The Assassin Within

By Elisedeluxe

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Class 3E, the end of the road class, the dead end class the perfect class. Nagisa Shoita lived in three diff... More

Prologue~Mission Zero
Part 1~New target
Part 2~Bombs
Part 3~Baseball
Part 4~Karasuma
Part 5~P.E
Part 6~Octopus
Part 7~Grooming Failing
Part 8~Poisoned Veins
Part 9~What Happened Last Night
Part 10~Goat's Blood
Part 11~'Enjoyable' Encounters
Part 12~Rescue
Part 13~An Eye For An Eye
Part 14~Jelavich
Part 15~Classroom Teasing
Part 16~Lectures
Part 17~Kill
Part 18~Principal Asano
Part 19~Backup Plan
Part 20~Results
Part 21~Trip Begins
Part 22~Death Surrounds
Part 23~Here we go Again
Part 24~Who Are You?
Part 25~Trapped
Part 26~AIFA
Part 27~Lovro
Part 28~Target
Part 29~The Kill
Part 30~Tetrodotoxin
Part 31~Tentacles
Part 32~Kuro ōkami
Part 33~Bored
Part 34~Baseball
Part 35~Swing to Kill
Part 36~Sweets
Part 37~The Assassin's Job
Part 38~Vision
Part 39~Names
Part 40~Cramming
Part 41~The Bet
Part 42~Placements
Part 44~Sugar Rush
Part 45~The Final Assassination?
Part 46~Virus
Part 47~Smog
Part 48~Grip
Part 49~Grip-eth
Part 50~Fashion Crime
Part 51~Gastro
Part 52~Viper
Part 53~The End
What to Read Next

Part 43~Upside Down

128 6 0
By Elisedeluxe

Nagisa sighed as he picked up the gun. One week until they left for the island and the class had gotten together to do some training and get the plan together.

"Well, well! I see you little brats are working up a good sweat, summer vacation notwithstanding," Professor Vitch exclaimed as she sat on the lounge chair with a drink.

"You should train too, bitch-sensei. Your gun and knife skills aren't that much better than ours," Mimura pointed out without much kindness.

"Grownups are sneaky. I'll just hitch a ride on your strategy and take the best parts for myself."

"You think you're a big shot, huh, Irina?"

Professor Vitch jumped up as she turned around. "L-Lovro-sensei!"

"He's here as a special instructor for the summer. He'll give us tips on our strategy from a pro's perspective," Karasuma explained as Lovro glared down on Professor Vitch.

"Spend one day resting, and your finger and arms forget about killing. If you don't want to flunk out, hurry and get changed!"

Professor Vitch jumped up and ran off in a second. "Yes, sir!"

"Even Bitch-sensei can't say no to him," Sugaya muttered.

"Yeah, well, he's one scary dude," Maehara claimed as he looked away.

Karasuma tried to ignore the situation as he spoke. "Thank you for your assistance."

"To make matters worse, I lost contact with the assassins who'd shown the most promise."

"Were they scared off, knowing that even the pros had failed?"

"Perhaps. Now, all we can do is leave it up to them. And talk about failing, Okabe! What do you think you're doing?!"

Okabe yelped as he jumped from behind Nakamura. "I'm trying not to die," Okabe shouted as he stood at attention. Nagisa sighed as he watched Okabe badly hiding his fear.

"Where's that redhead? I thought you two were always around each other."

"Oh, Karma? He had to do some... jobs."

Nagisa sighed, that wasn't suspicious at all. "Karma's helping my dad out with some stuff. I don't get along with him so I got out but Karma didn't get the chance to say know as our dads still get along and Karma- as tough as he may act- doesn't say no to his parents," Nagisa half-lied to cover the truth. In reality, Karma was doing some last-minute preparation before his first mission with Zen so couldn't come but Nagisa's lie was close enough to the truth to avoid suspicion.

"Shame, he showed promise. More promise than you at least," Lovro claimed, making Okabe lower his head. "In any case, am I correct in understanding that he is absent today?"

"Yes," Karasuma announced. "He's had a trip to Everest planned, so he's there now, beating the heat."

"I see. First, we destroy the seven promised tentacles, then the entire class immediately jumps in to finish him off. So far, so good. But what's this very first step: 'psychological warfare'?"

"First we throw him off, blunting his moves. Koro-sensei was scavenging for dirty magazines earlier. So he paid each of us off with an ice pop. As if that'd be enough to keep our mouths shut in this day and age," Maehara growled demonically.

"The entire class will be ganging up and picking on him," Terasaka added with a dark expression.

"First we'll corner him with that blackmail material... and more," Nagisa summed up with his notepad.

"A brutal assassination method indeed," Lovro grumbled. "But the key is that final, killing blow. Pinpoint timing and accurate aim will be crucial."

"Are you worried about this class' firepower?" Karasuma asked as Lovro scratched his chin.

"Quite the opposite. Those two in particular are outstanding. Chiba Ryuunosuke. He excels at spatial calculations. As a long-distance sniper, he's second to none. Hayami Rinka has a nice balance of dexterous fingers and kinetic visual acuity. She's a soldier who's well equipped to take down a moving target. Neither is very assertive. They're the professional type, so their results do the talking. I would even take them for my own students. The others are at a respectable level as well. Good job identifying and nurturing their talents in such a short time. I see plenty of potential here."

Fuwa shot a Koro-sensei doll off the pole it was hanging from as the group shot down a paper face.

"See how your aim has stabilized? Some shoot better cross-legged than with one knee up."

"Yes, sir!"

"You seem to be having trouble keeping pace with others. Don't force yourself. Instead, go for a firing style that suits you," Lovro told Takebayashi.

"Hey, Nagisa, I was wondering," Kayano stated as Nagisa turned to her. "You said Zen was a sniper right? Well, what's his shooting style."

Nagisa hummed as he thought. "Well, Zen has a variety of styles depending on the place he's shooting from but I guess his most common style is hanging upside down."

"Wait! Really? That's how he shoots!"

"Well yeah. Zen mainly works in back streets and busy cities. That means there isn't a great amount of room to set up a sniper rifle, so to solve it, he started hanging upside down. It was actually pretty logical because Zen had an obsession with climbing when we were younger and he was always dangling from one tree or another. He just learnt to add a gun to the equation." Nagisa scratched the back of his neck as he explained. Everyone in Kuro ōkami had developed one strange technique or another and so it never seemed weird. It was weirder when Zen wasn't dangling from the ceiling.

"Did he ever teach you?" Kayano was now interested as Nagisa blushed slightly.

"Yeah. He did but I don't do it very often. It tends to mess up my hair if I'm dangling upside down for too long." Nagisa laughed as Okabe chuckled.

"That's Nagisa talk for 'I'm good at it but I don't want to admit it,'" he claimed as Nagisa growled. Nagisa swiped out his foot, sending Okabe to the ground.

"Oops, sorry. I don't do that a lot either," Nagisa mimicked with a dark glare.

"Nagisa! You have to show us," Kayano shouted, ignoring the small fight.

Nagisa knew he wasn't getting out of this as he moved the equipment around. Everyone was now looking at Nagisa as he got his gun ready. He turned away from the target as he sat down. Nagisa sighed as he pushed himself back. The class barely had time to watch as Nagisa shot the six targets and swung back up. He didn't even stop to aim.

The class gasped as Nagisa jumped down. Lovro couldn't help but watch Nagisa in confusion. He had noticed Nagisa when he was here the first time and has been watching him since. Nagisa wasn't normal. Not only was Nagisa extremely talented and trained. He hung around the other assassins as if it was no big deal. And there always seemed to be this little secret between him, Okabe and Karma.

"Nagisa," Lovro called out, causing Nagisa to freeze. "I shall teach you a deadly technique," he claimed, making Nagisa gulp.

"Deadly?" Nagisa didn't really mind but in this setting that was not a great idea.

"Yes: a move guaranteed to kill, from this pro assassin to you."

Nagisa sunk into his seat the second he got back. 17:53. Karma's mission should be starting in exactly seven minutes. Let's hope everything goes well.

Karma took a deep breath as he twisted the knife in his hand.

"Relax. If something goes wrong, I'll take over. The worst thing that could happen is that you go to the hospital and miss Okabe beating the living shit out of me," Zen joked, hitting Karma's back. "17:59, one minute to go. You remember the plan?"


"Good, 'cause it's time to start." Zen swung over, dangling from his legs as the target walked out. He easily shot down the four bodyguards leaving Karma's target out in the open.

Karma jumped down as he walked towards the target.

"N-no! You can't kill me! I'll pay you, I'll give you money! I'll double whatever you're being hired for. I'll triple it," the target grovelled pathetically as Karma chuckled.

"Like your tainted money is worth anything." He threw his first knife, hitting the target's shoulder as he ran forward, dashing behind the target and pulling the target's head back.

"W-who are you?"

"I'm Karma. Time to atone for your sins." Karma thrust down with the knife, slicing through the target's thick skull.

"18:02. No bad," Zen muttered as he pulled Karma onto the building and they ran away leaving only the bodies behind the symbol on the wall.

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