A Second Chance [Atsumu x Rea...

By Gremlin_Lord

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"I think we should break up" It's been 3 years since Y/n heard those words. Even though it hasn't been that l... More

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AU Side Story
AU Side Story 2
AU Side Story 3
AU Side Story 4
The Letter
Lost Boy
Happy Valentines Day!

AU Side Story 5

772 21 13
By Gremlin_Lord

A/N : If you'd like to have a more sad atmosphere to it you can listen to When She Loved Me covered by Lyn Lapid :D Enjoy!

Koji didn't remember a lot about his mom since he's only known her for two years. Although he doesn't have a lot of memories of her, he loved her very dearly nonetheless. His grandma would always tell him stories about her and show him pictures of her. He doesn't like to say it since it makes his grandma sad, but he missed her.

Her smile, her hugs, her voice...

When she fell that day, he was beyond scared. He wanted to see her to make sure that she was okay the next day after, but his grandma didn't let him. When he was able to see her, he saw her hooked up to some machines which made him worry more that he bawled the whole time. He had fallen asleep in her arms from tiring himself out after crying so much.

He brought her flowers when he went to go visit her.

"You brought me more flowers?" she gave him a soft smile as he grinned at her, holding the bouquet of f/f (favorite flowers) in his hands. 

"So mommy gets better!" he beamed. He walked over to her and tried to get on the bed, only for his grandma to help him up on the bed. Sitting on the side of the bed, he handed her flowers, making her chuckle.

Taking the flowers from him, she smelled them before giving him a bigger smile.

"Thank you Koji. Mommy's feeling better already" she gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him giggle.

"Mommy's coming back home soon right?" he questioned.

"Yeah, mommy will come back home soon. Promise" she smiled and held out her pinky as he linked his pinky with hers.

"You promise!" he said before hugging his mom. This made her chuckle and hug him back tightly.

And every time he saw her, he saw that she wasn't getting any better.

"Grandma" Koji spoke up, looking at the bouquet of flowers he was holding before looking at his grandma.

"What is it dear?" she looked at him with a soft smile.

"Why aren't the flowers helping mommy get better?" he questioned.

He watched as his grandmother's expression turned into a sad one until it quickly changed into a smile.

"They are helping though, they just haven't taken into effect yet" she reassured.

The boy looked at her before glancing at the flowers as he clenched it a bit in his hands. He soon looked up at her and smiled.


And then one day, he couldn't visit her anymore. Although he tried to beg his grandma to let him visit his mom, she only shook her head with a sad smile. The days slowly went by and he waited for his mom to come back home, but she never did. 

It wasn't until his grandma made him wear some fancy clothes. Putting him in the car, she drove him somewhere. Before they made it to their destination, they bought flowers. Seeing how his grandma bought flowers, it was a sign that they were going to go see his mom. This made him excited as he patiently waited to get to the hospital to see his mom.

Once they parked the car, he tried to unbuckle himself from her car seat but wasn't able to. His grandma opened the side door and unbuckled it for him. He thanked her and quickly went out, only to see that they weren't at the hospital.

Gently, he tugged at his grandma's pant leg and looked up at her.

"We're not at the hospital" he stated. She gave him a sad smile and picked him up.

"I know" she said sadly.

"But aren't we going to see mommy?" he questioned.

He watched as her eyes welled up. She gave him a soft kiss on the head and a sad smile.

"We are" she simply responded.

They went inside the building and walked through some open door hallways until they made it outside. Koji looked at the many stones that were placed on the ground. They walked down a path until they made it to a stone with his two uncles there, who were also wearing black. 

Grinning, he had his grandma set him down as he quickly ran over to them.

"Uncle Samu! Uncle Shin!" he exclaimed. He watched as the two quickly wiped away their eyes before giving him a smile.

"Hey, Koji" Osamu crouched as Koji ran into his arms.

"Are you here to see mommy too?" he questioned with a smile.

"Yeah" Osamu's voice cracked as he sniffled, making the boy worry.

"What's wrong?" he questioned. Osamu tried to give a boy a reassuring smile as his eyes glistened in the light.

"It's nothing, don't worry" he reassured.

The boy slowly nodded and went over to Shinsuke to give him a hug as well. He noticed that he was trying not to cry as well, making him worry more. When he went back to his grandma, she was crying herself.

"Grandma, what's wrong?" he questioned. He looked around, making sure he doesn't miss his mom either. "And where's mom?" he questioned.

He watched as she blew her nose into a tissue and wiped away her tears. She rested her hands on the boy's shoulders, looking into his eyes.

"Koji, mommy had to go somewhere" she said.

"She's coming back though, right?" he questioned again.

"No, she's not" she said softly.

"But...But she promised" his eyes welled up as his grandma hugged him.

"I know she did. But she's happy where she is" she reassured. "And although Koji can't see her, mommy can see him." 

He couldn't help but cry that day, knowing his mom wasn't going to come back home even though she promised. 

After that day, Koji didn't talk much at all. He wasn't the bright little kid who would always run up to you to give you a hug. He was always just in a daze. When you talk to him he would nod his head and only give short answers.

Osamu and Shinsuke did their best to help out. Gradually, he did start to become the happy little boy he used to be. Everything almost seemed to be back to normal, but the adults knew that there was something missing.

But then he came along.

A random man with blonde hair was standing at his front door. He looked a lot like his Uncle 'Samu, but they were different in their own way. He watched as his grandma had let the man in the house. Once she set him down, he went to go play with his toys while they went to the kitchen.

He picked up some of his toys and set them down on the floor. He was too busy to notice the man sit on the couch and watch him play. It wasn't until his voice interrupted what he was doing.

"Do you know how to play?" he asked. 

This caught Koji's attention. Play what? His toys?

Koji looked at him a bit confused, and curiously, as he noticed how he smiled at him.

"The ukulele over there, do you know how to play it?" he rephrased. 

This question made him smile. Maybe he knows how to play it too. 

Quickly getting up, he grabbed the small stringed instrument and went over to him. He noticed how he moved from the couch to the ground, but didn't mind. He sat down on the ground as well and tried to play a chord. Of course, it didn't sound like how he wanted it to sound since he didn't have a lot of strength in his fingers just yet since he was just a two year old. 

Of course, he wanted to try it too. When he gave the man the ukulele, he saw how he wasn't even pressing down on the right strings. 

So he doesn't know how to play.

"You're doing it wrong" he giggled. He started to put the man's large hands on the right strings. Obviously it was a bit hard since his hands were large and the neck of the instrument was small. After checking that his fingers were in the right place, he strummed the uke which let out a soft tune. 

"You're very good" he complimented the boy, making him smile.

He had warmed up to him very quickly. He had this comforting atmosphere to him, and he liked it. Grabbing his favorite toys, he went back to the blond to show them to him.

"This is Jerry! He's a bron..brona..." he furrowed his brows, trying to remember what sort of dinosaur Jerry was.

"I knew your mom" the man said.

He knew his mom?

"Really?" Koji questioned with a wide grin. There was another person who knew his mom besides his grandma, Uncle 'Samu, and Uncle Shin. "What was she like?" he questioned. He scooted closer to the male, excited to hear more stories about the person he loved so dearly. 

After that day, Koji warmed up to Atsumu even more. They would talk hours and hours about the female. He wanted to know more about his mom, the things he never knew about her. 

It wasn't too long until his grandmother brought them a photo album that his mom had made herself. Sitting next to Atsumu on the couch, the two started to look through the photos as he would tell Koji what the story was behind the photo. 

"Maybe dad's in here" he said, looking through the photos. 

"Did your mom ever talk about your dad?" Atsumu questioned the boy.

"Only a little bit." Koji responded, looking at the pictures. "She said he was annoying and wanted to punch his face." he added. "But mommy really missed dad." he frowned a bit, before it turned into a determine expression. "That's why when Koji sees dad he's gonna punch him for mommy!" he exclaimed, looking at Atsumu.

He chuckled and ruffled his hair, smiling at him. "You do that" he responded.

Slowly, sleep started to take over the small boy and leaned against the male. Yawning, he rubbed his eyes to try and rub away the sleep, but it was no use.

"Why did he leave mommy?" he questioned the male. It took him some time to answer, but at some point he did.

"I don't know" he said.

"Mommy was always sad.. When Koji asked about dad. That's why...Koji didn't ask mommy about dad.. A lot." he closed his eyes, as the feeling of sleep had won over the boy. He felt himself be moved by the male, and a few minutes later, something soft and warm covering his body. 

Opening his eyes a bit, he saw the male look at the photo album with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry Y/n..." he quietly said.

He's sorry?

Why would he be sorry?

Before Koji could even ask the question, he had fallen back asleep. After that day, Atsumu started to act a bit weird with Koji. He would start to bring up his dad every now and then, asking him if he'd want to see him.

Of course he'd want to see his dad. He wanted to ask why he left his mom, why he never came to see him at all, why he never came to say goodbye to mom. 

"Koji?" Atsumu called out.

"Yes?" the boy looked at the blond.

"I..." he had a distressed expression as he pressed his lips together. "I'm..."

"What is it?" Koji got closer to the male, curious about what he had to say.

"I'm your dad..." he said softly.


"No you're not" Koji said, brows furrowed. "You're lying!" he yelled. He looked at his grandmother as she went over to him.

"He's not lying Koji" she reassured. The two adults watched as the boy's eyes watered. 

"You're..You're lying! You're both lying!" he yelled as he started to cry more.

"Koji..." Atsumu went over to the boy as he only slapped away his hand.

"No! You..! You made mommy sad! You left mommy and...And you left Koji alone!" he started to cry more until he was embraced by Atsumu. 

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone" Atsumu said softly.

He only started to hit his chest, trying to push him away as he cried more.

"Go away! Koji doesn't like Tsumu anymore! Go away!" he continued to hit his chest, crying more and more as Atsumu held him tightly.

"I'm sorry..." he said softly, his voice slightly cracking.

Slowly, the boy stopped throwing a fit as he sniffled.

"You...You can't leave me" he said quietly.

Atsumu smiled at the boy's words. "I won't ever leave you" he reassured.

"You...You promise?" he looked at his dad as the blond smiled at him, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"I promise"

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