BNHA × Reader [Oneshots!]

By MKing28

684K 13.5K 10.7K

Welcome to BNHA oneshots or MHA oneshots....whatever you prefer. I hope you enjoy these short stories❤ More

Welcome!!/ Requests (CLOSED)
Shoto Todoroki × Reader: •Fireworks•
Dabi × Hero!Reader: Second Chances
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Late Nights
Izuku Midoryia × Quirkless!Reader: Betrayal
Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Impatient
Asylum!AU Dabi × Reader: Crazy
Denki Kaminari × Reader: Laser tag
Enji Todoroki × Reader: Begin Again
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: You're Too Innocent
Enji Todoroki × Reader: Begin Again II
Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Video Games
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: The Right Words
Toshinori Yagi × Reader: The Hero They Need
Shouta Aizawa × Reader: My Sunshine
Toshinori Yagi × Student!Reader: A Bit Cliché
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: Nap
Katsuki Bakugou × Astraphobic!Reader: Always There
Shoto Todoroki × Flirty!Reader: Problems
Tamaki Amajiki × Reader: What I Plan To Do
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Christmas Miracles
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Your Lies
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Your Lies (Keep 'Em Ending)
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Your Lies (Yeet 'Em Ending)
Tamaki Amajiki × Reader: Hold It In
Mezo Shoji × Reader: In My Arms
Drunk!Denki Kaminari × Drunk!Reader: And Then Her Dad Walks In
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up
It is okay...
Iida Tenya × Reader: First Time for Everything
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Music And A Kiss
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up II
Iida Tenya × Reader: Lesson On Love
Enji Todoroki × Reader: Begin Again III
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up III
Katsuki Bakugou × Depressed!Reader: Not Alone
Sero Hanta × Reader: Frenemies
Cheater!Shoto Todoroki × Reader × (Mystery Person): My Lady
Toshinori Yagi × Reader: The Hero They Need II
Izuku Midoryia × Reader: Midnight Fantasies
Eijiro Kirishima x Reader: Rose
Hizashi Yamada × Reader: Cocky
Shouta Aizawa × Reader: Flowers
Shouta Aizawa × Reader: Flowers II
Thank You Guys
Keigo Takami × Reader: Six Years
Izuku Midoryia × Reader: Because Of You
Dabi × Reader: Only Truth
Shoto Todoroki × Reader: Promise
Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Connection
Toshinori Yagi × Reader: All My Love
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: Possess Me
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Weakness
Tamaki Amijiki × Reader: True Happiness
Mirio Togata × Reader: True Strength
Inasa Yoarashi × Reader: Flirtatious Misunderstanding
Overhaul × Reader: Touch
Overhaul × Reader: Touch II
Tomura Shigaraki × Reader: Love
Shoto Todoroki × Reader: Safe Haven
Tomura Shigaraki × Reader: Love II
Taishiro Toyomitsu × Reader: Now And Forever
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: Possess Me II
Enji Todoroki × Reader: All This Time
Natsuo Todoroki × Reader: Dreams
Edgeshot × Pro-Hero! Reader: To Us
Denki Kaminari × Reader: Of Course
Toshinori Yagi × Reader × Enji Todoroki: Two Roads
[END] Enji Todoroki × Reader: Two Roads
[END] Toshinori Yagi × Reader: Two Roads
Here Is Whats Next!
Overhaul × Izuku Sister!Reader: Found
Natsuo Todoroki × Reader: Dreams II
Denki Kaminari × Reader: Stay With Me
Hizashi Yamada × Reader: Part-Time
Tamaki Amijiki × Reader: Getting There
Dabi × Reader: When It's Time
Iida Tenya × Reader: Anything For You
Touya Todoroki × Reader: Beauty In Ashes
Touya Todoroki × Reader: Beauty In Ashes II
Taishiro Toyomitsu × Chef!Reader: Delicious
Tomura Shigaraki x Reader: Revival
Katsuki Bakugou x Eijiro Kirishima x Reader: Three Is Good Company
The Thing About Smut

Keigo Takami × Todoroki Sister!Reader: Spark To A Flame

4.1K 79 67
By MKing28

Art by yours truly <3

This whole chapter is heavily based off of the La La Land soundtrack. If you haven't seen that musical, go do it. It is fuckin awesome.

The plot isn't the musical, I didn't copy anything, don't worry. But the songs I picked lined up in order with my story. I won't state which parts are based off the songs, hopefully you will be able to tell.

In order, the songs I am referencing are:

Someone In The Crowd
A Lovely Night
Start A Fire

I hope you guys like this one as much as I do. It is a super cute fluff and honestly I really needed to write one of these right now. It is very theraputic.


Your phone continued to buzz as you worked, the tempation to silence it growing stronger. But being a hero, you never really could have your phone on silent. The constant incoming texts made you groan as you zoned in harder to your work.

You are currently an underground hero and not to mention the second eldest child of Endeavor. Not many people knew of you and honestly, you liked it that way.

You preffered to do your work uninterrupted, you weren't after the attention of adoring crowds or mass media, you just wanted to do your job.

And damn were you good at it.

You were old enough to understand your father a bit more and you never really got the brunt of his dissapointment considering you were the 'favorite child'. You cared about your family and as broken as it was, you loved them very dearly.

I haven't seen Shoto in a while....maybe I should visit him.

You thought right before the door to your small apartment twisted open. You looked up and saw (R/n) dressed up like they were heading to a nightclub.

"Seriously! I have been sending you texts for hours telling you when I would be here and you still aren't ready!?"

You looked over at the clock and saw that it was 8:30 on the dot. Your regimented schedule was drilled into your brain, almost recognizing it as time to take another shift at work.

You then recalled a brief conversation with them about tonight. They wanted to go to this rather large party and frankly, you weren't that interested. You thought nothing of it and had plans to go into work once again considering you had no defined schedule.

It was nice being an underground hero, you got to work when you wanted, paid well, and you didn't have paparazzi showing up at your door.

"(Y/n) come on!!! Stop working for just a night and come with me!"

(R/n) begged, standing in your living room while you sat filling out paperwork. You sighed, "I know that you get days off from what you do but I really don't. Plus, I enjoy my job, so it's fine, really."

They crossed their arms as they approached you, putting their hand on the papers to stop you from reading them. With a sigh, you looked up to them and rested your chin on your hand.


"(Y/n) Todoroki, this isn't about you being content or not with work. It is about the fact that you need to get someone to spice up your life!"

You raised a brow and put down the pen, clicking it closed before you began to stand up, "I don't need any spice, I like my life the way it is." You made your way to your room, (R/n) following behind.

"Oh come on! Don't you get lonely being by yourself all the time?!"

You chuckled, walking into the bathroom and washing off your face. "Nope, I quite like the silence. Plus, guys are just....ew." Your friend groaned and put their hands on your shoulders, looking at you in the mirrior.

"But you aren't ew! Look at you! You got the red and white hair, gray eyes, an amazing personality....well your temper could use some work, but that's a learned trait!"

You shrugged (R/n) off and grabbed your toothpaste and tooth brush. "Look, I appriciate the effort and compliments, but I just don't need that right now." You began to brush your teeth, hearing your friend who had made their way into your closet, gasp.

They came out with a short red dress, a shocked look on their face as they stared at you. "And what is this for then!?" You rolled your eyes as they sent you intrigued gaze. Spitting out the toothpaste, you dabbed off the corners of your mouth.

"Thats for special events. I have plenty of nice clothes....why are you in my closet anyway!?" You grumbled, walking over and taking the dress from their hands. (R/n) protested as you hung it back up and walked out of your bathroom to sit on your bed.

"What if there is a guy out there waiting for someone like you!"

"Then he will just keep on waiting I guess." You shrugged, hearing them groan as they took a seat next to you, the bed sinking in a bit more as (R/n) leaned closer. "Someone out there could be the one who takes you to new heights! You just have to want it too (Y/n)!"

You sighed, looking over to (R/n) with a small smile. "Look. I'm 23 and as much as that whole fantasy sounds great, I have been on plenty of dates and they have only left me with a stronger sense of what I want. Some random guy who has no goals and just wants attention isn't on that list."

Truth be told, you had been on plenty of dates...but they never really went anywhere. Most men just didn't have any goals, many of them just wanted to feed off of your success. So, you pushed yourself further into your work, living your life day by day.

Your friend put their hands on your own. "Just think about it okay? Don't close off your heart to soon okay sparkles?" You gave (R/n) a small smile, "I'll try not to....runs in the family." With a small chuckle from both of you, they stood up and said their goodbyes and then left.

You sat on your bed, silence filling the space once again as you brought your knees to your chest. "Well, my motivation to go into work is gone...." You thought about the papers you had to finish and groaned. "...I'm not touching that again until tomorrow."

Falling back onto the mattress, you closed your eyes and sucked in a deep breath. Looking to your ceiling, you began to twirl your hair inbetween your fingers.

It was white at the roots and then about half way down the color abruptly changed to red. It looked like someone did a horrible job dying your hair, but seeing Shoto with the color shift made you feel more at ease.

"I miss my baby brother...I really should go see him." You hadn't seen Shoto in a few months because you were so busy with work. He had even gotten his hero license since the last time you called him and you still never had a break.

"Fuck it. I'm going to UA tomorrow."

Hoisting yourself up so you were standing on the floor, you walked into your living room and turned off all the lights. Your burning eyes relaxed in the darkness until you smacked your toe into a chair.

"FUCK ME! HOLY-----MMghhhhhh!" You grumbled, leaning against a wall and holding your foot in pain. "Owowowowowowowwww-" You looked over your toes, seeing how red your smallest one was as it began to heat up after the impact.

"I would prefer to be thrown into a wall than hit my fucking toes like that!" You grumbled loudly to god knows who. Wobbling for a moment, you walked into your bedroom, this time using your quirk as a means to light up the room a bit.

Holding up your thumb, you used the bright flame like a lighter as you moved the covers off your bed and then sat down. Tucking yourself in, you pulled the blankets back over you and closed your eyes.

Going to sleep at a reasonable time was unusual for you, so naturally you had to do some rolling around before you got comfortable. Feeling sleep overcome you the longer you lie in the darkness, you felt your brain begin to slow as you fell fast asleep.


The next afternoon you had made your way over to UA. You took your car, not wanting to be obvious in the crowds of people who lined the streets for lunch.

Pulling into a parking spot, you looked at the clock in your car before getting out. "12:25, right on time for lunch. Good job!" You highfived yourself as you closed the car door with your hip.

Walking across the street and through the large walls that surrounded it, you took off your sunglasses and looked around. There were new dorms now, all the shit your brother had to endure made your heart sink to just think about.

Then the bell suddenly rang for their lunch time. You smiled to yourself and picked up speed walking to the front desk. Sliding your hero liscense and ID to the woman, she slowly glanced at them before doing a double take.

Her eyes shot up to you, a smile growing on her face as she did so.
"(Y/n) Todoroki! It is so good to finally meet you!" She offered her hand up, which you took, listening to her say that your father was actually here as well.

"Awesome. Two birds with one stone. They are at lunch right?" You questioned, picking up your license and ID from the table and sliding them back into your wallet. "Yes! Second floor!"

With a swift 'thank you', you hiked up the stairs to the second floor. Hearing chatter, you continued to walk down the hall. Approaching two large double doors, you peeked your head in and immediately saw the peppermint hair.

Almost kicking the door in from excitement, your actions caught the attention from everyone as you spread out your arms.

"BABY SHO!!!!!" You called, Shoto immediately standing up and running to you so fast that he tripped over his chair. Catching him in your arms, he held you to him lovingly while you stroked his soft hair.

"I missed you so much Sho....I'm so sorry it took me this long to visit."

You and Shoto were very close. Because of your fire related quirks, your father picked you two from the siblings and singled you out. You went through everything he did, but you were a prime part in his life.

You acted as the only normal figure, like a mother and a father to him as they both couldn't fill their rolls. Natsuo was hell bent on kicking his father out of his life and Fuyumi just seemed like she held onto hope of the impossible.

Shoto looked up to you in every way. He asipired to be like you as a hero and wanted to be as amazing as you were all around.

"I missed you (Y/n)...." He muttered into your shoulder. Smiling, you pulled away and squished his cheeks together. "Look at you! You are growing so fast it isn't fair! Give me my baby brother back!!" You said with mock distain as you slightly shook him by the collar.

Shoto couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at your actions before turning back to his friends and leading you over. "Guys, this is (Y/n). My oldest sister."

You grumbled and shoved your head in your hands, "You make me feel like I'm a grandma when you say that!" When you looked up, the room was silent as everyone seemed to be processing his words. "SISTER?!?"

They all shouted, beginning to ramble to one another as you and Shoto stood their with slight confusion on your faces. "Sho...are they okay?" You whispered behind your hand. Shoto only shrugged in response as a boy with green hair approached you with a notebook.

His cheeks were pink and his posture straight as nerves were very apparent when he started to speak. "What is your quirk?!"

"Solar Flare...?" You replied slowly, watching as he excitedly etched something in his notebook. "What can it do?!" The boy asked, gripping his pencil so hard he could almost snap it. Shoto leaned over and looked at the boy.

"Midoryia...don't pry."

Shoto's voice was calm but cold, the smaller boy freezing in his place at the warning before rambling off a long winded apology that you didn't manage to catch a word of. Waving your hands, you shook his shoulders a bit to stop him.

"Kid, it's okay! Really, I don't mind the questions. Here...." You opened his notebook for him back to the original page he was on and began to explain.

"My quirk allows me to take heat from any source and use it to make fire, explosions, or whatever I need that uses heat. I don't only use the sun though, any warmth can be an advantage for me."

They boy quickly wrote them down before Shoto pulled up a seat for you and let you sit next to him while he continued to eat. He offered you up some noodles which you greatfully took as more questions fired your way.

'Why have we never heard of you?'

'Why did you want to be an underground hero?'

'What cup size are you?'

Wait a minute.

Your head snapped toward the purple headed boy who asked that invasive question. Shoto stopped slurping on his noodles as his eyes slightly widened when you stood up out of your chair.

"What did you just ask me?" You seethed, the outer corners of your eyes emitting fire as the ends of your hair turned to flames. They boys smug face grew to one of horror as you marched around the table toward him.



Shoto casually watched as the boy was about to get what was coming. He knew you wouldn't hurt him, but it would be nice to see him be quiet for once.

You picked him up by his collar while your eyes turned yellow in color. He was small, almost too small as you easily lifted him from his seat. "DON'T EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU CREEPY SHIT-STICK! OR I'LL CHAR YOUR ASS!"


You turned, scowel still present on your face until you looked over at the door. The flames immediately extinguished from you as you dropped the boy to the ground like a sack of potatoes. A smile came over your face as you threw your hands up.

"Dad!" You cheered, hopping over to him and giving him a hug. He reciprocated with a pat on your back, the students being thrown through so many loops at this point they were loosing track. "It's been a while. I didn't expect to see you here."

"I didn't expect to see you either!" You replied, smacking him on the stomach. Although his scowl was still on his face, it had loosened a bit. He was happy to see you, but he just didn't show it like that.

"I came by to see Sho, he got his license and I felt so bad that all I could do was call."

Enji smirked in pride at the thought. Two of his children were certified heros, and damnned good ones at that. He was proud of you both, seeing you back here reminded him of when you were younger and how exactic he was when you got a 95 on your exam.

"Endeavor, There you are! I was looking every where for....-"

Enji turned, the tall figure moving just enough for you to lock eyes with the well known number two hero...Keigo Takami, aka Hawks. The students all greeted him but his eyes were trained on you the whole time.

It was a bit creepy to be honest, you had never met him before in your life. Was this how he always reacted to new people? Taking a step behind your father, Enji huffed at his 'apprentices' actions and stepped toward him.

The bird-boy snapped out of his trance once Enji got closer. "I told you this is where I would be."

"I sorta didn't listen to that part."

Enji grumbled in frustration, but Keigo only watched as you made your back over to class 1-A who began to chat with you like they had known you forever.

"Hawks. Quit staring." Enji warned, his blue eyes glaring down at him as Hawks ignored the other males comment once again. Keigo looked at your hair, comparing it with the boy who stood right next you.

His eyes slightly widened as he put two and two together. Keigo turned to Enji and crossed his arms, "You didn't tell me you had another daughter!" Enji gritted his teeth and pinched the bridge of his nose, "There is a reason for that...."

Keigo was, well, a flirt. He wasn't a man-whore, but he definitely talked himself up a lot and liked to play games every now and again. Enji, being the protective father he was, didn't want that anywhere near his little girl.

"How old is she?" Keigo questioned, looking back to you as you laughed along with a few kids at the table. "None of your business." Enji scowled.

"Fine, I'll ask her myself...-" But before Keigo could even put his foot down, Enji yanked him back by the collar of his jacket. "23." He unwillingly replied, trying to avoid the flirtatious boy from speaking a word to you.

Hawks gave him a surpised look, "Shes my age! No wonder you didn't tell me about her!" Enji only sighed, his fatherly nature peeking out from behind the steel walls of his heart.

The bell rang and you were about to dismiss yourself before Shoto grabbed your hand. "We have field practice next. Can you stay and watch?" A smile creeped onto your face as you nodded your head, Shoto happy with your answer.

"Sho, I'm gonna take you to lunch sometime soon when you have off of school." You russled his hair, the boy swatting your hand away as he fixed it. "I would like that." A wide grin spread across your face as you quickly threw him over your shoulder.

"(Y/n) put me down." He stated calmly, feeling you laugh as you began to walk. "Nope. I will carry my baby brother down to where he needs to be!" With Shoto slung over your shoulder, you passed your father and a curious Keigo.

Taking the boy all the way outside, you set him down on the grass as his classmates began to file out as well. Their teacher came trudging out too eventually and began to warm them up before they started their exercises.

"(Y/n)." You turned at the voice of your father, seeing the dissapointed look on his face as he walked alongside the number two hero. Approaching you, you looked between them both curiously as Keigo smacked his wing on the other males back.

Enji shot him a glare and sighed bsfore begrudgingly introducing him. "(Y/n) this is Kiego Takami...or Hawks. Hawks, this is my eldest daughter
(Y/n)." Keigo stuck his gloved hand out, your own kindly reaching up to shake it.

"Good to meet you. I haven't heard of you before." He said with a sly smile, your father crossing his arms as you replied. "I don't like attention that much...." You squeezed his hand a bit tighter, the male looking to you before you practically stabbed daggers into his face with your eyes.

Though your face held a smile, a dark demanor washed over you. "....But I have heard A LOT about you."

You shifted back to normal as you let go of his hand, holding your own behind your back as Shoto called for your attention to watch. With a small bow you looked him over. "Pleasure."

Walking away, Keigo couldn't help but stand in shock before a small snicker flew through his ears. Looking up, he saw a proud smile on Enjis features. "She is my daughter. That doesn't work." Enji said victoriously before he approached Aizawa.

About half an hour passed as you sat on the bleachers, watching your brother from afar as the wind smacked you in your face. Tucking the hair behind your ears, you encouraged each of the students to do their best.

Endeavor got called out onto the field meaning it was just you and Kiego. "Hey." He said, hanging upside down next to you as his wings held him there. "Hm?" You said, barley acknowledging his presence as it was Shotos turn once again.

"WOOO SHOO!!!" You cheered, the other male flipping over and taking a seat beside you. " aren't a fan of attention?" You sucked in a breath, a playful smirk coming to your face as you looked over to him.

He was sitting sideways on the bleacher so his body was directly facing you. "No, I don't like it at all." Keigo rested his arms on his knees, "Attention can be good sometimes though."

You raised a brow, "You would know about that, wouldn't you?"

Hawks puffed air out his nose before he looked over to your younger brother. "What was it like to be the oldest sibling in the infamous Todoroki household?" You looked over to him in slight disbelief, "How is that any of your business?"

Keigo let his golden eyes look back over to you, "Just trying to get to know you a bit." He assured with snide confidence exuding from his tone. You scoffed at him and crossed your arms, "Oh, so then if I were to ask you about your childhood ten seconds into a conversation you would be a-okay with that?"

His expression dropped, everything that usually worked with girls was hitting you like a cottonball thrown at a brick wall. "Thats what I thought." You finished, looking back over to your brother.

"You're right, I'm just some guy who wants to get in your pants. My bad." He grumbled, your eyes rolling as they landed back on him. "Don't try and play the victim card. You act as if you aren't all over the news flirting with a new girl every night."

"I'm so sorry miss high-and-mighty, forgive me for my sins! I shall repent!"

You scowled at his dramatic display of sarcasm and stood up. "You bring that image on yourself. Sorry if I got your panties in a bunch because I'm not begging to get in your pants!" Your eyes sparked yellow for a moment before you walked off to cool down.

Keigo huffed and laid down on the bleacher. He let his wings fall limp and rest as they were, staring at the clouds and trying to get that aggravating conversation off of his mind.

You paced around the school, kicking a rock farther and farther with each stride as you got your temper under control.

That was definitely inherited.

"NnnghhhAHHH!" You grunted, kicking the rock off to god knows where as your hair ignited into flames but died just as fast. Taking a breath you crossed your arms and went inside to pace the halls of the school.

"Stupid fucking men. Does he think I'm an idiot!? He plays that game with every girl: 'Hey babe, emotionally open up to me so I can use it to relate to you better so you think I am super sexy and attractive...' FUCK OFF!" You yelled.

"Well, well, well, I thought I recognized the ranting."

You turned at the sound of the voice, seeing Recovery Girl outside her office. She sent you a small smile as you relaxed, walking over to her and giving her a hug.

"It's been a while since I have seen you. You've gotten prettier." She said, your smile growing bigger from the compliment. "Thanks Recovery Girl." In a way she was like your second mother, she was the nurse when you were in school and you got hurt so often that her office became a bedroom.

She pulled away and looked over your face. "Who was it this time?"

You sighed, she knew you had trouble opening up to people, especially the ones who tried to pry about your family life. As such, being in high-school you were expected to get in relationships every now and then, only yours didn't last very long because, again, it was for your household name.

"Hawks." You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. Recovery Girl smirked up at you, "Number two? Oh, (Y/n), you definatley attract the interesting ones."

"I want to attract the normal ones!"

Recovery Girl only chuckled in response, "There are none of those....come in, talk to me." She nudged her head in the room, you sluggishly following behind and sitting on the bed and ranting throught your interaction with bird-brain.

Eventually, you were pacing around the room furiously as you trailed off into a tangent of topics. Recovery Girl sat and listened with a smile, hearing your complaints and grievances that you had been keeping in this whole time.

Your rambling stopped as a loud crack of thunder sounded from outside. "What the hell was that!" Recovery Girl held up three fingers, slowly counting them down and hitting zero right as her comm system went off.

"Recovery Girl we have a student outside who short-circuted....literally."

With a small shake of her head, she opened the door for you to follow. You continued to talk to her, a bit more tamely now as you went outside, the wind slapping you in the face as your hair whipped into your mouth.

"Pleh-...pfft, bleh!" You exclaimed trying to wrangle it out of your mouth. Recovery Girl walked by your side and went over to class 1-A to find a boy laying down face first in a circle of burnt grass.

"He okay?" You asked, your brother jogging over to stand by you as he noticed your return. You grinned and rested your arm on his shoulder.

"He should be fine. Just an overuse of his quirk....again."

You chuckled, "Well, I know a thing or two about that." Recovery Girl looked at you and then trailed over to Shoto. "I think that I saw your sister in my office more times than anyone else combined." You sheepishly glanced away as Shoto looked over to you.

"I liked to experiment."

"Everything okay over here? I was on the roof and I saw it happen."

You glanced up at the familiar voice, Keigos eyes meeting your own as you both gave eachother small glares. Your brother glanced between you both before Recovery Girl explained the situation again.

"Hey Sho. I think I am going to head into work now. I am going to keep my promise about lunch though....if you have a day off of school, let me know and I will pick you up."

Shoto gave you a small nod as you pressed a light kiss to his forehead. "Bye Sho. Goodbye guys!" You waved, the class cheering a goodbye back to you as you walked off.

Keigo watched you walk out the gates, his chest relaxing from a tense grip he didn't realize it was holding. "Tch. Whatever." He said, picking up the burnt out boy on the floor and taking him to the nurses office.


It had been a month since that fateful meeting and you were very thankful you hadn't seen the little feathered fuck again.

You walked around the large mansion with your drink in hand that you had been sipping on all night. It was All Mights birthday and the sweet hero was kind enough to invite you as well. Of course your father had been in attendance, but he left a while ago, parties weren't his thing.

Most of the heros in the building were much older than you were and most didn't even know about your existance until they looked at your hair.

You needed some fresh air so you headed outside, pushing through the crowd of people in the livingroom to get to the open back doors. The sun was due to set in a few hours and frankly you wanted to savor the warmth just a bit more.

You stepped outside, relief washing over you as you sucked in the fresh air. Your lungs could breathe again, but that didn't stop you from shifting in your heels as the pain began to creep in.

Shaking it off, you were about to go stand by the glass gate, but a familiar voice caught your ear. Hiding behind a pillar, you listened as bird-boy proceeded to storytell for a group of girls.

"-and then she snapped at me and asked if I wanted to talk about my personal life!"

Your head perked up, listening to the girls as they sounded taken aback. "I know, I know! But I looked right at her and said: 'what do you wanna know? I'm an open book!' And she still stormed off." The girls consoled him, your teeth gritting as you crossed your arms.

"I appriciate it girls. I think I need some space right now, is that okay?"

The girls quickly left, lovingly dismissing him with kisses and winks. You watched as they filed out, counting seven in total. You came out from behind the pillar and set your drink down on a small side table.

Keigo had his back facing you as he sat in the chair, arms slung over the sides as he hummed to himself proudly. You smirked and quietly sauntered over to him.

You put your hands on his shoulders, feeling him flinch before he relaxed. Changing your voice to sound more sultry, you began to speak. "Hey handsome~..." You felt him chuckle, your palms running down his chest and then back up to his shoulders.

"Heh, who might you be?" He questioned back, a small twinge of excitement running through his veins before he froze like ice.

Your fingers began to dig into his shoulders as a strand of red and white hair came into view. "Someone who thinks your story sounds a bit off...-" Keigo quickly stood from his spot and turned to face you from the other side of the couch.

Your hands fell to your hips as you glared at him. "What the hell was that? I knew you were a flirt, but a liar too?!  I mean, whatever, the more you know, right?" You scoffed, pointing an accusatory finger at his face as you continued.

"I didn't ask you to try and butt into my life. I was fine without you there, I don't need you spreading rumors about me so you can gain sympathy."

Keigo pushed your hand down, "I didn't say your name firecracker, relax. They asked why I was upset, so I told them."

"Ha! You lied through your teeth to them!"

Keigo smirked and took a sip of his drink, "The actual story is very....unbecoming of me." You gave him a look of disbelief, "Unbecoming? You mean it is who you actually are." Keigo walked around the couch and came face to face with you, his feathers now in a ruffle.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You know who I am based off our small interaction?"

"I know everything I need to know about you." You stated, Keigo taking a step closer and seeing your eyebrows scrunch together. "What would that be?"


Your attentions were both diverted by a girl whining for the male infront of you. "Come dance with meeee!" She called, sticking out her arms and grabbing for him. Shs was clearly a bit drunk, but that wasn't your problem.

You shoved past Keigo and picked up your drink, heading further into the yard. The boy stumbled from the rather rough shoulder-check that you gave him. He could do nothing but watch you walk away before he was pulled inside.

The party continued on, you stayed outside making light conversation with a few heros who knew you now and again. Your drink was empty, but you weren't one for alcohol so you just set it to the side.

The people in the pool behind you decided to leave, so you took the chance and slipped off your heels, dipping your feet into the water. Your muscles relaxed as you sat on the edge, the bottom of your dress got wet but you didn't mind that much, it would dry.

You sat for a while and just kicked you feet, enjoying the somber evening until someone fully cannonballed into the pool. Getting some water on you, you groaned and attempted to dry it off with your quirk.

"So, you got daddys fire huh?"

You immediately closed your eyes, muttering prayers to the lord to give you patience so you wouldn't kill this man. "Somewhat." You replied, the heat from your palm drying your clothes.

You looked up to Keigo and immediately turned away, he had stripped down to his boxers and was leaning his back against the other side of the pool. "God put a fucking shirt on." You complained.

"Then my clothes would be all wet."

"No one wants to see that." You snarkily said, Keigo arching up one of his fluffy brows at you. "I'm pretty sure some people would pay to see it."

"Well not me so put a damn shirt on." You grumbled, looking at him with a sharp gaze as he playfully smirked at you. "You normally this short tempered?" He questioned, letting his wings expand in the water.

"Depends. You just have a fucking horrible way with words."

He let out a static chuckle and closed his eyes. After a few seconds of silence, you stood from your spot, Keigo peeking his eyes open as he watched you grab your heels.

"Where ya goin?"

You quickly looked at him, "Somewhere else." You replied, beginning to walk the edge of the pool. "Noooooo stay!" Keigo teased, splashing water at your feet as you walked.

"Stay. Stay. Stay. Stay. Stay."

He said to a beat, your eye twitching in annoyance as you felt your temper snap. "Fucking stop!" You yelled flames bursting from your body. Keigo used his wings and splashed a wave of water on you, the fire dying out into steam with a sizzle.

You stood in disbelief listening to Keigo cackle like a little child who just successfuly pranked someone. You threw your heels on the ground and before Keigo could react you jumped into the pool and yanked on one of his wings.

"OW!!!" He exclaimed, feeling you pull a small feather from his right wing before you resurfaced. He grimaced at you while you moved your hair out of your face and wiped your eyes off.

Holding up the feather proudly, you pushed yourself up onto the ledge once again and began to heat up your body to dry your clothes.

"This is my victory prize...I think I'll keep it."

Keigo wiped the water off his face as he trudged toward you, "Thats a small victory prize." You raised your brows at him as he got closer, "Oh I'm sorry, should I have taken a bigger one? I'm not trying to get you killed on the field."

His hands grabbed the edge of the pool on either side of your legs, "You aren't? I thought for sure you wanted me dead."

"Oh please, you're just a baby." You taunted, seeing the playfully annoyed expression rise on his face once again. "Well, I'm going home."

You stood, and walked over to grab your heels Keigo watching as you took the feather and stuck it behind your ear. Your clothes were fully dry as you slipped back on the shoes, the male swimming over to you and leaning on the side.

"Do you have a ride?"

You looked up to him, "No, I'm walking." Keigo rasied his brows, "The sun is setting." You shrugged, "Guess I better walk quick then." Without another word, you walked away and headed home.

Your shoes clacked along the street, you chose to take a shortcut through a newer park built in the area. The lights were beginning to come on and your feet were starting to ache again. "Stupid fucking heels."

"Watch out, we got a potty mouth."

At this point, you stopped and when your turned around it was no suprise to see Keigo fluttering down from behind you. His hair was more poofy than usual, and he was pretty much fully dry from the wind while he was flying.

You put a hand on your hip, "I feel like I need a restraining order." Keigo put his hands up defensively, "I was just heading home myself, I happen to live down this way too."

You raised a brow and turned to walk again, "Is that so."

"Mhm." He assured, stepping beside you as his hands went into his pockets. He was wearing a burnt orange silk shirt with black slacks and nice black shoes to match. The shirt was slightly baggy as one side was tucked in and the other wasn't.

"The sun is almost done for the day." He noted, your eyes looking up at the sky as it began to grow darker. "I don't blame it. Been a hell of a day." You both trudged onto a bridge where Keigo cut infront of you and stopped at the railing.

You stopped as well, but didn't move from your place, instead you just looked at him. "Beautiful view." He said, noting the reflections of the setting sun in the water below him. "How ironic that we are the ones seeing it? It's like something out of a romance movie."

You gave a small laugh of disbelief as he turned to look at you. Keigo walked over to you and stood infront of you while you crossed your arms. He spoke again, "As pretty as the view is, you aren't exactically my type."

"Oh really?" You questioned back, seeing him casually shove his hands in his pockets as he began to walk behind you. "Yeah. I just don't feel anything. You know how they talk about that spark or whatever? It's non-existant when I am with you."

You just watched him as he hopped up to sit on the railing. "Shame too, it's such a lovely night."

You finally moved from your place and walked over to him, "First off feathers, I would be the one who decides that." He arched his brow as a small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Second, while you look adorable in your little 80's getup, I completely agree with you. I would never like you. Ever."

You started to walk away, Keigo following behind as he softly whistled while you talked. "Maybe one of your other girls would be the right one for this, a hopeless romantic type, right?" You looked over your shoulder, seeing him tilt his head back and fourth in thought.

"I'm glad we are on the same page because I feel nothing for you. Actually, it could be less than nothing if you would believe it."

Keigo chuckled, "I'm glad you agree."

With a sigh, you turned and stopped, Keigo being inches from you. "What a waste of a lovely night."

You went to walk away and were suprised to hear silence, you looked behind you and Keigo wasn't there, but when you turned around again there he was, hanging from a tree.

Slightly startled, you rolled your eyes and walked around him, finding a bench and sitting to take off your shoes. Slipping them off, you watched Keigo take a seat on the opposite side, the boy sliding closer to you as you looked up to him.

Quickly moving once he was next to you, you picked up the shoes and began to walk barefoot across the park. Suddenly, you felt your shoes missing and realized Hawks was hovering in the air with them in his hand.

You crossed your arms before reaching for them when he dangled them in your face. Keigo pulled them away, eliciting a huff from you as you marched off.

The boy landed behind you and imitated your movements, his feathers ruffling when he felt you take the one from
your hair and stroke the soft vane. You were both close to exiting the park and Keigo decided to sweep you into his arms.

"Kiego what the he-ELLLLLL!!!!" You screamed as he took off into the air. You gripped onto his shirt for dear life, the height and speed not sitting well with your brain as you death gripped onto his shirt.

Your arms wrapped around his neck and your head burried into his shoulder while you squeezed your eyes shut. "I'm not gonna drop you. You aren't that much of a bitch!" He assured loudly oved the beating winds.

You peeked your eyes open, seeing that he had slowed down his pace. The city was farther below you while you looked down at the lights. You still held onto him, but you stopped digging your nails into his neck which was a relief for him.

Keigo glanced over at you breifly, seeing your amazed expression at the view. He swallowed his thoughts as he slolwy lowered you both down. Once he was on the ground, he set you on your feet and handed you your shoes.

He nudged his head to the side, "Your place?" You looked over in suorise as your apartment complex was right beside you. "How did you...?" Keigo rubbed the back of his neck, "I told you, I live over here too. I saw you the other day."

You softly nodded and looked over to him. "Well, thanks for the lift I guess." Keigo nodded in response, watching you awkwardly shuffle to your door and give a small wave.

He did the same before you opened the door and dissapeared inside. Standing there for a moment, Keigo looked around and tapped his toes. Turning on his heel, he began to whistle as he walked in the complete opposite direction.

The direction is house was actually in.


The vaccum roared in your ears as you pushed it along your rug. You were in the process of cleaning your house and vaccuming was the last thing on your list.

You turned it off once you were done and fanned out your shirt, sweat building on your body as you had been running around all morning. Wiping your head, you walked over the the windows and cracked them open, a cool breeze flying in as you did so.

Standing there for a moment, you felt your stomach clench in hunger. Pressing lightly on the area, the cramp went away as you headed into the kitchen. "I know, I know. You need food...." You muttered, walking over to your fridge and seeing how low on ingredients were.

You sighed and leaned to check your pantry, it being almost empty as well.

"I guess I have to go to the store." You said, closing the fridge and walking to your room. Taking off your musky clothes, you turned on the shower and got in to rinse off the sweat.

Washing your hair and body, you wrapped your hair into a towel and turned off the water. Quickly reaching your arm out, you pulled a towel into the warm, humid shower. Drying off with it, as well as using your quirk, you stepped out and went to get dressed.

You threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt as well as a pair of sneakers. Pulling back your multi-colored hair into a ponytail, you grabbed your keys and wallet to walk out the door.

You jumped down the steps and got into your car. "What to make, what to make.....I'm craving fish." You spoke to no one other than yourself as you began to drive. "Fish it is!"

You drove to the opposite side of town not far from where you were a few days ago at All Mights house. Tapping your steering wheel to the beat of the music, you pulled off into a parking spot a few blocks down from the markets so you weren't in the center of traffic.

It was fairly busy, people chattering and tucking into their jackets as the crisp winds fluttered around you. Due to your constant central heating, you didn't mind, you actually quite enjoyed it.

Stuffing your hands in your pockets, you walked along the streets and just people watched. It was relaxing to get out every once and while and just be around others, even if you didn't know them.

The closer you got to the market, the busier it got. You threw on your sunglasses turned the corner, stopping in your tracks as a crowd of people was not far up ahead. They were rather loud, you assumed a hero was around.

A sudden flash of red caught your eye, you leaned against the wall and watched through the crowd, catching glimpses of Keigo in his hero costume. You couldn't help but laugh to yourself as he started to become overwhelmed with the amount of people approaching him.

It had been about a week or so since you had last seen him. The boy crossed your mind every once and while, but not nearly enough for you to go out of your way to find him.

Watching him for a moment, you debated your options. You could go up to him, or you could just...ya know, not. Standing back for a moment as the crowd got smaller and smaller, you waited until almost everyone was gone to start walking toward him.

His back faced you once again as he finished signing the last of many, many autographs. Walking up behind him as he waved the last fan goodbye, he visibly relaxed before you put your hands on his shoulders once again.

"Hey handsome~..." Keigos wings couldn't help but shake at the sound of your soft voice sounding through his ears. You stepped back as he turned to avoid getting slapped by his wing in the face.

A small smile appeared on his lips at the sight of you. "Do I need to get a restraining order against you?" He asked, watching as you rolled your eyes. "Yeah yeah, shut up bird-brain." The male chuckled and flipped his goggles up onto his forehead.

You did the same, his eyes meeting yours for the first time without anger or resentment apparent in them. "What are you doing here on this beautiful afternoon?" You asked, fixing your hair as Keigo stepped closer to you to get out of peoples way.

"I'm on my three hour break until my shift again tonight. What about you?"

"Grocery shopping." Keigo nodded, and looked around. You did so as well before you decided to speak up, "Did you want to join me?" The boys eyes went wide as he looked over to you.

"You don't have anything going on right now so I figured I would ask."

Keigo sent you a grin, "I wouldn't mind. What are you getting?" He clapped his hands together. You pulled out your phone and showed him the list, his smile growing as he moved to stand beside you.

"Eggs, milk, fish, rice, garlic...."

You started rattling off the list, but while Keigo was listening, he couldn't help but enjoy the fact that you were letting him get near you. He swallowed his words as you looked over to him, "....does that sound reasonable? Or is that a big ass list." You muttered the last part to yourself, realizing how long you had been living off of scraps.

"Sounds great!" He assured, seeing the corners of your lips upturn at his reassurance. "Well, let's get the non-perishable items first, then we can worry about the meat and veggies."

Keigo gave you a lazy salute as you both began to walk. There was light conversation made between the both of you and it honestly felt...comforting.

" went to UA?" He asked, watching as you nodded in response. "Did you do it cause you wanted to?" You glanced over to him and thought for a moment. "I think I wasn't sure at first, but then it grew on me. Plus, my dad was very supportive."

"Your dad? Supportive?"

You puffed out a laugh, "I know, sounds impossible....but he isn't a hardass like everyone makes him out to be." You looked down to the floor, Keigo waiting while you processed what you wanted to say.

"He cares about us...all of us, he really does. I just think that he got caught in a cycle of trying to outdo everyone that he kind of got blindsighted."

Keigo listened as you talked about your father some, both of you knowing completely different sides of him. "I'm his little girl, I think he will always treat me different then my other siblings. I never experienced him like they did."

You looked over to the winged boy, "What about you? You always looked up to my dad right? Why did you admire him so much?" Keigo rubbed the back of his neck, "Well there were a lot of things..."

You looked at him to continue.

"I didn't have much growing up. Where I lived it was...well, a pretty bad area. I admired how your dad just got shit done I guess. He didn't put on a show, he just did what needed to be done."

"Sounds like him." You chuckled with a small shake of your head. "My dad told me when you first started working with him. It was nice to hear him excited about working with someone."

"Excited?!?" Keigo exclaimed, watching as you stopped and tilted your head. "Yeah?" His eyes lit up like a small childs on christmas morning, "He liked me!"

You looked him over, "Of course he did."

"He never told me that...or acted like it. We work together and then he just moves on like nothing has happened."

You stared at him for a moment, you understood to an extent where he was coming from. Like most people, there was a rather stone-like side to your father that was ever present.

"Well he complimented your work ethic all the time. He stopped talking about you when I turned twenty-two though. I don't know why." You shrugged and continued on.

Keigo stayed quiet, his stomach growling as he attempted to shush it. You bought Keigo a snack that he procceded to quickly chow down on as you walked through the aisles and past the vendors. Kiego kept his eyes on you, watching how you carefully looked at the items you were buying and checking them off the list on your phone.

"All we need is the fish then we should be golden!" You cheered, Keigo helping carry some of the bags as you both walked side by side. "Yum! I'mso hubgry I could eat a horse!" Kiego said, being startled by the sound of your laugh.

His cheeks turned pink in an instant, your laugh was loud, much like you were, but it was so undeniably...well, you.

Keigo looked over to you as you wiped your eyes, " Keigo I just have to know, do rats sound appetizing to you too? Like is the hawkness that deep rooted into you?" The male found himself frozen for a moment before hs shook off his nerves. "I'm not that gross! I just like fish!!"

You slapped him gently on the chest as you started to look over the rows of fish. "Which one looks good to you?" You asked, ths boy coming closer and slightly leaning behind you as he checked over them as well.

You glanced to look at him for a moment, watching as his eyes scanned the food. They flickered over to meet your own causing you to quickly turn away. "This one." Keigo said, grabbing a package of fish and looking up to the vendor as hs bagged it for you.

Keigo stepped back, your throat clearing as the man handed you the bag. "Oh, thank you!" You said, pulling out your wallet and paying him. Your hero liscense fell out and onto the ground. A curse muttered from your lips as you tried to collect yourself.

Keigo picked it up, his eyes looking over your face and the information on the card. "Don't look at my photo! It's ugly!" You complained, fixing the bags in your arms and trying to reach for the small card.

Keigo looked over to you, "No one looks good in these photos. Don't worry about it." Keigo handed it back to you, watching as you attempted to shove the wallet back into your pocket.

"Mind helping me carry the groceries to my car?" You asked, Keigo lifting up the bags with a grin, "Of course."

You walked him back to your car, opening the trunk as you both set down the groceries. Closing it once you were done, you stepped back onto the sidewalk and leaned back on the vehicle.

"What's on your agenda the rest of today?" Keigo asked, crossing his arms and looking over your face. "Make some lunch and then relax before I go in for a shift tonight...what do you plan to do with your time thats left?" You questioned, the male rasing a brow.

"I haven't got that far yet. Probably find something to eat."

"You could come eat at my place."

Your abrupt words rushed out of your mouth bsfore you could stop them. A mental hand clocking you in the jaw for being such an idiot. Keigo looked you over, seeing the nervousness rise in your gray eyes with every passing second.

"Like a date?~" He jested, your face falling flat as you started to get in your car. He frantically stopped the door with his hand as you looked up to him. "Kidding, kidding! My bad."

You didn't say anything, but the corners of your lips turned up as you nudged your head toward the passengers seat. Excitedly smacking the roof of your car, Keigo hopped around to the other door and let himself in.

"Is it uncomfortable with the wings?" You asked, seeing him shake his head while he buckled in. "Nope. I'm pretty used to it." With his okay, you started to drive, noticing that Keigo was excitedly pointing out things in your neighborhood.

You had to do a double take as you pulled into your driveway. The boy got out and opened your door for you, before helping you carry the groceries into your newly cleaned house.

"Damn, you keep it nice in here." He complimented, setting the food down and turning to look at you. "Don't give me too much credit. I just happened to clear it out this morning...oh, I even left out the vaccum."

You quickly walked over and tied up the chord and put it into the small hall closet. Watching Keigo from afar, you noticed he was looking at pictures you had framed of you and your family.

"I don't think I have ever seen that old man smile." He said in reference to your father in one of the photos. The picture was of you at a waterpark with Your dad, mom, sister, and newly born brother.

You were sitting on your dads shoulders and holding his hair while he proudly smiled. Next to him was your mother, Rei, holding hands with Fuyumi as a baby Natsuo was asleep in the baby carrier on her chest.

The longer Keigo looked at it, the more he could see the clear divide in your family. In almost every photo your father was with you or with you and Shoto. He was hardly ever next to his wife or other two children.

"It was always like that." You said almost in a whisper, Keigo turning to face you as you stood beside him. "It was always my dad and I, or my dad, Shoto and I. But he still treated my little brother differently than me."

"Then how did you end up so close?"

You paused for a moment, "I was treated differently by everyone else. I was the first Todoroki child out in public view, everyone wanted my household other two siblings had a tense relationship with my dad and my know. But my dad and Shoto, they both understood me more, They knew what I was going through so I guess thats why I'm so close with both of them."

Keigo continued to look at pictures on the wall, seeing you grow up through frames. Your liscensing exam, your graduation, and a few photos of you and your baby brother.

"Question feather face." You said, recalling back to your drive home. This also was to change the topic, but whatever works.

"Answer." He replied, following you back into the kitchen and helping you put away the groceries. "The other day you said you lived down here and thats how you knew where my house was. Yet on the way here you were pointing out things on the street that you 'didn't know were there'. So how did you actually know where I live?"

Keigo laughed nervously, his golden eyes flickering to your silver ones before he started to speak. "I may or may not live on the opposite side of town. And I may or may not, while I was doing my rounds a while back, have seen you getting home."

You slapped his shoulder, "You are a stalker!"

"I am not! I just happened to see you! Not my fault I was blessed with amazing vision."

You laughed at his reply, chucking the bag of rice at him. "Start the rice, you creep." Keigo stuck out his tounge at your name-calling and watched as you did the same.

Doing as told, he started the rice, watching (and helping) you prepare the fish for lunch. If you were being honest with yourself, he was very easy to talk to when he wasn't flirting with you.

Normally you wouldn't have ever told someone so much about your family, but if anyone were to understand complications AND your father, it would be him.

Keigo looked at the small smile growing on your face. He wondered what you were thinking about in that moment as you flipped the fish over on the skillet. "It's almost ready. Do you want to get the table set?"

The male eagerly nodded as you directed him to the placemats, napkins, silverware, and cups for drinks. As the boy took his seat, you brought out the fish, rice, and veggies, the aroma filling his lungs as he looked toward your figure.

You took your place in the seat across from him, both of you eating your meals as you talked about work and all the crazy shit going on. You expressed the ever growing concern about your brother and his safety, Keigo trying his best to assure you that he would be okay.

He admired how much you cared for your brother. He wondered what it would be like to have siblings like that, or to have anyone who worrys and cares about you that much.

Once the meal was done, you both sat and talked for the remainder of time until Keigo had to go back to work. Once he left, you got ready for work yourself and locked the door on your way out.

It was like that for the next few weeks, you and Keigo would meet eachother or go to your houses to just sit and talk.

He began to slowly open up to you, telling you things he had never told anyone before. His past, where he was from, you came to see he was actually a very complex person who had a lot going on underneath his exterior flirty nature.

While you both never would say it, you found your talks theraputic and genuinley enjoyed eachothers company. Kiego loved making you laugh and teasing you just to see your eyes spark.

You grew accustomed to his ways, finding it easier to temper yourself with him then you had before. That is to say he still got a few burns here and there.

Tonight was a quiet night however. You sat in your living room watching a movie you know made you cry just because you wanted to torture yourself. You slung your legs over the side of the couch and tossed some popcorn into the air, catching it in your mouth.

In a moment of silence, there was a rather loud bang on your door. Not like a knock, but like someone had fell into it. You sat up and stared at it for a moment, seeing if it was a one time thing or if it would happen again.

After pausing the movie, there was a calmer knock this time and then a voice, "(Y/n) can you-...shit. Are you awake??"

"Keigo?" You questioned, standing up and walking over to the door. Undoing the latch and the lock, you pulled it open to see the male dripping crimson blood from his shoulder.

"Hey-uh, can I come in? I feel a bit dizzy."

You quickly grabbed him as you led him inside and sat him on one of the dining chairs. You grabbed a clean towel from the kitchen and handed it to him. "Here. Give me just a second okay?"

You quickly rushed and closed the door, not caring about the small amount of blood on your hands as you grabbed towels and lined them over the couch as quickly as you could, Keigo leaning over to rest on his knees.

Despite his waving vision, he watched as you grabbed a few bottles of water, a bucket, and a medical kit from your hall closet.

"Okay, come here big guy." You said, ducking under his other arm and walking him over to the couch and sitting him down. "Can I take this off?" You asked, opening the medical box and looking to him. He hazily nodded, his face going white.

You quickly took off his jacket and thanked the lord that his hero  shirt didn't have sleeves. Seeing the cut bleed pretty harshly, you pressed another rag to it as you grabbed a water bottle and opened it with your free hand.

"This may sting." You said, slowly pouring water onto the wound. His wings tensed, the rest of his body being to fatuiged to react. Based on how white his face was, he had been letting this thing bleed for a while.

Taking a pair of tweezers, you picked a few shards of glass and other pieces of debris out from it, dabbing at the dripping blood.

"(Y-y/n)...." You looked over to see his head sway foward a bit. You grabbed the bucket and placed it in his lap, Keigo vomiting into it as you started to apply an anti-biotic cream to his shoulder.

Keigo lifted his face from the bucket and looked toward you. "Thanks..." He said with a small smile, before he turned back and threw up again. You were glad that your dad taught you how to do this, or it wouldn't have been this easy.

You put a bandage on the wound, wrapping his shoulder to keep it in place as the bleeding had already began to slow. Stopping to gather yourself, you looked at your blood covered hands as well as him.

His legs were fine, but other small cuts littered his body as well. "I'm gonna cut this off of you Keigo. You have a few cuts bleeding through your shirt."

He gave you a small nod, setting the bucket off to the side of him as you got scissors and cut through the fabric. "Do you need anything?" Keigo lazily shrugged, "I don't....I don't know...."

You grabbed another bottle of water and handed it to him. "Here. slow, small sips." Keigo nodded as you finshed getting off his shirt. You looked over his body, trying to block out your other thoughts as you attended to the smaller wounds.

Keigo took small sips of the water, feeling you lightly cover a few more of his wounds. "You are covered in blood." You said, looking at his right arm soaked with the stuff as the rest of his torso had it scattered.

"I'm going to get a clean washcloth...don't move okay?"

Keigo did as told, watching as you came back over to him with a wet cloth and began to wipe him off, of course avoiding the scrapes.

The color was beginning the come back on his face, you wipped off both of your hands once you were finished and stood up, picking up the surrounding area. "I'm going to wash out the bucket. I'm going to throw your jacket in the washer, do you need any food?"

"Do you have some goldfish?"

You smiled at him, "I certainly do." Taking his bloody and torn jacket, you threw it in the wash with a few of the towels. Washing out the vomit bucket (and your hands) you grabbed the Goldfish. You watched as Keigo tried to stand and quickly fell back down onto the couch.

"Slow your roll there hot shot. You need to sit for a minute...." You handed him a cup of goldfish, the boy munching on the crackers as you took a seat beside him. "What happened?"

"I was working with your dad nearby when a few villians popped up. He's okay by the way, I took that pretty big hit though and we still managed to take them down....thought I was fine, but I started to get lightheaded."

"Well I'm glad you got some help." You said, taking a handfull of goldfish he offered you. "How are you feeling?" You pressed the back of your hand to his head, the boy looking toward you sweetly as he took a bigger sip of water.

"Better. Thanks for letting me in." You stood up and looked to him, "Well at first I thought you were someone who was going to break into my house." He waved dismissivley at you, "Any guy who breaks in here chose the wrong fucking apartment."

You snorted and walked to your room and grabbed a few pillows. "Here, stand up and lean on me so I can move the towels." Keigo stood up, holding onto your shoulder while you moved them out of the way.

He plopped back down onto the squishy couch, watching you set up pillows on one side of it. "What's happening?" You gave him a confused glance, "You think you are strong enough to go anywhere? You can barley stand. You are sleeping here."

His golden eyes watched as you went into your room and grabbed a clean blanket off your bed. Turning off the TV, you helped Keigo lay down as the pain in his arm and sides started to kick in.

Putting the blanket over him, you took off his boots and flinched at the smell. "God your feet stink."

"I have been working all day!" He whined back, a grin spreading on your lips as you covered him fully. "Are you comfortable?" You asked, flicking a piece of his hair out of the way.

With a small nod of his head, you started to walk away before Keigo quickly caught your wrist. "Stay for a bit...please." You gave him a tiny smile, kneeling down beside the couch, Keigo moved his fingers to hold your hand as he closed his eyes.

His hand was warm as it held your own, thumb softly caressing your skin as he sucked in a slow breath. You couldn't help but feel your own eyes get tired, closing them, you rested your head over on ths side of his chest.

Keigo peeked his eyes open, looking down at you as your other hand began to slowly trace lines up and down his left arm. Shivers ran over his body, the small jolt making you chuckle as you looked up to him.

He could almost see you clear as day in the dark room, his eyesight proving as a major advantage in this situation. Your hearts were going a million miles an hour, his body adjusting a bit to relax with his wings as he looked to the ceiling.

"Are you okay now?" You asked, "I can stay longer if you want me to." As much as Keigo loved being able to be this close and physical with you, he felt bad forcing you to sit on the ground.

"I'm okay now."

You slowly rose from your spot, placing a small kiss to the boys knuckles as you placed it down to rest on his chest. Keigo sucked in a small breath of air through his nose, as he watched you walk toward your room.

"Goodnight (Y/n)."

"Goodnight Keigo."

The boy grumbled in his sleep, rolling onto his left side and feeling one of his wounds pinch. Keigo opened his eyes in discomfort to see you sitting in on the floor by the coffee table and sewing up the sleeve of his now cleaned jacket.

He had a slight migrane, but it seemed to fade as your eyes looked up to him. You gave him a small grin, setting down the needle for a minute as you shuffled over to him.

"Hey birdie, how are you feeling?"

He sat up a bit, streching his wings out with a yawn. They slightly flapped, small gusts of wind blowing your hair into your face. "Much better...what time is it?"

You checked your phone, "9am."

Keigo flopped back down on the couch and looked over toward you, "I have to be at UA in an hour." You picked up the needle again and continued to stitch the sleeve. "This will be done by then." You assured.

It went quiet, the male keeping his eyes on you as he thought of something to say.

"There is a hero gala thing next week. Are you going?"

You began to knot the string as you finished up your sewing. "I'm not sure. I don't usually go and neither does anyone I know so it's kind of pointless." Keigo tapped his feet in the air, "Well your brothers class should be able to go considering they have their licenses now."

"If I go and my brother goes, my dad will show too." You reminded. Enji tried to avoid Keigos flirty behavior at all costs, he didn't want it attracting negative attention to him at all.

"Oh psh, dad-schmad. We are like best friends! Bro-skis! Comrades!"

"Okay, I think I get it. But for some reason I highly doubt that."

Keigo gave you a look of offense, "Doubt me again do you?" You playfully rolled your eyes as he sat up. The blanket fell from his chest, giving you a good look at his muscles before you tossed his jacket at him.

"Put that on you pervert."

He snickered as you stood up, "You like the view?"

"In your dreams birdy." You mocked back, Keigo standing up and stepping toward you. "What if it was?" You pretended to gag and took a few steps back into the kitchen. "That was disgusting."

Keigo chortled and followed you in ths kitchen, placing his head on your shoulder. "Whatcha doing?"

"Packing a lunch. One for you, one for me." He put his arms on either side of you, you paying no mind to it as he moved his head to the other shoulder.

"How kind of you."

"I know. I'm so generous." You replied, Keigo smelling the delicious food that you packed away. Your figure turned to face him as your arms crossed, "Thats not very gentlemanly to block a ladies way."

He wiggled his brows playfully before you swiftly ducked under his arm and slapped the back of his head. "Ow!" He whined, rubbing the spot you struck. "You're slow."

"I didn't realize we were doing anything. I just woke up."

"Tough." You shrugged, washing off your knife as Keigo hopped up onto the counter. "What's your daily plan?"

"Go to work once you leave. I told them I would come in but I had a family member over." Keigo puffed out his bottom lip, "You didn't tell them it was me?"

"No dumbass. Everyone would take that the wrong way, not to mention my dad would kill you if he found out you were here at all."

Keigo waved at you dismissivley, "Endeavor wouldn't lay a hand on me! I'm too valuable....and attractive." You scoffed, "He would slap you sideways if that was your defense as to why he shouldn't hit you." Keigo laughed along with you and chatted as time ticked by.

Soon, it was time for him to go, he had to go back to his place and get another undershirt anyway. "I'll see you at the gala?" He questioned, watching you bite the inside of your cheek. "We'll see."

Keigo sent you a small smile before he bowed and left your apartment, taking off into the sky. You stood in the doorway for a minute, looking up at the clouds. A smile came to your face as you thought of him, "Oh feathers....what am I gonna do with you?"

However, at UA, despite the warning you gave him. Keigo still felt in the mood for using his bragging rights. He loved to poke the sleeping bear that was Endeavor. Considering he was usually expressionless, the bird-boy couldn't help but enjoy getting reactions out of him.

Keigo walked alongside the taller male as they followed behind the class of first years. "How's the shoulder?" Enji monotonously asked, keeping his gaze straight ahead. "Ohhh, good, good. Had a really nice girl take care of me."

"Tch. Of course you did." He grumbled, seeing a cocky smirk rise on the boys face from the corner of his eyes. "What the hell is that look for?"

Keigo waved dismissivley, "Oh nothing, just thinking....she was super pretty." Enji grimaced and rolled his eyes, Shoto listening in to their conversation from a few feet ahead.

"You say that about ever girl you see." Hawks let out a singular laugh, "You're right, but she was superrrrr hot. Really sweet too." Enji listened to Keigos emphasis, stopping and yanking Keigo back by the sleeve.

"What are you saying? I would choose your next words carefully..."

He stared down at the smaller male with raging eyes. If Keigo was implying what Enji thought he was, there would be a featherless bird wandering the streets.

"When I got hurt your daughter was very kind to let me in...-"

Shoto suddenly appeared and put his hand on his dads shoulder to stop him from punching the other straight in the jaw. "Dad. He doesn't mean it like that." Keigo looked over to the smaller boy with a slightly relieved look on his face.

"See, he gets it! She just helped me out, I swear!"

Enji lowered the male but kept a firm grip on the front of his jacket. "Why do you know where she lives?" Keigo shrugged, "We're friends boss man."

Shoto slightly raised his brows, the last he had heard, you and Keigo despised you were letting him in your house and called him your friend?

"Why my sisters house? You could have gone to a hospital."

Keigo stopped for a moment, he didn't really have a comeback for that. If he was honest, he would have gone to a was actually closer than your house was at that point, but he just didn't.

"I don't like hospitals." Was his simple reply, all three turning to look at Nezu who appeared before them. "Enji, a few reporters are here with some questions." Enji grumbled and let the brown jacket go, sending Keigo a warning glare before walking away.

Keigo stuck out his tounge at him and turned to follow the class but quickly walked into Shoto who hadn't moved. "Jesus! You are like your father a bit too much." He ran a hand through his hair as Shoto put his hands in his pockets.

"Why did you actually go to my sisters house?"

Keigo choked on his spit and coughed nervously before looking into the deadpan eyes. Shoto was just as protective over you as his father, but he was more level-headed, understanding that you were an adult and could make your own choices.

For some reason, your younger brother was much more intimidating than your father. Perhaps it was because he knew you better than anyone.

"She is the only person I trusted."

Shoto furrowed his brows a bit in confusion. "Trusted?" Keigo stuffed his hands in his jacket and looked to the ground. "I don't like hospitals. That wasn't a lie...I usually take care of my own injuries, but that one was too big."

"What makes you trust my sister?"

He softly chuckled, "Should I not?" Shoto widened his eyes, "Thats not what I meant...." Keigo patted him on the shoulder, leading him to walk at his side while they caught up with his class.

"I know candy cane....I guess she just rubbed off on me a bit. Not in that way." He assured, seeing your brothers disgusted look. "I thought you two hated eachother?"

"We did...but once we sat down and talked, I guess I understood her a bit more. She's a great role model."

Shoto nodded in agreement, listening as the hero rambled on for a bit longer about you. The young boy took note of how highly he spoke about you, it wasn't how he normally spoke of his 'flings', if you could call them that.

A few thoughts wandered through Shoto's mind. He had a lot of questions for you when you got lunch together.


It was Friday and you excitedly picked up Shoto from school, happy to finally get some quality time with your little brother. You were taking him to his favorite restaurant as his 'chaperone', as Aizawa called it.

"So Sho, how does it feel to be a hero?" You questioned, sitting across from him at the small booth. Shoto looked up at you as your water got refilled. "Strange. I thought I would feel a giant revelation."

"Let me guess, but instead you were proud but confused with what happens next?"

Shoto nodded, both of you thanking the servers as they set your food down on the table. "Dad is happy though." Shoto said, blowing on his food before taking a bite.

"Of course he is. What isn't there to be happy about? You're his son Sho."

"So is Natsuo."

You took a bite of your food and swallowed it with a sigh. "Listen, I know it may never make sense to you why he is the way he is but it isn't because he hates Fuyumi and Natsuo." Shoto shoveled food into his mouth, his brows slightly furrowing.

You put your hand on his to stop him, "Sho, dad is trying to get better. I know it may sound biased from me because I am the 'favorite', but it is true. How is he supposed to do better if no one gives him a chance?"

Shoto swallowed his bite a bit preemptively, his throat straining for a moment as he looked up to you. "We got lucky."

You softly nodded, picking back at your food again. "We sure did." Shoto looked over to you, "Thank you for taking care of me. You never had to do that." You wiped your mouth, "Of course I did. You are my little brother, I will always take care of you."

Shoto stopped for a moment and put dosn his fork. "Speaking of being taken care've gotten to know Hawks a bit?" You coughed on your drink, wiping off your mouth before looking over to your younger brother. "Uhm yeah, he is a good friend." You assured.

"He talks about you a lot."

You looked up at the peppermint boy as he casually took a bite of food. "What do you mean by that?" You asked with a serious demeanor. "Nothing bad. But he bragged about you in front of dad."

You smacked your hand onto your face, "Does he have a death wish?" Shoto laughed at your display, seeing you pull down your face as you dropped your hand. "He said you helped clean him up after he got hurt."

You nodded, not wanting to lie to your brother. "I did. He came to my place and needed medical attention so I helped him." Shoto stopped for a minute and wiped his mouth. "Don't you think that means something?"

You took a sip of your water and cocked up a brow. "Huh?"

"Maybe he likes, is interested."

Your face began to burn as it felt like the room was a billion degrees. Your body warmed as you frantically waved your hands, "No! He isn't interested in me like that!!!"

Shoto tilted his head to the side, "How do you know?"

You thought for a moment, somewhat calming yourself as pink still rested on your cheeks. "I don't know Sho. He is just a flirt, so I try not to get my hopes up."

The boy leaned forward, "You like him too?" Catching onto your own words, you covered your mouth, muttering curses into your hand as Shoto sent you a small smile.

"Beside the point. The point is is that he might actually care about you the same why are you trying to come up with a million reasons why he doesn't?"

You gave him a confused gaze at his profound statement, putting your hands on the table, you leaned in close. "Give me back my baby brother you mind demon!"

Your brother playfully swatted away your face as you laughed, the heavy topic falling to the table once again as you thought about his words. "I don't know if I am being honest. I guess I'm scared....what if I am reading it wrong?"

"(Y/n), I wouldn't say it if it wasn't a possibility. I'm being honest."

You reached across the table and squeezed his hand, "I know. Thank you Sho....I'll see how the gala goes and test the waters I guess." Shoto sent you a soft smile, "If he hurts you will burn him alive."

You snorted, "Thanks Sho."

The week seemed to come and go, and now here you were, standing in a dress to go to a stupid party.

You hadn't seen Keigo that much, or at all really since you helped him out when he was hurt, but your brother convinced you to go. Much like you predicted, your father would also be in attendance for the special night.

You grabbed a pair of more comfortable shoes and threw them in your bag for after the occasion. You were NOT being stuck in heels all damn night again.

Grabbing your keys and leaving the apartment, you got in your car and drove to the large building where it would take place. It was on the top story of a large building, your eyes following it up into the sky once you stepped out of your car.

"Can I have your name?" The greeter asked, looking you up and down as they didn't recognize you from anywhere. "Oh, (Y/n) Todoroki." The mans brows raised as he scanned the list, seeing your name, he nodded to another male standing beside him.

"I will park your car for you." He sweetly said. Smiling, you gave the valet the keys as you walked inside with your bag in tow. "Mam, all items must stay in a locker."

The greeter handed you a key, you apologizing quickly before walking into a secured room and putting your bag in a locker. The best things someone could steal in there were your spare shoes so you weren't too worried.

Locking it all up, you handed the key back to the greeter who labeled it and then put it back under their desk. "You may head up. The elevators are to your left."

"Thank you." You slightly bowed, heading in the direction he said and taking the elevator up to the top floor. You felt nervous as you could hear the faint chattering of people grow louder and louder.

The doors dinged open and you stepped out, your eyes immediately finding Shoto's hair as he stood talking to his friends. Despite the large room, your sibling sense would always guide you to him.

Walking over to one of the only people you knew, you tapped his shoulder and slightly startled the boy. "(Y/n)! You actually came." You gave eachother a small hug before you pushed him back a bit.

"Are you wearing cologne?" His cheeks turned pink as you began to laugh, "Stop growing up! I don't like it! I'm going to put a brick on your head!"

"I can't do that, it's how we work."

You realized he was completley serious, "I know was a joke." He made a small 'ah' sound as you looked over to his friends. "Hey guys, how are you enjoying your first hero party?" They gave you mixed reactions, a few of them really enjoying it and others not so much.

"I would say it gets better when you are older, but I don't like parties, so I can't really say." You shrugged, Shoto tapping you on the shoulder to gain your attention.

"Dad said he wanted to see you when you got here. He is over there."

You looked to where Shoto was pointing. Up the stairs and leaning over a railing was none other than your father who looked like Batman brooding in the distance.

"God, he looks so angry. I'll go talk to him, thanks Sho."

You pressed a small kiss to his head and waved goodbye as you walked away. Moving through groups of people, you stopped and grabbed two cookies before jogging up the stairs and over to your father.

"Hey grumpy-pants."

His eyes looked over to you, expression softening as you approached him. "(Y/n)." He greeted simply, watching as you stuck out a cookie to his face. "Eat."

He tried to deny it, but you only shoved it closer and closer, poking his cheek with it as he puffed out in defeat. "Fine! Give me the damn cookie." With a smile, you handed it to him as he took a bite from it.

You did the same as you leaned over the railing with him. A comfortable silence filled the air, one that could only be found between the two of you. "(Y/n)...Keigo informed me about something...interesting."

You shoved the cookie in your mouth, seeing his eyes fall on you. "Why was he at your house?" You munched on the cookie, cheeks puffed as you covered your mouth. He waited patiently, holding his look over you until you swallowed.

"He was hurt. I took care of him. Nothing happened dad, we are just friends." Enji crossed his arms, "You consider him a friend?" You glanced up to him, "Yes, why?"

"Do you have any idea what he considers all of his female 'friends'?" You sighed as your doubts concerning his legitmate feelings came back. "I know dad."

As much as you wanted to believe you were different, your brothers words were up against not only your fathers, but Keigos entire history with women.

"He didn't do anything did he?"

You raised your brows as a small smile came to your face, "He threw up in a bucket....twice." Enji gave you a serious look, your head shaking as your smile faded and turned into a frown.

"Good." He firmly stated, seeing All Might enter the room. "I have some things to talk about with Toshinori. I'll be back." With that, your father dismissed himself, stalking away like a giant as his footsteps thudded on the floor.

Sucking in a melancholy breath, you followed behind him after a few minutes. Heading down the stairs, you decided once again to head outside, more and more people pouring into the building.

Walking out the large glass doors, you stepped onto the big patio. The wind was faint as the stars shown overhead, your dress fluttering with every step you took.

The edge was about fifteen feet away from the large glass doors and windows that led inside. Of course there was a small concrete barrier to stop people from falling off.

You were the only one outside, it was refreshing, a nice place to think. You took a seat on the raised edge that made for a perfect spot. Dangling your legs over the side of the building, you looked down at all the small cars and people who passed by.

You suddenly felt two hands on your shoulders, "Hey gorgeous.~" You smiled and slightly turned to see none other than the Winged Hero himself. He took a seat beside you, facing toward the building and took in your appearance.

His cheeks dusted over with a light shade of pink as he observed your flowy dress. "You look...stunning. Is that the right word? Beautiful also works." You nudged his shoulder with your own, rose washing your cheeks as well.

"Don't flatter me too much. Plus, look at you! You are in like, what, a million dollar suit?"

"A few thousand...I wear it all the time though."

The suit was fully black, including his dress shirt underneath. The only color on him was small golden hooped earrings that he had on. "I didn't know your ears were pierced!"

You said, flicking the metal as he chuckled from your actions. "Yeah, had them since I was a teen. I had to get them repierced a few years ago...the government agency didn't like them in so the holes closed."

"It suits you." You smiled, his heart fluttering the longer he looked at you. The bright red wings caught your attention, they were a spectacle in and of itself. "Can I touch them?" You asked, his golden eyes meeting your silver ones as he slightly turned.

"I have never had someone touch them before."

You chuckled, "I promise I won't take another one." He thanked you and rested one of his wings on your lap, the other hanging off the building as he nervously wrung his sweaty hands.

Keigo flinched for a moment, your fingers touching the soft feathers without warning. "Sorry! Did I hurt you?" He looked back enough to see your panic stricken expression, "No, I just wasn't expecting it. You're okay."

Keigo wiped his palms on his pants, closing his eyes as he felt you stroke your fingers over them with a light touch. Goosebumps ran over his skin, small hairs on the back of his neck standing as you continued to trace the spines.

"I thought they were like metal or something?"

Keigo swallowed and took a small breath, "They are when I activate my quirk. But they feel like normal would be hard to do anything if they were sharp."

"Good point."

After a moment, you noticed his wings relax even more, the weight of them pressing down onto your legs. "Does it feel nice?" You asked, watching as he let his head hang and rest on his palms. "Mhm..." He said, almost falling asleep at your gentle touches.

"Long day at work?" You asked, seeing him nod in response, a drawn out yawn escaping him. "Yeah, it was crazy today...a lot of paper work once I got back to the office too. Plus I had an interview that airs in about a week."

"Oooh, fun!" You chimed, the boy sending you a soft smile while music began to play from inside. "Don't tell me you enjoy the paper work." You shook your head, "Not at all, the only time it is berable is when listening to music, which is why I mostly do it at my house."

"Huh. Smart." He said, looking through the large glass doors and seeing people dance to the lovely instramental music. Keigo looked back to you, seeing how you gazed at his wings.

He stood up, your eyes drawing over to him as his wing moved from your lap. "Is everything okay?" You asked, watching him straighten his suit as he offered you his hand. "What are we doing?" You asked, turning around to face him.

"Dancing." He simply replied.

Your face turned red, a smile crossing his lips as he saw your embarassment. Without processing, you slowly reached up your hand and took his, feeling him pull you up gently until you were face to face with him.

He guided your free hand up to his shoulder before his own fell to your hip. Keigo quickly swept you into a dance, waltzing with you around the rooftop as the violins and flutes played.

Your eyes never left his, Keigo spinning you and dipping you softly. He moved up to the edge of the building, bringing you up with him as you danced along the edge. You knew he wouldn't let you fall, his hand moving to your lower back to pull you closer into him.

You flushed, resting your head on his chest as you swiftly danced on the rooftop, a smile adorning both of your features. Everything about this moment just felt right.

From inside, Shoto looked over and saw you dancing outside with Hawks. A grin rose on his face as he saw you happily moving along with him. But it faded as he looked across the room and spotted his father, towering over the other guests, with a scowel on his face as he spotted you.

Hs began to march across the room, making a b-line in your direction. Shoto quickly excused himself and rushed over to his father, stopping him before he could reach the door.

"Dad, stop."

Endeavor looked down at him with confusion etched on his face. "I am stopping your sister from becoming his next victim." Enji started to move around him, Shoto side-stepping in his way once again.

"What if she isn't a victim. What if he actually cares about her?" Enji scoffed, "Shoto, you have a lot to learn. Don't let the surface facade fool you so easily." Shoto gave his father a serious look, "But look how happy she is!"

He gestured over to you, Enji looking up at seeing the large grin on your face as you laughed at something the boy said.

He held you in his arms, lightly swaying you as the music began to slow. Looking in one anothers eyes, it was as if gravity was pulling you toward one another.

In what seemed like the perfect moment, your eyes locked were locked on one another as you slowly stopped swaying. You lightly pushed up on your toes, Keigo leaning down as well to have your lips meet in a kiss. The music crescendoed then fell silent as the song ended.

His arms held you in place, your own resting over his shoulders as his soft lips stayed on your own.


You immediatley pulled away from the boy, seeing your father marching toward you with flames bursting from his hair.

"Get your hands off my daughter!" He shouted. Enji was close to being talked down by Shoto until he saw the other male kiss you.

Separating you both, Enji began to reprimand the other hero as Shoto grabbed your wrist. "I tried to explain it to him. I'm sorry." You shook your head and looked back to Keigo who, despite being yelled at by his idol, was glancing toward you with soft eyes.

"It isn't your fault, you were right. I think he may like me a little bit."

"A little bit?" Shoto questioned, causing a laugh to escape you. You pinched your fingers together, "A little bit." Keigo and your father argued a bit as you and your brother talked.

"-I never want to see you around my daughter again!" Enji finished. Your eyes locking with Keigos as your expression fell. Without a word, the boy took off into the sky, your eyes following him until he vanished behind buildings.

Your father huffed, heart-rate slowing as he looked to you. "He isn't good enough for you..." You gave him a small smile, you knew your father was just being a protective parent, but at the same time you were irked at the thought of him ruining your realtionship with Keigo.

"Will anyone be good enough?" You questioned before turning around and walking back into the room with Shoto on your tail.

He stayed with you for the rest of the night, you both sat at a table and people-watched, seeing the different pros and their guests as they walked around the building. You pointed out some gaudy dresses and Shoto chimed in here and there on some ugly suits.

Eventually, Aizawa rounded up the class and took them back to the campus. Once Shoto was gone, you looked at a clock and saw that it was indeed 11:00pm. "Shit. I should get home..."

You finished your water and stood up to leave, getting in the elevator without saying goodbye to your father. You were upset with him and didn't really want to deal with a lecture right now.

Walking over to the greeter, you got your special key and went to your locker, getting your things and changing into your comfortable shoes before returning the key and heading out the door.

You stepped out, waiting for the valet to bring your car around. The streets were much quieter then when you first arrived, everything was much more still as well.

"Hey pretty lady. You took long enough."

You turned in shock to see Keigo leaning against the wall by the doors. "Keigo, I thought you left?" He smirked at you and sauntered over, wrapping am arm around your waist and placing a chaste kiss to your cheek.

"B-but my dad, he told you that...-"

"He never wanted to see me with you again....well if he doesn't see us..." He looked down at you, seeing your eyes sparkle up at him. "God you're pretty. Do you know that?"

You giggled and returned the kiss to him, placing one on his nose. "I do now."

Your car was pulled up, Keigo shooing the valet out of the way as he opened your door for you. With a dramatic curtsy, you took your seat, Keigo leaning on the top of the doorframe.

"Can I hang out at your place for a bit?"

You nodded, watching him giddly close your door and skip over to the passenger seat. Getting in once again, you began to drive home, Keigo biting his tounge nervously as you sat in silence.

Once you got to your apartment, you opened your door and walked inside, kicking off your shoes as Keigo disgarded his jacket.

Before he could say anything, you gripped onto his shirt and pulled him down, connecting your lips again. He leaned against the door, pulling you in closer as his hand tangled in your hair.

His wings excitedly flapped in small bursts before they wrapped around you like a blanket. "I like you, more than a friend." You quickly stated once you pulled away, Keigo sticking out his bottom lip.

"Babe, I wanted to confess first!"

Your brain fried at the nickname, Keigo worrying at you ghost-like appearance. "H-hey are you okay?!" He slightly shook you, watching as you regained color.

"Sorry, you just called me...uhm-"

"Babe?" He wiggled his eyebrows, watching as you looked down to the floor. "Yes..." He pecked the top of your head with a light kiss, "Well doesn't it sound right? I oughta call my girlfriend 'babe'."


Keigo laughed and lifted you up in his arms, "I told you that you stole my confession." You smiled down at him as your hands rested on his jaw, "Sorry, did you want me to pretend like I didn't say it so you can confess first?"

He flushed and nodded, watching you try and say 'I like you' in reverse. Shaking his head, his eyes looked over yours as he spun around, pressing your back against the door.

Keigo kissed you again, your hands tangling in his air as he pressed himself against you. Once he pulled away, you huffed a breath and scanned over his face.

"What was that for?"

He cocked up a brow, "I had to redo the kiss too. That was a crucial part." Clearing his throat, Keigo looked up at you and took in a breath.

"(Y/n), I like a lot. You are just so fucking amazing I can't put it into words. So, if you'll let me, I would like to take you out on a date. And I wanted to ask if you'll be my girlfriend becauseI could never see me being with anyone was that?" He asked, seeing you ponder for a moment.

"Cheesy, a bit rusty...but it will do."

"So is that a yes?"

You bit your lip and nodded with enthusiasm. "Yes."

"Really?!" Keigo cheered. "Yes you chicken wing!" He cheered in glee, spinning you around him his arms before setting you down and peppering your face with kisses.

"Kei that tickles!" You swatted him away, the boy pulling back to look at you. "Kei? Is that my nickname now?" You shrugged, "Maybe."

"I like it...only you can call me that though." His demeanor was serious, hands gripping your hips as you pressed a small kiss to his cheek. "I feel so special." Keigo nuzzled his head in your neck, leaving a trail of small kisses there.

"You are...more than you know."


That night, Keigo had reluctantly gone home after you both talked for a bit and watched a movie. Well, you didn't really watch it that much, Keigo much preferred to kiss you than to watch it, but you didn't mind. It was long awaited.

It had been a chaotic week, both of your work as heros slowly taking years off of your life as you worked away. Keigo came by after every day and did his paper work right beside you, seeing just how much you had every night made his pride swell for you.

He loved your strength, almost about as much as he loved seeing the little things about you. The way you hummed along to music while writing or how when something aggravating would come on TV, your eyes would spark as you moderated your rage.

As you laid down on your bed, you couldn't help but think of the coming night. That date Keigo had asked you on was finally going to happen and you were just excited to spend some time with him when you weren't tired or working.

You couldn't sleep, despite feeling like you two were bound by fate to be together, you were still nervous. It had been at least a year since you went on a date with anyone. They didn't go anywhere good either.

Keigo had arranged for you to go to a small underground concert, a band you had never heard of was playing, but you figured why the hell not, it was better than a movie or a fancy dinner.

You looked over to your bedside table, seeing the crimson feather that rested beside your clock. Picking it up, you twirled it in your fingers. You ran your fingers across it, feeling the smooth fluff once again.

Little did you know that across town, Keigo had shot up in the middle of his sleep. A shiver shot down his body, he had never been so confused in his life. He was just sleeping, what was doing this to him?

It was only when he felt the goosebumps crawl up his skin again that he realized what was happening. He ran his hands through his hair, relaxing his wings once more as he tucked his legs into his chest.

Resting his head on his knees, he relished in the feeling of you touching one of his feathers, his body relaxing completley as you unknowingly put him to sleep.

The next night, you had gotten ready and showed up where he said. You were standing in a crowed room full of people who were waiting for the show to start. You looked at your phone, seeing that the time was 15 minutes past and Keigo still wasn't there.

Suddenly, the sound of a piano filled your ears. A man began to sing as the crowd cheered, your eyes drawing up to the stage to see the singer starting the song as the lights faded out.

"I don't know why I keep moving my body. I don't know if this is wrong or if it's right. I don't know if there's a beat, or something's taking over me...And I just know I'll feel so good tonight."

The music faded but then suddenly kicked up, startling you as the crowd screamed and lights flashed in your eyes.

"I don't know what your name is but I like it. I've been thinking 'bout some things I wanna try. I don't know what you came to do, but. I wanna do it with you....And I just know I'll feel so good tonight."

You looked around the room, Keigo nowhere in sight as you were pressed against different people who were all dancing to the song and screaming the lyrics.

"Oh, if we keep on dancing, take our rhythm to new heights. Feel the heat of passion, baby...Light up the night!"

You glanced around the room and suddenly you saw him, Keigo was standing on top of the bar by the door, looking around the room. In an instant your eyes met as the chorus hit.

"We could start a fire!
Come on, let it burn baby...
We could start a fire!
Let the tables turn baby...
We could start a fire."

Keigos eyes lit up as he saw you, mouthing an 'are you okay' at seeing the distressed look on your face. You chuckled, 'help' you replied, Keigo getting smacked on the ankles by the bartender as he hopped down.

The boy began to weave through the crowd as he looked for you in the sea of people.

"I just know I feel so good, don't you know I feel so good, I just know I feel so good.....tonight."

You looked around to try and find him, being pushed back as someone came tumbling out of the crowd. Your hand was caught by the same person as he hoisted you back up into him.

"Kei! You actually came!" You cheered, the boy placing a quick kiss on your lips before the song started up again.

"I don't care if this turns into a riot.
Let's get reckless, tear this place down to the floor. Turn the music way up loud, can't nobody stop us now. I just know I feel so good tonight. I just know I feel so good tonight..."

Keigo spun you around, looking at your outfit. Even though you were just in jeans in a t-shirt, you were still absolutely stunning to him. "Damn babe, you're gorgeous."

You nervously looked back to him, "Thank you. But I am pretty sure you will always take the award for the most attractive in this relationship." He playfully scoffed at your response, "I'll disagree there. If we had kids though they would have some amazing genetics on both sides."

You snorted and patted his chest, "Let's at least get through the first date Kei." He smiled at you as the song continued in the background.

"We could start a fire!
Come on, let it burn baby
We could start a fire!
Let the tables turn baby
We could start a fire!..."

Keigo swayed you against him, pressing kisses to your lips before you deepend one of them. His hands roamed your sides, enjoying the feeling of you against him as he made a bold move and slipped his tounge past your teeth.

You breathed into the kiss, the music swelling for the final verse as you swirled your tounges around eachothers.

"I just know I feel so good....don't you know I feel so good. Don't you know, don't you know?.....Tonight."

The song ended, everyone cheering as you parted from the kiss. Keigo grinned like a little kid as he pressed small pecks against your cheek and neck.

After a few more songs, you and Keigo decided to just walk around the city. He slid his hand into yours, squeezing it as you leaned your head onto his shoulder.

"I could get used to this." You muttered, the boy flapping his wings in joy at your words. "I already am. I don't want to let go of your hand." He jested, bringing it up so he could kiss your fingers.

"I never took you for the sappy type." You replied, watching him look down to you for a moment before returning his gaze straight ahead. "You couldn't tell by my fashionably late arrival?"

"No, I thought you just weren't gonna show."

As your words came out, Keigo stepped infront of you and stopped, waving his fingers back and fourth. "Whoa, whoa, thought I would just leave you there?"

"Kind of. I don't know, I hope that doesn't make me sound like a bitch."

Keigo rubbed your arms lovingly, "Not at all babe! That just means I always will be on time from now on!" He ran his fingers across your skin and took both of your hands, walking back, then shooting forward and wrapping his arms around you from behind.

"What if we just walked like this?" He mumbled into your neck, pressing small kisses onto it as he slowly waddled forward with you. Hearing your laugh, Keigo smiled.

"I don't think this is working Kei."

"Hmm...." He thought for a moment before he got an idea, walking infront of you, he took a knee and spread out his wings. "Get on."

With a loving smile, you hopped on his back, linking your arms together over his shoulders as he held your legs. His wings shot you both off the ground, your eyes sqeezing shut as you put your head on his back in order to not vomit.

"I've got you, you aren't going anywhere."

You once again peeked your eye open and looked down, seeing the city pass by as you rode on Keigos back. The wind felt great on your face as you felt Keigo shiver, forgetting that he was normal human temperature, you heated up your body, his hands squeezing your thighs as a thank you.

After a few minutes of showing you the city, Keigo took you to the top of a building and set you down. You were higher up than you had ever been, the red light flashing above you so that airplanes could see it.

"That was awesome!" You cheered, clapping excitedly and pumping your fists. "I'm glad you enjoyed it a little bit. Thanks for the central heating." He kissed your cheek, your eyes both looking up as you heard a roar of thunder.

"Oooh rain!" You celebrated, listening as another rumbled rolled across the sky. "You like rain, fire princess?" Keigo questioned, seeing your eyes light up. "Mhm! Always have, it is super calming."

"I agree with ya there." He noted, feeling a drop hit his nose and then another tap his shoulder. "Oh, light rain..."

Suddenly, more and more rain started to fall, your clothes getting soaked from all the water. "Okay, lots of rain...too much rain!" Keigo shouted, your laugh emitting from beside him. "The storm looks pretty bad! We should get inside!"

"Our houses are super far away though...."

You thought for a moment, "My dads house isn't." Keigo only looked at you with raised brows, "Bring the enemy striaght into the camp huh? I like the way you think." He kneeled down again but you only tapped his shoulder.

"Can we try something?"

Of course Keigo accepted and soon you found your back being held firmly to his chest as his arms wrapped around you. He was flying through downtown in the rain while holding you in his arms so you could experience it how he does.

You spread out your arms and despite the rain smacking you in the face, you were throughly enjoying yourself. "WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!" You screamed, Keigo laughing as he held you to him. Your quirk was keeping you both from freezing as he followed your directions all the way to your fathers house.

He was doing rounds tonight, so he wouldn't be there.

Keigo flew over the gate and landed on his covered doorstep, shaking the water from his wings while you got out your key to his house.

You started to dry yourself off as you opened the doors, both of you kicking off your wet shoes and socks as you walked inside. Flipping on the lights, Keigo walked in behind you, looking around at the very large modern mansion.

"I always imagined this is what his place would look like." Keigo said, hands placed on his hips as his eyes trailed back over to you. "Come here." You called, leading him down a hall and stooping into one of the rooms.

Opening the large closet doors, Keigo looked around as you invited him in. "This is my brothers closet. I hope you don't find it weird but his spare clothes are better than wearing wet ones or my dads clothes."

"It's no problem for me! No peeking.~" He cooed, you flipping him off as you left the room to go to your own. Each child had their assigned bedrooms....yeah, it was a big house.

You changed into some pajamas and then heard Keigo running down the hall whilst screaming your name. "(Yyyyyyyyyyyyy/nnnnnnnnn)!"All you saw through the doorway was a blur of red before a crash filled your ears.

You looked out the door to see him on the floor after he had smacked into the wall past your bedroom. He shook it off and spun around on the wooden floor, "Look! I found fuzzy socks!"

You laughed at his child-like behavior before you quickly went and grabbed your own fuzzy socks and put them on. His eyes lit up like a christmas tree, "Oooooo! We match!" He wiggled his feet as you approached him and helped him up.

"You're cute. I think I'll keep you."

Keigo flushed red, "I'd like that." You tussled his damp hair, the boy realizing yours was already dry. "Unfair!" He whined, watching as you took his hand and led him to the couch. Sitting him down on the plush carpet, you handed him the remote and straddled behind him on the couch.

Keigo flicked through the channels as you warmed up your hands, slowly drying his hair while he looked for something to watch. "Oh babe! It's that interview I told you about last week."

You looked up, "Well lets watch it." His cheeks turned pink, "A-actually I don't know if we should." Your warm hands made their way down his chest as your breath fanned in his ear. "Please?~"

Keigo swallowed and immediately clicked on it, loving how your victoriously kicked your feet. You dried off his hair and watched the interview, Keigo finding it somewhat odd to watch himself.

Eventually he had moved onto the couch once his hair was dry. You were leaned up against his arm as you held his hand and traced his bicep. Keigo kept watching your reactions to certain things, appriciating your support even though the interview had already passed.

Eventually it got the question he was dreading:

"So, as usual a lot of girls out there are probably wondering tonight if you have someone special in your life. I mean if not I know a few would be up for it!" The girls in the audience cheered, your attitude not shifting a single bit as you continued to listen.

"As much as I know they would, I can say that I do have my eye on someone right now." You felt your heart skip a beat, Keigo gripped your hand tighter as he swallowed a large gulp of saliva.

"Oh really? This is the first time any of us have heard about a mystery girl."

You watched as Keigo crossed his legs and nervously wrung his fingers on the set, "Well, it's because I haven't really felt this way about anyone before." The audience oohed curiously as the host looked like he was getting the golden news of the century. Your fingers stopped stroking his arm, them slowly coming to a hault as the host continued.

"Whats her name?"

Keigo paused before shaking his head slowly, "I can't say that at this point. I haven't told her how I feel and I don't want to put her on blast." You sat up a bit, your free hand falling as you stared at the TV in disbelief. "I can repect that, but you haven't told her how you feel? How do you feel about her?"

You leaned in with wide eyes as Keigo stared straight at the camera, "I feel kind of weird saying this on live TV, but.....I-"

The television shut off, your head whipping toward Kiego as he had grabbed the remote and shut it off at just the right time. His heart was going a million miles an hour in his chest, he looked at your red face as your heart was doing the same.

"I couldn't let you hear that over the screen. I need to say it to you in person."

Keigo pulled you onto his lap, holding you in a tight embrace as he spoke his next words into your shoulder. "I love you (Y/n) Todoroki. I never thought I would, but I do...I feel complete when I am with you and everyday you make me a better person. I want you to stay by my side always because I will love you until the sun goes cold."

Tears welled in your eyes as you began to cry. For the first time in your life, you felt completley at peace. "I-I love you t....t-too!" You choked out through tears, holding onto him tightly as he rubbed your back.

"Even your ugly cry is pretty!" He commented, enciting a small laugh out of you. "Shut up you asshole..." You wiped your nose on his arm, leaning back to try and get the tears off of your face.

Keigo wiped your eyes and kissed your lips tenderly, cherishing how quickly you kissed him back. He fell back onto the couch with you ontop of him, his hands running in your hair and down your back as you only separated when you needed air.

"Kei, kiss me more..." You begged, Keigo pulling you back in without question and leaving a few small marks on your neck. "I love you....I love you so much."

With every confession he made, your heart beat faster, his teeth biting at the soft skin as his tounge followed to seal them in.

"I love you too Keigo." You whispered, your head falling to lay on his chest. He scratched your back, closing his eyes as his wings wrapped over you like a blanket. Your own eyes fluttered shut as his breathing began to level, his arms holding you ontop of him and securing you in place.

You warmed your body, feeling Keigo press a small kiss to your temple. "When we wake up, I'm going to kiss you some more." He said, fluttering his fingers across the back of your shoulders.

"I'd like that." You yawned, letting your body go limp against his. Keigo felt you drift to sleep, your soft snores and the warmth you radiated pulling him into his own as well.


But the morning went anything but how you expected. You were sat on the couch, listening to your father scorn Keigo once again.

You had woken up to the boy being yanked out from underneath you and being dragged onto the floor. Your father stood tall and sharp as his eyes casted over his coworker.

So here you were, listening to them bicker back and forth as you crossed your arms in a huff. You couldn't hear what they were saying, words muffled by the glass doors. All you knew is is that you were glad your dad didn't have neighbors.

Soon Enji stomped in with an unpleasant looking Keigo following behind. You watched as the boy picked up his clothes and began to walk toward the door, but you quickly got up and grabbed his wrist.

"No! You aren't leaving!"

"Yes he is." Enji scowled from behind you, Keigo standing and debating between you both for a moment until your grip tightened on him. Pulling him close, you wrapped him in a hug. "Stay..." You muttered, his heart speeding up a million times faster as you nuzzled into his chest.

"I told you Enji. The feelings are reciprocated."Keigo barked.

Your father gritted his teeth, looking down at the boy and ignoring your actions. "I told you my thoughts on the matter, so get out."

Keigo argued back at him, your head starting to hurt as they both went in circles with eachother. "Guys stop!" You said but to no avail as they only got louder. Keigo pulled away from you and started to get in Enjis face, your father yanking his shirt upward and scowling at him.

You felt your anger quickly boil over like an exploding volcano. Hair setting fully ablaze, your eyes turned yellow as you screamed. "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!"

Both males stopped and looked to you, seeing how mad they had actually gotten you, they stepped back from one another.

"Do I get a say in this at all dad?" You asked, flames dying out as you turned to him. "Do I get a say in my life and who I choose to be with?" You turned your attention to Keigo, "Do I get a choice from you to talk it out with my father? Because apparently I have to ask you both if it's acceptable!"

They stayed silent, watching tears start to fill your eyes. "Go sit on the couch. It's my turn to talk." You demanded, walking past them both and heading into the living room with a huff.

They both followed, Enji smacking Keigo upside the head before the younger boy punched him in the shoulder. Carrying on, they took their seats on the opposite sides of the couch.

You moved the coffee table out of the way, your father eyeing you curiously. "Don't judge me, I need to stand." You snapped, taking a stance in front of both of them. "Okay...." You turned to your father as you sucked a deep breath through your nose.

"Dad. I love Keigo....and I KNOW about his past with women. I know he's a flirt, he tried it with me and it didn't work..." You paused, finally admitting to him everything you hadn't said. "We have been hanging out a lot over the past few months. I got to know him as a person, he told me everything about his past as did I...."

Enji looked over skeptically at Keigo before you pushed on. "Dad I can't change him, just like he can't change me. I know you only want the best for me, but just as you are getting better a reedming yourself, don't you think he deserves a second chance too?"

Enji sighed and looked up at you, holding out his hands as you placed your much smaller ones in them. "You are my eldest daughter...I will always want to protect you. I don't want to see you hurt because I love you more than anything." You smiled down at him, Keigo looking between you both silently.

"I know. But you can't protect everything that happens to me. If he is lying about everything it will hurt, but I'll be okay....-"

"I'm not." Keigo chimed in, both pairs of eyes falling on him as he glanced between you both and finally stopping on Enji. "I'm not lying sir. I meant everything I told you...I love her more than anything, just as you do. I want to protect her too, but since I have gotten to know her I haven't been seeing anyone else."

Keigo took a breath and continued. "I stopped going to clubs on my days off, I deleted every random girl out of my phone, I don't even flirt with anyone anymore as a joke." His voice was serious, expression like one you had never seen.

Keigo was desperatley trying to convince your father to give him a chance. Even if he denied him now, he wouldn't stop until Enji accepted him.

Enji sighed and looked back to you. "Do you....feel the same way towards him?" You chuckled, "It depends on what he told you."

Enji summoned Keigo over a nudge of his head, the boy being suprised for a moment before standing and walking over to you both. "He told me many, many things...even the night at the hero gala...."

He paused, seeing your eyes look between them curiously as Keigo swallowed and rubbed his arm.

"The night of the gala he told me he loved you. He told me that he had never felt this way about anyone before but I dismissed it as his....desire." You looked over to Keigo who stood a blushing mess. He had told your dad he loved you before you even knew?!

You looked back to your dad as he continued, "Then, he procceded to tell me outside about how he knew he was in love from the moment you let him limp into your house covered in blood. How he knew he loved you fron the way you smiled and made him feel relaxed in this world of 'fucked up' people. How you, above all else, were his top priority."

Enji looked up to you, seeing tears fall from your eyes as you lovingly looked over to Keigo. Enji took a breath and stood, startling both of you as he held onto your hand. Squeezing it breifly, Enji thought about his next actions before he lifted your hand in his and brought his eyes to Keigo.

Carefully, Keigo reached to take your hand, making sure that was what Enji was motioning for. Letting your hand slip out of his and into Keigos, Enji had to look away for a moment as you pressed a small kiss to his cheek.

Putting a firm hand on the boys shoulder, you both looked up to see small tears pricking the corner of your dads blue eyes. You both were in shock as he started to speak to Keigo.

"She will always be my little girl. Promise me you meant what you said....all of it." Keigo nodded, sucking in a breath. "I promise sir. I meant everything I said...all of it."

"Even how you said you would never harm her or do her wrong?"

You let tears drip from your face, a few starting to roll down Enjis as well. "Yes sir. I promise I would never hurt her or lay a hand on her if she didn't want me too." Enji started his next sentance wearlily.

"Even how you said t-that you.....ngh." He choked back an onslaught of tears,  "Even how you said that you would never let your family end broken up like ours?"

You cupped a hand over your mouth and began to sob, leaning onto Keigo as now he was starting to cry as well. While he had said that last one in a moment of rage, Enji never wanted his children to have a family like this.

"Y-yes sir....I promise I will always be there for my family, no matter what. I will always cherish them and make sure they know they are loved."

Taking a moment to try and compose himself, Enji looked over to you and pulled you into a hug. You cried into him, letting out emotions you had been holding back for quite some time.

Rubbing your back, Enji leaned down to whisper in your ear. "I'm sorry for everything I've done. To you, to your siblings, to your mother....I'm so, so, sorry...."

You said nothing, holding onto him as you let it all out, Keigo wiping away his tears before Enji turned to him and kissed your head, guiding you into him. Keigo quickly embraced you, placing a few small kisses onto your cheeks trying to calm you down.


The boys eyes looked up to Enji, "...Keep every promise you made to me. She is the most precious thing in the both of us."

Keigo nodded, feeling you softly suck in a shakey breath, breathing leveling as you wiped your eyes on his shirt. "I will sir. I love her more than anything." Enji felt his racing mind relax as he looked at how content you were in his arms.

His little girl, the one thing he did right in this world was grown up. It just took him a bit of convincing to get there.

"Dad...I'll always be your little girl." You weakly smiled at him, Enji drying his eyes once again as Keigo rubbed your arms soothingly. "Always, even when you're my age."

"You're old...I don't want to think about that."

The room got lighthearted at your joke, Keigo laughing as you softly chuckled seeing your dads deadpan face. "I'm not that old."

"Sure you are old man! You got the grumpy attitude of one!"

Enji shot Keigo a look, "I am just starting to like you, don't push it." The boy shut his mouth, smiling as you pressed a kiss to his jaw. "He is right though." You sniffed, still clearing the junk from your nose.

Enji rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen to leave you and Keigo to talk so he could answer his phone that had been going off for a while. As he got on a few calls, Keigo quickly kissed you on the lips. "I don't like it when you cry."

Grinning up at him, he dried off your eyelashes for you while you spoke. "I have a question."


Holding him to you, you rested your head against his chest. "You really think we will have a family?" Keigo got nervous, "Why? Is it too ambitious?" You gently shook your head and pulled him in tighter.

"Obviously it will be a while...but first the cute baby thing and now this. I was just noticing a pattern."

"Well I think I would also enjoy the process of making babies.~" You shushed him and slapped his chest when he laughed. "My dad is right there!" Keigo pressed a small kiss to your head, "I know, but I am being honest!"

"....later." Was all you said, a flush rising to your cheeks. Keigo turned beet red, eyes darting over your face rapidly, but before he could ask any questions Enji approached you both.

His hands were in his pockets as he looked over the both of you, but mainly at Keigo. "I hope you are ready for what's about to happen." You both gave him confused looks as he reached for the remote and turned on the news.

Flipping through the channels, your eyes both went wide. Every single outlet was reporting on your realtionship with Keigo. Pictures taken from around corners and in cara of you both holding hands the night before.

You could only find one word to say as you both looked at eachother...


Word Count: 22170

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