Drarry and Wolfstar One Shots

De sytherin30

306K 5.6K 4.6K

Heyyyyyy guys! So this is just a bunch of Drarry and Wolfstar one shots because they are both my otp. If you... Mai multe

Wolfstar ~ Late for breakfast
Drarry ~ Rain Storm
Wolfstar ~ Truth or Dare
Drarry ~ How drunk is he?
Wolfstar ~ Tattoos
Drarry ~ Flower Boy
Wolfstar ~ Powerpoint night
Drarry ~ Periods
Wolfstar ~ Rainy days
Wolfstar ~ Hurtful words and Loving words
Wolfstar ~ Waking up from a full
Drarry ~ Anonymous letters
Wolfstar ~ Cuddles in the night
Drarry ~ Unexpected Birthday
Wolfstar ~ Teaching Sirius
Drarry ~ Unexpected Birthday Pt. 2
Wolfstar ~ Love chain
Wolfstar ~ Blanket Burrito
Wolfstar ~ Summer of '75
Wolfstar ~ Coming out
Drarry ~ Morning
Wolfstar ~ Cheating
Drarry ~ Dandelions
Wolfstar ~ Gryffindors
Wolfstar ~ Nail Polish
Drarry ~ Reporters
Wolfstar ~ Who do you fancy?
Drarry ~ Periods Pt. 2
Wolfstar ~ Morning Pt.2
Drarry ~ Intrusive thoughts
Wolfstar ~ Anything to help the other
Drarry - Soulmarks
Wolfstar ~ The book
Drarry ~ Secret for a secret
Wolfstar ~ Double trouble
Drarry ~ Warm Hands
Wolfstar ~ Mistletoe
Drarry ~ Halloween with the Potters
Wolfstar ~ Raising Harry
Drarry ~ Reunion and sickness
Wolfstar ~ Rivalry
Wolfstar ~ I think I love him
Drarry ~ Wedding Invites
Wolfstar ~ Remus = pillow
Drarry - TSS

Drarry ~ Never left again

4.8K 108 128
De sytherin30

*This has bad Ginny in it, so yeah just a warning and lets just pretend Ginny is the same age as Harry. Also, this includes some homophobia so if that makes you upset or uncomfortable, either try to ignore it, or skip this one shot. I don't want anyone to feel upset by anything I write, please make sure to stay happy! <3*

Anyways, enjoy!!!


~London - After Hogwarts~

James Sirius Potter was born two years after Harry had left Hogwarts, yes, Harry and Ginny were only eighteen, it was because Ginny wanted to, but Harry still loves his son with his whole life. He and Ginny took care of James until he was five years old when Ginny started acting differently. Harry had come out to the Weasley's as bi back in his last year of school, though Ginny seemed to keep thinking about that. She kept thinking that some guy had turned Harry 'not straight'. Of course she never told anyone this because her family fully supports Harry so she doesn't want to get into that drama. Basically she was jealous and decided to sleep with some random dude she met at a bar one night. She originally planned it to be just one night but then started seeing the man behind Harry's back, cheating on him. All just because she was jealous that Harry might have liked someone else.

Harry never found out until one night, he got worried about her. Maybe he didn't love her as much as he used to, but he still treated her the same and always cared for her. He noticed she would go out to this bar a lot, multiple times a week in fact. So, he felt a bit guilty for doing it, but one night he decided to follow her. Just to make sure she was alright. Everyone was dealing with the war in a different way, Harry himself suffered from PTSD, and he didn't want Ginny to be drowning her troubles in alcohol like a lot of people do. If she was, he intended to help her find a more healthy way of coping. Although, after he saw her making out with this man at the bar, he didn't want to help her at all. Yes, he may not love her romantically anymore, but they had a son together and he still treated her with all the kindness he could give. He couldn't understand why Ginny wouldn't just tell him if she didn't want to be with him anymore. It would have made it a lot easier than finding out this way.

When he got back home, he went and sat down at the kitchen table. He was silent the whole way home. Just thinking about what he had seen.

"Harry? Are you back?" He could hear Hermione's voice float down the stairs. She and Ron had come to look after James while Harry was out.

"Was Ginny alri... Harry?" Ron said as he walked into the kitchen, Hermione just behind him.

"What happened, mate?" Ron then asked, crouching down in front of his best friend to be eye level as Harry stared off into space. Hermione crouched down too.

"She cheated. Ginny. She was snogging a guy at the bar." Harry said, not particularly upset, more so shocked.

"What?" Ron asked as he stood up.

As if on cue, Ginny came stumbling in through the front door, tipsy but not drunk. A very... risque outfit on, indicating she had met someone at the bar.

"Oh, hey Ron, 'Mione, Harry." Ginny greeted, loudly dropping her purse on the kitchen counter.

"Gin, can we talk?" Ron asked his sister who looked at him funny before slowly nodding her head, she knew what was about to happen.

That night, there was a lot of shouting from Ron and Ginny coming from the study which even had silencing charms around it that Ron put up knowing about Harry's PTSD. Hermione distracted Harry in the living room. He didn't like shouting, it reminded him of the Dursleys, the Department of Mysteries, and the war. Finally at about one in the morning, an hour after Ginny had come home, Ron dragged her out of the study and told her to pack her stuff. He knew Harry wouldn't want to stay with a cheater, but Harry also wouldn't have the heart to kick her out. Ron did though. Yes, Ginny was his sister, but Harry is his brother and best friend. Someone who had stood up for him in a time he needed it most. Ginny had only been blood related. Once Ginny had gotten her stuff, she went back down to the living room and muttered a quick 'sorry' to Harry as she walked by. Ron escorted her to the floo before stepping in with her, heading to the burrow.

After that, Ginny had moved countries. Her family was extremely disappointed in her and she for some reason was angry at Harry so she never wanted to see him or their son ever again. Ron explained to his parents what happened as Ginny stood there, completely shameless like some psycho. The thing that made the Wealeys' snap was when Ron told them that Ginny had said she did it because Harry is bi so she can't be with him. They didn't tolerate homophobes one bit and so they tried to give her a second chance in the month she lived at the burrow but she didn't change. She even boasted about making fun of a lesbian couple on the streets. That's when Molly and Arthur decided to cut things off with her. It was an extremely hard decision to make, but they had tried to help their daughter, they gave her time to become a nicer person and redeem herself, but she stayed the same. What upset them the most was that the day Ginny left, she didn't even look sad. She almost looked glad.

"Tell Potter I said good luck with the child," She evilly smirked before she apparated away.

Once she left, the Weasley's did as much as they could to help Harry with James. He was only five years old and Harry worked as an Auror so sometimes he had to be off on Auror missions, meaning he couldn't always be home. Although, when he was at home, he made sure to spend every second of the day with his little boy. For the first few months after Ginny left, Harry struggled a lot, trying to balance work and his son, he also felt quite upset. Even though he didn't love Ginny anymore, if it were to end, he didn't think it would end how it did. James also took it hard for the first few months. He would cry every night, asking where his Mama had gone. Harry didn't have the heart to tell him though, so he tried to avoid the questions. If he had to answer them, he would respond with something along the lines of 'She is going away for a while'. When James is older, Harry will tell him what actually happened, when he's old enough to understand.


About a year after Ginny left, Harry decided to try and see people again. He had emotionally isolated himself from people other than the Weasley's, James, and Minerva because she is like a mother to him. He's now twenty four years old with a six year old son so dating isn't really that easy for him. He doesn't know anyone who would be interested in dating a single dad that isn't even going to be thirty by the time his son can attend Hogwarts. To broaden his chances, he decided to be open to trying relationships with men and women. He often had crushes on boys at Hogwarts, but he had never dated a boy. In fact, he had one of the biggest crushes on his enemy, Draco Malfoy. It lasted from the end of fourth year to sixth year. When he thinks about the elegant, blonde haired boy, his tummy still feels a bit fluttery, but he knew he would probably never see Draco again. After all, they hadn't seen each other since his trial where Harry spoke for Draco and Narcissa, resulting in them not getting thrown into Azkaban.

That streak of being apart from his school crush ended one night when Harry was at a pub after work. He only intended to stay for one beer as a reward for solving a tough case before heading home, but his plans soon changed. He heard commotion in the loud lively pub as he sat at the tall bar table. When he turned around, he could see a group of wizards holding another wizard up against the wall as one of them held their wand to his neck. Harry immediately recognised who the wizard was, the one being held against the wall. It was Draco Malfoy. He didn't seem to be fighting back though, he looked worried, but almost as if this had happened before. Harry being an Auror and this being a wizarding pub, got out his wand and walked over to the group.

"Achem," Harry cleared his throat sternly, this wasn't the first time he had dealt with drunk gangs.

"What?" The one holding the wand up to Draco's neck asked angrily, turning to face Harry, his wand still in place.

Harry pointed at his Auror badge that was on the top left corner of his chest, connected to his robes. He had come right from the Ministry to the pub, planning to go right home after. The wizards all started to laugh, Draco just stared in disbelief. After many spells were shot, there was a pile of wizards sitting in the corner of the pub. Satisfied with his work, Harry brushed off the patch of dust from his robes before putting his wand back into his pocket. He then noticed Draco had just been standing there against the wall the whole time. It almost looked like there were tears on his face. Oh shit there was tears on his face! Harry felt really bad and just started acting in the moment.

He held his hand out to Draco with a soft, comforting look on his face. The blonde cautiously held Harry's hand, not really thinking either before Harry whisked him out of the pub.

"Want to come over to my place to freshen up? It's just down the road" Harry asked, just trying to be nice but knowing he might sound weird.

"Sure." Draco said quietly, not knowing why he agreed, he just felt like it. He too had liked Harry during their school years, and he was thankful for what Harry did in the pub. It seemed like Harry wanted Draco to say yes so he decided to do something for Harry in return for saving him in the pub.

They walked to Harry's house which just so happens to be 12 Grimmauld Place and before Harry unlocked the front door, he turned to look at Draco.

"Um, I know the house is a bit... gloomy, but just try to ignore that." He chuckled.

"I grew up in the Malfoy Manor, Potter. Nothing can be worse than that." Draco joked but felt shivers go up his spine when thinking about his old Manor.

Harry then unlocked the door and let Draco in before closing the door, keeping the cold air out. For a few seconds, Draco looked down the hall, examining the dark wallpaper and the weird old dark artefacts.

"Didn't take you for a collector, Potte-" But before Draco could finish his sentence, he was interrupted.

"Daddy!" James squealed as he jumped down the last step on the stairs and ran towards Harry who crouched down to hug his son.

"Did you have fun with Rose?" Harry asked, it was a Saturday so James didn't have school and so he went and stayed with Ron, Hermione, and Rose while Harry was working. Usually he doesn't work on a Saturday, but it was an important case that he had to take being the head Auror.

"Yeah! We played in the garden and made a fort!" James smiled, remembering the events that took place earlier that day.

"That seems lovely," Harry boop'ed James' nose with his finger before noticing Draco staring at him and James.

"Um, Mal- Draco, this is my... son, James." Harry said, not many people know about James since he is homeschooled by Hermione with Rose since she can't work while she's on maternity leave, She's due a baby boy soon, the second Granger-Weasley child. James doesn't really like the attention all that much, he prefers having a few close friends rather than a bunch of fans like his dad has.

"James, this is, Draco. Someone I know from Hogwarts." Harry said, introducing the two, nervously.

"Nice to meet you, James." Draco smiled after a few seconds of looking between Harry and his son. The resemblance was almost uncanny.

"Hi," James said quietly, he was always a bit shy around people he first meets, unlike Harry's godson, Teddy who comes to visit every once in a while. More frequently now due to Andromeda's poor health. Him and James are best friends though so it's always fun for them and Harry loves having Teddy around.

"Have you eaten tea yet?" Harry asked James.

"Yep, Roonil made us pasta!" James laughed, Harry told him to call Ron that for a joke and now he just always uses that name.

"Ok, well, I think it's time for bed then, mister." Harry smirked when James made a pouting face.

"One story?" He pleaded.

Harry looked at Draco who nodded his head meaning he doesn't mind waiting.

"Alright, just one." Harry smiled and James grabbed his hand, pulling him up the stairs to his bedroom.

"The living room's the first room to the left!" Harry shouted to Draco as he got pulled upstairs, hearing Draco chuckle which made him smile and his heart feel a little fluttery. He hadn't ever heard Draco laugh genuinely. It was always a sarcastic sneer or a laugh that Harry could tell was fake, no one else seemed to notice though.

After tucking James in bed and reading him a story about mermaids, Harry went back downstairs to the living room, knowing Draco would be there waiting for him.

"Sorry for taking so long," Harry said, it had only been ten minutes, but he didn't like to make people wait for him.

"There's no need. He's your son, you should spend time together." Draco smiled from where he was sitting on one of the sofas.

For the rest of the night, Harry and Draco talked about what happened at the pub. Harry found out that Draco has been harassed like that before. Firstly for being an ex death eater, and secondly, sometimes he gets harassed when people find out he's gay. Harry didn't know whether he was surprised at the fact that Draco is gay or not. He did feel a bit happier though for some reason, and it definitely isn't because he never really fully lost feelings for his school boy crush. Harry assured Draco that he won't get harassed again now that Harry knows about it. They actually decided to become friends that night, and at around midnight, both men were getting tired so Harry invited Draco to spend the night.

"Night," Harry said as he stood in the doorway of the guest bedroom in his house where Draco would be sleeping for the night. It was just as nice as the other rooms which means it was very comfortable. After Ginny left, Harry decided to fully re decorate the bedrooms and some other rooms so it would feel new and more like his and James' house. He liked it a lot more and so did James since he got to decorate his own room.

"Night." Draco smiled from where he was sitting on the edge of the big double bed.

"Oh, and, Harry?" Draco said just before Harry shut the door, it was the first time he hadn't called Harry by his last name since Hogwarts. Harry loved how his name slipped off Draco's tongue as if he says it all the time.

"Yeah?" Harry said softly, stopping in the almost closed door.

"Thanks," Draco smiled.

"Anytime," Harry smiled back before shutting the door and heading to bed.


Almost a year later, Harry and Draco started dating. They became really good friends and found that they actually had more things in common than they thought. Then, one day Draco confessed his feelings to Harry, and Harry just kissed him. He didn't know what else to do at that moment, he was just so happy. It was the first time he had felt that happy in a long time and the same goes for Draco.

James didn't mind Draco and Harry being friends, but it got a little weird for him when he would see Draco around the house more often. Not that he didn't like Draco, the blonde was always kind to him, but he just felt a bit confused. He still hadn't heard the real reason why Ginny left and he was seven. About a month after Harry and Draco started dating, Harry thought it was time to explain it to James. He explained everything that happened with Ginny and how she wasn't going to be coming back. He felt cruel for telling his son that, but he feared that if he left it any longer, James would take it a lot harder.

Because of this, he felt sad and upset a lot. His mum had left him and his dad and was never going to come back. He felt betrayed, like the only person he could trust was Harry because he was the only one who stayed. He also went through an angry phase where he would get angry at the smallest things. His anger acted up one time when Harry was leaving for work.

Harry is the head Auror so he was always the first called to the field, and there was a really serious case that just popped up today so he had to take it. Ron is an Auror too so he was also called to the case, Hermione was back at work being the new minister so she was busy, meaning Harry only had one person who could take care of James while he was at work. Draco. Draco didn't mind, but he knew James hadn't taken a liking to him yet. Harry and Draco had been dating for a few months now, but James still hadn't warmed up to the idea that his dad has a boyfriend yet. Not that he didn't want it to be a boyfriend, he couldn't care less if Harry dated a girl or boy, it's that he didn't want anyone to date his dad. For the last two years, it was just them, and he quite liked that.

"James, I'm sorry but this is really important. I have to go. I'll be back in a few hours. I promise." Harry said as he tried to wriggle his wrist out of James' grip.

"But dad! What if something happens!" James has tried all these what if tactics before and Harry always gives the same answer.

"Draco will take care of you." Harry replied, he trusts Draco to take care of James and he knows he is capable of doing it,

'I mean, the man survived living with Voldemort in his house at just sixteen, I'm sure he can take care of a seven year old.' Harry thought to himself before finally, his wrist got free.

"Bye! Love you!" Harry quickly said to James, shutting the front door before James could wedge it open with his foot. He always felt bad about leaving James when he had to go to work, but if he didn't go to work, first of all, they wouldn't have an income, and second of all, Harry's job is protecting people and if he didn't work, he risks people getting injured or even killed. He quickly apparated away, heading to the Ministry to get his Auror team.

A few minutes later, Draco arrived and went into the house using the key he has. When he was inside, James was nowhere to be seen. The house was quiet so he guessed James would be in his room. He decides to go and see if he is ok, usually he gets upset and moody when Harry leaves for work since he's in his 'anger phase'. He quietly walked up the stairs and knocked on James' bedroom door, the one that has a J.P on the door.

"Go away!" He said glumly, his voice muffled due to him being on the other side of the door.

"Hungry?" Draco asked quietly. He didn't blame James for being angry. Harry told Draco about Ginny and he can kind of relate to James. When he was a little boy, after the downfall of the dark lord, his dad just abandoned him and his mum while he went into hiding, leaving Narcissa with a baby Draco, alone. He returned when Draco was two and although he doesn't really remember it, the fact that his own safety was more important to Lucius than his own newborn really hurt Draco. That's sort of why Draco did whatever he could to please his father. Then, after the Battle of Hogwarts, Lucius went into hiding again, leaving Draco and Narcissa to face the hate alone for months which felt like years. Until they found Lucius and sentenced him to Azkaban meaning he won't ever see him again, not that he particularly wants to, he's still his father.

"No." James responded and Draco just left him to himself for a bit.

About an hour later he went to check on James since he hadn't come out of his room. He knocked gently on James' bedroom door again.

"What?" James said, less angry, more like a choked sob this time.

"Can I come in?" Draco decided to ask, this was the first time he has ever asked this.

He didn't get a response, he just heard the door unlock and James running back to his bed. Draco slowly pushed open the door to find James in his bed, drowning in all the pillows and blankets. He had never properly been in James' room before.

"Wanna talk?" Draco asked sympathetically, tilting his head to the side when he looked at James who thought for a minute before slightly nodding his head. Draco then walked over and sat on the edge of his bed so he could listen to what James wanted to say.

"So, what's this all about?" Draco asked softly as if he was Harry asking James about why he's crying.

"I don't know. How come my mum left me and my dad? How come you are dating my dad? Why is everything happening so fast?" James muttered.

"I'm just angry at my mu- Ginny. Dad never did anything bad to her but she made him so sad and ruined our family. I mean, at least you're here. You make my dad really happy." Jame said glumly but looked at Draco when talking about how much Harry likes him.

"And all this is changing so quickly. I just found out why Ginny left and now you're here." James started to tear up. This is a lot for a seven year old to take in.

"James, Ginny left because she wasn't meant to live this life. You didn't do anything wrong and neither did your dad. As much as it hurts to say, you need to leave the past in the past. Trust me, I know how it feels. My dad abandoned me and my mum multiple times. It sucks, it really does, but you just need to focus on the things you do have. You have an amazing dad who loves you more than anyone else in this whole world, relatives that would do anything for you, a best friend who lives with you for the majority of the year. Try to forget about the bad things, I know it's hard but, just try." Draco said sincerely, looking James in the eye to show he is serious.

"I have you too." James said quietly.

"What?" Draco whispered, almost inaudible.

"I have you. Thank you Draco. I'm sorry if I made you think I don't like you. I do, it was just hard to get used to you being around my dad all the time, but I see how much he loves you, please don't leave him like she did." James said, his face still half covered by his fluffy duvet.

Draco's cheeks went red and he felt his tummy to a cartwheel when James said that Harry loves him. They had never said it aloud to each other, but it is always implied. Draco is certain he is in love with Harry, he just hoped Harry felt the same. According to James, he does.

"Thank you James, I love your dad too, with everything I have. And loving him means loving his family too which means you. I'm not gonna leave you two, not unless Harry wants me to. Just know I'll always be here to talk or help if you need me." Draco said, cautiously reaching a hand up to James' forehead to brush the hair out of his eyes gently. Luckily James didn't mind it.


Two years later, Harry and Draco are still together. Their family has grown though, because now Teddy lives with them. Sadly, Andromeda passed away last year, meaning Teddy had to go and live with Harry and James which he would be happy about except for the fact that he was sad his grandmother died. Draco also moved in with Harry after the first year of dating. Now, 12 Grimmauld Place is home to two Potters, a Malfoy, and a Lupin. Harry and Draco would get married, but gay marriage isn't legal in England yet so they have to wait.

They were out in muggle London, just spending the day together as a family and messing around. They went to a cafe in the morning before spending some time in Hyde Park, sitting in the grass, having ice cream, chasing each other around, James falling in a pond which Teddy was sure to tease him about, getting a take away pizza and sitting under a tree in the grass to eat it when Harry and Draco watched James and Teddy run around together. James now being nine and Teddy being ten.


Draco, Harry, and James waved Teddy goodbye as the Hogwarts Express left Kings Cross, taking Teddy to his first year at Hogwarts. James was sad that he wasn't going to see his best friend for the whole year, but was excited when thinking about next year when he will get to join Teddy at Hogwarts.


This time, just Harry and Draco waved off their two boys as the Hogwarts Express made its way toward Hogwarts. Feeling like proud parents as they should, and a bit emotional.

"Remember when we first met before first year in Madam Malkin's?" Harry laughed.

"And when you, Crabbe, and Goyle came into my compartment on the first train ride?" Harry laughed again.

"Merlin, I was such an annoying twat back then!" Draco joined in the laughing.

"Well, you managed to woo me so, whatever you did worked out pretty well," Harry smirked, apparating them both back home.

They were only 28 and had accomplished so much in life. Both their sons had gone to Hogwarts, they bought a house together, a bigger one that fits the whole family and more, they have more money that they would ever need and intend on doing some good with it, Harry saved the wizarding world at 17, Draco saved the saviour of the wizarding world at 17 in the Malfoy Manor, they got over their petty rivalry and became friends, which then led to them being lovers, which then led to Draco proposing to Harry who obviously said yes.

The family lived the happiest life they could, focusing on what they already have rather than what they don't and just trying to make the most of every minute spent together because all of them knew how it felt to lose someone and none of them wanted to feel it ever again.

They never did.


Congrats if you made it to the end! This took me so long to write cuz I was also really tired but I hope you liked it!! 

<3 Have a lovely day/night/morning/evening :)

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