Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

By Wolfinator12

142K 3.3K 2.4K

Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... More

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 30

1.6K 55 25
By Wolfinator12

For the umpteenth Y/n fiddled with the collar of his newly aquired clothings. They were much too fancy for his liking. For the Hero-in-training born into a family of workers clothing like the ones he was currently wearing were stupid. They were neither comfortable, nor did they protect him, nor did they help him do his work. All in all it was mindboggeling why these types of clothing were even been made in the first place.

Aurorius: "Once again you are much like my son." He heard the king say from besides him.

Y/n: "Clothes should aid you in your life, they should be comfortable, keep you warm or protect you. I would rather wear chainmail then this." Y/n grumbled angrily.

Aurorius: "That is to be expected from a Hero." The man laughed. "The preperations have been made. Not a single worker in my castle is allowed to be on their own, nor are they allowed to remove their pin." It was a plan Y/n had come up with, with the help of Limetta. First of everyone has to be with someone else at all times. That way the imposter will have a hardtime fitting in with the rest. Next they all were handed an axe shaped pin, which they were told to attach to their tops on the right side. It will help identify the imposter seeing that he seemingly can only turn itself into a mirrored version of someone. Lastly everyone was given a secret phrase. Something they will have to say to their partner every half an hour. "Will there be a full moon today?" That was the start and the other one will have to answer.

Y/n: "As full as it can be." The king smiled. "Please make sure to stay with me at all times sire."

Aurorius: "Of course. Now let us go, the guest should have gathered already." Y/n nodded and put the dagger he had choosen for the job into the sheath hidden under his top clothing. He and the king soon entered the big ball room that had already filled up with nobles from all around Remnant. It was loud, the air was filled with music and chatter. The workers were doing their best navigating the masses while making sure not to bump into someone or something.

Woman: "Aurorius my dear." Y/n heard and turned to look at the approaching woman, who he knew as Platina, the wife of King Aurorius.

Aurorius: "Ah honey." The king said happy to see his wife, giving her a kiss. Y/n bowed his head respectfully.

Y/n: "My Queen." He said to greet her.

Platina: "Greetings mister Schwarz, I have to thank you for taking care of my husband once again."

Y/n: "There is no need your grace. It is my job as a Hero to help and protect the people of Remnant." The woman smiled at Y/n. The celebration soon was going full throttel and Y/n met a lot of the guests as they went to greet the king. The soon to be wedded pair were showered in congratulations and presents as they were the center of all attention. "Should I have prepared a present too?" Y/n asked Aurorius jokingly. The man chuckled and shook his head.

Aurorius: "You keeping them save is worthy enough to be your gift for them. Although if you wish we can go and you can congratulate them." Y/n nodded and the two went towards the pair. "Carmina, Chrysos. Allow me to introduce you to Y/n Schwarz. He is a S-Rank Hero-in-training that is currently guarding me." The pair looked at Y/n and both took a step back from being intemidated by Y/n sheer height. Bowing courtously Y/n greeted the two.

Y/n: "May Freya keep your love ever growing and may the Norns carve your futures entwined." Y/n stated confusing the two. "Oh I am sorry, in my religion it is tradition to pray towards the goddess of love and fertility Freya for the marrying couples ever growing love for each other and wishing that the goddesses of Fate, the Norns, who carve the past, present and future for all people into the roots of Yggdrasil, to do so for the couple in a way that their fates stay entwined." Y/n explained.

Carmina: "If that is so, than thank you mister Schwarz."

Chrysos: "If you do not mind me asking but what made you choose to become a hero with your lack of class?" Carmina gasped at the bluntness of her fiance.

Carmina: "Mister Schwarz, please forgive Chrysos' rudeness, he did not mean to offend you." The woman said paniced. Y/n raised his hands and chuckled.

Y/n: "I do not see any harm in asking. To answer your question sir Chrysos, I always looked up to Heroes and wished to become one, it was a hard road to travel and it will not get any easier, but the smiles from the people I helped, the knowledge that I am doing something good while honoring my ancestors and my religion is very elevating." The door suddenly burst open as a soldier came rushing in.

Aurorius: "What is the meaning of this?" The king asked angrily.

Soldier: "The eastern wall has been destroyed by an explosion of unknown origin. Grimm are invading the city!" The music stopped and everyone paled.

Y/n: "Everyone stay calm! Soldier has Beacon reacted already?"

Soldier: "They are sending out Heroes as we speak."

Aurorius: "Return to your post." The king turned towards the crowd. "The celebrations are cancelled please stay here and stay calm. Guards keep watch! Minister of Defence, keep me informed. Y/n follow me." Y/n nodded and he and the king rushed to ascend the highest tower of the castle. Reaching the top they looked out over Vale.

The city has become a sea of flames, lighting the night sky. Even from so far away the masses of Grimm were clearly visible as black rivers flowing where streets were located. Screams echoed far enough to reach Y/ns ears.

Something else too reached his ears. The sound of the door they just came through getting closed and locked. Quickly Y/n swirrled around and managed to catch the thing blade that was aimed for Aurorius' back. The blade was being held by noneother then Chrysos, but it was clear that it was an imposter. In the short time Y/n was able to see the man there was a detail that stood out like a sore thumb. The man had an almost rectangle shaped birthmark below the right corner of his mouth.

The man in front of Y/n right now had the same birthmark but on the other side of the face.

Kicking the man Y/n noticed that the resistance to his attack was too little for the size of the man. It did not feel right. Something was off. However Y/n had not time thinking about it as he summoned Heidrun and Sährimnir in their shield form joined by Jormungandr as his weapon and Fenrir as his armor. He was ready.

Even while being prepared he was still fighting a unknown threat. All he knew was that he had to keep his guard up and his eyes on his enemy. His opponent was able to hide their presence, killing intent and even scent seeing that Fenrir was not able to notice them following them.

His opponent was swift on their feet and very well trained with their deadly fast weapon. Nearly all of Y/ns strength was rendered useless against his foe. They were faster, more precise and more importantly they did not have to protect someone else. Few of their stabs made it through Y/ns defense but even those were beginning to sap away at him. How much he wished to land a decent hit, to gain a bit of distance and to be able to get past his opponent and through the door. The king's safety was the most important right now.

Odin and Tyr must have heard his prayer as the appearance of a Nevermore, a giant bird like Grimm, caused a moment of hesitation in his opponent. A moment Y/n gladly used to grapple his enemy and of course doing something rather stupid. He jumped off of the tower with the imposter in his arms. Y/n did not fear getting hurt, but his enemy clearly did as they suddenly lost control over their illusion and now were revealed to be a girl with pink and brown hair and heterochromatic eyes, which were filled with fear.

Y/n: "Nice of you to drop your disguise. Let me show my gratitude." Turning his body Y/n made sure to aim it so that they would fall into the moat that surrounded the castle. The splash took the wind out of Y/ns lungs. 'Jorm, grab her.' Y/n ordered and felt his axe vanish. A few seconds later he resurfaced and not a second later so did Jorm, completely having ensnarled the girl. Getting a closer look Y/n was confused at not being able to see her class being shown over her head. "I have no idea who you are or why you were aiming for the kings life, but your days are numbered." Y/n said angrily. He told Jorm to take the girl with them to the nearest guard. "Guard. I found the murderer of the prince, who just attempted to kill the king. Make sure to keep a close eye on her, she has proven to be able to turn invisible."

Guard: "Yes sir!" The man saluted. "I will get the captain and the court mage right away."

Y/n: "I will leave my summon here with her until you return. I must return and free the king." That being said Y/n rushed towards the tower where the king has been trapped ontop of. Not really caring Y/n burst through the door freeing the king. "I have captured your sons murderer."

Aurorius: "Your Quest ends here then. Now please save my people!" Y/n felt his heart clench at the sincerity in the kings request. Looking down upon Vale Y/n felt the anger boil in his veins. It reminded him of Hull as he saw the chaos and destruction down below. His body acted on his own as he called upon the Gjallarhorn. Before the king could ask Y/n blew into the horn and its sound was deafening.

All around Vale everyone and everything stoped and turned to look towards the origin of the sound. Humans, Faunus and Grimm alike looked towards the tower Y/n stood upon and watched in awe as a giant cloud of black smoke began to form in the sky above. The distant sound of war cries was heard accompanied by a strange song. Cloud stopped growing one, giant, ornate gate made out of black and blue shadows formed and slowly decended down onto the ground.

Y/n: "COME FORTH MY DRENGR! FIGHT MY EINHERJER!" Y/n shouted and the gate burst open and a hoard of shadow warrior came rushing out. "LET NO GRIMM ALIVE! SHOW THEM YOUR RESOLVE! PAINT THE STREETS WITH THEIR BLOOD!" He did not know why, but everything he said just flew out of his mouth without any thought behind the words. Instintictive Y/n knew he had just summoned 50 warriors and he felt his mind clear as the previously hidden name of his newest summon was revealed.

Einherjer lvl. 50

The heroes that had arrived previously found new strength to fight and so they continued. Y/n turned towards the king who stood there watching slack jawed.

Y/n: "I need my axe." Y/n said to get the king out of his frozen state. The man nodded and together they went to Y/n quarters where his equipment waited.

Aurorius: "YOU!" The man said pointing at the first maid they met. "Help mis- Sir Schwarz don his armor!" He ordered and the maid dropped the sheets she was carrying right away. "Soldier!" Again the first person that the king saw was about to be given an order. "Ready my personal steed for Sir Schwarz!" The soldier saluted and rushed of. Y/n nearly ripped off the clothing he was wearing as he rushed to get his armor on. "I will await your return Sir Schwarz." Aurorius said as he left.

That is it for this chapter, I hope you liked it. Let me know in the comments down below.

Stay healthy and have a nice week.

Wolfy out.

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