Rose and Scorpius, A True Love

By harrypottergirl123

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Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy have always been known to hate each other. That much has always been clear... More

Rose-Scorpius: A true Love
The end!


6.3K 167 36
By harrypottergirl123

I jumped at the sound of my fathers yelling, Harley and I dropped the spoons in the tub of ice cream and tried to listen to the conversation in the dining room. "How could he have disappeared so fast!?" I heard my father yell, my heart stopped. He couldn't find him... Dolohov got away again! I felt a shiver run through my body and I began to shake. "We will find him Ron, I swear we will." My uncle Harry whispered. I heard a pop sound, and the pouring of a drink. "Ron- it's too early in the morning to be drinking-" "oh shove off Harry" my father grumbled. He was drinking... And it was only 7:30 something in the morning... "Merlin Harry... What's happening... What have I done!?" He whispered in anguish. I heard the scraping of chairs on the floor. "It's alright. We are going to catch the bastard..." My uncle whispered. "Why didn't I believe her!? I was so angry... And now my poor little girl will never trust me again.." My father croaked. I felt pain grip my heart. Oh daddy... "I just couldn't believe it you know? My little girl and that- that- thing. Together. How long? Gosh it would explain so much though wouldn't it." I heard him mumble. I looked silently at Harley who was listening in the conversation with a sad look on her face. "It's an honest reaction, though I'm afraid you didn't handle it as you should have. But Ron- does it really matter if she was with him?" My uncle Harry asked quietly. I heard my father sigh heavily. "Yes- no? Ugh I don't know." He mumbled. "He's a Malfoy, Harry. The idea just disgusts me. The kid was horrible to my little Rosie when they were younger. And we both know how his father and grandfather really were..." My father said groggily. "But Scorpius is a good kid, though I'm very sad to say I might not see much of him anymore... Him and Albus don't seem very okay, do they?" My uncle Harry said bitterly. "I need to apologize. She left without me saying how sorry I was not to believe her... I need to tell her." I heard my father say firmly. My heart was in my throat- no. I wasn't ready to speak to him! I might lose my composure and yell- or worse cry! I looked mortified at Harley, and she looked at me with knowing eyes. She sighed heavily and pointed at the fireplace and I immediately understood what she meant. Albus.

I quickly grabbed some floo powder, threw it in the fire, and stepped inside the green flame. "Potter house hold." I said firmly. I felt the familiar tug at my belly and I watched the living room disappear from my gaze, but not before I saw Harley look apologetically at my father who ran into the living room at the sudden noise as he watched me with wide eyes. And suddenly I toppled out of the fireplace in Godrics Hollow and onto the familiar hard wooden floors at my cousins home. I was on my hands and knees as I was breathing heavily, I never liked traveling by floor powder, it was exhausting and always made me covered in soot. "What are you doing here?" Someone asked flatly and with no trace of emotion. I looked up in surprise, and met the bottle green eyes of my cousin Albus. He was sitting on the couch with a bottle of butter beer in his hand, and about five other bottles scattered around him. He had a blanket draped over his legs, and purple bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept. "Avoiding my father..." I said quietly, not leaving my position on the floor, too scared to lose the eye contact with my cousin. "Hmm" he said quietly, not taking his eyes off mine. "Have- have you slept at all?" I asked in a hushed whisper. He shrugged his shoulders, he had a finger over his lips and his eyes narrowed as if he was deep in thought. "I haven't actually..." He said quietly, barley moving his lips. "Would now be a bad time to crack a joke about how you always wanted us to get along?" I asked with a weak smile, hoping to lighten his mood. He didn't move an inch, didn't crack a smile, didn't even blink. I sat on my knees and sighed heavily, "I guess so..." I whispered. He continued to look at me from a distance, as if studying my movements. "Look, are you going to be creepy quiet all day? Or are you going to say something?" I said a bit too loudly, feeling a surge of annoyance at his lack of conversation. He cocked an eyebrow at me, still not showing a change in emotion. "You might want to be quiet. My mother is asleep, she went through a bit of shock yesterday you see, having her husband go back to the office all night. Again." He said the word 'again' coldly. "So I would like her to feel well rested, or do you not care how she feels either?" He asked with raised eyebrows, I gasped. "Albus! How could you even say that!-" I said in a hushed, and shocked voice. "Stop talking." He said quietly, with so much ice I felt as if someone had thrown me in a cold shower, his eyes were so cold. "He was my best friend Rose..." He said quietly, and my heart felt a shock of pain and worry, was? "And you. Of all people. He chose you." He said barley above a whisper. "You know, when I first met Scorpius on the train, I thought he was a total prat. The way he talked about your mother... But then I was put in Slytherin. I felt as if I was going to be alone, and disowned." And he laughed bitterly. "But then Scorpius surprised me. He stood up for me even, and I decided then that he was going to be my best mate no matter what. I would have his back like he would have mine." I wasn't sure where this was going, it could go both good or bad depending how he looks at this, but he had my full attention. "And you know, that's how it worked. And as we got older he started to get noticed by lots of girls, but I was relieved none were from my family- or Harley even." He whispered Harleys name with pained eyes. "I was relieved none were my family because I know what he does to girls Rose. He gets them hooked, then breaks their arrogant, and foolish hearts. I don't even know how many girls there were, but I didn't judge. Nope, cause he was my best friend, and as long as he stayed away from my family, I didn't care who he slept with." Albus looked at me with stony eyes. My heart sunk to the floor, Albus thought Scorpius and I- oh no Albus, I swear. I shook my head vigorously. "No! I never- he didn't- we never did that. I swear!" I said quickly, crawling towards him. Albus held up a hand to indicate me not to speak. I fell silent and continued to sit on the warm and hard floor, looking at my cousin with pained eyes. "I felt so guilty. So horrible, for what Harley and I did to you guys. We had no right to keep it a secret from you, but we did. We kept you guys in the dark, for a couple of weeks. And Harley... You- Scorpius... I have been kept in the dark by not only my best friend and my girlfriend- but my own family, Rose. How do you think I felt? Finding out my best friend and my cousin were caught snogging in the damn living room! It kind of sucks!" He bellowed, but quickly lowered his voice, I went rigid at his words. I felt a pain deep in my chest. "So. How long did Harley know?" He asked simply, eyebrows raised. I shook my head, I was not going to have this conversation without Harley present. "That's something for you and Harley to discuss. Not me and you." I whisper, feeling hurt at his lash out. He nods his head, "fair enough. How long have you and Scorpius been going on then?" He asked quietly. I shrugged my shoulders, "since I was attacked... So about six months I think." I said awkwardly. Albus narrowed his eyes to slits. "Make good use of your time as prefect did you?" He muttered. I felt myself flush and a surge of anger press into me. How dare he say such hurtful things to me! I stood up abruptly and glared at my cousin. Officially sick of his shit. "Oh I'm not done being pissed, Rose. You lied to me!-" he began to yell again, but I was finished listening. "Listen here Albus Severus Potter!" I whispered dangerously, shutting him up at once. He had a shimmer of fear in his eyes, but he quickly hid it. "I have been attacked, yelled at, heart broken, cried, screamed, and I haven't slept ALL NIGHT! So I have been through enough shit for awhile, and the last thing I need is to hear a lecture from someone who is angry about a relationship that didn't even concern him! I got enough of that from Draco Malfoy and my father last night thank you! I get it, your angry cause you were left in the dark! But news flash! It had nothing to do with you to begin with! And not to mention look how you reacted! You punched your best friend in the face! We were going to tell you a long time ago, but Scorpius got scared! And I was not going to fight his battle for him! So I think I'm going to leave, because I sure as hell am DONE putting up with your shit, if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at yourself. Your the one who punched him in the face for no reason. And not that it's any of your business, but we never had sex. Because he RESPECTS ME. He LOVES me." I yelled. "And I love him." I whispered. Albus stared at me with wide eyes in silence. I turned on my heel, threw the powder into the fire, and stepped into the green flames. For awhile Albus and I simply stared at each other in silence, but I knew where I was going to go. "The Burrow." I said loud and clear. I closed my eyes as I felt the familiar tug at my belly. Suddenly I was toppling out of the familiar fire place in the burrow. I was still breathing heavily as I dashed the angry tears off my cheek, he had no right to say such things. "I see you weren't gone long." I looked up to see my mother sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, and her arms wrapped tightly around her. "Oh... I didn't know you were awake." I said stiffly. I stood up straight trying to look unaffected, but really, seeing my mother looking so stressed is bothering me a lot, not to mention she knows I'm upset. "Come sit next to me Rosie." She whispered quietly, I slowly walked towards the couch and sat next to my mother, trying to avoid her eyes. I looked around and saw Harley was gone. "Where did Harley and dad go?" I asked, hoping this conversation wouldn't turn into a pep talk. "Your father is taking a small nap for a couple of hours, and then he will go back to work. You uncle Harry is at his house in Godrics hollow, left right when you arrived actually. And Harley is upstairs. Everyone els is either asleep, or out on the lawn finishing the cleaning. Now I can tell by your face where you were, so I'm guessing Albus wasn't very comforting?" She finished gently, making pain grip my heart and my chest constrict. I coughed awkwardly to clear my throat, still avoiding her eyes. "Erm, yea. But I think I turned the tables on him.." I finished quietly, remembering my outburst. I took a glance at my mother to see she was nodding her head. "Your father will come around, Rosie. I personally couldn't see you with anyone els." She said quietly, making me gasp. I looked at my mother with wide eyes and saw she was smiling kindly. "You father just can't let go of the past is all..." She whispered. And suddenly a memory of my first summer after Hogwarts flashed in my mind, my parents had mentioned not letting go of the past then as well when I brought up Scorpius. "Mom- what- what is it that dad can't let go of? I know you guys don't like to talk about certain parts of the war, but- mom I just need to understand." I whispered, looking my mother in the eyes. She stiffed, but nodded her head with a heavy sigh. "Alright, your almost of age, might as well tell you..." She said heavily, as she rolled up the left sleeve of her night shirt to reveal her for arm. She turned her arm over and I went rigid. In scratchy, pale letters, spelled the word 'mudblood' on her arm. "Mommy..." I said quietly as I felt tears start to prickle in my eyes again. She quickly pulled the sleeve down, "we all have scars from the war, sweetheart. Mine isn't anything compared to some." She said firmly. I looked into her eyes and saw she had a determined look in them. "I got this, at Malfoy Manor." She said quietly. I felt my chest compress, what did she mean? She sighed heavily and closed her eyes, "we had gotten picked up by snatchers, and they took us there. Bellatrix Lestrange tortured me, trying to get information." She continued, staring at the fire place. I was listening to every word. "Draco Malfoy helped her, well not so much as helped, but just watched. And you father hasn't been able to let it go, specially since we saved Dracos life more than on one occasion and he just watched, as I was tortured." She finished quietly. "But I do not blame Scorpius for anything, he is a very kind boy." She added quickly, looking back at me and holding my hands. I felt like I was going to be sick. My mother was tortured? That's not in our history books... "Mom- I had no idea.." I whispered. She shook her head, "I didn't really want you to know, the war was a bad time. Bad things happened." She finished, squeezing my hands in hers to comfort me. "So that's why your father can't stand the Malfoys, besides the fact of how pathetic he was in school when we went. But he is truly sorry Rosie, he blames himself for Dolohovs escape, you have to forgive him." She whispered earnestly. I looked away from my mother, "mom- I will forgive him, but I need space. I need to know I can trust him again... He didn't trust me when it mattered, and because of that, he's gone again." I whispered. My mother leaned over and hugged me, and before I started to cry again, I changed the subject. "So, Hugo huh?" I said with a weak smirk. My mother sighed heavily and shook her head. "I should have seen it coming, he always kept his room so organized." She said making me laugh loudly. "Well, I'm really tired mom. I didn't really get to sleep much last night." I said with a yawn. My mother patted my leg and got off the couch, "I think I'll start on breakfast, you go ahead and get some sleep, alright?" She said calmly. I nodded my head, "yea. Thanks mom, for everything." I said, throwing my arms around her. I ran upstairs and was surprised to see Harley passed out on her bed inside the room. I smiled and laid down in my own bed. I suddenly felt much more relaxed, maybe after my nap I would write to Scorpius, see if he responds? I closed my eyes and somehow managed to drift into a dreamless, and relaxing sleep.

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