BNHA × Reader [Oneshots!]

By MKing28

683K 13.5K 10.7K

Welcome to BNHA oneshots or MHA oneshots....whatever you prefer. I hope you enjoy these short stories❤ More

Welcome!!/ Requests (CLOSED)
Shoto Todoroki × Reader: •Fireworks•
Dabi × Hero!Reader: Second Chances
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Late Nights
Izuku Midoryia × Quirkless!Reader: Betrayal
Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Impatient
Asylum!AU Dabi × Reader: Crazy
Denki Kaminari × Reader: Laser tag
Enji Todoroki × Reader: Begin Again
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: You're Too Innocent
Enji Todoroki × Reader: Begin Again II
Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Video Games
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: The Right Words
Toshinori Yagi × Reader: The Hero They Need
Shouta Aizawa × Reader: My Sunshine
Toshinori Yagi × Student!Reader: A Bit Cliché
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: Nap
Katsuki Bakugou × Astraphobic!Reader: Always There
Shoto Todoroki × Flirty!Reader: Problems
Tamaki Amajiki × Reader: What I Plan To Do
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Christmas Miracles
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Your Lies
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Your Lies (Keep 'Em Ending)
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Your Lies (Yeet 'Em Ending)
Tamaki Amajiki × Reader: Hold It In
Mezo Shoji × Reader: In My Arms
Drunk!Denki Kaminari × Drunk!Reader: And Then Her Dad Walks In
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up
It is okay...
Iida Tenya × Reader: First Time for Everything
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Music And A Kiss
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up II
Iida Tenya × Reader: Lesson On Love
Enji Todoroki × Reader: Begin Again III
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up III
Katsuki Bakugou × Depressed!Reader: Not Alone
Sero Hanta × Reader: Frenemies
Cheater!Shoto Todoroki × Reader × (Mystery Person): My Lady
Toshinori Yagi × Reader: The Hero They Need II
Izuku Midoryia × Reader: Midnight Fantasies
Eijiro Kirishima x Reader: Rose
Hizashi Yamada × Reader: Cocky
Shouta Aizawa × Reader: Flowers
Shouta Aizawa × Reader: Flowers II
Thank You Guys
Keigo Takami × Reader: Six Years
Izuku Midoryia × Reader: Because Of You
Dabi × Reader: Only Truth
Shoto Todoroki × Reader: Promise
Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Connection
Toshinori Yagi × Reader: All My Love
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: Possess Me
Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Weakness
Tamaki Amijiki × Reader: True Happiness
Mirio Togata × Reader: True Strength
Inasa Yoarashi × Reader: Flirtatious Misunderstanding
Overhaul × Reader: Touch
Overhaul × Reader: Touch II
Tomura Shigaraki × Reader: Love
Shoto Todoroki × Reader: Safe Haven
Tomura Shigaraki × Reader: Love II
Taishiro Toyomitsu × Reader: Now And Forever
Hitoshi Shinso × Reader: Possess Me II
Enji Todoroki × Reader: All This Time
Natsuo Todoroki × Reader: Dreams
Edgeshot × Pro-Hero! Reader: To Us
Denki Kaminari × Reader: Of Course
Toshinori Yagi × Reader × Enji Todoroki: Two Roads
[END] Enji Todoroki × Reader: Two Roads
[END] Toshinori Yagi × Reader: Two Roads
Here Is Whats Next!
Overhaul × Izuku Sister!Reader: Found
Natsuo Todoroki × Reader: Dreams II
Denki Kaminari × Reader: Stay With Me
Hizashi Yamada × Reader: Part-Time
Dabi × Reader: When It's Time
Keigo Takami × Todoroki Sister!Reader: Spark To A Flame
Iida Tenya × Reader: Anything For You
Touya Todoroki × Reader: Beauty In Ashes
Touya Todoroki × Reader: Beauty In Ashes II
Taishiro Toyomitsu × Chef!Reader: Delicious
Tomura Shigaraki x Reader: Revival
Katsuki Bakugou x Eijiro Kirishima x Reader: Three Is Good Company
The Thing About Smut

Tamaki Amijiki × Reader: Getting There

4.4K 87 30
By MKing28

Okay, one: I realize I do a lot of lemons for Tamaki, but no one else does so I will do Gods work for him.

Two: I KNOW BIRTH CONTROL DOESN'T PREVENT ALL PREGNANCIES. (My mom was on it when she had my sister and I) This is a fake story, a fake world, and people have fucking powers.

If you are so desperate to have an explanation for how she doesn't get pregnant, maybe your quirk is baby prevention. There, problem solved.




Tamaki sat with his class, watching the interview on TV as Mirio patted his back in comfort. You had been put on a 3 month internship to the US and the media could not get enough of  you.

You were one of the top four at UA and your kindness and ability to work well with your classmates was something many took notice of.

You had met Tamaki and Mirio in middle school and you had been dating Tamaki since you were a first year. It took you your whole time in middle school to build up that relationship with him because he was so down about himself.

But, over time, Tamaki grew to love you more than anything he could ever imagine. You were a shining light for him and you were always there when he needed support or some comfort.

"So, I'm sure the crowd here tonight is wondering if you have a lucky man in your life."

The talk-show host asked, your temper remaining composed. This is how it had been, every male interviewer always asked the same questions: Were you single? And if not, who were you dating?

It was hard, you so badly wanted to tell them about Tamaki and how much you loved him. But, the poor boy hated media attention and so you had agreed with him to not mention his name on record. You could handle the constant questions better than he could.

"I do." You said, the audience 'ooh'ing as you straightened your back. You knew Tamaki was watching, he always watched the interviews. He loved that you were getting the recognition you deserved...but he didn't like the male attention that came with it.

The media furiously began to speculate about your realtionships due to your silence on the matter. From heros in Japan to scandals in America, everything flew through the news at some point.

"And who is this lucky man?"

You looked to your lap, practically being able to see Tamakis smile as you pushed back your answer. "I prefer not to say." The audience sighed in dissapointment, the show host calming them down as you muttered to yourself.

"S-she looks so pr....pretty." Tamaki commented. He took note of the white pantsuit that had a sloping v-neck which stopped at the high waisted belt. Off the mid-front of your shoulders was a small white cape that didn't pass your elbows.

You looked like an angel as you sat there, keeping a smile on your face through it all. It had been two months since he had seen you and Tamaki was getting increasingly down about himself.

There were many more men now vying for your affection. What made him so special that you picked him over everyone else? He knew you would never cheat on him, but his anxiety would be the death of him.

"You have been on many interviews that have asked the same thing only to get the same answer. The media is dying to know who this mystery man is!"

"He prefers it if I don't say his name." Was all you said, hoping the conversation would end. But of course it didn't. "What kind of man wouldn't want to be named when he is with a girl like you! I'm sure all the fellas here would love to say they were with you!"

Tamaki felt his stomach twist, he felt like a coward as he listened to all the men cheer. "Don't listen to him Tamaki! They will do anything to try and pry an answer out of her." Nejire said as she saw your boyfriend sink further into the couch.

The other classmates tried to assure him. Sure he may not have been close with all of them, but they still cared about the boy, even if they only heard him speak once a month.

Suddenly, your voice interrupted the noise. "That isn't the case at all..."

Tamaki looked to the screen, the cameras focusing on you as the crowd went quiet. Your face was serious and you were tired if them pushing you and your relationship around just to get a rise out of you.

"...the fact of the matter is, is that he doesn't like attention from the media. As this interview and many others have proved, the media can be a bit pushy. He doesn't like to be bothered all the time which I chose to respect."

Stopping for a moment, no one seemed to have the gaul to interrupt you. You weren't yelling, but it was more like a stern, dissapointed motherly tone.

"The media has been speculating on my relationship ever since my first interview and by all means they can keep going. Without his permission I refuse to mention his name or anything for the sort. I love him too much to do that to him just because a few adults have nothing better to do than to pry into my buisness."

Tamaki felt his heart thud in his chest. Hearing you say that you loved him on live TV made his heart soar. No matter how many times you spoke those three words, he would always fall deeper in love.

Soon after, the interview ended as the host had trouble coming up with any other jokes or questions as the whole plan was to ask about your realtionship.

Once you returned to your hotel room, you threw off the stupid uncomfortable shoes and groaned. You missed your hero, if he were here it would have made everything so much better.

Taking a quick shower, you then quickly grabbed your phone and called Tamaki. You were eager to hear his voice, even though you had called him earlier that day.


He immediatley answered, a small laugh escaping you at his immediate reply. "Hey babe, how was your day?" You asked, hiding a yawn behind your hand as the boy was eager to talk to you. "O-okay I guess. I saw the interview..."

With a sigh, you sat on the edge of your bed, taking in the view out the window was you sat in your undergarments. "I'm so sorry about that Tamaki. Please don't let them get under your skin." Unbeknownst to you, the boy had a small smile on his face as he curled into a ball on his bed.

"I'm t-t....trying...."

It stayed silent for a moment. You could tell he wanted to continue, so you gave him a moment. "You looked beautiful."

The sentence came out without a hitch, your face heating up as you walked to the bathroom, forgetting you had left your comfy clothes in there.

"Thank you Tama...I miss you so much. I'm gonna give you a big kiss when I get back!" You cheered, the boy flushing as he burried his face into a pillow. "I-I would that!!-"

You laughed, despite how meek and quiet he seemed, if you got him at the right time, it was quite suprising at what he could do.

"Speaking of, I loved the picture Mirio sent me today."


Your eyes widened.

Ohhhhh, thats right. Mirio said not to tell him. Whoops

"Mirio sent me a picture of you at lunch. It was when I was texting were smiling."

Tamaki turned beet red.

"Here! I'll send you a picture of me to even it out!" You assured, putting him on speaker as he rambled to object. Throwing on your sleep shirt, you posed yourself in the mirror, trying to hold in a laugh as Tamaki kept on going.

Pausing for a moment, you inwardly smirked to yourself before hiking up the shirt just a bit to flash a part of your underwear.

Pleased with the picture, you sent it and returned the call to normal. "I sent it Tama." You said casual as ever. Tamaki waited for a moment and then felt his phone buzz.

Seeing the slightly revealing picture, he went silent. The boy couldn't help but stare at you, your eyes held a suggestive look and he knew what you did was intentional. Saving the picture, Tamaki returned to the call.


You felt pleased with yourself, his small call of your name letting you know the picture was very effective. "I just miss you Tama....I wanted to give you a little encouragement that I'm all yours."

Your genuine words struck his heart, tears beginning to well in his eyes before he cried uncontrollably. You began to panic, unsure of what caused the flip in reaction. Did you say something wrong?

"I miss you!" He cried, your heart shattering as he sobbed on the other line. "I j-just want you here! People keep asking me if we have broken up and it makes it even worse! All I w-want is to hold you!....-"

He continued to sob, you felt so helpless as you sat on the other end of the call. You heard him suck in a sudden breath as Mirios voice faintly came through the phone. It sounded as if he had heard Tamaki and came in to check on him.

Thank god.

You thought, hearing a muffled conversation as Mirio came closer to Tamaki after closing his door.

Tamaki handed the phone to Mirio for a moment as he tried to calm himself down. "Hey (Y/n)..." Mirio said in a somewhat dejected tone. "Hi Mirio. Is he okay?" Tamaki went into his bathroom for a moment, leaving you and Mirio to talk.

"Honestly? No. He held it together well up until last week. But then after a few interviews and the media adding to it he-...(Y/n)?" Mirio stopped and listened, healing shuffling on your end.

"Yeah?" You asked, your voice sounding distant before he heard more movement. "What are you doing?"

"Packing. I'm coming home."

You had it with this back and fourth! Tamaki needed you back home and you knew there was no point in trying to justify your stay any longer.

Mirios eyes widened. "(Y/n) you are on an internship!"

"An internship that has gotten me what? One month would have been fine, now it has turned into a rodeo of my personal buisness. Not only that, but it is effecting Tamaki! If the media wasn't making it worse, I would stay. But he is clearly upset over it all and I want to come home!"

Mirio stayed silent for a moment, letting you calm down. After a second his voice grew giddy, "Should we suprise him?" You stopped for a second, a smile growing on your face as you thought about the idea.

"Yeah. That would be fun! Obviously I don't want to scare him though..."

"We won't! We have that 1-A class thing tomorrow! I will tell Nejirie and distract the class so she can come help you!"

"Alright Mirio. It's a suprise!"


You exited the cab, finally happy to be back on campus as an eager Nejire met you at the door. "(Y/n)!!!!!!!!" She screamed, enveloping you in a hug which you quickly recioprocated.

It feels good to be home.

"Neji! I missed you so much. God I'm happy to be back."

Nejire smiled as she looked to you with a goofy grin. "Lover boy is going to be so excited to see you! A month early in coming back! Ugh, so romantic!!!!"

You put a finger to her lips, "Neji, keep is a secret." Rolling her eyes with a groan she helped you get your things. "Fine. Let's get you settled back into your dorm!"

After walking back and getting ready, you opted on taking a shower before anything happened. Tamaki and Mirio were with 1-A, so it made sense that you had some time to spare.

"I am gonna go check back in so Tamaki doesn't suspect anything!" Nejire cheered, knowing fully well that her plan was to tell Tamaki immediately. "Okay Neji, I'll be here for bit. Leave my door unlocked please!"

With a giddy salute, Nejire practically bounced out the door and headed to find the shy boy.

Nejire walked into the training room, seeing Mirio scare the crap out of the younger students as he came up from the ground. Scanning around, she smiled upon seeing the dark-haired male who had his face currently shoved into a wall.

"Tamaki!" She eagerly cheered, the secret she had been holding in about to burst as she ran up to him and shook his shoulder. "Tamakiiiii!" She whined, the boy peeling open his eyes as she shook him again softly.

"W-what....this is super embarassing."

"I have a suprise for you!" She said giddily, jumping in place as she clapped her hands. "I don't like suprises...they are scary." He shuddered, the female rolling her eyes as she looked at him.

"Go to the dorms!" She demanded, knowing that he wouldn't go any other way. "The dorms???" He whispered, giving her a curious look as she grinned and nodded. "The dorms! To (Y/n)'s room!"

Tamaki sunk into himself again, "Being around her things will only make me more sad....." Nejire whined and clasped her hands together. "Please, please, please, please, pllleeeeeaaassseeeeeeeee!!!!!!"

He took notice of the other students beginning to stare and quickly gave into her request and shuffled out of the room.

Kicking a small rock as he kept his head down, Tamaki trailed himself to the dorms. He avoided every class, making him take a bit longer than usual, but the last thing he wanted was to deal with more people.

Walking up to the second floor, Tamaki whimpered a bit to himself as he reached for the handle, expecting it to be locked. However, to his suprise, it turned and clicked open, the boy stepping in quietly as he looked around.

Tamaki closed the door behind him and kicked off his shoes and socks, your scent filling his nose as if you had never left. Sighing, he looked at a picture you had of both of you framed on the nightstand. He was a bumbling mess, yet you stood proudly beside him as you kissed his cheek.

Looking down, he noticed your phone chord. His eyebrow cocked up, you would have taken this with you...unless you had forgotten it? Looking around the room, he noticed a pile of clothes in the corner, Tamaki walking over and looking at it.

You had done your laundry before you left. Curious but worridly, he slightly shifted through the clothes. One of your bras revealed itself, the fabric Tamaki was very used to as you had worn it a few times when you both did....IT.

His face heated up before he snapped his head toward your bathroom, the water turning on as he stared at the door. Adding all the pieces together, Tamaki walked over and lightly knocked on the door.

"Neji? I told you I was taking a shower! Give me a minute to get in!" You laughed, Tamakis heart slamming in his chest aa your voice echoed from behind the door. Without much other thought, Tamaki opened the door.

"Nejire! I told you to wai-..!!!"

You were stunned as a fully clothed Tamaki stepped into the shower, your hands reflexively covering yourself as his uniform got soaked. "(Y-Y/n)!!" Tamaki murmured out, embracing you in a hug as you took a moment to process.

His fingers pressed into your sides as your arms wrapped around his clothed torso. Any bit of annoyance toward your female friend went away as he held you, the musk from his body filling your nose as you burried your head in his neck.

"Tama....I missed you." You whispered, placing a small kiss on his cheek as you pulled away to be met with worried eyes. "I-I love you....You mean the world to me and I....-I don't want-want you to leave me..."

Your face softened, his expression sinking with every second as his nerves and anxiety crushed him like a grape. You swiped his wet hair out of his face and placed an eager kiss on his lips.

His hands hovered over your hips as you pressed yourself into him more, his mind running blanks as he felt you begin to undo his tie. "I love you too Tamaki....I don't want you to listen to a word anyone says about us or about you. I love you for who you are."

You began to unbutton his shirt, the material most likely uncomfortable as it stuck to his skin. You stopped for a moment as you looked at his flustered appearance. Pulling away quickly, you covered your face in embarassment and remorse. "I'm so sorry! I didn't even ask if that was okay! I am just really happy to see you and you look so uncomfortable...-"

"You c-can keep going....if you want to."

His small voice could barley be heard over the water. With a tiny smile, you stepped toward him again and began to unbutton his shirt, tossing it over the top of the shower before turning your attention back to him.


"Hmm?" You looked up at him, his eyes adverting yours as his hands nervously grabbed your own, fiddling with your fingers as he sucked in a breath. "Can you k-kiss me ag-...again?"

Turning is face back to you gently, you placed a sweet kiss on his lips. Tamaki let his eyes flutter shut as your hands undid his belt and pants, the boy huffing through his nose as he grew more consious about his body.

Latley he had been getting better about it, but because of recent events, the confidence he once held had greatly dwindled. Your fingers ran under the band of his boxers, his face burning as his worry grew.

"If you don't want to Tama, I won't." Your movements stopped once again, his eyes trailing over you as you sent him a smile. Heart pounding, he gave you nod to continue, your hands slipping down the fabric before you picked up his pants and boxers and threw them over the edge of the tub.

"Hahmmngh--...." Tamaki grunted, feeling your naked body press against his own. You took him in a small hug, letting him move at his own pace. "Please don't leave again..." His head fell onto your shoulder as his hands roamed your back, feeling your soft skin as you hummed in content.

"I won't time we will go together."

His black hair was sliding down to block his face as he lowered his head. Your heart feeling at ease with him in your arms.

"I-I can't compare to them (Y/n)."

Scratching his back, his breath stuttered, eyes shutting as his worries flooded over and spilled out of his mouth. "They are so charming and g-good looking....I'm just weak and...-weak and...-!"

You placed a small kiss on his neck, the heat of his body increasing as he shivered in your hold. "Listen to yourself aren't giving yourself any credit." You placed another kiss on his neck, nibbling up the side slowly as his hands nervously massaged your hips.

"You are stronger than any of them. You have saved my life more than once and you are the only person I love Tamaki. You are the only person who has ever seen all of me and you are the omly person who ever will."

"(Y-Y/n)...kiss me more."

You stopped your kisses for a moment, taking in his request as you pressed yourself more up against him, feeling his half hardened member pulse. With a little smile, you kissed his cheek and attacked his lips.

You let your tounge slide into his mouth as his arms wrapped protectively around you, mind fuzzing as you gave your all to him.

With Tamaki it was very select when you two engaged in such activites, but you weren't complaining. After you both learned eachother, Tamaki became like an expert in pleasing you.

Needless to say you were never bored.

Your tongues rolled around each others before Tamaki pulled away and began to shove his face in your neck, returning the marks to you tenfold. His pointy ears twitched as he felt them heat up from his own brave actions.

"Tama~..." You whimpered, the shy boy huffing as his lankey fingers ran across your back and interlocked in your hair. "Y-You're so beautiful..." His feather light kisses ran down your neck and over your collarbone, your hands feeling his spine as he bent over more.

"I want you all to-to m...myself (Y/n)."

You blinked and realized that he was...jealous? "Ah!" You whined, his teeth nipping at the skin feverishly aa his mind went fuzzy. Every touch that you gave him was like electricity as he couldn't think of anyone or anything else in this moment.

Softly pushing him away, feeling the small brusies on your neck, you smiled at him. The water was still rushing over your back, hair damp as you slowly lowered yourself.

Tamaki backed himself into the wall of the shower while your hands glided down is lean yet semi-muscular frame. You stopped at his crotch, his face red as you eyed his length before looking back up to him for approval.

He ran a hand through his hair and nibbled on his lower lip, feeling you place soft kisses along his pelvis as you waited. "P-please...."

You stopped and looked up toward him. "What do you want me to do?" His mouth ran dry, he knew how much you loved hearing him tell you what to do. "Sssuck
....Mhmp!" He whimpered, feeling you place a small kiss on the side of his length.

"Suck my cock (Y/n)!"

Looking up toward his flushed face, you smiled before moving and placing your tounge on his tip. You swirled it around the top, licking up the small amount of precum as you ran the muscle over the dominant vein. His breathing staggered, hands gripping in your hair as his eyes squeezed shut and head fell forward.

Glancing toward him, his hair hung over his face, you could feel his fingers press against your scalp as you slowly took him all in your mouth.

For such a shy kept together boy, he was very well endowed, which plesantly suprised you the first time you saw him.

"Ngh!-" Hs grunted, feeling his length slide into your warm mouth and hit the back of your throat. You puffed much needed air through your nose, slowly siding back and taking him in again.

You kept going, increasing your pace as Tamaki whimpered and groaned his release beginning to build as you continued pumping him in your mouth. "S-so warm....~More."

His hands pressed on the back of your head, your eyes widening as he shoved every inch of himself inside you. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes from the lack of breath, yet you couldn't help but feel majorly turned on.

"(Y/n)...I'm s-so close!"

Tamaki created knots in your hair, his member throbbing in your mouth as his excitement grew. You took your nails and ran them down his legs his body shivering as he thrusted his hips forward and released himself into your mouth.


The bitter taste rolled down the back of your throat as he let you go, your body gasping for air before you licked him clean. His legs shook as he watched you stand a smile on your face as you placed a small kiss to his cheek.

"I'm all yours Tama..."

Then there was a knock on the door, both of your heads snapped toward the sound as the rushing water still covered up most noise. "(Y/n)! Where is Tamaki!?" Nejire shouted from behind the door.

You slightly turned so she could at least hear you as Tamaki kept quiet. "He stopped by then went to grab me lunch. Probably took the back way to avoid people."

"Uughh! Did he at least say hi to you? Was it romantic???"

"Yes, he said hi-I...!"

Your words spiked up as Tamaki stood behind you and began to kiss along your shoulder. One of his hands quickly finding solace on your breast as the other slid down to your heated core.

"So warm..." He groaned in a whisper as he felt your juices slide over his fingers, your erect nipple being rolled inbetween his fingers as he licked and bit over your skin.

"You okay (Y/n)??" Nejire asked.

"Yeah! Just uhm, cut myself with the razor!" You lied as Tamaki ran his fingers across your slit. "(Y/n)..." His voice was low and soft. He didn't want to alert Nejire, but at the same time he couldn't resist you. After all, it was repaying what you had just done for him.

"Are you alright? It must have been pretty painful."

You bit your lip, laying your head back on Tamakis shoulder as you closed your eyes. "Yeah, it really hurt..."

Tamaki let his fingers form into a tentacle, your eyes widening as it slipped inside you and pumped in and out. You covered your mouth, pants growing louder as he increased his speed, the movement of your juices sloshing around enticing the boy to go even further.

"Is there anything I can get you? Oh! I'll go grab a bandaid!"

You heard Nejire leave the room, a moan escaping you as you felt Tamakis length harden once again. "Mmm! Tama! That feels so good....ah!"

The texture and suckers on the tentacle drove your insides wild. Them pressing and sliding against you and Tamaki held in his own groans from just simply pleasing you.

Your eyes widened as his member poked at your back entrance. "T-tama!" Tamaki leaned you over, continuing to use his quirk to fuck you senseless, the pace increasing as he prodded at you backside. "I want to feel you....all of you."

His dominating nature was slowly spilling out. He only ever grew like this very rarely, but what happened while you were gone threw his mind through a loop. Tamaki didn't want to think about anyone else touching you or pleasing you, that was his job.

Using some of your natural lubricant, Tamaki lined himself up and pressed his hard member into your rectum. Your eyes filling with tears at the stinging and pleasure filled sensation.


Tamaki shot the tentacle deep inside you, hitting your cervix as your muscles clenched and your mind drew a million blanks. The feeling of him inside you in two separate areas.

"Fuuuck Tama! I want more!"

Upon your command, Tamaki slid himself out and pressed back in, building up speed each time before you felt the tight wave of pleasure start to rise in your core. "I missed y-you....all I want is y-you....!!! (Y/n)!!"

Your moans filled the room, but you slapped a hand over your mouth as you heard the door to your room open again before Nejire approached the door. "Do you want me to set it on the counter?"

"No!" You accidentally yelped, the water covering all lewd noises as Tamaki leaned himself over you and panted on your shoulder as his climax approached. "J-just leave it outside the door! I'll get it in a second!"

Tamaki felt you cleanch around him, your release building as his cock began to swell. "Uhm, okay...if you say so (Y/n). Are you sure you're alright?"

You couldn't reply as you screamed into your hand, your juices squirting all over Tamakis tentacle and his thighs. "(Y/n)...(y/n)....(y/-....!!!!" Tamaki grunted into your skin, biting down onto your shoulder as he released himself inside you.

He emptied himself, you both catching your breath as you stood there. The warm feeling lighting your body on fire as you took a few breaths and finally replied. "I'm perfect."

Tamaki pressed a small smile onto your skin with a kiss.

"Okay...well I know Tamaki is bringing you lunch, but if you decide to eat with us we will be in our usual spot!" She cheered and exited your room.

Tamaki pulled himself out of you, catching your body in his arms before you could smack your face off the shower walls. You both shivered realizing how cold the water had gotten.

Tamaki turned off the water and helped you out. Setting you on the counter, he dried you off and placed small kisses over the forming bruises on your skin. "I love you Tamaki." You spoke, placing a small peck on his forehead.

His face flushed pink as you chuckled, his dark eyes locking with yours as he sucked in a breath. You were radiant, how he ever got so lucky with you was a question he frequently asked himself.

There were so many people out there that you could have, yet you chose him. The quiet, nervous ball of anxiety and you wouldn't have it any other way.

"I-I love you too."

Both of your stomachs growled. You laughed as you ran your hands through his hair. "I guess that physical exercise made us hungry!" Shoving his head in the crook of your neck while his hands rested on your thighs, he sighed. "D-don't call it that...."

With a laugh, you encouraged him to get himself ready, handing him a spare uniform you kept in your room for times like these. "(Y/n)...." Tamaki nervously muttered as he did his belt. You slipped on your shirt and looked over to him.

His eyes were glued on the shoes and socks in the corner of the room. His face burned red, body slamming straight into the floor. "W-what if Nejire saw them....! She wou-would know I didn't get lunch!"

Walking over to him and peeling his body off the ground and setting him on your bed, you moved his surpsingly already dried hair from his face as you kissed his temple.

"She didn't Tama. Nejire is loud and would have pointed it out if she did."


You pressed your lips against his, jittery hands fumbling to your sides as he felt down your almost bare lower half that only had panties on.

Pulling away, Tamaki puffed in a small fit of dissatisfaction. "We can cuddle later Tama. I haven't eaten all day and I am stttarrvvvinnngg!" You stood up and grabbed your skirt, throwing it on as you looked back over your shoulder to see Tamaki staring at your ass.

"Like the view?"

His eyes snapped up to meet your own as a soft blush came over his face. "Did....uhm, d-id it hurt?"

You shrugged as you slowly sat to put on thigh high socks. "A bit. But it felt better than expected....way better." Sending you a small smile, he watched you slip on your shoes as you took his hand and began to walk to the lunch room.

On the way there, Tamaki couldn't help but notice all the boys staring at you with smirks. Once they looked at him, many scoffed or rolled their eyes, whispering to one another.

He wasn't stupid, hs could fill in the blanks. They were probably wondering how Tamaki could stand a chance with a girl like you. As insecurities started to build, you moved his hand around your waist before you squeezed it in reassurance.

Looking down at your bright smile, his heart pounded in its cage. You wanted to show him that no matter what anyone said, you were his and he was yours. You walked into the cafeteria, the sound of students rambling filling your ears as you took in the noise.

"This is much better. I missed this."

Tamaki took your hand back in his, noticing the eyes of class 1-A fall on him and you. "Staring...e-eyes...
everything...people." He shrunk into himself, but had little time to react as you tugged him over to the first years.

"(Y/n)!" They cheered, happy to see you back, not at all suprised by the boy who clung to your side no matter where you went.

They had heard a lot about you and occasionally saw you on the news or around campus. Fortunatley, you knew most of them and they seemed to all like you fir the most part.

You chatted with them, Tamaki building up more and more scenarios in his mind as it felt like every single person in the large room was whispering about him. Despite no one even watching him, his fear of being in crowds slowly boiled over and he wrapped his arms around you from behind.

His forehead leaned atop your own skull as he tried to hide himself with you. His lips quivered as his forehead fell dark. "Talking...too much....-"

Class 1-A watched the male collapse into himself much like he did prior that day. They were surprised to say the least, they had never seen you two together, now what Nejire was saying in class about you being his comfort made more sense.

"Is it too loud Tama? Do you want to go outside with Mirio?" With a small nod, you turned and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Why don't you go join them and I'll get your food."

"B-but....I don't wanna.-" He held your sides as you patted his chest. "Nothing with happen Tamaki. I'll be out super quick okay?"

With a reluctant nod, Tamaki shuffled out of the loud room. Your eyes trailing back to 1-A. "How did you get him to open up to you like that! Thats the most I have heard him say!" Midoryia gushed.

"It took a while, I think we built up more of a solid bond after I told him I liked him in middle school and explained that it was more than just a took him a while to believe me."

"Thats so sweet!" Ochaco sqeaked, a smile resting on your face as you recalled back to the time when that happened. Remembering your duty, you snapped back. "Oh! I should get our lunch! I'll see you guys around!"

With mutual goodbyes, you got into the lunch line and got two trays of food. Bringing them outside, you stood back for a moment and watched as Tamaki, Mirio, and Neijire all sat and conversed with one another.

Tamaki looked over and saw you, his eyes lighting up as he stood and made room for you in-between himself and Neijire. Walking over, you set down the trays as Mirio gave you a giant hug from behind.

He had moved from his seat and spun you in his arms with a cheer. "You're back! We missed you a lot!" Tapping his arm as he almost crushed your ribs, you smiled once he set you down.

"I missed you guys too! It feels like it has been so long since something was actually normal!"

Tamaki grabbed your hand and lightly tugged, urging you to sit down beside him. Obligingly, you sat next to him and began to eat. Nejire looking at you confused. "I thought Tamaki got you lunch?"

Tamaki tried his best not to choke on his bite, mouth turning to a squiggle as he looked down. "He did, but I'm still super hungry. I didn't eat all day!" Tamaki let his hand squeeze your thigh under the table, your heart fluttering as his calloused skin ran across yours.

Looking to him, you sent him a small nod as Mirio quickly interrupted the conversation. "We should all go out to celebrate tomorrow!"

"That sounds like fun! We should go to a club or something!"

Tamaki quickly looked over to you, nerves crawling through his skin as you smiled at him. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek, you whispered in his ear. "Can I stay the night with you?"

Despite the rules, you had both done it before....well, mostly you seeing aa how Tamaki was to nervous to ever cross your instructor. But you never had an issue of sneaking to his room, frankly, you did it at least once a week.

"Mhm." He nodded, cheeks washing over with a rose color as he took a nervous bite of food. Content, you leaned your head on his shoulder as you ate, both of you wanting to be as close to each other as possible.

Soon, lunch had ended.

You headed to your classes considering it was the middle of the day and you were greeted with hugs and happy faces, everyone suprised by your early return.

You took your seat as the bell rang, your spot was right behind Tamaki, the boy glancing behind him as he sat, flushing when you sent him a wink.

Chuckling as the teacher entered the room, Mirio passed you all the missing notes you needed for the class. He was a furiously fast writer and opted to do it for anyone whenever they left, luckily his writing was neat.

"Before we being our lesson today I would like to welcome back (Y/n). I think the class felt a little empty with you gone."

You subtly reached forward, letting two of your knuckles rub Tamakis back gently as you sent the teacher a smile. "I can certainly say I am happy to be back. I know I felt a little empty not being here."

With a nod, the teacher started the lesson, Tamaki trying to focus instead of thinking about you. He was truly happy you were back, all he wanted to do was hold you all week long.

As the day went on, the jet-lag slowly caught up with you. Your eyes and body feeling heavy as you tried to remain awake. But unfortunately it was to no avail.

You found yourself shooting up at the feeling of someone kissing your hands. Your eyes immediately met Tamakis head, you were the only two in the classroom now and it had been 30 minutes since class was dismissed.

The boy had his head facing the floor as he was turned around in his seat. He was lightly holding and kissing your hands, waiting for you to wake up. "Tama....I'm up." You muttered, a yawn soon following as he looked up to you.

"D-do you want to head to the dorms?"

With a small nod, he stood and offered you his hand, intertwining your fingers as soon as you took it. Making light conversation, you headed back to the dorms, being greeted by Nejire who shoved a bowl of rice and pork in your face.

"DINNER!!!!" She cheered, you taking your bowl as Tamaki was handed one much more gently by Mirio. The class was watching 'Shawshank Redemption', the movie only a few minutes in as you grabbed two pillows and a blanket from the living room dresser.

Sitting on the loveseat, you felt Tamaki take the spot next to you. Nejirie sitting on the floor in front of you and Mirio pulling up a chair beside you both.

You ate your food and then snuggled up next to Tamaki as the movie went on. He would occasionally place small kisses on your cheek and head, adoring how you would try and get closer to him than you already were.

After the long movie that you managed to stay awake for, everyone headed to bed. Tamaki gave you a small kiss and a hug, not wanting to let you go up to the third floor.

"I'll be in later. Keep your door unlocked."

Pulling away, you smiled at him as you headed to your room, Tamaki doing the same as he kept his door unlocked for you.

Maintaining your promise, an hour later, after you were sure most students were asleep, you sat up in your bed and put on a sleep shirt and shorts.

It took you a few minutes to get to his room, avoiding all the squeaky floorboards and freezing at any slight noise. A few of your clasamates were still awake, you could either hear them or see the lights from TVs or room lights peeking under the doors.

Scurrying down to the second floor, you walked down the long hall before making it outside Tamakis door. Opening it, a dim nightlight light up the room as Tamaki nervously sat up in bed and quickly relaxed when he realized it was just you. "Y-you scared me...."

He was wearing a black shirt and some grey sweatpants. He had part of his hair tied back into a small ponytail as he had apparently been reading, based on the book he carefully set on the nightstand.

"Sorry..." You whispered, quickly stepping in and shutting the door quietly. You let out a breath, listening to the familiar sound of his fan as it softly whirred.

Trailing your eyes around the room, you didn't realize a smile was growing on your face. You missed this room, you missed being here, you missed him.

Speaking of.

You let your gaze fall downward, seeing Tamaki who already had moved over and shifted the sheets for you to get in. "Mind if I join?" You teased at his eager actions, his face burning up as he burried it in his hands.

"You don't h-have to a....ask...."

With a giggle, you walked over to the bed and climbed in, feeling the warmth from where he previously was. Tucking your legs under the sheets, you turned to your flustered boyfriend and placed a loving kiss on his cheek.

"May I request some cuddles?"

His eyes peeked through his fingers, a tiny smile creeping on his face as he moved his hands. "I'm good at those." Tamaki muttered, laying down as you follwed suit to face each other.

As you snuggled into him, you could smell the scent of his body wash that reminded you of coconuts and berries. It was sweet, but subtle, much like him.

Your cold hands pressed onto his chest, Tamaki slightly feeling your heat deprevation through the fabric as he pulled you closer. "You're so warm Tama." The boy couldn't help but place a few small kisses atop your head, just enjoying the feeling of you beside him.

"W-what if I wake up and it's a dream? You're still gone..."

Moving back a bit to look at him, Tamaki sighed at his own damning thoughts and rolled on his back. He stared at the ceiling for a moment before you rested your head on his chest.

Your fingers traced over his arm as his free one moved to rest on your back so he could play with your hair. "I'm not vanishing Tama you silly goose. When you wake up I will still be right here with you." You pressed a few kisses into the fabric of his shirt, listening to his racing heart as it began to slow.

His free hand reached for your own, taking it and playing with your finger tips as he nervously wrung your hand. Deciding your words were helping, you contined.

"Then we are going to have a free day tomorrow, meaning we get to sleep in as late as we want. I'll get to keep you all to myself!"

He let out a small chuckle, his body relaxing enough for his fingers to simply intertwine with yours as his other hand rested in your hair. "We will go have lunch with Mirio and Nejire, then you and I can hang out some more until we go out again."

Trying not to focus on the last part of what you said, Tamaki tried to make a plan in his head for the day to come.

"H-hey (Y/n)."

"Hm?" You said, comfortably propping yourself up on your elbows as Tamaki looked you over. "You said w-we can hang out after you think-....can we, uhm. Can we maybe, w-well can I kiss you....a lot?"

Rasing your eyebrows you looked over his nervous face. "You want to have a makeout session?"


He jumped to a defense, watching as you rolled onto your back as you laughed. "You totally did Tama!" It was his turn to bury himself into you, turning you onto your side, Tamaki wrapped his arms around you and moved your hair with his nose to place light kisses on the back of your neck.

"Of course we can." You finally answered, feeling him smile into your skin. That was all the reply that you needed as you snuggled back into him, Tamaki taking the roll as the big spoon.

You felt your eyes flutter shut once Tamakis breathing leveled. He immediatley fell asleep with you in his arms, both of you feeling more secure and happy then you ever had in your lives.

Slowly letting yourself drift to sleep, you listened to his light snore as you intertwined your fingers with his, shifting just enough before you let sleep overtake you as well.


"Hmph..." Tamaki grumbled, walking alongside Mirio as they headed to the club. "Tamaki, you can't be upset about that forever! Nejire had a whole other plan after lunch!"

"B-but I wanted to spend time with her....."

Mirio smiled over at his sulking friend. See, halfway through your lunch Nejire butted in and claimed you for the afternoon, she wanted to take you to see a new movie that had just come out and afterward you two would go to the arcade.

Clearly, you had not notified them of your...plans, with Tamaki. So naturally, you accepted, promising Tamaki you would make up for it later.

Needless to say, Tamaki was bummed. He didn't even get to kiss you before Nejire tugged you out the door and out of sight. Nejire had no problem making friends, but seeing as she was one of the big four, sometimes she wasn't sure who actually liked her or who just wanted bragging rights.

However, since you were one of the big four, you instantly connected and therefore, much like Mirio and Tamaki you were almost inseperable when it came to plans.

"I want (Y/n)...."

Mirio smacked him on the back with a hearty laugh. "Well we are here! So you will see her any second now!" The boys walked into the club and instantly Tamaki cupped his hands over his sensitive ears.

"I h-hate this..." Tamaki muttered to Mirio, the music blasting in his ear drums as he frantically searched the room for you. "Don't stress! (Y/n) will be here and then you will hopefully start to enjoy yourself!"

Tamaki shuddered, he wasn't a drinker or a dancer in any regard. All he did, was stand there and if you hadn't opted to go he probably wouldn't have even shown.

That and the fact he wanted to see you.

He was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, his nerves getting to him too much in order to wear anything other than his usual style.

Tamaki and Mirio walked over and sat in a booth, Tamaki chugging a water that was brought to him as he tried to focus on anything else.

Being in public made him remember his gripe with other men and how they eyed you. The same was true for here, everyone looked for you now and men still wanted to get in your pants.

"There she is!" Mirio said pointing to the dance floor. Tamaki looked through the crowd and spotted you with Nejire. You weren't drinking either, but you were certainly having fun.

His felt his face flush as he watched you, but suddenly his heart sank. As some of the crowd moved, he noticed a male with dark hair come up and start talking with you both. He was clearly a bit intoxicated, but you and Nejire just smiled and nodded along.

He wasn't saying anything in particular, slurring out a few compliments here and there.

Tamaki watched from the sidelines as you laughed at a few of Nejires jokes, smiling as the man continued to converse. He wasn't being creepy or rude, he genuinely was just talking.

Tamaki felt his pulse speed up. His eyes wandering over your figure. The dress you had on was black and four separate pieces. One ran over your shoulders, one covered your chest, one went across your midriff, and the other covered you lower half.

(She's so pretty...jealous of the hips)

He eyed the short material, his heart pouding in jealousy. The thought of someone trying to be with you making him rather flustered. Two other men approached you, both you and Nejires eyes beginning to look around for a way out as the men began to make advances.

(The two who just appeared at least.)

Before Mirio could say anything, Tamaki stood up and walked over to where you were. "T-Tamaki?!" He called after his friend who pushed through the crowd, keeping his eyes trained on you the whole time.

"How bout you girls come over to our place tonight?" One of the men husked, alcohol soaking his breath as you took a step back. "No thank you. I am already taken and we are staying together tonight." You took Nejires wrist as she stepped back with you, the men advancing before you backed into someone.

"Leave them alone."

Turning, you saw Tamaki standing tall behind you as the boys attention diverted for a moment. "Nejire go back to Mirio." You ushered her, as she backed into the crowd to go to her friend.

"You're scaring off the fun!" The second boy groaned. Keeping his eyes on you as he looked you up and down. "Who the fuck are you anyway dip-...dipshit!" The first yelled at Tamaki who protectively slid his arms around you.

"I'm hers...."

Your face heated up, his head resting atop your own as you felt the dark aura resonate off of him. "You look like you couldn't even fight you skinny fuck!"

"I wouldn't be so sure." You snapped, rubbing your hands across Tamakis arms as they insulted him. "You just insulted one of the top four at UA...I wouldn't be so cocky."

The men quickly looked back to Tamaki who was sending them death glares from his eyes. "Come on (Y/n)..." He muttered, feeling you hold his hand as you both walked away.

"Are you alright!" Nejire questioned, running up to you and giving you a hug. "I'm okay, Tamaki saved the day once again."

You looked back, seeing Tamaki had collapsed onto a wall. He was muttering words to himself like a chant, the strong facade crumbling as his anxiety broke down the walls.


You placed a hand on his back, his eyes shaking as they moved toward you slowly. "T-they were really big...."

You pressed a kiss to his cheek, slightly moving him as you started to kiss his lips, pressing yourself against him as his hands found your hips. "You protected me Tama...that was really sexy.~" You whsipered inbetween kisses.

"Ehem..." Mirio cleared before looking between you both. "Care to join us lovebirds?" Tamaki took your hand as you all sat at the booth once again. As you were about to take a seat, Tamaki pulled you down inbetween his legs.

His arms once again wrapped around you as you all began to converse. His eyes were trained on anyone who looked your direction, grumbling when someone would eye you up and down.

You couldn't help but get a bit excited at his temperament. You weren't lying when you said it was sexy, his dominant and possesive nature was rare to see, you were only guessing it was even there from the fact you had been gone, plus the number of men that the interviews seemed to attract.

Nejire went to go get refills of their non-alcoholic beverages, Mirio going with her to prevent another incadent.

Noticing the same two men across from you both at the bar, Tamaki scowled. They eyed you, glancing over at Tamaki and whispering, probably trying to see what they could get away with.

Tamaki let his hands fall to your thighs, feeling how your short dress rode up meer inches away from your panties. He caressed your legs, massaging the supple skin as he placed small kisses on your exposed back.

"Tama...-what are you doing?" You fumbled a bit on your words. The feeling of his hands on your legs made your excitement grow as you sucked in a small breath, feeling the room get a bit warmer.

Despite what you two had done in the shower previously, you hadn't had sex in quite a while. Two months was the last time, the day before you left.

"They keep staring (Y/n)....don't they get it? Y-You're m....mine!" He said a bit possessively, feeling over your stomach as you finally took notice of the men staring at you once again.

"Tama, are you jealous?"

"Mmmhnf." He whined, his arms retracting around you as your statemnt flustered him. It was so quick how he could flip like a light switch.

The boy took a moment, collecting himself before slightly lifting you and setting you on his lap. You felt his bulge pulse through his jeans, your face burning as you insticntivley moved your hips.

Tamaki rested his face on your back, scooting you both around the table so you were more covered before he moved your dress from under your ass and set you back down. He held the front of it in place with his hands as the held onto your thighs.

Everyone was distracted by music, Mirio and Nejire talking across the room as they sipped on their drinks. It felt exhilarating, grinding on your boyfriend in public.

His member strained against the fabric, your heat able to feel him better with the less clothing blocking you. Because he was holding your thighs, Tamaki shifted you on top of him, helping guide you as you moved om his lap.

"Hahh-...I can feel how warm y-you are."

You closed your eyes, focusing on the movements as he listened to your heart beat across your body. Your soft breaths gave him more confidence before the lights all shut off.

It was time for the live performace, the place was almost pitch black as the loud music started. You expected Tamaki to pull away and cover his ears, but he did the opposite. Taking this chance, he pushed your panties to the side and began to rub your clit.

"Ahh!" You moaned, the sound being covered up by the music. Tamaki couldn't help but begin to move his hips, your juices soaking through the dark denim of his jeans. You grabbed his hand, the other pressing on the table.

"Tama....I want you~!" You cried, Tamaki letting his demeanor drop for just a moment. "I'll get us a c-cab back to campus....b-but first I want to make you feel....feel good." Your eyes widened as he made his movements sharper.

"Oooh- shit!!" You whimpered, the boy pleasuring you in the best way he could. His finger rapidly rubbed you as his bulge pressed against your warmth, the meer thought of him inside you making you sweat as you longed for his touch on your body.

With widened eyes, you grabbed the table. "T-Tama! I'm gonna-...s-stop...!" You begged, but Tamaki began to pepper kissed along your shoulders. "Let me s-see it."

A shiver racked your body as he husked the final words into your skin. Your release crashed down, back arching as you dug your nails into the table. "I'm cumming!" You warned, voice shaking as you bit your tounge to hold in screams.

The liquid seemed to flow out of you, the over stimulation from Tamaki still rubbing your clit, the loud noises, and the people standing around, made you even more turned on than normal.

You soaked the front of his jeans, and the bottom of your skirt. The wetness rolling down your legs as your sopping underwear still sat to the side, your body tingling from the sensation.

Tamaki moved your dress up a bit and hooked his fingers in your underwear before sliding them down your legs. "T-Tama?" He moved you off of him and discretley shuffled over to a trashcan and threw them away.

Coming back over to you, he grabbed some napkins from the center of the table and turned you, wiping off your legs and trying to dry his pants the best he could.

Luckiky they were dark jeans so it wasn't very noticeable. Grabbing more napkins, he slowly patted over your heat, watching as you bit your lip and grabbed his shoulder. "Mmhmm..." You moaned quietly, wanting nothing more than for him to touch you.

His face burned red, hair falling across his eyes. "L-let's go back to the dorms..." He suggested, standing as you adjusted your skirt. The feeling of no underwear made you nervous, but clearly Tamaki was enjoying it as he kept a hand on your lower back.

"Tamaki! (Y/n)! Going so soon?" Mirio shouted, slapping Tamaki on the back and pulling you into a hug. The shy boy watched your dress ride up, standing behind you after Mirio set you down.

"Yeah, Tamaki is really worn he doesn't look like he feels that well. He is really warm."

You put the back of your hand to his head, his body shaking as you gazed at him lovingly. You took his hands and kissed them, still being able to taste a bit of yourself on his fingers.

"Then by all means go ahead! We will be here for a while!" Mirio said, giving you a strong salute and pat on the shoulder. "Thanks capitan!" You winked, taking Tamakis hand as you left the loud building.

The brisk air ran up your dress as you stepped out, Tamaki watching as you rubbed your thighs together. "I need to get something from my room." You quickly noted, a cab pulling over for your both as Tamaki silently nodded, recognizing you wanted to suprise him.

The lust filled air was heavy and setting fast as you arrived at the dorms. You quickly ran to your room and grabbed your items before rushing back to Tamakis room, making sure your dress didn't ride up as you ran.

"Close your eyes." You said, peeking in the room, seeing Tamaki almost fully exposed as he sat in his boxers. "O-okay..."

As you walked in, you kept it hidden behind your back as you shuffled to his bathroom. Tamakis hair was messy, it seemed as if he had been getting nervous again and gave himself a pep-talk.

Getting into his bathroom, you quickly took off the dress and heels, your feet in horrendous pain. Luckily, your excitement was overwhelming as you looked at the item infront of you.

You threw on the black two piece lacy teddy. It had sheer lace cups with small straps that ran over your shoulders and two that made a 'v' sloping down your chest.

The bottom piece was a solid black piece of fabric with a fringe of lace at the top. Along with the usual straps, it had two more running over each side of your body.

Taking yourself in, you peeked out the door, seeing that Tamaki was sitting on the edge of the bed, back facing you as he muttered into his hands while his eyes were closed.

Flipping off the light, you held in a giggle when you saw Tamakis ears twitch at the noise, recognizing your presence in the room. You walked over to him and looked over his toned and pale body once again before stepping a bit closer.

Beginning to straddle him, the boy froze, unsure of what you were doing. "I wanted to get something special for you when I was out today..." You muttered, placing slow, soft kisses against the skin of his neck.

"You can look."

Pulling away, Tamaki let his eyes open. Immediately they went wide, his stomach churning as he already felt his arousal grow. Your eyes were fluttering nervously as he looked your body over.

"Y-you did this for me?"

Instead of replying, you placed a needy kiss on his lips. Tamaki immediatley let his hands find your hips as you both fell back onto the bed.

Quickly, it turned heated, you both craved more. The shower was nice, but Tamaki wanted to take you fully, leaving you as only his once again.

His tounge eagerly slipped in your mouth as you felt over his smooth skin. His every move was thought out, after all, Tamaki had a way of pleasing you like no other as you had mentioned.

Letting his hands roam down to your ass, he sqeezed it in his hands as he felt you let out a puff of satisfaction through your nose. Pressing you down, you felt his hardened member pressing against the loose material, your womanhood growing wetter as the anticipation built.

Grinding into him, you both began to moan at the sensation, pulling away from the kiss as you continued to move your hips. Being so close was agonizing, yet thrilling as it built up the sexual tension even more.

Feeling the fabric of his boxers rub against your thighs, they grew extremely warm. Tamaki began to feel the fabric grow damp and looking up at your face he could see why.

Your eyes were closed as you held yourself above him, arms locked in place beside his head as your brows scrunched together. You were a work of art, you wanted to make him just as good as he made you feel every second of every day.

"Let me take them off." Tamaki said without a sputter. Nodding, you moved off of him and moved back on the bed, watching him stand and slip off his boxers.

"Nice ass.~" You commented, his face peeking around just enough for you to see the blush on his face. "D-don't say that..." You laughed a bit, watching as Tamaki crawled over to you and placed sloppy kisses across your neck and collarbone.

"Hmmmh..." You hummed in bliss, loving how how he kissed and nipped at the skin with just enough force for it to leave a mark. Tamaki stopped and moved up a bit to kiss your lips, shifting you both so you were lined up the right way on the bed.

He slid you onto his lap and laid back with his head on the pillows. Holding your hips, he let out a shakey breath. "Grind." With a small smile, you did as told, seeing his dominant side beginning to show.

Slowly adjusting his length under you, Tamaki could feel your sopping panties as you began to move against him. He closed his eyes, feeling your hands press on his chest while his own massaged your sides.

His mouth parted as you began to move faster, the boy licking his lips as he sucked in a few breaths. "Y-You're so wet....I can feel it...-" Focusing more on your movements, he began to let his hips move with your own.

"'s because of you Tamaki. Only you make me like this.~"

Your voice was sultry like an angel, Your own eyes closing as you leaned your head back, his hands beginning to guide your hips more as his long fingers slipped under the strings of your panties.

"Take them off..."

You barley heard his request, you moving just enough to slip them off as his hands returned to your hips as he gudied you back down. "Keep going..."

Feeling your bare warmth against his own length, you moved with him once again. One of his hands trailed up to your breasts, his eyes opening as he saw the gorgeous look on your face when he began to pleasure you.

You practically dripped onto him, your wet folds almost gliding him right into you. As you continued to move, feeling the veins pulse in his member, his hand on your breast began to pinch and roll your nipples over the lace.

"T-Tama...." You whimpered, body aching to feel him inside you. He only huffed in response, sweat building on his body as his pace increased. Your eyes looked over his form, feeling his member throb, his lips parted, eyes shutting as his head pressed into the cushiony material of the pillows.

"(Y/n)...You're m-makimg me-....!!!"

Before he could finish his sentance, he slightly arched forward, hands death gripping your sides as his semen poured out onto his stomach. You watched as he emptied himself.

His raw member pulsed undernesth you as it came out, your eyes watching just how much he had been holding in. A bit of dissapointment filled you before you looked back up to him.

He took a few breaths before wiping himself off, keeping you in place as he swiped some of it on two of his fingers. Sitting up, he raised you so you were still kneeling but you were hovering above his lap.

"Did you think I would forget about you?"

Tamaki asked, slightly actually worried you would think he wouldn't return the favor. You gave him a soft smile, "Of course not."

He placed a small kiss to your lips before he brought his cum covered fingers up to them. "Suck." He said rather deeply, your body shivering as a cold breeze hit you while his words struck you like lightning.

Doing it, you opened your mouth, sticking out your tounge as he placed his fingers inside and felt you begin to clean his digits. You were savoring the sweet flavor he gave you as you rolled your tounge over his fingers.

In your distraction, Tamaki wrapped his other hand in front of you and slid two fingers across your folds. His lips pressed against the top of your breasts. "Don't stop." He commanded, your eyes closing once again before you moaned around his fingers as his others slipped inside you.

Tamaki finger fucked you, keeping your mouth occupied as he added his thumb, rolling it over your clit. Your legs shook, juices sloshing out of you and onto your thighs as you felt your high build.

"I don't want anyone else to see you like this (Y/n)....I want you all to myself."

Tamaki muttered into your skin, feeling his own arousal build once again. Feeling his re-hardened member against your thigh, you couldn't help but just want to shove him inside you.

Removing his fingers, Tamaki let you moan freely as your arms wrapped over his shoulders, burrying his head into your breasts where he left plenty of marks.

Your legs began to quiver, the stimulation becoming to much as you panted into his ear. "God Tama! That feels so good....-please make me cum!" He loved hearing you beg for him, not in a sadistic way, but with his self esteem being so low recently, anything he could do for you he would.

"Keep talking (Y/n)..." He seemingly asked, your mouth happily oblidging as you sucked in heavy breaths. "I want you inside me Tama! I want you to make me cum over and over again!"

Listneing to him grunt, you continued. "I want you to fuck me Tamaki! I want to cum all over you-....god I'm so close!"

Tamaki added in a third finger, your nectar seeping onto the bed and dripping down his hand as he thrusted them harder inside you. "Ohhhh shit!-....Tama-Tamaki! It's coming, I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum for me (Y/n)...P-please I want you too."

Digging your nails into his middle back, you bit down on his shoulder as your body racked with chills, your realse crashing down like a wave of pleasure as you squirted all over your thighs and Tamakis hand.

He contined to finger fuck you, getring out every last drop of your orgasm before he pulled his fingers out, your legs falling weak as you collapsed onto him.

"T-that was a lot....are you okay?" Tamaki questioned, feeling you attmept to curl yourself into him as he wiped his hands on a readied towel he had next to him. Holding you in his arms, you both were silent as you caught your breath.

You were a bit dizzy to be honest, the whole ordeal being quite a lot as this was the second time today. Tamaki rubbed your back, humming a small song as he slowly rocked you in his arms.

"Can I have some water?" You muttered into his skin. "Yeah..." Tamaki happily replied, letting you go for a moment as he leaned over to his nightstand and grabbed a bottle of water.

Handing it to you, you slowly sipped on it, the boy in front of you waiting patiently as you regained a bit of strength. "A-are you okay?" He asked once again.

"I'm okay...just needed some water." You replied, offering him some as he took a sip and then put it to the side. "Are you ready to continue?" Tamaki asked, dark eyes looking over you as he eagerly eyed your still covered top half.

"Yeah...I'm ready."

With your consent, Tamaki pressed a kiss on your lips. It wasn't lustful, it was loving. He would give you the world if he had it, but in this moment you both realized neither of you needed the world, you needed each other.

"I love you (Y/n)."

"I love you too Tamaki."

With the small statements made, Tamaki flipped you over on the bed, feeling your wet entrance with his tip as he slowly teased you. Hearing you pant into the kiss, Tamaki pressed himself into you, your core practically sucking him in as you gripped around his length.


"I missed you." Was your simple reply. Tamaki smiled to himself, your legs wrapping around him as he started off slowly. He wasn't sure what you were in the mood for yet, and after what had just happened, he didn't want to hurt you.

After a few minutes of enjoyimg his slow movements, you felt your insides twist. Slightly shifting, your scrunched your nose, your body craving more of his long length inside you.

"Mmmhh....." You groaned in discomfort, Tamaki stopping for a moment before he placed a kiss on your cheek. "Faster...." Was all you said, the boy instantly complying as he sped up his pace, your body feeling more satisfied as the bed began to rock.

But it still wasn't enough, "Harder!..." You moaned, Tamaki flickering a gaze up to you before turning you over as he thrusted himself deep inside you, member hitting your deepest points as you drooled onto the sheets.

This is what you were craving.

"Harder Tama! I want more!" Tamaki lightly rubbed your ass before sucking in a quick breath.


Your head shot up, the stinging pain making you clench around him as you moaned. "Ow! Oh fuck!" You said, another slap landing on your skin and causing an echo. "Do you like that?" He questioned, both for reassurance and in a dominating tone.

"Mmm, yes! I love it...I love you!"

Tamaki smacked you once again before flipping you over and pulling out. You whined uncomfortably, watching him eye your partially clothed figure. "T-take off the top." He demanded, the signature stutter still slipping on his tounge.

Doing as you were told, you undid the string that held it all together in the back. Tamaki grew impatient, his hands reaching over and exposing you completley. His arms went around your legs, pushing them by your sides as he pressed himself inside you again.

If was agonizingly slow. He slowly moved in and out, feeling you clamp around him as you desperatley shifted your hips. Each thrust he took his time, filling you completely before pulling out again. His mouth attached to your breast, trading attention between them both.

"You're s-so pretty....I don't deserve you."

Despite all his dominating nature could give, Tamaki couldn't help but feel like he wouldn't be enough for you. He always praised you in bed, making sure you knew that he loved you for every ounce of what you were.

Despite your lust, his sweet words always struck your heart. Your body feeling content with his slowed pace. Trailing your nails lightly up his back, Tamaki nipped and kissed at the soft skin on your breasts.

"I'm lucky to have you are amazing."

He went slient, his arms moving to hold your sides. "Tamaki?"

You felt small tears drop onto your skin as hs continued to kiss you. You grew worried as you sat up, his eyes refusing to meet yours as he huffed in breaths, back shaking as he began to cry into you.

"Tama? Hey, hey...look at me." You ran your hands along the sides of his face, feeling his pointed ears. You gently lifted his face, his dark eyes filled with tears as he looked up at you.

"W-why are you with me?"

A breath dropped from your body, heart sinking as he desperately held onto you. "You could ha-...have anyone, but you are with m-me...I'm a coward, I'm weak....I don't deserve y-you (Y/n)!"

You attempted to wipe away his tears, despite the fact that more would just appear and take their place. "Tamaki I love you and you only. You are the strongest person I know, you care about people and you want to help them."

"Don't you ever g-get tired of....of helping me?"

With a small smile, you pressed a small kiss to each of his cheeks, feeling the salty tears as they landed on you as well. Swiping the bang of hair to the side, you replied.

"Tamaki, this isn't a chore for me..." You motioned in-between the two of you. "...I'm with you because I want to be. You make me happy Tama, I don't care if you cry or if you need reassurance. I will always be here for you. I'm yours."

Tamaki felt his heart swell as you smiled up to him. His body grew warm once again, eyes trailing over your beautiful figure. "Y-You're mine?" He sheepishly asked, slowly moving himself again. Watching as you closed your eyes as your plump lips slightly parted.

"Yes Tama...every ounce of me."

Recognizing your words that you had said a thiusand times, he sniffed before quickening his movements. Your back arched as he began to huff, eyebrows scrunching as he clenched his jaw, dark oval eyes staring you down.

"You are so perfect....I-I want to...I want to-"

One of your hands reached up, fingers grazing across his chest as you grasped for him. Tamaki leaned down a bit, your hand holding onto the back of neck, your fingers tangling in his hair as your white-knuckled the blankets.

Skin slapped against skin, beads of sweat rolling down your bodies as they moved with one another. Biting your lip, you felt your climax build.

"Ngh....(Y-Y/n)'re sq-squeezing so tight."

He placed more kisses on your neck before pulling out, your body only having a split second to react before you were pulled the the edge of the bed. Holding your hips, he pressed his length inside you once again, slamming it into your walls.

"Mngh! Tama!!! Yes....please give me more!"

His breaths were heavy as he thrusted straight into your g-spot, your nails digging into the sheets as his force rubbed your stomach on the bed. "I-I'm going to....ah, (Y/n)-!!" Tamaki warned, your climaxes both approaching.

The bed shook with force, air hot and humid as you struggled to get in any breath before it was knocked from your lungs

"I w-want to....inside-...there is so much...." He grunted, slamming his hips with such force you were seeing stars. "Do it Tama! Please!" Tamaki felt his hair stick to his neck, your pulsing womanhood setting him on fire as he released himself inside you.

He continued to fill you, still moving his hips lightly to get it all out. Your body squeezed him, ensuring all of his seed was released.

The warm seed spread through your wet cavern, the sensation causing you to double down on your own. "TAMA!!" Your call echoed off the walls as you came, juices once again squirting all over his thighs and your legs.

Youd body pressed into the sheets, arms and legs shaking as you tried to catch your breath. Tamaki slowly licked up your juices on your thighs as you whimpered from the sensation.

"Please don't turn into me."

You breathed out as a joke, hearinf a small chuckle coms from below you. "I won't...that would be a b-bit weird." With a content sigh, Tamaki finished and cleaned himself off before doing the same to you.

"Mgh, Tama. Where are you going?" You questioned, wafching as he slipped on his pajamas again and started to head out the door. His cheeks turned pink. "I have to g-get something."

Walking out and shutting the door, you moved yourself to sit on the edge of the bed, still relishing in the warm pleasure he gave you.

Tamaki soon came back, sheets in tow as a small smile crept to your face. "What? It isn't that bad..." You said, both of your eyes turning to look at the damp sheets, dark spots covering them from your arousal.

Rubbing your legs together, you looked over to him as he started to lay them all out. A spare fitted sheet, covers, and comforter. Even a few extra pillow cases.

"Did it f-eel good?" Tamaki asked, looking over to you as he was kneeled on the floor. "Mhm...there was a lot." You said to him, noting how full you felt compared to other times you both hsd done it.

"I w-waited for you..." He said sheepishly. Despite having just had sex with you, he still found it a bit emberassing to talk about his masturbation habits.

I mean, the poor boy couldn't get off to porn. He felt like it was offensive to you and plus it never worked. The first time he ever did it to himself, you were in the room as you gave him small kisses on his shoulders.

"I'm glad." You replied. After exchanging grins, Tamaki went back to what he was doing.

"Can I help?" You asked, turning to look as he took the pillows off the bed. "C-can you stand?" Feeling the tingling in your legs, you bit your lip and shook your head. Tamaki felt proud of himself.

"Are you smiling?!" You asked astonished, though he tried to hide it, you could totally see the proud look on his face. "N-no....I'm just glad you l-liked"

Tamaki walked over to you and picked you up, setting you on a beanbag as he took care of the bed. You looked to his nearby closet as you slightly hoisted yourself up. Wobbling over, you scanned through his shirts and before you found one, you felt his warm hands wrap around you.

"Sleep like this....p-lease."

Tamaki let his chin rest on your shoulder, placing a small and nervous kiss on your cheek as you nodded. He placed more sift kisses on your neck, rubbing his hands over your belly as he pulled back for a moment when your hands rested on his.

"Y-You're still on your birth control right?"


Tamaki stayed silent for a moment in thought. "One day w-will you...uhm, get....-"

"Get off of it? Probably."

You shrugged, the concept not even on your mind at the moment as you were in the middle of school and becoming a hero. "One day, w-when you do, I hope we are still together...."

Slightly turning your body, you looked at him curiously. "Why?"

Flushing, he moved to stand in front of you as he ran his hands on your sides and stomach. "C-cause once we are pros....and-and obviously after we are ready I-.....I uh,....."

Your eyes gazed up at him, seeing where this was going. "-...I want to have a baby....w-ith you! I mean....I want to get you pregnant we can have a family." Without another word you jumped into his arms, despite your legs still being weak, his words gave you all the strength you could ever need.

"Yes Tama! I would love to have a family with you! It would make me the happiest person in the world!"

Hugging you close to him as tears welled in both of your eyes, he sniffed back the waterworks as he moved to kiss you. "T-then we should go to bed so we can get there faster."

Giggling at his eagerness, you nodded.

"Let's get there."

Word Count: 13969

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