Sleep Would Be Good

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I felt off. I felt very nauseous and very tired and I have no idea why. Ok, so maybe I know why. In hindsight, I should have seen it coming.

I was never the most self preserving type. I looked after everyone else first and then if I had time, I would look out for myself. Because I never seemed to stop. I worked and I fought and I saved, and I just kept going. The team had been so mesmerised by my skill that they momentarily forgot that I wasn't superhuman. So, it really shouldn't have been a surprise when I collapsed into Rai's arms in the middle of the Man Cave.


Was one good nights sleep too much to ask? If it wasn't nightmares plaguing my little, blissful hours of sleep, it was Rai triple beeping me. The most recent thing tonight though was a bout of insomnia.

That's why I drank so much coffee that contained more espresso than water. I figured the team thought I genuinely enjoyed drinking such an alarming amount of caffeine. In reality, coffee was often the only thing keeping me going most days. In fact, most days, I was running on little to no hours of sleep and a lot of coffee, five days out of seven most times.

But it was starting to get to the point where even food turned my stomach and I felt like the thought of eating would kill me. If any of my friends asked, I would lie and tell them I'd already eaten. They never thought twice.

I felt like I should know better though, I needed to eat and I needed to sleep if I wanted to stay healthy. It's just... Rai seemed to be doing fine. Yes I know he's in indestructible and doesn't technically need to eat or sleep to stay alive, but he does need sleep in order to function and he does get hungry. Yet, he didn't seem to be affected by our line of work.

I never told anyone of course, this was something I could deal with on my own, I didn't need to burden my friends with my issues. Anyways, they all thought I dealt with my issues in my own way, how could I tell them that I never actually dealt with anything.

So I pushed on and acted as if everything was ok. I did everything my job called for. I let my skill for keeping everyone alive be used by Rai.

Everything was ok.

I remember walking into work on Monday morning, exhausted from yet another night of lying in bed, hoping to fall asleep only to be disappointed when I'm still awake at birdsong. It didn't take long until a mission came, and then another, and another, and another. I ran around with Rai all day, interviewing witnesses, talking to victims families to try and figure out who the criminal was, mulling over facts in my exhausted brain, but I pushed through.

I didn't even bother to swallow some aspirin, there was no time. I was exhausted, physically and mentally, but I didn't dare let it show. I hadn't slept a minute in twenty four hours, and though I'd gone longer in the past, it didn't mean that it wasn't gruelling. Besides, everyone on the team was tired.

Eventually, our work lead us to an old warehouse. Inside we found 6 journals, filled with writings and tellings of the crimes our mystery criminal had committed. But everyone was tired, and despite Charlotte and Schwoz being a lot smarter than me, I actually had the fastest reading speed. The last time I calculated it, my words per minute was 441. So when Rai said at ten o'clock at night that we needed to read the journals as fast as possible, he meant me.

So I relented under my friends pleading stares. "Yeah, it's cool, I'll read them." I sigh. They all looked relieved, eager to go to sleep. It's not like I would have gotten any sleep anyway, so what's the harm?

I don't think they wanted me to read them tonight, but I did tell them I'd go home once I'd finished one thing, and well, reading the journals was technically one thing. If by some small miracle I managed to finish the journals before morning, I'd crash in the guest room.

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