Fight For You - Avengers POV

By xxxMiaTiffanyxxx

120K 2.9K 941

After you're found beaten and bruised on the road by Bucky, you form a beautiful friendship. He takes you to... More

Book 2


2.8K 86 10
By xxxMiaTiffanyxxx

A blast was heard from the other side of the room. It shattered the windows and shook the room, causing damage to the inside wall and door that Steve, Sam and Clint were behind.

They rushed in as Tony flew in from the blown out window and Natasha ran in from another door.

Steve walked over to Tony, tears and anger in his eyes, "you took your time."

"We got here as fast as we could!"

"Not fast enough!" Steve shouted as Natasha grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Steve!" She shouted and he stopped in his tracks, "now is not the time."

Steve turned and looked over to his best friend and girlfriend. His heart sank seeing them cuddled up, eyes closed, a pool of both their blood underneath them and running away. He ran over and knelt down beside the two of them, stroking Y/N cheek and moving a piece of hair out of her face.

Steve gently picked her up, holding her tight against his body, hoping it wasn't too late. He walked over to Tony and stopped.

Heartbeat detected. But it is weak, sir.

"Get her in the plane, now." Tony swallowed hard and walked over to Bucky, not looking at Steve at all.

Steve walked to the blasted out window to see the plane hovering in sight. Clint made his way over to help Steve get Y/N in the plane. Tony and Sam brought Bucky over and lay him in the plane too before everyone else bundled in.

Tony went back to the room and attached his own explosive to the main computer. He flew out along with the plane and watched the warehouse go up in flames.

"I wonder where all the others are now." Natasha sighed, watching the warehouse burn down.

"They could be anywhere." Sam sighed, looking down at Y/N and Bucky passed out on the floor. Steve had managed to block the stab wound, hopefully controlling the bleeding until they were back home.


You fluttered your eyes and looked around the room. It looked like a hospital, but different. It had all the beeping and wires of a hospital, but it smelt of.... toast.

You turned your head to the right and there, sleeping in a chair, was Steve. You smiled and reached out for his arm resting on the bed you were lying on.

Steve jolted awake and looked right up to you, "Y/N?"

"Hey." You smiled at the sight of his face. A sight to didn't think you'd see again.

"Never do that again" he leaned in and crashed his lips onto yours.

"Promise" you mumbled against the kiss.

You heard a whack and Steve pulled away. "Get off her! She needs rest." Pepper said, hitting Steve with her newspaper again. "How are you feeling? Bruce said you should eat as soon as you're awake. Build some energy back up."

She pointed to the table over your bed; toast. "Thank you. How long was I out?"

"Eight days." Steve sighed, sitting back on the chair and looking down at the floor. "Eight long days."

"You should eat too." Pepper gave him this look that reminded you of when your mum would tell you and your brother off.... your mum. Dylan.

You felt tears start to build up behind your eyes as you thought, not hard, just thought. You had your memories back.

Your mother. Oh was she pretty. Definitely out of your dads league. She never shouted, she never raised her voice. It was just The Look. Whenever you and Dylan misbehaved - usually his fault - she wouldn't say a thing, just the look. And you would see it a lot thanks to Dylan always getting into fights.

"Y/N? Y/N!?" Steve's voice snapped you back into the room. He was holding on to your shoulders and looking right into your eyes, "what happened? You OK?" He looked so worried.

That's when you noticed your eyes hurt and your cheeks wet. You wiped your face completely of tears and smiled up to Steve. "Yeah. I'm OK."

"You don't look OK. What were you thinking about?"

"My family."

Steve slid back into the chair and took hold of your hand. Pepper sat on the other side of the bed and smiled, "I'm glad you have your memories back."

"Yeah..." you smiled, knowing who you are for once in....what felt forever. But your smile dropped, "where's Bucky?" You tried to get out of bed but Steve and Pepper pushed you back down, "I need to see Bucky."

"He's resting, and so should you." Pepper said, putting the blanket back over you. "You both lost a lot of blood. Just rest, and eat."

You lay back, defeated; just that small sit up made you feel weak. "Is he OK at least?"

"He's fine." Steve smiled and took hold of your hand again. "So don't worry about him."

"But I want to see him." You begged Steve. You wanted to see him and talk about those last moments. You needed to.

"And you will, I'll make sure of it." Steve smiled, stroking your knuckle with his thumb.


You lay in bed later that night, TV mumbling away in the background, looking out the window into the night sky.

You were worried about Bucky. He hadn't come see you yet, and you weren't allowed to go see him. Was he OK? Was he badly injured and they just won't tell you?

As you got lost in your thoughts, there was a soft knock at your door and it clicked open. You turned to see Bucky sneak in, carefully closing the door silently behind him. He put his finger up to his lip to make sure you kept quiet.

You smiled as he hobbled over to you, holding his hip where he has been shot. "Space on that bed for another?"

You carefully scooted over to make some more room for Bucky to lie next to you. He climbed on carefully, trying not to hurt himself or you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer, resting your head on his chest.

"How're you feeling?" You asked.

Bucky gently stroked your hair with his metal hand, "I'm OK. A little bit sore, but OK." He swallowed hard before speaking again, "I'm sorry."

"Don't -" you sighed.

Bucky interrupted you, "I mean it, I'm sorry."

"It wasn't you." You reached over and linked your fingers with his flesh hand, wanting to feel  the warmth of him.

After a few moments you broke the silence, "So, are we going to talk about the L word drop?" You asked Bucky.

Bucky moved slightly to look down into your eyes, "I love you, Y/N. I really do. There is no other word that comes close to it. And like I said, if you feel it then say it."

You looked up, moving your head back a little on to your pillow, and smiled up to Buckys smiling face, "You're my best friend. You were always there for me, so I promise I'll always be here for you."

You cuddled back into him and he wrapped his arms completely around you. "I love you too, James."

"No." He shook his head, "No, that's the last time you call me James. It's weird."

"Would you rather Buck-A-Roo?" You teased, biting your lip to hold back your laughter.

"Oh God, James is fine."

"No no no. I think we need to give Buck-A-Roo a chance." You smirked, teasing him further.

"I hate you." He laughed, squeezing you into the hug.

You cuddled into him and smiled to yourself. A lot had happened in the past few weeks, but being there with Bucky made everything worth it.

"Hate you too." You mumbled against his chest, slowly falling to sleep in the comfort of your best friend.

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