His Man | Taekook β˜‘

By BangtanFilter

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"I know I already have your body Koo, but your soul and your heart is what I want to possess." - Kim Taehyun... More

Chapter 1: His Date's Cousin
Chapter 2: Boss' boytoy?
Chapter 3: Hypnosis
Chapter 4: The Talk
Chapter 5: Let Your Body Take Control
Chapter 6: Hwasa
Chapter 7: The Double Date
Chapter 8: Who's Stronger?
Chapter 9: Dating a Monster
Chapter 10: The Acceptance and The Denial
Chapter 11: Memories and Misconceptions
Chapter 12: Idiot
Chapter 13: Elevator
Chapter 14: Telepathy
Chapter 15: The Kidnapping Pt. 1
Chapter 16: The Kidnapping Pt. 2
Chapter 17: The Bait
Chapter 18: The Unexpected Friend and The Unexpected Enemy
Chapter 19: His Incomplete Possession
Chapter 20: The Aftermath
Chapter 21: New Enemies
Chapter 22: The Betrayal
Chapter 23: Now
Chapter 24: Necessary Evil
Chapter 25: Not the Enemy
Chapter 27: The Goodbye
Chapter 28: The Lucky One
Chapter 29: Vase of Glass
Chapter 30: Families, Friends and Exes
Chapter 31: The Light and The Darkness
Chapter 32: Breaking heart or Breaking Trust
Chapter 33: New Man
Chapter 34: Ghosts of the Past
Chapter 35: Connection of Contradictions
Chapter 36: Past and Future
Chapter 37: The Pending Apology
Chapter 38: The Truth Untold
Chapter 39: Not His Man
Chapter 40: Left side of the Bed
Chapter 41: Home
Chapter 42: The good, the bad and the ugly
Chapter 43: Loyalty
Chapter 44: Christmas Hell
Chapter 45: Not so Merry Christmas
Chapter 46: Still love me?
Chapter 47: Stupid In Love
Chapter 48: Revenge
Chapter 49: Playing Games
Chapter 50: Call Me By My Name
Chapter 51: Promise
Chapter 52: Soulmate
Chapter 53: My House, My Guest
Chapter 54: The Most Powerful Man In The Room Pt. 1
Chapter 55: The Most Powerful Man In The Room Pt. 2
Chapter 56: Marry Me Then
Chapter 57: Not Yet
Chapter 58: Fear or Love
Chapter 59: Momzilla and Evil Dad
Chapter 60: Brothers
Chapter 61: Beginning of the End
Chapter 62: Sinners
Chapter 63: The Assemblage
Chapter 64: Past and Pain
Chapter 65: Just Taehyung
Chapter 66: Jungkook
Chapter 67: The Second Gunshot
Chapter 68: For The Family
Chapter 69: Iron Rods
Chapter 70: Forever In Your Arms
Chapter 71: Promise Of Forever
Chapter 72: Life Goes On
Chapter 73: Happily Ever After
BONUS 1: Wedding Bells
BONUS 2: The Dream Wedding
BONUS 3: Wedding Night
Still My Man?
Happy Anniversary to My Love

Chapter 26: The Monster Inside Him

5.3K 269 160
By BangtanFilter

"You got to be kidding me? You were spying on me all this time? You were following me?", Jungkook yells at Shane who stands there with a straight face holding his hands behind his back.

"No sir. I was asked to protect you, not spy on you. Mr. Kim asked me to keep an eye on everything that goes around you. He knew you aren't safe outside Kim Mansion", Shane states matter of factly.

"Oh what am I?! A 5 year old? Do you really think I can't protect myself? Did I look like I needed help?", Jungkook continues yelling.

"Well initially you didn't look like you needed help and I decided to keep hidden but when I found those 2 men were going to attack you from the back, I had to intervene and help", Shane states, face still straight.

"I totally knew they were there", Jungkook rolls his eyes, "I don't need favours from you or your boss"

"I couldn't take risks with you"

"You have been around my apartment since when?"

"Since Mr. Kim left your apartment this evening. He waited for me to arrive before he left"

"Oh that is why he waited outside my door for 15 minutes? I thought he stood there because he was sad or something but he was just waiting for his spy", Jungkook scoffs.

"Like I told you Mr. Jeon, I was told to protect you, not spy on you"

"Did you tell him anything about where I am heading? Or that I am not home?

"No. He didn't ask"

"So he does not know that I am not home?"


"Can you keep it that way?"



"Yes unless Mr. Kim asks me himself. If he does, I will have to tell him everything"

"You told me you weren't spying on me. If you tell him my whereabouts, THAT IS SPYING!", Jungkook furrows his eyebrows.

"I do whatever he asks me to do", Shane deadpans.

"Fine. Forget it. Leave me alone now. I have work to do"

"You need first aid first"

"No I don't. It's just a scratch. You be a good samaritan and get these morons to a hospital okay? I am busy", Jungkook smiles, patting Shane's sboulder.

"But your bike is broken. How will you leave?", Shane points to Jungkook's bike which got damaged during his encounter with the masked men. Jungkook sighs realising he is stuck without a vehicle in the middle of nowhere.

"I can drive you wherever you want to go", Shane says pointing towards his car parked in a distance in the darkness of the empty road."

"I don't need your help"

"..or we can stand in the middle of nowhere until you decide what you want to do", Shane folds his arms and gives Jungkook a curt smile.

"I'll drive", Jungkook forwards his palm asking for the keys.

"No sir, you won't"

"I will. Unless you don't want me to tell your boss how you left me alone against all these men to get beaten up just because YOU thought I coulld handle it. I don't think he will be very happy about this fact", Jungkook smiles and stretches his palm again asking for the car key and Shane hesistantly hands it over to him.

Jungkook walks over to the car and sits on the driver's seat. He starts the engine and locks all doors before Shane could enter the car. "Tell your boss I said 'Hi' and also tell him to stop sending his spys after me. I will return the car when you return my bike. Please ride it home, I really love my bike", he waves at Shane and drives off to his destination.

"Mr. Jeon! Mr. Jeo-", Shane tries to stop Jungkook, "Stop the car Mr. Jeon", he stands there watching the tail light of the car get smaller and smaller before his phone rings, "yes sir".

"Is he okay?", Taehyung asks him.

"Yes sir, he is", Shane responds matter of factly.

"Is he home?"

"No sir"

"Where is he then?"

"Around Seoungsudong"

"What is he doing there?"

"He was riding his bike to somewhere"


"I don't know"

"Are you following him?"

"I was sir"

"Was?", Taehyung's voice sounds mad.

"Yes sir. He was attacked by Min's men again. His bike broke down. I offered to drive him to his destination but.."

"That bastard attacked him again?", Taehyung yells from the other side of the line.

"Yes sir"

"Is he okay?"

"Yes sir, he is. Just some minute scratches here and then"

"Why aren't you following him?"

"He stole my car sir"

"He WHAT?"

"Yes, he drove my car and left me here with his broken bike".

"AND YOU LET HIM?", Taehyung's yells again.

"I tried to stop him but.."

"That stubborn boy!", Taehyung hisses, "Can you track his phone?"

"I have been trying to do that ever since he left. I am still trying. Looks like he tweaked something with his phone. I can't track it".

"Find him Shane. Find him before he gets himself in trouble".

"Yes sir", Shane disconnects the call.

"I really had to fall for the most stubborn smartass brat in Seoul. Didn't I?", Taehyung mumbles to himself, running his hands through his hair before deciding to call Jungkook.


Jungkook silences his phone ignoring Taehyung's 7th call within a duration of 5 minutes. He doesn't want to talk to him. He wants to focus on what he is set out to do. To be more accurate, he doesn't want to want to talk to him but he does. He knows he wants to be mad at him but he doesn't want to be mad at him. Does it make sense to you? No right? Doesn't make sense to him either.

He parks the car outside the club where Jimin was supposed to be according to the location of the microchip, and gets out contemplating if he should get inside the shady looking club because this isn't the type of place he would normally go to.

He decides to enter the place but before he can, he finds Jimin walking out of there wearing a black hoodie. He speed walks out of the place and towards his parked car while Jungkook follows him, " Jim-", before he can call out for him, someone wraps his hand around his mouth, muffling his voice.

"Mr. Jeon you need to come with me right this moment", Shane tries to drag him out of there while Jungkook struggles to get out of Shane's huge grip. Shane drags him back to the car and let's him go. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!", Jungkook yells at him, "How the hell did you reach here so fast? How dare you drag me here like this?"

"Mr. Jeon, please get inside the car. You need to get out of here. I have seen some of Youngjae's men outside here. They could be looking for you"

"Or they could be here to have a drink?", Jungkook continues yelling, "Why the fuck is everyone after me? You are after me. Youngjae's men are after me. Everyone is trying to either kidnap me or kill me or both. What the hell have I done to deserve this?"

"You have become special to Kim Taehyung. That's what you have done sir", Shane deadpans making Jungkook go quiet, "They are after you to hurt you and I am after you to protect you and both of this because Mr. Kim cares about you".

"Then maybe he should stop caring about me", Jungkook hisses in anger, his eyes glaring at Shane, "Drive me home. I am done here. I don't care about all of this nonsense anymore", he states matter of factly, his eyes dead. He opens the car door and sits at the passenger seat waiting for Shane to drive him home.

As much as Jungkook loves Taehyung, there are things he loves more than he could ever love him. Trust, respect, a desire to be treated like an equal in the relation and most importantly his freedom; these things matter more to him than being in Taehyung's warm embrace. Taehyung. He spends most of the drive back home thinking about Taehyung. He thinks about how nice it feels to be between Taehyung's arms. How just his single touch makes Jungkook forget all his worries. He thinks about how the older looks into his eyes like he is the most precious object in the universe. Maybe he DOES think of Jungkook as a pretty object after all else why would he always try to control him? How can a man feel so right and so wrong at the same time? How can he kiss Jungkook like no one ever could but then hurt him like no one ever has? How can he make him feel like the most important person sometimes and then make him feel the most trivial the very next moment? He watches the trees pass by him while he wonders what he is to Taehyung. What does he mean to him? Why does he want to protect him so bad? Why does he think that he NEEDS to protect him that bad? Could he possibly be in love with him? No. How can he. A man who is used to get any and every person he has laid his eyes on is now stuck on a single man. Jungkook thinks about how much he wants Taehyung or whether he truly loves him. Can he accept him the way he is? Can he accept his controlling and dominating nature? Thousands of such thoughts pass his mind when his phone starts to vibrate in his pocket. It's Taehyung again. He looks at the screen of his phone and sighs deeply before disconnecting the call. He knows he needs time. He knows he wants to be alone for sometime away from Kim Taehyung and the ruckus in his life.

Shane drops Jungkook off infront of his building. "Your bike has been dropped off in the parking sir", he informs Jungkook only for him to ignore it and walk inside the building. He unlocks the door and enters his apartment only to get shocked to find the lights on. He could have sworn he switched off every light in his apartment before leaving.

He looks around to find what's happening when Taehyung's walks out of the kitchen.

"What the fuck?", Jungkook yells at him, "How did you enter my apartment? I swear to God if my landlord has anything to do with it, I will sue his ass. He cannot let people in my apartment without me knowing. What are you doing here hyung? How the fuck did you-", Jungkook stops blabbering as Taehyung takes large steps and engulfs the younger in his embrace, "Thank God you are okay, baby. You scared the shit out of me", Taehyung takes a sigh of relief as he rests his one hand protectively on the younger's back while the other one holds the younger's head, caressing his hair.
"Are you hurt Koo?", he whispers pulling the younger as close to him as humanly possible. Jungkook doesn't answer. He just stands there trapped inside Taehyung's arms while his brain tries its best to not let his hands touch the older. Jungkook clenches his fist so his hands don't involuntarity find their way to Taehyung.

"Baby?", Taehyung pulls away and cups his boyfriend's face with his palms, "Why aren't to answering me? Are you hurt?", he asks again, scaning Jungkook from head to toe to find any possible injuries.

"No", the younger responds trying to not look Taehyung in his eyes. The older takes a deep breath, "I am sorry I let myself in. You weren't picking my calls up. I had to see if you are okay."

"Yes. I am fine hyung, thanks to the man you sent to spy on me", Jungkook rolls his eyes before pushing Taehyung away. "If I am not answering your calls, it means I don't want to talk and it clearly also means that I don't want to meet you either. What makes you think it's okay for you enter my apartment like this?", Jungkook yells at the older.

"Jungkook I know you are mad at me but that doesn't mean you will throw yourself in harm's way. They are trying to hurt you baby, why don't you understand?", Taehyung tries to hold the younger by his shoulders but he pushes him away once again, "Don't touch me hyung! You should just leave!", Jungkook yells at the older once again making him lose his mind as he pushes Jungkook, smashing his back to a wall and pinning him there by his shoulders, "I don't like people yelling at me sweetheart, even if it's you", he hisses, grinding his teeth in anger, " Don't play with fire, you will burn your fingers", he smashes his lips on Jungkook's, tasting his lips. He tilts his head and tries to enter his tongue inside the younger's mouth but he doesn't let him.

"Open your mouth for hyung, sweetheart", Taehyung whispers in his ear before joing their lips again as he wraps his arms around the younger's small waist, pulling his closer. Jungkook doesn't oblige to the older making him more annoyed then he already was. He lowers his hands from Jungkook's waist and grabs his ass making him gasp. He takes the opportunity to enter his mouth while his hand still fondles his ass making him moan in the kiss. Jungkook clenches Taehyung's shirt in his fists while the older tastes every nook and corner of his mouth leaving no space between the two.

Taehyung pulls Jungkook's shirt out of his pants and lets his hands travel inside his shirt caressing his bare skin. He pulls away from the kiss trying to catch his breath and begins to place soft kisses on the younger's neck while his hands roams freely under his shirt. "Hyung, I don't want to- AH!", Jungkook flinches when Taehyung's hand touches him somewhere on his abs. Taehyung immediately stops whatever he is doing and looks Jungkook straight in the eyes, "You told me you are not hurt?"

"I-I am not", Jungkook's voice is a timid whisper. Taehyung glares at him for a moment making the younger lowers his gaze before Taehyung grabs his wrist and drags him inside his bedroom. He takes Jungkook to his room and closes the door before opening the younger's closet, "Where is the first aid box?"

"Baby? Where is the first aid box?", Taehyung repeats himself since Jungkook didn't answer the first time.

"Right side on the bottom most shelf"

Taehyung finds the box and keeps it on the bed, "Take your shirt off".


"Take your shirt off Jungkook", Taehyung glares at him and Jungkook slowly begins to unbotton his shirt and removes it altogether revealing a few cuts and bruises that are left from his fight earlier tonight.

"Sit here", Taehyung sits on the bed and pats on the space beside him and Jungkook sits down while the older begins to apply ointment on every wound on the younger's body making sure to not hurt him. "Hyung these are just some scratches. You don't need to-"

"Shut up", Taehyung cuts him off and continues to do the first aid, "Do you have any injuries on your legs?"

"No", Jungkook lies.


Jungkook avoids eye-contact, "Hyung I can do my own first aid. You don't have to worry about-"

"Take your pants off"


"It's not like I haven't seen you without clothes Koo. Let me see if you are hurt. Take them off"

Jungkook sighs and hesistantly takes his pants off leaving him just in his boxers and sits back on the bed with a pout on his face.

"Stop pouting sweetheart and put your legs up on the bed. It will be over before you know it".

Jungkook puts his legs on the bed and Taehyung aids his little injuries. "How did this happen?", he asks poking at a cut.

"One of them had a knife", Jungkook's pout still plastered on his face.

"What was that idiot doing?"



"Hiding behind the trees"


"Because he thought I could handle them"

"And could you?"

"They will all be in a hospital for weeks", Jungkook deadpans.

"Good", Taehyung's face shows off a subtle smile.

"So as you can see, I can protect myself"

"Yes, you can but you don't have to. Especially not when you are in trouble because of me. Also, you are just a human, Jungkook. A strong one, yes but still just a human. What will you do on a day when they send too many men for you to handle? Or on a day when you are not lucky?"

"Why do they want to hurt me?"

"They don't want to hurt you babe, they want to hurt me by hurting you"

"And will they be able to hurt you by hurting me? Do you really care about me as much as they think you do?"

Taehyung stops what he was doing and puts everything back in the first aid box, "The way I treated you earlier today, I know how wrong it was and I-"

"It's okay hyung. I don't want to talk about it"

"You won't even let me apologize?"

"There is no point"

"Why not?"

"Because you will end up hurting me again anyway"

"This is what you think about me?", Taehyung's tone clearly tells Jungkook that he just broke his heart by saying what he said.

"Are you going to tell me that what I just said isn't right?", Jungkook chokes on his own words as his heart becomes incredibly heavy.

Taehyung sighs and looks at Jungkook with gloomy eyes, "You don't understand Jungkook. If I believe that Jimin is trying to harm me then I will have to question literally everything that I have put my trust into all my life. He has been the only constant in my life. I won't know what to do with my life if I find out that he is betraying me".

"It's not about Jimin hyung betraying you. It's about your absolute lack of trust in me. You might care about me hyung but you don't trust me and you don't respect me. You don't care about what I want. It always have to be your way. Whatever you want will happen and what I want, won't"

"When have I ever done anything to you that you didn't want?", Taehyung yells at the younger with disgust in his voice.

"I didn't want your bodyguard following me around but he did", Jungkook yells right back at him.


"They want to hurt me because you are my boyfriend. Isn't that right hyung?", Jungkook's voice now calmer than before but Taehyung doesn't respond. He just keeps staring at the younger's red eyes.

"Then maybe hyung, you should just stop being my boyfriend", Jungkook continues as his red eyes finally let go of the tears they were holding back for so long.

"What did you say?", Taehyung hisses in anger, his eyes red as well.

"All of this is too overwhelming for me. I can't even go out without the fear of Youngjae and his men. I can't try to help you because you don't trust me one bit. I am probably just a commodity for you that you like to protect and fuck and I am not sure if you will ever be able to treat me like I am supposed to be treated. I am not sure if you will ever be able to love me"

"Oh you aren't sure sweetheart?", Taehyung scoffs, resting his hands on his own waist as a lone tear runs down his eye.

"All you want to do is fuck me, protect me, dominate me, intimidate me because you think I am your commodity. Whenever I try to find something more in our relationship than just sex, I end up dissapointed", Jungkook gulps hard, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!", Taehyung loses his mind listening to everything Jungkook just said, "I intimidate you? You are the only person who has seen me this vulnerable and this weak! You think other people have seen me shed tears over trivial things? Hell my own mother has never seen me cry after the age of 10. I want to protect you because I care about you. I want to fuck you because I fucking love you!", Taehyung just stands there breathless realising what he just said while Jungkook sits on bed, speechless.

None of them say anything for a while. Taehyung sinks down to his knees infront of the bed, facing Jungkook, "I-I know I am not perfect but I have never wanted to hurt you. All I have ever wanted is to keep you happy and safe, to love you and keep you between my arms. I have never wanted to disrespect you. I have never wanted to intimidate you. I have never wanted to control you. I don't think of you as a commodity. I think of you as a man whose heart I want to earn", Taehyung confesses everything, practically sobbing infront of Jungkook at this point, holding his head in his palms.

"You love me hyung?", Jungkook asks him with a cold voice making the older shoot his head up to face him.

"More than anything", Taehyung holds the younger's hands in his palms, still kneeling infront of him.

"Then start treating me like you are supposed to treat someone you love, start trusting me like you are supposed to trust the person you love and stop getting everything your way and for fuck's sake start listening. You don't listen. You never listen", he glares down at Taehyung with cold eyes making the older stand back up on his feet, "THIS is what you have to say right after I confessed my love to you?", he looks at Jungkook with disbelief.


"Do you not feel anything for me?"

"I am not sure what I feel about you anymore", Jungkook deadpans.

Taehyung pulls Jungkook off the bed and holds him between his arms, "Don't do this to me baby", he places a soft kiss on the younger's pout, "Why are you being so cold Koo? Will you not forgive me?", he whispers softly before planting a wet kiss on his neck while his hands caressing the younger's bare back.

"I-I am not being cold. I just don't think-", Jungkook is cut off as Taehyung pushes him back on the bed before hovering over him and doesn't waste any time before he begins to taste the younger's mouth again. Jungkook tries to push him away but Taehyung pins his hands above his head before he goes onto marking the younger's neck, leaving hickeys.

"Hyun-hyung I don't want to-", his sentence ends in a loud gasp as Taehyung's grabs his crotch before his hand makes its way under the younger's boxers making him moan, "hyung, please.."

Taehyung is long gone in his passion for his man, to hear or comprehend anything Jungkook tries to tell him. He pulls the younger's boxers down.

"Already so hard for hyung..", he whispers seductively in the younger's ear before palming his whole length as he begins to stroke him down there.

"Hyung..ahh! I-ahh!", Jungkook tries to speak but no coherent sentence comes out of his mouth. Tears roll down his cheeks while he clenches the bedsheet under him to deal with his overwhelming feelings.

Taehyung puts two of his fingers inside his mouth to lick them and inserts both the fingers inside Jungkook's entrance making him scream out loud. He tries to pull Taehyung's hand out but the older pins his hands above his head, "Keep your hands up baby. Let me make you feel good", Taehyung whispers before his fingers begin to thrust inside Jungkook.

Taehyung suddenly stops when he hears Jungkook sobbing under him. He pulls his fingers out of him immediately. "Hey, Koo why are you-"

"Are you-are you really going to have sex with me against my will, hyung?", Jungkook breaks down completely, his face covered in tear smears as he sobs, lying under Taehyung.

"Against your will? What are you talk-"

"I have been trying to push you away since the moment you entered my apartment. I have been trying to tell you that I don't want to do it but you just don't listen. Will you really force yourself on me right after you told me that you love me and then tell me that you aren't controlling?"

"I-I thought you- oh God baby stop crying please. Maybe I was just too carried away to take the hints. I would never force myself on you", Taehyung covers Jungkook's body under the blanket.

"But that's exactly what you were doing hyung..", Jungkook sits back up wiping his tears which refuse to cease.

Taehyung doesn't say anything anymore. He feels like he has been stabbed in the heart multiple times, watching the man he loves sob in front of him just because he couldn't control his desires for once and listen. Was he really going to do the one thing that he thought he would never do? Was he really going to rape someone? Was he really going to rape the man he loves? Disgust takes over his body and he immediately stands up fixing his clothes.
"I-I should leave", he says in a low voice as tears roll down his face. He does his best to not look at Jungkook's face before he walks about of his room and then his apartment.

Taehyung is sitting in his car outside Jungkook's building taking deep breaths but all his attempts to calm down fail and he hits the stearing wheel breaking down and sobbing like he has lost the most important fight of his life. He realises he is becoming the monster that he has spent his whole life hating. He realises he is becoming much like his step father.

-To be continued..
Author: Thank you all for 1K reads <3

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