Kakashi X Reader

By ItsOnbu

59.8K 1.3K 931

You become kakashi's student. Before you realize it you two start having feeling for eachother again. But on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26🍋
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 27

1.5K 30 7
By ItsOnbu

~Tsunade Point Of View~

Every since y/n came back, i've been worried about the Akatsuki. They can be back at any moment to retrieve y/n. My real concern is why they need her so badly. It's dangerous having her here knowing they can attack. This is so troublesome.

The only thing that can be done at the moment is to wait patiently and see what happens next. I'll ask y/n to come to my office for the information she has on the Akatsuki. Hopefully she tells us everything or else we'll have to get it out the hard way.

"Shizune!" I shout.

"Yes lady Tsunade!" She says as she opens the door.

"I need you to get y/n here now!"

"Okay!" She closes the door leaving me to my own thoughts.

-Time Skip-

~Y/n Point Of View~

I nervously enter Tsunade office. I feel like a 5 year old about to get scolded. Before i'm able to knock i hear Tsunade telling me to come in.

I walk in and stand infront of her desk.

"Y/n I need you to tell me everything you know about the Akatsuki. The smallest details included."  She looked at me seriously as if she didn't trust me.

I sit down in the chair infront of her desk and let out a sign.

"Well where do i start?" I ask.

"Start talking about who the leader is and what he wants."

"Well the leader of the Akatsuki goes by Pain. I honestly don't know much about him since he never uses his powers or is never around. He has bright orange hair and his eyes are purple with swirls, kinda weird. He's actually quite nice and gentle but can be terrifying when he's pissed off. Going off by the times he's hit me for messing us, he's really strong. I also sense a really strong chakra from him. He didn't exactly tell me what part i play in his plans. All I know is that he wants my eyes." I calmly say. All of this was true, let's hope she believes me though.

"Hm so you know nothing about why he needs you?" She questions.

"Nope" I simply say.

"Now when you said he's hit you for messing up, what exactly did you mean?"

"I'd usually be given mission with my partner but when we'd fail because of me he's scold me. Every time he did, i would end up with some kind of broken bone."

"Who was your partner?" I was quite surprised on this question.

"Uchiha Itachi." She looks at me with some shock but then changes her expression back to normal.

"That cold blooded Uchiha out of al-" I cut her off to say something.

"He's not cold hearted! You know nothing about Itachi! No one in this village does so before you speak badly on his name why don't you find out the truth!" Shocked at my own outburst, I quickly sit back down and apologize.

"So i see you've gotten close to Itachi!" She says angrily, scaring me a bit.

"Yes I have, now i'm not saying i'm on his side but he's not cold hearted as everyone thinks, but i can't say why as it is not my story to tell." I calmly say.

"Well Y/n seeing as you're defending him, i have no other choice but to have you under supervision. Don't take this the wrong way but I need to make sure you don't go back to him." Wow. She doesn't trust me. Hah what did i expect when i defended him. This is certainly a clear sign that she thinks i'll go back to him. Well i can't blame the old hag, she's the hokage after all.

"That's fine with me." I say, not making eye contact with her.

She lets out a loud sign. "Look y/n I trust you but at the same time i can't trust you won't do something stupid like go back to him.." I look up at her to see a look a sympathy, which i did not like.

"I said it's fine" I stand up from my chair ready to walk out. "Now if you'll excuse me i have training to do." I walk out of her office in a rush. I didn't want to be here right now.

Oo i know i'll go hang out with Naruto! Even though he's a knuckle head he always seems to make me laugh.

I start heading towards Narutos apartment. It's still early so he should be waking up about this time.

Once i get there, I walk in without knocking. This place is a mess like always. I start picking up all the trash on the ground and fixing up his table. There's not much to clean but it's still messy.

"Y/n?!" I hear a voice from behind.

"Oh hey Naruto! I came to see if you were home but then i got distracted and started cleaning up." I nervously chuckle at the end.

"You don't have to do that but thanks Y/n you're the best!" Naruto run up to my and hugs me. This makes me chuckle at the nuckle heads reaction. I smile and hug him back.

"We'll come on let's go have some ramen, my treat!" Suddenly Naruto gets excited and pulls me out the door.

"Ya know y/n, i eat about 10 bowls of ramen!" I knew he ate a lot of ramen but not this much. Well i have a lot of extra money so i doesn't matter.

"Doesn't matter Naruto, you can eat as much as you want!" He looks at me with the biggest smile ever. He's such a happy kid even with all he's gone through.

"If you say so!" He starts running towards Ichiraku Ramen, leaving me behind.

I chuckle. "This kid sure gets overly excited over some ramen."

When I finally reach Ichiraku Ramen, i see Naruto already eating but then i look towards the side to see an Akatsuki cloak. Before i could tell who it was, they disappeared.

To Be Continued...

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