Henry Danger Oneshots

Oleh elle_mckinnon

228K 3.9K 6.3K

Just a bunch of Henry Danger One Shots - I will never do HenRai (That's Illegal) - I will never do Henry/Pi... Lebih Banyak

Muffin of Love
Dark Danger
Dark Danger Part Two(ish)
They Know
Silence (2)
The Good Old Days
Ski Trip
Side Effects
It Isn't In My Blood
Math Bowl
The First Shot
The Truth Will Come Out
Dark Danger 3
Dark Danger 4
The Secrets I Keep
Accused (1)
Accused (2)
Chapter Break
Hearts Break
In the Eye Of A Hurricane
Ancient History
New York
Game On!
The Voice
Quick Break
Quick Break Part 2
Blue, Pink and White
Snow White?
Dark Danger 4 (Alternate Ending)
Slight Problem
For My Sister? Anything
Don't Jump
How Lucky I Am
Prank War
Even When The Dark Comes Crashing Through
Small Facts You Should Know About Me!
A Guilty Heart
I Was Eighteen
Hidden Pain
What Could Have Been
You're Made Of Stars
Roll Down Your Sleeves
Sincerely H. Hart
Avalanche (2)
Girl Code
The Blip
A Glint of Metal
The Secrets I Keep II
You'll Be Ok, Ok?
Sleep Would Be Good
Speak No Evil
Scars To Your Beautiful
Who You Are
What Happened In Paris
It's Only A Bruise
Hidden Pain (2)
The Interrogation
Cinnamon and Apple Cider
Don't Touch Our Friend
26 Codes

System Defect

1.3K 20 45
Oleh elle_mckinnon

There were only four times I could think of where my illness came into play at work. Here are all four.


The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that I was on the floor. Which is odd for two reasons, the first being that I usually only sit on the floor, not lie on it. Second, I distinctly remember being stood up talking to Charlotte.

The second thing I notice is that there is a balled up hoodie under my head and someone has a light grip on my shoulder.

It doesn't make sense.

"Kid?" Someone says.

I recognise the voice and I know I should be able to put a name to it, but there's a distinct fog in my brain making the task unreasonably difficult.

"I think he's coming to." Another voice says, somewhere to the left of me, though I make no effort to see who it is. I slowly realise that I hadn't opened my eyes yet. I crack them open, feeling quite literally drained. The lights of the Man Cave greet me.

"Hey kid." There's the first voice again.

I attempt to roll onto my back but find out that the loose hands that are holding me were keeping me in place.

"Hey, hey, don't move just yet ok? Can you open your eyes a bit more?" Someone else asks, they have a bit more of an accent than the other two.

I blink sluggishly, my vision coming into focus. My eyelids felt heavy, but eventually I make sense of the people in front, to the side and behind me. Rai, Charlotte, Jasper, and Schwoz. In the back of my mind I wondered where Piper was but I didn't dwell on it.

"Hmm?" I hum in confusion. "S'appened?"

Rai rubs my shoulder soothingly. "Are you back with us?"

I blink a few more times, eyes roaming uselessly. My gaze scans across Charlotte who's closest to my left, and Jasper who's next to her. Then to Rai who's on my right, then to Schwoz who's by my head as if he was steadying it.

I felt sluggish and confused, like I'd just woken up from a hundred year nap.

"Hey, no, stay with me," Charlotte says, "don't fall asleep."

I didn't even realise I'd closed my eyes. I ran my tongue lamely across my gums, there's something acidic in my mouth.

I was exhausted. The pull of sleep was quite tempting.

"Henry." Schwoz says, his voice firm but it held an undeniable gentleness to it. "Can you tell us what month it is?"

I had to think about that. I scrambled around in my mind, trying to come up with an accurate answer. "Mm?" Was all I could make out. I attempted to turn on my back again but the restraints were still there.

Behind my closed eyes, Schwoz and Charlotte gave a worried look, like they were in on something no one else was.

"What about where we are?" Schwoz tried.

That one is easier. "Man C've," I answer, "n'floor." I add just for effect.

"And how are you feeling?" Schwoz asked.

I considered the question for a moment. I'd felt fine, honestly, up until that question that is. But now that I was asked to pay attention to my body, everything seemed to hit. The ache in my head seemed to come full force.

"Head hurts." I manage to croak out.

"Anything else?" Jasper encourages gently.

I smack my lips, running my tongue over my gums again. The taste of bile coats my teeth and tongue. "Stomach?" I add. I looked over at Schwoz's blurred image, trying to focus past the odd halos of light that dance across him. And then, all at once, it clicks. "Did I have a s'zure?"

"Yeah kid, you had a seizure." Rai confirms.

"Henry, has this happened before?" Schwoz asks. I drag up enough energy to respond, trying to get enough focus to force my slurred speech out.

All I managed was a hum that held no answer.

"Ok new question, do you want to lie on the couch?" Schwoz asks. I make a sound of agreement.

"Do you feel well enough to sit up?" Rai asks.

I contemplate that. My centre of gravity was alarmingly off and I felt very dizzy. Plus, my vision was still incredibly blurry. Without a verbal reply, I push myself up onto my elbows.

"Hey, alright, let me help." Charlotte says, placing a warm hand on my back, helping me into a sitting position.

My vision danced even more and I'm certain I'm going to pass out any second. I feel my centre of balance take a dive and the next thing I knew, I was lying on my side again. I could tell someone was saying something, but it wasn't not making it past the fuzzy, high pitched buzzing in my ears. I wanted to bring my hands up to cover them even though I knew the noise wasn't coming from an external stimuli, but I found my hands too heavy to lift.

"-nry. -an you -ear me?"

The persistent sounds didn't appear to be making it past the barrier in my brain, but I get enough information to be able to understand what's being asked. A hand materialised in mine and I grabbed at it.

"Henry," it's Rai, "Listen to my -oice. Has -is happened befo-? Have you -ad a seizu- before?"

"As a kid." Though my words were slurring so badly that it sounded as though I said 'skid'. "Couple times wh'n I was twelve, s'mostly when'm sick. N'for... while. S'ry."

"Don't apologise, you're going to be fine." Charlotte assured me.

I feel my eyes drift close as someone lays me on the couch. I don't even remember being moved.

"Mm." I hum, relaxing into the couch.

Rai's Point of View

"Did you see if he hit his head when he fell, Charlotte?" Schwoz asked.

"I'm not sure." Charlotte responded.

"I'm worried the slurring and confusion is from a concussion and not from the seizure." Schwoz explained. To be honest, I had wondered that as well. Henry had dropped pretty fast, he may have hit his head going down.

"I can't believe this has happened before and he never thought to tell us." Jasper exclaims.

"It's Henry, there's always going to be a lot we don't know. He's really good at hiding things he doesn't want us to know about." Charlotte sighs. Unfortunately, that's true. The kid is a master of hiding things. Sure Charlotte figured out he was Kid Danger, but Charlotte's a certifiable genius. But other things? If Henry doesn't want you to find out about them, you never will.

"He's probably worried I'd fire him if he did tell me." I say.

"Will you?" Jasper asked.

"No. I'll talk to him when he's more coherent and how we can prevent this and if we need to restrict his missions, then we do that. But I see no reason why he has to quit being Kid Danger." I explain.

We lapsed into silence after that, waiting for Henry to wake up and be more alert so we could talk properly. The silence is interrupted when Henry shifted suddenly, his eyes opened as a short, panicked sounding hum left his throat.

"Henry?" Charlotte leant forward from where she had been stroking his hair.

Henry breathes unevenly, swallowing repetitively. His eyes grew wide and began to wander, his pupils blown.

"Is he having another one?" Jasper asks worriedly.

I quickly pull out my phone, ready to time it.

"Henry?" Schwoz calls loudly, placing his hand on Henry chest, feeling the jittering muscles beneath. "He's gonna go." Schwoz's voice is panicked.

Henry opens his mouth to say something, but his eyes rolled back and his throat constricted over a cry as his jaw started to bob rhythmically.

"Oh gods." Jasper whispered.

"I'm timing." I alerted them.

Henry's head turned into Charlotte's crossed legs, his neck stiffening. Short, clipped grunt like sounda punched out of his throat as his toes point down and inwards, his hips jerking harshly. The fit increases in violence, his arms raising towards Charlotte's face and spasming in time with the cries, which are suddenly accompanied by terrifying gurgling sounds as he chokes on his own saliva, the liquid dribbling down his chin.

"Turn him!" Schwoz orders. With a combined effort, we turn our seizing friend. The foam pools underneath his mouth.

"You're doing so well, kid." I soothed, running a firm hand up and down Henry's side and feeling the quivering beneath my fingers. "Two minutes." I announce. "It shouldn't go over four, right?"

"Right." Charlotte and Schwoz confirm.

"It's slowing." Jasper points out, breathing a sigh of relief.

After another minute, it stops completely. I ease him into recovery position.

- time skip -

Henry's Point of View

When I woke up again, I was in the bed in the spare room in the Man Cave. Rai is sat by my side scrolling on his phone.

"Rai?" I groan.

"Hey kid," Rai looks up from his phone, "how are you feeling?"

"Better," I answered automatically, and then found it to be true. My head wasn't hurting nearly as much as it was, and my muscles only ached a little. "What time is it?"

"Nearly midnight, you've been out for a while. Schwoz had to give you some lorazepam which knocked you out."

Ah. Lorazepam. I guess that's why I wasn't feeling particularly anxious about this whole thing.

"Yeah, that'll wear off soon," Rai had humour in his eyes which lead me to wonder briefly if I'd spoken that thought aloud. "Schwoz scanned you while you were out."

"Did he find anything?"

"Nothing to worry about." Rai reassured me. "We thought you might have had a concussion because of your slurred speech, but it was just post seizure effects."

"I'm sorry you all had to see that." I say, heat rising to my cheeks once I'd realised how embarrassing this all was.

"You couldn't have stopped it. I'm sure you wanted that to happen about as much as we did." Rai reassures me.

"Are you going to fire me?" I ask worriedly.

Rai smiled at me, "No, I'm not going to fire you." He said, as if it were amusing. "Henry look at me." He says, his voice suddenly becoming serious. "I'm not going to fire you. I'm not going to confine you to the Man Cave either. You're as fit for mission work as you've ever been." I look at Rai, expecting there to be more, which, of course, there was. "What I am going to need you to do however is communicate with us. It's in the open now. You aren't keeping it hidden anymore. I know you don't have seizures often, so it probably feels like a huge deal when you do, but I need to stay informed about your health so I can make the right decisions during missions. That might mean making adjustments, but you will always have a say. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah, I understand. Thanks Rai. Where's Piper?" I asked, feeling a mix of embarrassment, confusion and tiredness wash over me.

"At her friend's cabin for the week, remember?" Oh yeah. I make a sound of understanding. "And you're welcome. Now get some more rest. Schwoz said you need to rest your muscles and that you'd be pretty tired."

I closed my eyes as Rai turned his attention back to his phone. I instantly fell asleep, but if I hadn't, I would have seen Rai smiling at me as I slept soundly.



Henry's Point of View

The mid fall afternoon found Charlotte, Piper, Jasper and myself in the Man Cave. Rai was out of town for the week, visiting his dad or something, and Schwoz was visiting his sister. We were studying a string of B&Es which, six times out of nine, lead to murder in the city.

"This isn't adding up," Charlotte exclaimed in frustration, "the wounds to Li Zhou's shoulder don't match the other six victims at all." She hands the photo over to Piper before taking a long swig of coffee.

"Zhou was the seventh victim, that is correct?" Piper asks. I nod. "So do we have an evolving modus operandi, a totally different criminal, or are they devolving, losing skill?"

"Who the hell says the full version of M.O.?" Jasper jokes.

"I can't see it. It doesn't make sense for the criminal to suddenly change their routine. From what we know, they thrive on routine. What changed?" Charlotte asked, ignoring Jasper.

"There must be some other factor we're not aware of yet." Jasper points out.

Charlotte sighs, lowering her coffee again. "What do you think Henry?"

I lift my head, taking the photo from Charlotte, examining it carefully. I then pick up another photo from an earlier crime scene to compare them. "Actually, I think that-" I halt.

"Hen?" Piper asks, smiling slightly.

I furrow my eyebrows, setting the photos down in front of me almost robotically. Even the movement felt unnatural. "Uh," I swipe an uncoordinated hand across my face, "sorry, uh-"

"Take it easy," Jasper says, concern rising. He touched a hand to my forearm lightly. "You okay?

"Mhmm." I say unconvincingly, I tried to meet their worried gazes but my eyes seemed fixed on a spot on the table. "Sorry." I apologise, still not being able to shift my gaze. "I don't- uh- I'm not-"

"Henry, you good?" Charlotte asked, trying to get through to me.

"Come on bro, talk to us." Piper encouraged.

I failed again to reply as my awareness faded, my eyes beginning to blink repetitively. My breath hitched as the fingers of my right hand touched my head delicately, the motion repeating several times. That's all I remember.

Piper's Point of View

"Jasper, call Schwoz." I ordered sternly, though my voice was barely above a murmur. "I think this is a seizure."

Jasper stands immediately, pulling his phone out to call the resident, closest we'll come to, doctor. He walks away so he can concentrate on the phone call. A short conversation later, he renters the room, pocketing his phone and approaching Henry.

"Schwoz is on his way back, he said that he was teleporting but that because he's so far away, it's going to take about ten minutes."

"Hen, you're good bro, it's ok." I reassure him, even though I know he can't hear me, my eyes fixed on his temple where he keeps repeatedly tapping.

Charlotte sat next to Henry, placing a palm on his shoulder. I tried to ignore the way his breathing sounds laboured and uneven, hitching every couple of seconds, minute gasps leaving his mouth.

"I've never seen this kind of seizure before." Jasper admits.

"Neither have I." Charlotte adds.

"Complex partial." I say simply, hoping that would clear it up.

"What's happening?" Jasper asks, looking just as confused.

"A complex partial is a seizure that starts in one place in his brain and takes away his awareness. It can spread, - or, I don't know, move?- from one part of his brain to another? There's absence seizures, too but not very often. He gets those sometimes as well, more often than tonic clonic seizures." I explain. "There's also simple partials, like this but he remains mostly aware, and there also - hold on, Henry?" I cut myself off as I see the movements begin to stop.

Henry blinks hard as if to drive away something in his eye. He then forcefully opens his eyes, sighing. He drops his chin to his chest, you could compare it to a tired toddler and you'd have the same effect. His breathing finally returning to normal.

"Henry, you back with us?" Charlotte asks.

Henry lifts his head, meeting his friend's gaze. He furrows his brow in confusion. He presses two fingers to his temples and massages.

"It's ok bro, take your time." I sympathise. Henry's gaze sluggishly meets mine, almost as if such an easy task was taking great effort.

"I'm sorry what?" He finally drawls.

"You had a seizure mate." Jasper relays to him.

It takes a moment for the information to sink in before Henry's face comes to realisation, his mouth forming an 'o'. "I'm sorry."

"No, stop, don't do that. You didn't cause this." Charlotte soothed.

"I sort of did though." He laughs lightly. "I haven't been sleeping all that well because of the breaking and entering string all over town."

"Oh Henry, you know that Schwoz said that poor sleep can cause complex partials." I sighed.

"I know, but right now I feel... ugh." Henry sighed, finding the only word that could accurately describe what he was feeling. He's slurring minutely, the only physical evidence of the lingering effects of the seizure. Other than that though he seemed to be doing ok.

A silence had fallen over the room, only to be disturbed by a flash of light and Schowz appearing in the centre of the room.

He took in my brother's state. "Hey Henry." He pauses. "How are you feeling?" He finally asked.

"Headache." Henry drags out, massaging his head. "Feel sick."

"That's understandable, you'll probably feel like that for a while." Schwoz commented. "Do you wanna go lie down?"

"No, I'm- I'm good. Just need a minute." Henry exhaled a few slow breaths, willing the residual nausea away and trying to clear his head. When he looked up, he found the us watching him expectantly, I, with a single eyebrow quirked upwards. "I mean it," said Henry, "I'm good. Stop staring at me."

"Are you sure? You just said you had a headache," I pointed out, "no one would think less of you if you caught up on a few hours of sleep."

"I'm good, I swear."

"If you're sure?" He nods. "The let's get back to work." Charlotte announces.


Henry's Point of View

So far, I'd only seized noticeably twice in front of my team. Sometimes I'd have an absence seizure where I'd be lost for about 10 seconds to 30 seconds, but my friends never seemed to notice those.

But now, now they were happening all day. I'd go without one for about 20 minutes before I'd be sucked into another one. My friends had been making jokes at my expense, unaware that I'd been suffering the whole day. I didn't bother correcting them because I didn't want them to feel bad, but I knew that if Piper was here instead of home in bed, sick with the flu, she would have noticed.

But alas, Piper wasn't here and no one had noticed that I'd been seizing for a great part of the day. So when it finally happened, I really shouldn't have been surprised.

We were just going over information to take down a thug group when the next thing I knew, Rai was snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Are you listening, Henry?" Rai asked.

"Hmm?" I asked, not remembering anything from the last minute.

"Henry, you have to pay attention, I know this is boring, but it's essential we gather information before we even plan our take down."

"I- yeah, sorry." I mutter, feeling a headache coming on.

"Are you ok?" Charlotte asked, seeing the quick flicker of pain flash across my face.

I nod before standing and walking over to the whiteboard. "I think Brawn Bilsky is the ringleader and Will Bilsky is doing as he's told. Perhaps Brawn has something over his brother? Maybe he's threatening his nephew and brother in law?" I placed my hand over the photograph of Will and drew my lips to the side as I thought. I turned to face the team when suddenly my vision began distort quickly, this was not going to be an absence seizure. I stumbled a little on my feet as vertigo took hold of my balance and cursed. "Shit- sorry..."

Rai's Point of View

"So what if the younger brother, Will Bilsky is only in the gang because his brother, Brawn Bilsky, has something over him. We know Will has a husband and son, so that could be it." Henry mentioned. "Brawn could be threatening his brother in law and nephew to keep Will participating in illegal gang activities.

"Yeah, there could be some form of blackmail, did you notice anything else?" I turned back to the kid, only to find him zoned out. I roll my eyes in exasperation, this was the third time he'd zoned out in ten minutes. "Henry?" I sighed.

No response.

"Henry!" Jasper shouted, hoping to startle him, but Henry just seemed to stare forward.

With a sigh, I pull myself out of my chair and go over to my sidekick, snapping my fingers in front of his face. This seemed to do the trick as he blinked hard and looked up. "Are you listening, Henry?"

"Hmm?" He hums.

Unbelievable. "Henry, you have to pay attention, I know this is boring, but it's essential we gather information before we even plan our take down." I reprimand.

"I- yeah, sorry." He mumbles.

"Are you ok?" Charlotte asked, her eyebrows drawing together in concern.

Henry only nods before he gets up, walking quickly to the whiteboard to try to distract us from the fact that he wasn't listening to the meeting. "I think Brawn Bilsky is the ringleader and Will Bilsky is doing as he's told. Perhaps Brawn has something over his brother? Maybe he's threatening his nephew and brother in law?" Henry just said that not even a minute ago, what's going on? Why would he say the exact same spiel he said less than a minute ago. Regardless, Henry place a hand over Will Bilsky, almost removing him from the situation. Henry appeared to be deep in thought when out of no where he started to stumble. "Shit-" He muttered before he seemed to lose total control of his balance, sliding down against the whiteboard. The last thing he said before all hell went loose was, "Sorry."

I was over to him in less than a second. Henry seemed to loose consciousness immediately, slumping onto the floor. Schwoz quickly joined me, fixing his body into recovery position and tilting his chin up to clear his airway. I slid my hand under the kid's cheek so his face wasn't pressed against the cold tiled floor. Henry's limbs tightened as he went into the tonic phase of the seizure. His eyes rolled back into his head. A guttural cry escaped his throat as his limbs began to jerk sharply.

"I'm timing!" Jasper announced.

Henry's fists were balled tightly together, clenching and unclenching rhythmically, and his ankles spasmed inward. His jaw contracted downward with every sharp movement of his arms and watery exhales became the dominant sound in the room as he struggled breaths through his contracting throat.

"It's ok, it's ok, you're going to be fine." Charlotte soothed as she watched Henry from my right. I don't even remember her getting there.

I rubbed Henry's shoulder, careful to prevent injury but also to avoid holding him down while he seized.

The sidekick's body convulsed more feverishly and alarming everyone. "God, it's getting worse." Jasper mumbled from Schwoz's left. When did he get there? "Three and a half minutes? Should we do something?"

"Not yet, over five minutes, or if he starts and stops again." Schwoz informed us. "You're doing good Henry, don't worry."

"Has he ever been in status before?" Charlotte wondered aloud.

"No idea, I wish Piper was here." I moaned. "That's continuous seizure activity, right?" I got a nod from both geniuses. "Well, he did go into status the first time he had one in front of us, but I guess you already knew that."

"Four minutes thirty seconds." Jasper exclaimed, fear in his voice. "Schwoz, what do we do."

"Nothing. He's calming down." Schwoz said. Sure enough, Henry's fit was slowing until his movements ceased. At five minutes, Henry was, thankfully, breathing calmly.

"Henry, hey, kid, open your eyes for me, ok? Can you do that?" I repeated my request a few more times until Henry slowly, sluggishly, opened his eyes. He raised his hand lethargically and rubbed it oddly against his face then let it drop again, huffing an exasperated breath. He looked at me with a confused, albeit very tired, look.

"Hey, kid."

Henry's eyes lulled closed but my gentle taps on his cheek kept his attention and he opened them again.

"Tired?" Schwoz asked. Henry gave a weak nod. "Do you want Rai to take you to the guest room, get some sleep?" Henry nodded again, his tongue moving without purpose against his teeth.

"And can you get him a pair of sweats, in his fit he seemed to of, well, um, soiled his pants." Charlotte awkwardly said.

I'm sure if Henry had been alert he would have been embarrassed, but thankfully Schwoz stepped in. "Don't worry, it's not uncommon for someone to lose control of their bladder when seizing."

"Hey, Hen?" I asked as Henry slowly began to seem lucid. "When you're feeling better, you're in serious trouble kid."

Henry sighed, closing his eyes in exhaustion, his face contorting. "Are you ok?" Jasper asked as he pushed Henry's hair out of his eyes.

"'m 'barrassed. H'd 'sence 'zures all day... d'nt tell you." He mumbled, his words slurring. "And 'm wet."

"It's alright, we'll talk about you withholding information about your health later."

He made a groan like sound. "'s not. Sh'd've told you. Hmm... so tired. Can I... go t' bed now?"

I nod, helping Henry up and bring him to the bathroom so he can clean himself off and change into his purple sweatpants that he'd kept here in case he decided to crash after a case instead of going home. He knocked on the door, alerting me he'd finished, and I brought him to the guest room that was really his.

When he was settled against the pillows I spoke. "Get some sleep, we'll get Schwoz to find you a better prescription, but just wait until Piper finds out you never told us about the absence seizures you've bee having all day. Sorry we didn't piece together what was happening. You'd been seizing all day and instead of figuring out what was going on, or making you feel like you could tell us, we made fun of you. I'm so sorry Hen." At this point I was talking to no one as Henry had fallen asleep, but it made me feel better. "Just get some sleep and feel better, ok? Good."

I quickly set up a monitor to alert us if he seizes again, but other than that, I quickly turn out the lights, letting my exhausted kid get some well needed sleep.


Rai's Point of View 

"Did you know that there is a house in San Jose, California, called the Winchester house? It is the most complicated house in existence because the original owner, Sarah Winchester, believed her family was cursed by the victims of the Winchester Rifle, which her family created. She believed this because her husband and daughter died mysteriously. She went to a medium who told her she would have to keep building a house and if she ever stopped, she would be killed by the vengeful spirits." Henry explained excitedly, rambling on and on. "So, she made her house so complicated that ghosts would get lost in her house. She had a door that lead right off the third floor, a stair case that lead to nowhere and a room dedicated to fireplaces, and so many more!"

I was nodding at him with an exasperated smile, not looking up from the crime report I was set to write instead of Henry because he was too hyper. Since Schwoz had switched Henry's medication after his latest seizure, Henry had been very hyper, almost like he'd drunk a quintuple shot of espresso. "Really?" I ask. 

"Yes really! It's supposedly haunted!" He responded excitedly. 

"Interesting." I laugh. 

Henry was obviously about to ramble on again about the house when he closed his mouth, a look of conflict contorting his features. "Hey Rai." He whispered. 

I looked up from my report with my brows raised in questioning. "What's up?"

"Come here." He insisted. 

I roll my chair a little closer to his. "What?" 

"I have a headache." He said over a yawn.

This definitely caught my attention. "Like a normal headache or a seizure warning headache." I asked worriedly. 

Henry contemplated the question for a moment. He yawned again before quickly straightening up. "Can we go get something for lunch?" He asked quickly. 

"Right now?" I laugh lightly. "Kid, it's 10 o'clock in the morning." 

 "I'm starving." He said, tempered like a toddler. "These new meds make me have to use the bathroom all the time and make me starving and-" 

"Make you super hyper." I added with a laugh.

"Yeah that too. And I have to pee right now and then I feel hungry all the time, like I could eat all day. So please, can we go and eat?"

I frowned in confusion at Henry's behaviour - he sounded stressed and unfocused, a far cry from the excited hyper kid a moment ago, flitting and unaware. "You're still not feeling so good with the new meds?" I asked, concerned, and idly began massaging Henry's hand with my hand. 

Henry moaned. "I feel drunk." 

"Not that you would know what that feels like though, right?" I press.

Henry ignores my statement, he screwed his eyes closed and sat forwards, resting his elbows on his desk and nursed his head in his hands. His grip slipped and his forehead rocked forwards, just missing hitting the table when he caught himself and jolted upward.

"Woah, you good?" I ask worriedly. 

Henry sat right up. He shook his head as if to get rid of something in his hair. Blinking hard almost like he was trying to get rid of blurry vision. His jaw began to rhythmically bob. It was then when I recognised the movements as a seizure. He started to buckle and unbuckle his watch almost robotically, and then he starting tapping the table with both index fingers. 

I watched, perplexed. Though I'd identified the seizure, it was unlike any he had had before in front of me. 

As soon as it started, the seizure stopped. The sidekick sat back in his chair, dazed and unsure, and swallowed a couple of times over dryness in his throat.

"Are you alright?" I asked. I moved around and sat closer to Henry's chair, pressing my hand against his shoulder. "Back with me? You just had a seizure, a pretty strange one."

Henry nodded his head. He seemed a little out of it before his face lit up. "Can we go get lunch?" 

I laughed, making a mental note to tell Schwoz to find a new prescription for Henry. "Yeah, you know what, sure. Let's go get quesadillas or something." 

As we head to the elevator, Henry suddenly made the brilliant announcement, "I have to go the bathroom." 

Yeah. I was definitely getting him off those meds. 

Look at me posting chapters that aren't a month apart lol. Two in less than a few hours! I remember when I used to pump out chapters within days like it was my life's goal. To think I had that much free time. Man, those were the days, kids, enjoy high school, middle school or whatever while you can, because university is a bitch. Love you all. Stay hydrated, take your meds, remember to sleep and don't forget to eat.


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·˚ ༘ κ’± βͺ π–₯» PLEASURE DELAYER .ᐟ ❫ κ’± ↳ 𝙄𝙉 π™’π™ƒπ™„π˜Ύπ™ƒ... he's in love with his boss's ...
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Everything was so sudden. I just wanted to fit in, But my job was getting in the way of that. I wanted to be friends with Henry Hart, and his other f...
84.2K 952 70
Y/N moves from (Your state) to Swellview. she looks for a job and decides to go to Junk N Stuff. That's where she meets henry. she becomes very good...