By riddikulus-

19.2K 643 258

The second wizarding war ended a few months ago. Emma Ashwood, hidden from the wizarding world for nearly 16... More

1. an unexpected guest
2. the truth
3. diagon alley
4. the blonde boy
5. slytherin
6. expect the unexpected
7. duels
8. firewhiskey
9. trust no one
10. surprise!
11. losing control
12. hogsmeade
13. the silver dagger
14. the resoration
15. secrets
16. halloween
17. captured
18. power trip
19. another trip to the hospital wing
20. astrid
21. poison
22. cold hands and tears
23. as time stands still
24. you were right
25. fist fight
26. bloody knuckles
27. visions
28. fights with the ferret
29. the letter
30. astoria greengrass
31. travels
32. new york city
33. serena snow
34. cruel games
35. potter and weaslebee
36. the magical congress
37. escape of the death eaters
38. umbrellas
39. room 323
40. Leo
41. sleep walking
42. the dress
43. a date with malfoy
44. caught off gaurd
45. the walking time-bomb
46. rage
47. trouble
48. broken glass
49. dittany
50. next time
51. the invisibility cloak
52. warehouse no. 100
53. burning sky
54. the weapon
55. lights out
56. what the darkness does
57. snowfall
59. hogsmeade
60. room invasion
61. meaningless
62. the slug club
63. the jealous games
64. dancing with an angel, and punching the devil

58. jealousy, blood, and anger

203 6 13
By riddikulus-

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" Rings through the halls and a red jolt of light goes blurring past me. I freeze in my tracks before I spin right around on my heel, terror taking place across my features. Until I see her.  "What the hell is wrong with you?" I shout. 

"I heard about your little weekend trip with him. I fucking told you! He's mine!" She fumes as she takes alarmingly fast steps towards me. A fire lit ablaze in her eyes that almost, almost, scares me. I stumble back, against the wall as she grows increasingly closer and finally threatens me by jabbing her wand right into my neck. 

I'm sure the sight is simply hilarious. Pansy Parkinson holding her wand to my neck, and I'm so caught off guard and quite frankly surprised, I have yet to do anything about it. "Did you really just shove your wand into my throat?" I mutter darkly. 

"And what if I did?" She smirks like a demon. 

"I would advise you to step away before you regret every second leading up to this one," I say slowly, a tight, evil and insincere smile on my lips. "You think you can scare me?" She challenges. 

"Well apparently I already do if you felt threatened enough to track me down and call me a 'stupid bitch'," I sneer, a sharp smirk following my words. 

"You really don't get it, do you? I've made it very clear, he is mine, yet you refuse to listen-" 

"Are you seriously trying to accuse me of taking Malfoy from you? Again?" I interrupt. 

"Well aren't you slow," she snaps. 

"And you're even slower. I despise him and would rather cut off my right arm than spend any more time than I have to with him. But I can tell you this, he wants nothing to do with you. So shut your mouth and don't ever fucking accuse me of anything that has to do with him. I have no problem keeping my damn legs closed around him," I fire out. 

It's like a wall crumbles around her, letting the last of her sanity loose. A flame falls across her face and rage ignites inside her eyes. It's clear I have made her furious, and there is a split second where I nearly feel a chill of terror run up my spine. That is till she grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks me to the ground. And then I feel nothing but a crippling, and vicious white-hot rage as she throws herself on top of me. 

Shouts, echoes, cheers all sound around me as we have so obviously conjured a whole entire audience. I couldn't care less. Pansy Parkinson just yanked me to the ground, and she's a fool if she thinks she can get away with it. She throws a punch and I manage to block it with my arms last second, using my strength to throw her off me.

She falls backwards onto her elbows but right when I sit up, she lunges once more at me. I scowl harshly as I act fast, wrapping my arms around her and throwing her back onto the floor. She lands with a hard thud as I have the upper hand. I pull my arm back, ready to knock my fist right into her pug face. That is until someone, has the nerve to intervene. 

I know it's him the second I feel his cold hands around me because he grabs on tight to both my arms and uses his overbearing strength to pull me up and off of her. When I resist, he doesn't hesitate to slam me right back into the damn wall. I shove against him as my chest heaves up and down and my hair falls in front of my face. "Control yourself!" He seethes. But I look at him through my heavy gaze of rage. 

"Let me go!" I hiss. 

From a few feet away,  Blaise has restrained Pansy. She's a complete mess, and totally hysterical. But her eyes remain glued to Malfoy. While his eyes are on nobody else but me. I try to squirm out of his grip, but he's a million times stronger than I'll ever be. His silver stare is fierce. He is upset with me.  

"Get lost! Nothing to see!" Blaise shouts to all the other students. Majority of them are all 5th years and under. They quickly scurry away the second his demanding voice fills the hall. 

"The fuck is the matter with you?" Malfoy snaps, pulling my attention back to him as he seemingly pushes me further into the wall. I begin to wince due to his strength, but I ignore it. "She's the one who attacked me!" I exclaim. 

"And you did nothing to provoke her?" Malfoy shoots, nearly rolling his eyes. I raise my brows. "I have never seen Pansy like that, you obviously did something to drive her mad enough to start a near fist fight," he fires out. "I made her jealous," I roll my eyes. 

He shoves me further into the wall, his anger only growing deeper. "You need to fucking get a grip! I'm sick of cleaning up after you," He says in a deep voice, his hands beginning to hurt where he grasps my arms. "Let go," I growl through clenched teeth. "How do I know you'll control yourself?" He questions. "Just let me go," I demand once more. His eyes narrow, he shoots an ice filled stare at me before he slowly relaxes, letting go of me. I instantly push him away from me as I pull away from the wall, and him. I snatch my wand off the ground and shove it into my pocket. 

"I hope you didn't forget our lessons today?" Malfoy says. 

"I was actually on my way to them when Pugface here ambushed me," I mutter in a hushed voice as I nod towards her. Pansy isn't as compliant as me, and she's still squirming against Blaise's grip. 

"The hell are you saying about me?" She shouts. I turn towards her, "Nothing you haven't heard before," I roll my eyes. She tries to push away from Blaise, towards me. It's almost frightening to see her acting this way. Like a rabid animal. 

"Lets go before you say anything else stupid," Malfoy warns snatching my hand and pulling my attention back towards him. 

"Have fun shagging him! I always knew you were a whore Ashwood," Pansy shouts from behind me. My frame goes rigid. If this girl says one more stupid thing I swear to- 

"It's a shame your mother never taught you not to steal what belongs to others. Though, I suppose she was dead before you could even understand-" 

I lose every sliver of common sense. I whirl around in just a second lunging towards her. I feel an explosion of anger like never before come from within me. It's lethal. How dare she. How dare she bring my mother into something as silly as this!

I'm millimeters away when his strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back entirely into his strong chest. I try my very best to fight against him, but his grip is too tight. Thinking fast I bring my leg up, slamming my heel hard into his foot. He shouts in pain, cursing at me, but I don't pay any mind to him. His grip loosens just enough so that I can break my arm free and yank my wand out of my pocket in a fraction of a second. 

I hurl a curse at her so fast, hardly anyone see's it coming. It hits her square in the face. 

I don't even remember what kind of curse it was, I just remember the instant regret as a dozen little cuts begin to rip across her face. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach and I wish so badly I could take it back as she lets out a cry of pain, and drops to her knees on the floor. "Make it stop!" She screams out. Blaise is quick to pull out his wand, figuring out some way to stop it. Blood runs trails down her face, and so many tiny cuts appear all over her features. 

I feel struck to the core. Absolutely sick to my stomach as I fall back into Malfoy's arms. He goes slack, his grip loosening on me and I know he's absolutely dumbstruck. I'm sure if I was looking in a mirror, my  face would be as white as the snow on the ground outside. 

The air hangs heavy as a short silence follows. Her head snaps up, and she looks at me, tears streaming down her face, mixing with the blood. "You're going to regret ever stepping foot into this damn school," She chokes out, her voice low and raspy. 

"I already do," I whisper in a hollow voice. 

"Get her out of here!" Blaise shouts at Draco fiercely, referring to me. Malfoy says nothing he simply acts as he brutally regains an iron grip on me and pulls me as close as he can. I can sense the anger radiating from him. I no longer care. Guilt crashes into me, sweeping me off my feet and carrying me into the dangerous depths of my own mind. A rip tide that often times become almost impossible to escape. 

Everything feels dazed after that. 

What in the hell were you thinking?!  Voices are screaming at me. My mind is rushing and my pulse is jumping. I hardly even notice when we make it to the Room of Requirement. Malfoy throws open the door, and throws me inside immediately. I trip over my feet, nearly falling to the floor due to the sheer force. I turn around to face him, and I've never wished more to be on the opposite end of the earth as him. 

I'm not quite sure, I've ever seen him so angry. He's fuming, his chest falling and rising, his muscles are flexed, his face red, and his eyes, so narrow and sharp. But something is different. Instead of his usual icy stare, it has been replaced by a rivalry of flames. Anger that is consuming him. 

"I- I didn't mean to," I blurt out. 

"You - don't get to speak," He snaps so harshly I flinch. "Do you even understand? I have done nothing but look after you since you got here. I clean up every single one of your messes. I pick up the pieces and do my best to put them back into place. It's exhausting being forced to fix a fucking child's mess," his words are sharp like knives and I stare at him with wide eyes. 

"I'm sorry! I - she just made me so mad, and I couldn't help it! You know I don't have full control over my magic yet!" I cry out helplessly. 

"You made the decision to curse her! That was your choice. You were impulsive, and reckless. I told you to control yourself. You let the words of someone who shouldn't even matter to you, dictate your actions, and now I hope you're ready to face the consequences!" He exclaims. He's breathing hard and his hair hangs down into his eyes. 

Tears prick at the back of my eyes and my shoulders slump. Today had been exhuasting, and everything that had gone wrong was now threatening to tear me in half. Keep it together. But the thought of what I did to Pansy has burned itself into the back of my head and suddenly my knees feel weak. 

"I'm sorry," I whisper quietly, staring at the ground. 

He says nothing for a few seconds. He leaves me hanging on the the insufferable silence before he draws in a deep breath. "I need to make sure Blaise has things under control," he simply says. 

"What do I do?" I ask, my head snapping up.

"Wait in here. And don't you dare leave," he orders, turning his back on me as he reaches for the door. 

"Do you hate me?" I blurt out. He freezes, his hand stopping just a few inches short of the door handle. He pauses for a moment, a thoughtful moment. "Not like I used to," he says, refusing to look at me, and then continuing on and slipping out of the room. 

I stare blankly at the door, my empty stare focused towards where he stood just seconds ago. I swallow my tears, take a deep breath, and stand up straight. I supress any and all emotion, removing it and carefully placing it at the back of my mind till I feel numb. 

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