down off the table and tried to find the door, "I don't know where I'm going! I can't see!"

"Follow my voice! Y/N, just listen to me. Find me!" Bucky called out and you walked forward slowly, listening to his voice as he called.

You put your hand out and felt something cold. His metal arm. "Bucky?"

"That's me doll." He grabbed your arm and pulled you into him, his arm wrapping around your waist and moving you out the room, "come on!" He shouted back in the room before grabbing your hand and running with you.

You looked behind to see Clint and Sam running behind, Clint looking behind every so often and shooting an arrow.

You made it to a set of stairs and ran up them, through a door and out into the fresh air. You looked around and it was the roof. The tops of the trees going for miles, in the distance you could see an opening with what looked like a lake, mountains in the far distance and jagged cliff edges around.

You fell to your knees as you caught your breath and calmed down, clearing the smoke that had entered your lungs also. Adrenaline running throughout your body as it tingled.

"I've called Tony. He's bringing a plane round." Clint said kneeling down next to you, "you alright?" You nodded, unable to speak. "Right, training for you when we get back."

He stood up and looked at the boys, "we're not having a repeat of that. She deserves to be with us on this one, but she needs to know how to defend herself."

"I managed one session with her this morning." Bucky sighed.

"She needs a hell of a lot more then that." Clint bent back down to you, "but you need to be certain this is for you. No one will blame you if you stayed at the compound. But if you want to be here, then you put in 100%."

You looked Clint in the eyes, "I want to be here."

"Then you rest when we get back. Tomorrow's a new day, a new fight." Clint put his hand on your shoulder, "I know you can do it. Prove to the ones over at that other place, thinking they were right by not having you come. Thinking you were wrong about this place."

You nodded as you heard the plane before it came into view. You all jumped on and flew off just as the door opened on the roof. You were free of that place once again.

Everyone was quiet on the flight home. Tony stared daggers at Clint, Sam and Bucky kept fidgeting and kicking each other, Natasha just looked out the window, and Rogers was sat next to you, leaning on his knees and looking down to the floor, bouncing his right knee.

You had been contemplating on whether you should make a small move to Rogers, let him know that you trust him. That you like him. You plucked up the courage, shakily put your hand through the gap of his side and arm, scooting closer to his side and linking your fingers with his.

You didn't look over to him as you were too nervous. But from the corner of your eye you saw Rogers head turn in your direction and a smile grace his face. He gently squeezed your hand before leaning back in the seat and visually relaxing.

The plane landed and everyone scrambled to get out, except you and Rogers. You guys waited until everyone was out before the two of you parted hands, wanting to touch each other that little longer, not wanting to part. Rogers jumped out first, holding his hand out to help you down.

"Never again!" Tony shouted, pointing to you and Clint, "never again."

"She's coming next time." Clint shouted over to Tony as he walked away from the group.

"No, she's not! She was taken and tied down, again. They were this close to putting a needle in her head. She's not coming." Tony screamed.

"I'm gonna train her." Clint folded his arms over his chest and stood his ground with Tony.

"I may have already started." Bucky mumbled but clear enough for all to hear.

"And I'm more than happy to help." Natasha smiled, "she deserves to come too, Tony. She was right."

Tony stood a little beyond the group and gave each of you a little stare, arms folded, like he was trying to work something out. "Get some rest. Tomorrow, plan of action. And then, and ONLY then, we discuss this again." Tony walked away into the compound.

Slowly, the rest of the team followed. Natasha and Clint first, Sam and Bucky were still pushing each other like children having a little argument between themselves, and Rogers stayed next to you. His hand was still in yours after he had helped you out the plane. You didn't want to let go.

"We best go in." He mumbled and took a couple of steps away from you.

"Yeah. Guess we should." You took a step too but couldn't keep up with his bigger steps, causing you to drop his hand as the two of you walked back into the compound, turning in different directions once inside.

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now