Anime Oneshots

By Cottoncandy_Cult

39.8K 680 93

requests are open, I don't do lemons. Basically any anime is free game, if I haven't seen it I'll just resear... More

Zack Foster X LilSis! Reader
Zack Foster X Daughter! Reader
Zack Foster X LilSis! Reader
Fan!Levi X Celeb!Reader
Jiro X Reader
Hiruma Yoichi X Reader
Zelman x reader
Inuyasha X Priestess! Reader
Sebastian X Child!Neko! Reader
Soma X Reader
Grimmjow x reader
Miia X Fem! Reader
Subaru X Drunk! Reader
Rikio Kamamoto X Reader
Yuma X Daughter! Reader
Meliodas X Neko! Reader
Gajeel x Reader
A/n possible trigger warning
Teen! Laxus X LilSis! Reader
On The Way
Vincent Valentine X Reader
Reno X Jealous! Reader
Koga x Pack Mem.! Reader
Mikoto Suoh X Daughter! Reader
Sesshomaru X Reader
Chibi! Misaki Yata X Reader
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Ban x reader
Dante X Half Demon! Reader
Kakashi X Chubby! Reader
Juubei Jimushi X Reader
Ban X Chubby! Reader
Meliodas X Chubby! Reader
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Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader
Saiki Kusuo X Wife! Reader
Obito X Reader

Kenpachi X Chubby! Reader

1.3K 26 3
By Cottoncandy_Cult

Name: Kenpachi Zaraki

Anime: Bleach

Kenny has always been one of my all time favorite characters, like I know most don't care for him or they don't favor him as far as appearance. But I don't care, he's cool.~


(Y/n) sighed softly as she sat at a booth in the local bar, the Whispering Lilly, she was waiting for her Captain and friends. The young woman was the only adult female of squad 11, she fought with the boys and kicked a*s to get to where she was now. Of course this meant her body type was a bit different, she was curvier and had more muscle than most girls that was for sure but this also meant a bit of a wider mid section. She didn't think she looked bad, men still make the mistake of flirting with her and it wasn't like she was morbidly obese. Rangiku and the wemon of the Shinigami Wemon's Association always told her she looked good. But recently she found that wherever she went there'd be people talking about her appearance, it made her wonder if it really was only just happening or if it had been going on all along. Some comments weren't bad but others could be cruel, the ones from the other wemon hurt the most.

It had been going on all week, and now here she sat alone in a booth and wondering just how many people around her had noticed her or said something about her. The longer she sat alone the more she felt judged, even though she kept reminding herself that she was overacting. She kept over thinking every move she made, even her breathing. That was when she downed the drink in hand, the burn of the sake dragging her back to earth. She was 4 in when Kenpachi showed up with his 3rd and 5th seat, Ikkaku cocking an eyebrow. "Everything ok there? You look like you want to throw a table." That made Kenpachi laugh, his golden eye locking on the bald man. "Now don't say that, you might just tempt me into throwing a table."

That made (Y/n) laugh a bit, the alcohol making it easier to lighten her mood. "Sorry I'm fine, it took you guys so long I got lost in thought." She watched as everyone sat down, her Captain by her while Yumichika and Ikkaku sat across from him. Kenpachi always sat beside her, it made her feel tiny but safe. She knew her Captain wouldn't turn his blade on her, she also knew if someone got unruly he'd shut them up for getting on his nerves. "I'm glad I'm not the only one in this squad that has enough thoughts to get lost in." Yumichika chimed up, filling up everyone's glass. (Y/n) unconciously throwing it back, not even cringing. "That's happenin a lot to you lately (L/n), what's goin on in that head of yours." Kenpachi had noticed her staring off sometimes, even in training or while sparring. It was like she'd go into autopilot, she looked so hyper focused yet unfocused at the same time. (Y/n) knew she had been slipping up lately, though she didn't realize it was happening that often.

"It's nothing, I just feel like I'm in a bit of a rut... I don't even know what I'm doing in life anymore let alone why I'm doing it." She gave a sigh, throwing back another drink. She wasn't lying, the last month had been so repetitive, each day the same as the last. On top of it she has no inspiration, she loved to write even though no one reads it but her writer's block was killing her. "That's understandable, everyone's been hit with a wave of busy work and the hollow attacks have slowed. It's so boring it'll rot your head." The Captain swallowed down his drink, leaning back in his seat as Ikkaku nodded and tossed one back. "You need to talk more then, the more you sit and think the worse you'll feel. Go pull a prank or something." The bald ones advice wasn't bad, she had considered doing so but she didn't know who to mess with that wouldn't get her in trouble. She was one of the only ones who at least tried to be polite or decent. "Why don't we go shopping tomorrow (Y/n)? We haven't gone in so long, the captain and Ikkaku can come as well. We need people to carry the bags."

That made Ikkaku snort, Kenpachi swallowed down a big drink from the sake bottle and shrugged. "I ain't got nothin better to do, what time are we all meeting up?" That made Ikkaku stop laughing, he already knew he didn't have an option. (Y/n) filled up her sake glass before swallowing it down, shrugging slightly. "How about 11? We can get lunch and take a break before getting into our actual shopping." A lot of the (H/c) head's favorite shops didn't open up til a little after midday, so she knew she wouldn't do a lot of shopping until then. Everyone seemed to nod in agreement, from there they drank and discussed where they'd eat. Until they wandered off in various directions to try and find the barracks, ironically only Kenpachi made it back within an hour.

      ~~~Time Skip 11:30 ~~~

(Y/n) gave a soft yawn as she made her way to the squad 11 common area, she hadn't stumbled her way back to the barracks until early that morning. Having napped in one of captain Kyoraku's cherry blossom trees for a bit. She wore her standard uniform, her hair was brushed but she didn't bother dressing up. She spotted Ikkaku eating and Yumichika was checking himself in a pocket mirror, she assumed their captain was doing his hair or something.

"Hey..." The young woman yawned and sat on Ikkaku's opposite side, stealing one of his rice balls as per her daily ritual. Ikkaku didn't care anymore, he just started to get extra at this point. "Now come on (Y/n) why not dress up? We're going to that shop you enjoy that makes those dresses from the living world you like." The (H/c) haired girl simply yawned, looking at him with a groan. "It's to early for all that work, but tell you what after we shop I'll let you dress me up." Being the only girl she'd let Yumichika use her as his little doll, though at this point she just wanted an excuse to put it off for later.

"That's a wonderful idea! We'll have some drinks and we can gossip a bit! I can't wait to tell you what I saw Shuhei looking at~" He laughed giddily, though (Y/n) was distracted by the sight of her Captain. For once his hair was down, not a single bell in sight. For once the young woman found her breathing stopped and heart racing, she had never blushed before and it was a struggle to keep her cheeks from turning red. "Hey Captain, running a little late aren't ya?" Ikkaku looked to the large male, both men noting that their boss wasn't sporting his usual hair style. "Yachiru left to do something with that Matsumoto woman, so I woke up late and I need her to put the bells on for me." The large man huffed, running his fingers through his long hair.

"Well now that we're all here we should get going, there's a cute little shop that sells jewelry I think you'll like." Yumichika grabbed the hand of a flustered (Y/n) and began dragging her off, leaving the two men behind them to catch up. "I got some questions for you when we get back.~" The black haired man winked at the girl, making her face catch fire as she cursed how observant he was.

Though she quickly calmed down as the other two caught up, Kenpachi on her left and Ikkaku to Yumichika's right. "Thanks for doing this Captain, I know you probably don't care much for this stuff." She spoke up and looked to the large male, she couldn't tell if he was looking at her because of his eye patch but she knew he heard her by his grunt. "Ain't like I'm doing much anyways, besides if I said know I'd have to listen to Yumichika's whining." Yumichika gave an offended gasp which made (Y/n) laugh, she missed the slight darkening on the Captain's cheeks that formed at the sound of the young woman's laughter.

          ~~~Time Skip~~~

                     5:30 p.m.

          (Yeah I know right)

(Y/n) gave a yawn as she sat on the ground in a small meeting room in the squad 11 compound, the young woman wore a (F/c) dress. It tied behind the neck with a heart shaped collar as it clung to her upper body, the skirt was looser and came to mid thigh. This was something Yumichika picked out for her, it made her a bit self conscious given how plump her thighs were though Yumichika thought it looked great on her. He had gotten dressed up, having bought a top that he said he saw in the world of the living called a 'button up'  as well as some pants.

Currently the two sat across from eachother, they had a drink or two already and she listened quietly as Yumichika talked about how he caught Shuhei looking at Rangiku's chest when delivering paperwork. "So let's talk about you, I saw how you had been eyeing the Captain this morning.~" The young man grinned as he poured her another drink, chuckling as he watched the woman try and block her face with the sake glass while she downed the drink to buy herself time to come up with an answer.

"He just... Looks good with his hair down is all..." Her cheeks only darkened as she listened to Yumichika hum, watching as he pointed his finger at her and down his drink. "Ah but it's more than that, you've always had a look in your eyes when you see the Captain." The woman fell silent as she swirled her refilled drink, watching the clear liquid a moment. "I've never put much thought into it... I do find the man attractive, his personality is enticing and he's so strong he leaves me in awe... But I've always told myself he was out of my reach..." She spoke steadily despite the hazy feeling in her head and swallowed her drink down, the young woman missed the look of confusion on her friend's face. The male had never seen her like this, she was always cheerful or feisty but the look on her face was one he could only describe as disappointment.

"What do you mean by 'Out of reach?', of all wemon you're closest to having his attention." His words surprised her, the young (H/c) head looked at him in confusion as he downed his drink and refilled both of their glasses. Though before she could answer him the door slammed open, their Captain came in with a huff. "I was looking for you two." (Y/n) looked back only to blush at the sight, Kenpachi was only in his hakama and his hair still down only it was somewhat damp so she assumed he took a bath while she and Yumichika were trying on clothes. "Is something wrong Captain?" Yumichika quirked an eyebrow and tried not to laugh at the way the girl seemed to quietly die, Kenpachi sat down with the two and looked up at them. "Ikkaku is off doing something and Yachiru fell asleep right after getting back, so it's been pretty boring."

(Y/n) had stood and went to grab another sake glass from the cabinet, unaware of the golden orb that was locked on her form. "So that's one of those world of the living outfits you got? It looks good on you. These uniforms really don't do anyone justice." He watched the blushing girl return and set down a large sake glass, grinning a bit at the generous pour she had when filling it. "Thank you Captain, I was a bit worried it didn't fit my body type..." She sat and refilled her glass before passing the bottle to Yumichika, she watched Kenpachi down his drink before she did the same with her own. "The hell you talking about girlie? Since when did you ever care about body type?"

Yumichika had simply sat back to watch, only moving to refill their cups when needed. (Y/n) only shrugged, swirling her drink a little. "I mean I am still a woman Captain, I do put some stock in my appearance..." She downed her drink, listening to the large man scoff after he had done the same. "Listen up sweetheart cause I'm only saying it once, you look damn fine and any man who says otherwise is really just a boy. Physical appearance isn't everything, from what I've seen you're also good at kicking A*s and you ain't f*****g dumb." They had finished the first bottle and were starting the second, the more the two had to drink the more open they got. Yumichika wasn't even drinking that much anymore, to busy watching what he hoped was his ship setting sail.

(Y/n) could only blush deeply at her Captain's words, downing another drink. "Thank you Captain, aside from Yumichika I really don't hear that stuff often lately... So I guess I started to doubt myself." Kenpachi chuckled at that, leaning forward so they were face to face. "Well then, maybe I'll have to remind you every chance I get.~" He had practically cooed his sentence, and it was in that moment (Y/n) broke. She lunged at the male and knocked him on his a*s, straddling him and gripping his haori as she laid claim to his lips. Yumichika was left utterly astonished, his Captain feeling the same way at first though Kenpachi quickly recovered and soon enough their kiss became like a heated battle. Yumichika was quick to flee before things got to heated, making his way to the bar where he knew several members of the Shinigami Wemon's Association were having drinks so that he could fill them in on the new development.

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