Fight For You - Avengers POV

By xxxMiaTiffanyxxx

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After you're found beaten and bruised on the road by Bucky, you form a beautiful friendship. He takes you to... More

Book 2


4K 107 3
By xxxMiaTiffanyxxx

That evening, you were sat at the desk looking over your stitches. You had to admit, Bruce did an amazing job stitching you up considering he wasn't an actual doctor. Though, he was the closest in that team; Tony a close second.

A knock came at the door, "Come in" you shouted out, pulling the sleeve of Buckys hoodie down over your arm.

The door opened and Natasha walked in, "Hi Y/N" she closed the door behind her and you spun round on the chair to face her.

"Those clothes are so big on you." she laughed looking you up and down.

You frowned as you peered down at the clothes. Bucky had loaned you a few things that he hardly wore anymore; a few long sleeved tops and hoodies that covered your bum and ending mid thigh, pretty much a dress if you added a belt, and a few pairs of shorts and jogging bottoms rolled up on the waist so they fit a little better and you didn't stand on the leg cuffs.

"I'm limited to the clothes I can wear. It's either this hoodie and shorts or a medical gown." you shrugged, standing up from the chair and moving to the full length mirror to look at yourself one more time.

You didn't look like the person you remembered. Your hair was long and wild, eyes were dark and sunken, skin so pale you were shocked you couldn't see through yourself. And not to mention how skinny you were; your hip bones stuck out above the waistband of the shorts, collar bone was very defined, and you could actually feel your shoulder blades rubbing against your skin whenever you moved your arm. And let's not talk about your skinny, legs and knobbly knees. You didn't look like you any more.

"No it's not." She smiled and brought a bag from round her back, "It's not much but it's something." She handed the bag over to you.

You opened it up to find some clothes; jeans, tops, leggings, sports bras... "Wow. Thank you."

"It's OK. They're stuff that don't fit me any more." Natasha shrugged and waved her hand in the air, waving off your thank you.

"What, too skinny for them?" you said sarcastically. Natasha smirked but didn't answer as she sat on the edge of the bed, "Oh my God, I was joking. Are these really too big for you?"

"No." she laughed, "I just haven't worn them in so long I thought maybe you could. They're better than that hoodie for a start."

You frowned and looked back to the hoodie in the mirror. It wasn't anything special, just a plain black hoodie with a small, white trim. But it still smelt of Bucky. And that's why you loved it; it made you feel safe.

"Thanks" you smiled, making sure Natasha knew you were thankful for the gesture. Honestly, it was so sweet of her.

You couldn't remember if you had any girl friends before. You hadn't spoken to many people since being in the lab.

Once, they left you on the table and brought in another girl. She was badly bruised and looked so tired, like she had given up on everything. Her blonde hair was dull and looked like it needed a good wash.

She lay on a table next to you and you watched them tie her down and place some sort of cap on her head with wires and sensors, and placed an IV drip in her arm. Something similar was attached to your head and arm.

You smiled over at her, "hi." She didn't reply. "Do you know what they're doing?" She nodded and a single tear ran down the side of her face and landed on the table underneath her.

That's all you remember. You tried to remember what they did next, but nothing came to mind. It frustrated you that memories were missing. Parts of your life gone and forgotten like they were just cut out of a film roll and tossed in the trash and burned so you could never retrieve them.

"You OK?" Natasha asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. She looked concerned.

"Yeah." You smiled, "just ... thinking."

"Maybe one day you'll tell me" she smiled, not pushing you to say anything.

"Maybe." You smiled back.

It helped she didn't push. It was obvious she didn't want to talk about things when the introductions were being made earlier; she has her secrets and I have mine. I'm sure everyone else has secrets in the compound.

Natasha jumped up and grabbed the bag, "Right, come on. Try some of this on." She picked out some leggings and a sports bra, "best see if these things fit."

You took the clothes and went into the bathroom. You came back out and did a little twirl, giggling as you did.

You felt ridiculous doing it, but it felt natural. Like, that's what girls do. They show off their clothes by giving a little twirl and a giggle as if they're embarrassed or find the whole thing fun and/or funny. That's what your brain told you to do; maybe there was a little something left in there.

"That's the first time I've heard you laugh since being here." Natasha smiled. You shrugged, suddenly feeling self conscious. "Don't stop! Keep laughing, please. You're safe here, I promise. We won't let anything happen to you. You have to trust us a bit more now, right?"

"Yeah." You smiled, "I never did thank you all for saving me."

"We always protect our friends. No matter what." Natasha stood up and walked over to you. She smiled before looking down at your bare stomach and hips. "Do you remember how they happened?"

You looked down at the cuts, bruises and scars on display. For a moment you forgot all about them; having a nice bonding moment with Natasha made to feel like you were an ordinary girl again. But that changed once you saw them. You weren't ordinary.

Your face fell and Natasha saw. She lifted her top up a little to reveal a scar on her stomach, "Shot right through me and killed another." Your eyes widened, "by your beloved Bucky." She put her top back down. "But don't worry, he's not like that now."

You breathed a sigh of relief, wondering for a second if you had put your trust in the wrong person. "So if I can forgive him and trust him after that, no matter what you do I'll trust you. I hope you can do the same for me."

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