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The first thing I felt when I stepped out of the Man Copter was the bitter cold, wrapping its icy hands around me.

"Jesus it's cold!" I complain. I wrap my arms around me.

We had been given a mission up in the Arctic of all places.

Evil Science Corp's dimensional gateway thingy malfunctioned and opened a door to an unknown realm in the Arctic. This wouldn't be too big of a problem except big, monster, wolf like things were coming out and destroying research faculties up there. So of course, we had to put an end to it.

Schwoz had given us the thermal suits. The looked exactly like our normal suits but they had puffy and warm jackets, the gloves were lined with fluff, the boots were made for trekking through the snow, and they came with cute little pom pom hats.

"You'll be fine." Rai says while passing by me.

"Easy for you to say, you're indestructible, you literally can never be so cold it hurts." I grumble.

"True, but we have a job to do. So get over here." Rai orders.

I groan but follow suit. When I get to where he's standing. I immediately realize the severity of what's happening her. In the valley just down the hill, was a big black and blue portal,  several research houses and a crap ton of snarling demon beasts.

"Ok, what's the plan?" I ask.

"We just go in and start shooting. Try to get as many through the portal though. But if it comes down to it, kill them." Rai said.

I nodded and leaned over the hill.

I ran towards the portal with my laser gun drawn.

I push the three portal guards through the portal.

I look over my shoulder to find Rai fighting against a overly large wolf beast. I shoot a laser through it. Black blood stains the snow.

"Thanks." Rai says through the coms. I nod.

I'm about to push a demon wolf through the portal when I'm tackled to the ground. I aim my gun at the beast but it beats me to it. He goes to slash my neck but I raise my arm to protect myself.

I feel 4 long gashes slice through my arm.

I gasp out in pain and cry out.


I shoot my gun through the beast. It falls to the ground, dead.

Blood pools at my wounds.

"Kid, are you ok?" Rai says through the coms. He was currently busy fighting off a monster.

"I'm ok, I think. A demon hurt my arm, but I'll just bandage it. I'll be fine."

"Whatever you say." Rai sighs.

After being injured on the job so many times, I began to keep bandage wrap in my pouch.

I wrap the cotton tightly around my arm. I clench my teeth as not to scream.

Once I'm bandaged, I run back into battle.

I burn through 5 at once. This needs to end quickly.

"Kid! A little help?" Rai shouts.

I turn my head.

A snarling, growling wolf was on top of Rai. It slashed and bit at Rai, of course it did nothing though.

I run over and pull it off.

In the wolfs surprise, it sinks its teeth into my shoulder.

I choked out a grunt. I blast the creature off of me.

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now