The Secrets I Keep II

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Warning! Contains mentions drug abuse, drug addiction and mentions of withdrawal. Part two to The Secrets I Keep. I recommend reading that first. Henry still has his hyper motility because I said so. Sue me. 

Rai's Point of View

I stood there silently, watching Henry stare at the offending object with a look of lust in his eyes but weariness on his face. He'd brought it into work this morning and demanded a meeting and proceeded to reveal the problem. The first collective thought we all shared was that Henry had bought it himself, but that didn't make sense. He was almost two years sober. There was no trigger, that I could think of, that could cause him to throw away nearly two years of sobriety. Since the moment Henry had taken the bottle of opioids out of his bag, he hadn't taken his eyes off of the bottle, not even when he took the letter off of it that had been taped to the bottle.

Happy two year anniversary Henry. Here's a little something to take the edge off, or even to celebrate with.

The only words were typed, besides Henry's address which was written in all caps, which were rather sloppy, like someone had written the letters with their wrong hand.

"We need to take it off of him." Jasper all but shouted after we had called Henry's name several times with no response. He just kept staring at the bottle of the small, white, seemingly harmless but highly addictive and deadly drug.

"We can't. He needs to give it up himself Jasper. We can't force it out of his hands; he needs to do it all on his own." Charlotte responded, sounding eerily calm, though her chocolaty eyes never left her friend. In fact, none of us had taken our eyes off of Henry since we'd read the letter.

"But what if he takes one? What if he does it? There's no way any of us could stop him, not with his hyper motility." I pointed out sounding hysteric. "Just look at him!" I know emotion was written all over my face, horror, fear, stress, worry.

"He won't." Charlotte responded, sounding very sure of her answer. "Henry's much stronger than that. So much stronger. If anyone can do it, he can." After a moment of silence, Henry's best friend sat next to him. "Henry? Do you recognise the handwriting? Do you know who sent this to you?" Charlotte asked, she was trying to pull her best friend from his trance like state. For extra measure, she placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know Charlotte, I just- don't stop talking to me..." He responded, his voice filled with panic, yet it was barely above a whisper. His wavering voice betrays his strength. "Please." He begged, never taking his eyes off the thing that still called to him even after two years.

"Of course." Charlotte responded. She moved her hand from his shoulder to his unoccupied hand, weaving her fingers through his and squeezing it rather affectionately, shocking us all. It was something she'd learnt to do when Henry was having a panic attack. It always seemed to calm him down, yet this time, Henry remained tense.

"What are you doing Charlotte?" Schwoz asked, utterly confused by her actions. When he got no response from the blonde, I responded.

"Grounding him." I cleared my throat, pushing past the worry that had lodged there. "Henry needs a connection to keep him here. It shows him he's not alone. Hopefully it will help him tear his eyes away from the drugs."

"I'm going dress shopping with my cousin later. We have a family gathering coming up and I want to look nice." Said Charlotte, talking in a gentle voice. "What colour should I wear? Gold really compliments my eyes, but it clashes with my skin tone when it's not balanced out. Maybe yellow? But I wore yellow last time. Any thoughts?" Charlotte asked, doing exactly what the sidekick had wanted her to do.

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