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You grabbed the cover that had fallen off the bed, wrapped it round your body and ran to the door, "are you for real, Rogers!?"

Steve was near Buckys door when he turned round, smirking and licking his lips. Bucky popped his head out and looked between the two of you. "You guys make up?"

"No!" You shouted over Steve's "yes."

"That was just.... not clear." Bucky leaned against his door frame, looking to Steve.

"All she has to do is apologise to Sharon."

Bucky laughed, "yeah, that's not happening."

"Exactly what I said." You shouted over to the boys.

"Yeah, but I'm not the boss of Bucky." Steve smirked with a wink.

Bucky scrunched his face up at Steve like he was crazy, "You're not the boss of her."

"Am I not?" Steve shrugged and smirked. Bucky looked over to you, confused. And over his shoulder you caught Steve smirking, taking one finger in his mouth... the finger that was.... yeah.

"I fucking hate you, Rogers." You sighed, hitting you head on the door frame behind you in frustration.

"I'm so confused right now. Why does it look like you just had sex..." Bucky looked at you, and then back to Steve, "but you're not acting like you..." he looked Steve up and down. Steve licked his lips and smirked, holding back the laughter. "Urgh God, did you...?"

"Punish her for not apologising." Steve stood up straight, folding his arms but still with that smirk over his face.

"Yeah, by not letting me finish!"

"Oooo, that's cold," he turned to Steve and smirked, "fucking brilliant! But cold."

"Who's side are you on!?" You shouted to Bucky

"No ones. To be honest, I'm thinking of revoking my best friend cards from the both of you because this is just too much information... but I LIVE for it." Bucky smirked. "But, I just want you two to make up and be happy."

"Then she needs to apologise to Sharon." Steve winked at you, turned and walked away.

"I deserve an apology too!" You shouted after him.

"OK, we'll get you both down so you can apologise to each other." Steve turned and smiled before opening the door and walking back to the control room.

You sighed looking over to Bucky, "So I have to go apologise to Sharon?"

"If you wanna cum again." Bucky smiled.

You closed your eyes and sighed, "yeah, we're too close. This is weird."

"Really weird. You may not hear from me for a while." Bucky stepped back into his room and closed the door.

"Doubt it" you said to yourself, staying at the door way for a few moments, hand still holding up the bedsheet around you. You couldn't believe he actually did that. And now you had to apologise to Sharon!? You sighed and went back in to get your clothes back on.

Fight For You - Avengers POVOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora