Someday Soon ¦ rosekook

By monamonte

38.4K 2.7K 428

Unknown to the two of them, Jungkook and Chaeyoung started liking each other back in high school. But neither... More

1 - Coming Home
2 - It is really you
3 - password and wallpaper
4 - Twist of Fate
5 - my little chipmunk
6 - the twins' intervention
7 - friendzoned
8 - date
9 - It's okay to be selfish.
10 - oddly familiar
11 - what are you trying to do here
12 - complication
13 - more than okay
14 - knowing what she wants
15 - Jeon
16 - Someday Soon
17 - not very convincing
18 - Rain, rain, go away
19 - dilemma
20 - tough choice
21 - I like you
22 - wishing to be his = hers
23 - Hey Stupid, I Love You
24 - Playgirl
25 - The Talk
26 - free time
28 - Certainly Uncertain
29 - out in the open
30 - WHY
31 - unfinished business
32 - A push-pull cycle
33 - when her friends did their part
36 - first interaction
37 - Girls

27 - been dealt with

520 46 1
By monamonte

Jungkook's POV

I was satisfied walking out of Chaeyoung's apartment after making sure that she was sleeping soundly on her bed. But as I recalled her confession earlier, I felt restless and uneasy. So I walked past my apartment and went to the parking lot. I planned to drive around the neighborhood to calm my nerves.

After driving for quite awhile, I belatedly realized that I had driven far beyond my neighborhood. It was not the destination I had in mind. Though it could be that I was subconsciously thinking of going here from the start. So before I could change my mind, I hurriedly got off my car.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

A groggy and irritated Jaehyun greeted me when he ushered me inside his apartment.

"What now?!" Jaehyun exclaimed in irritation as he rushed to his living room while I was walking slowly behind him.

I stared at Jaehyun dumbfoundedly. Earlier this evening when I planned to talk to him about Chaeyoung, I was somehow prepared. However after hearing Chaeyoung's confession a couple of minutes ago, my mind was left completely blank.

All I had in mind was relief and joy upon confirming that Chaeyoung reciprocated my feelings. And hearing that she was as worried as I had been with our situation with Jaehyun made me feel deeply touched but concerned at the same time. Thus making me realize that I had to deal with Jaehyun for mine and Chaeyoung's sake.

"Jungkook . . ."

"Sorry for bothering you at this hour but we just had to talk . . . now."

My loud beating heart filled the room's silence. Nervousness got ahead of me, feeling my throat dried out and small beads of sweat forming on my forehead. I took in a deep breath and tried to speak when Jaehyun interrupted.

"It's about Rose, isn't it?"

Jaehyun asked in a whisper that I would not have heard him if we had a noisy background instead of a calm and quiet night. I was also paying direct attention to him that I heard what he said, though with much difficulty. So I gulped in response, unable to hide my anxiety about this trouble between us. I cleared my throat to ease my nerves, fully aware of the growing tension in the room.

"Let's not make it more complicated, Kook. C'mon! Just tell me what you came to say." Jaehyun said straightforwardly, interrupting my jumbled thoughts.

"Sorry." I finally said and let out a heavy breath as I continued in full resolve and sincerity. "I like Chaeyoung so I'm asking you to stop pursuing her."

Shock, confusion and anger clouded over Jaehyun's face in a span of ten seconds.

"You . . . what?!" He stood up from the couch, looking like he was ready to pounce on me anytime now.

"I said I like . . ."

"Not that." He firmly denied. "It was plain to see from the beginning. You're obviously head over heels for her."

It's obvious, huh?! Then why does she keep on doubting? Ugh! That woman!

"What I don't understand is . . ." Jaehyun went on, gritting his teeth and keeping an intense glare directed at me. "Why would you ask me to stop pursuing her? I'm pretty sure the two of you ain't dating yet."

His last statement left me confounding and tight-lipped.

How could he be sure about that?

Jaehyun was on a roll with his assumptions when he said with a smirk. "We've been friends since forever Kook so it's not surprising how much I knew you. Foul play is not your kind of game. And Rose . . . I think I know her enough to believe that she could not easily date you after knowing that the two of us are friends. She is all heart."

But I was startled when he began crying while still trying to keep on talking.

"I really felt so awful I had to hurt her like that when she had been nothing but sweet and kind to me. I know . . . I don't deserve her but I can't help myself from falling for her all over again. And I promised myself to make it up to her any way I can. So you telling me to stop . . . I just don't get it."

He let out an anguished cry before breaking down in front of me.

"All I wanted was to keep making her smile so how could you stop me from doing that?"

His heartbreak was painful to witness but I had to remain resolute.

"She is torn between the two of us." I truthfully said and tried my best to meet Jaehyun's gaze when I added, "She's most afraid of causing a rift between us. And it concerns me to see how much she worries about it. So let's not make it any more difficult for her, Jae. Please."

Defeaning silence followed when Jaehyun said nothing and stared out on nothing in particular. He was looking head, seeming to be in deep thought. Then a look of disbelief began to appear on his face.

"Rose was actually the first to confess?" He bitterly laughed, sounding amused and disappointed.

I frowned in irritation at his reaction. Jaehyun seemed to know a lot more than he let off. And it did not sit well with me that his guesses were frustratingly accurate. Then he laughed out of the blue, clearly making fun at me.

"It's quite late but you drove all the way here to talk about . . . Chaeyoung. Surely something happened between the two of you when you hurriedly left after dinner earlier only to come rushing back here two hours later." He explained. "Also, I had a talk with Yugyeom the other night and he accidentally spilled about our conflict over her."

I groaned in disbelief and annoyance, "Ugh! I knew I could not fully trust that giant."

Jaehyun teasingly chuckled in response.

Ignoring his teasing, I reached out my hand for a handshake.

"So, shall we say that this situation between us has been dealt with?"

He grabbed my hand with a tight grip.

"We're good friends, Kook. But I'm actually doing this for Chaeyoung."

I shrugged my shoulders and tried not to mind the pain on my right hand. I could have fought back when Jaehyun was trying to crush my hand but I opted not to. He already got his heart broken tonight. And I was certain it was more than enough pain.

"I'm ordering chicken and beer. And I'm staying for the night." I suggested afterwards.

Jaehyun eyed me suspiciously, "Is that your way of consoling me?"

"Will it work?" I hopefully asked.

He rolled his eyes at me before spitting coldly, "Whatever!"

... ... ... ... ...

The next day, I was keeping myself busy at work and trying not to think about Chaeyoung. I was getting frustrated that nothing had changed between the two of us even after she confessed to me last night. Although she mistaken me for Jaehyun, she should have realized by now that she actually talked to me last night instead of Jaehyun. However I did not receive even a single message from her the whole day.

"Argh! I cannot take this anymore. I should call her."

I just picked up my phone when my message notification sounded, making me giddy in anticipation. But my smile instantly turned into a frown when I saw Jaehyun as the sender. From the notifications screen, I read that Jaehyun sent a photo. And thinking that it was one of his silly selfies again, I decided to ignore it.

I was about to tap the dial button when Jaehyun sent me a few more photos, piquing my curiosity. So I opened his messages and planned to scan the pictures he sent before proceeding to call Chaeyoung. But after seeing the pictures he sent which were all Chaeyoung's face, I dialled his number right away.

Jaehyun kept on rejecting my calls and sent me a few texts instead. He was showing off how he spent time with Chaeyoung the whole day. They were working in the same company and unfortunately in the same department as well so it should not be surprising if they spent time together during working hours. However, Chaeyoung was surrounded with a bunch of flowers in the pictures that Jaehyun sent so it was apparent that they were not in the office. It even seemed like they were in a park.

I annoyingly replied to Jaehyun, asking him of their whereabouts and why they were spending their time outside the office during working hours. He only answered with teasing remarks and sent a dozen of laughing stickers, blantantly getting on my nerves. And before I could argue, he miserably defeated me with another picture of Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung was looking at a far distance with a bright and excited smile on her face. The colorful streaks of light reflecting on her highlighted the glow that Chaeyoung emanated. She always looked the most beautiful when she's happy and relaxed. Even by merely looking at the picture, I could feel her pure joy while looking at the scene before her. So I receded and swallowed my jealousy for the time being. As long as Chaeyoung's happy, I should be too.

I grudgingly set my phone aside after sending Jaehyun a final threatening text.

... ... ... ... ...

Waiting for Chaeyoung for seven years could not even compare to how anxious I was while I was waiting for her and Jaehyun by the gate of our apartment building. Jaehyun and I already made up last night after he promised not to meddle between me and Chaeyoung. But the way he acted earlier contradicted his words from last night, making me furious.

My arms were wrapped in front of my chest as my anger kept on rising up every minute passing by. Jaehyun decided to spite me even more with the picture he last sent. He was already driving back to Seoul and Chaeyoung was sleeping on the passenger seat beside him. It looked fine to me until I noticed his jacket draped over Chaeyoung. It was petty jealousy but I could not help myself from feeling otherwise.

I was getting tired and starting to think about going inside when I noticed an approaching car. When it got near and I realized that it was Jaehyun's car, I immediately acted without much thought. I found myself jumping right in front of the car.

Then Jaehyun and Chaeyoung got off at the same time. But I was looking daggers at Jaehyun, wrestling him at the back of my mind.

"What's going on here?" Chaeyoung shrieked, interrupting me from mentally choking Jaehyun.

I remained glaring at Jaehyun as I walked to Chaeyoung and dragged her away.

"What the hell were you doing back there? You could have gotten hit by the car." Chaeyoung said aloud.

I felt guilty after seeing the worry and frustration on Chaeyoung's face.

I gulped and scratched the back of my head as I answered, "I was just too excited to meet you. Sorry. Anyway, I knew Jaehyun is a careful and observant driver so I was sure he would not hit me."

Her intense glare effectively shut me up so I did not bother adding fuel to the fire and kept walking ahead.

But she stopped me midway and asked, "Are you and Jaehyun fighting?"

"What are you talking about?!" I said with a chuckle and trapped Chaeyoung in a headlock to keep her from directly seeing my face. "That's how we usually greet each other. Pfft!"

I even laughed softly, trying not to sound too fake, and quickly changed the topic.

"By the way, I haven't eaten dinner yet."

She suddenly looked sideways, narrowing the space between our faces. I was shocked and froze in place while Chaeyoung showed no signs of disconcert.

"Be honest with me, Jeon. Are you and Jaehyun having any problems?" She said, not slightly bothered that we could feel each other's breath with our proximity.

Her beauty was distracting me that I found it difficult to respond. She had her eyes wide open, looking straight into mine and putting my vulnerabilities out in the open. Her sweet scent that trickled into my nose reminded me of a blossoming spring. Her plump reddish lips which looked so kissable was like an open invitation.

But I was awakened from my trance when I felt Chaeyoung's knuckles against the side of my head.

"Yah! What are you doing? Why are your lips puckered like that?" She shouted.

"Huh?!" I immediately stepped back, taking my arms off of her and tapped my protruding lips. "It's nothing." I uttered in embarrassment and disappointment. Then I quickly stepped inside the elevator before Chaeyoung could protest.

But she stayed rooted in front of the elevator. So I held the doors open, pushing them apart.

"Why are you just standing there? Get in." I urged.

She shook her head and answered with a stern look on her face, "Not until you answer my question.

"What question?" I impatiently asked.

"About you and Jaehyun. Tell me the truth. What's going on between you two?" She softly asked.

I was planning to ignore her but shock overwhelmed me at what happened next. Chaeyoung tightly held on to the collar of my shirt and strongly pulled me out of the elevator. Her action caused me to stagger to my feet. But I quickly put my hands over her shoulders to maintain my balance, wary of my body crashing down on her.

"Now, tell me before you completely piss me off." She barked, making me cower in fear.

Uh-oh! She's mad . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Um, I'm really sorry for this very late update. 🥺 I tried my best to update as soon as I could but I wanted to surprise you with a double update. Now I know that did not go well because of the delay it caused. 😟

Though if it's any consolation, please expect the next update in bit. 😁


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