What Happened In Paris

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I've been wanting to write something that had something to do with France for a while so this is kind of fun. Plus I'm practically fluent in French so this is kind of me just showing off.

25th of July, Three Years Ago

"What do you mean you're going on vacation?" Rai demands.

"I mean, I'm entitled to two weeks vacation every year, and I need a break. So I'm cashing those two weeks in now."

"And what am I supposed to do while you're- where are you going exactly?"

"Spain." I deadpan.

"Do you even speak Spanish?" Rai asked.


"Do you speak more than one word?"

"He podido hablar español desde que implantaste en mi mente toda la historia de Puerto Rico." I respond.

"You could have just made that up."

"I said, I've been able to speak Spanish since you implanted the entirety of Puerto Rico's history in my mind."

"Oh my god, fine, go to Spain, but if a big crime happens here and you miss it, that's on you."

I plan on missing it, in fact, I plan on missing all missions. "Fine."

- time skip -

Three days later, I was gone. I transferred all my savings to a private banking account where my parents couldn't access. I sold my truck. I packed up everything necessary, turned off my location, cut out my tracker, and left. I told Rai I was going to Spain. I wasn't. Instead, I was going to France. Paris actually.

I remember scribbling a letter on a ripped out notebook page explaining why I left. I remember getting crappy, yet intoxicatingly addictive coffee in the airport. I remember checking my luggage and boarding the plane. I remember arriving in Paris and settling into my previously bought flat. I remember breathing out a sigh of relief before starting to laugh and cry. For the first time in years, I was free.

- time skip -


Rai's Point of View

It's been three years since Henry ran off. I remember the day I found out what really happened. I'd been relaxing in the Man Cave when I was called by the lovely Siren Hart. I picked up the phone, fully prepared to turn on the charm, but before I even had the chance to say 'Hello', Siren frantically asked me if Henry was at work.

I confusedly replied, "No? Isn't Henry in Spain?"

"Spain?" She had yelled. "Why the hell would he be in Spain?"

"Where else would he be? Isn't he on vacation?"

"Vacation." Said Siren rather simply. "Is that what he told you?"

I was beginning to get worried now. "Yes, that's what he told me. What's going on?"

"I woke up this morning to find my son gone, his things gone, all his money from his account had been liquidated. There were clothes in garbage bags entitled, "For Charity", his bed had no sheets, pillows, or blanket, his phone, charger, everything, gone. All that was left was a note." Siren had cried.

"Siren, what did the note say?" I had asked.

"'I'm sorry for whoever this hurts, but I need to start over. I can't be trapped in Swellview forever. I need to be free. I'm sorry. Don't look for me.'" Siren read off.

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