Speak No Evil

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Warning! This chapter will include blood, self sacrifice, gore!

"Ok sir, we're just going to take a deep breath and calm down. Why don't you let go of Kid Danger, and we can just talk this out." 

I stood as stiff as a board, the criminals left arm wrapped around my torso, his other hand lay at rest by my throat. And if that's not bad enough, he was holding a knife to my jugular. I swallowed nervously, feeling the knife press against my throat as my Adam's apple bobbed. 

"No, no, I don't want to do that." My captor grumbled. "I'm not going to do that." He didn't seem all there, but then, he was obviously in the midst of a psychotic break so that didn't surprise me. 

"Ok, well, do you want to tell me why?" Rai asked trying his best to remain calm. 

"I'm so sick of you and your friend here running this town!" He yells in my ear causing me to flinch at the sound, the knife breaks the skin, droplets of blood appeared on my neck.

"We're just tryi-" I start before being very rudely cut off by the knife being pressed even harder into my already bleeding neck. I hissed in pain as more blood dripped down my neck and coated the knife in a sickly red paint. 

"You don't get to speak! Speak again and you will regret it!" 

"Kid, just do as he says." Rai pleads, fear bleeding into his voice. 

I knew that in one quick motion I would be dead. I knew how quickly I would bleed out on the ground, so did Rai, and so did my captor. He knew he held my life in his hands. I also knew that I wasn't going to be able to convince a criminal in the midst of having a psychotic break to let me go, so instead I close my eyes in resignation, hoping that I don't get myself killed in the process. 

"Quick stitcher." I tell Rai, fearing for my life. 

Rai looked at me with a petrified look on his face. Realisation in his eyes that's quickly followed by terror. 

"What's a quick stitcher?" 

"He knows." I reply, feeling the knife dig into my neck as I speak. 

"What's a quick stitcher!" When neither of us answered, he yelled again, "What is it!" 

"Are you sure?" Rai whispers, fear radiating off of him. 

"Yes." I whisper. I really hope this works, if not, I'm dead. Like dead dead, no returns. Rai would never be able to resuscitate me. 

But with that single word answer, the plan was about to begin. The quick stitcher was an invention made by Schwoz after we failed to stop a suicide involving a slit artery. Basically, you place the machine on the slit artery and it begins rapidly sewing the skin together to stop the bleeding and save the victim. It was basically fool proof. It didn't make it any less scary though. 

Even still, I close my eyes in resignation, preparing myself for what is about to come, and the plan suddenly kicks into motion. With a fleeting bit of bravery, I stomp on the villain's foot. In both shock and rage, he slices the silver blade across my neck. Even though I knew it was coming, it didn't stop the shock and panic from setting in rather fast. Pain fills my body, blurring my vision and corrupting my mind. 

I meet the ground with little grace or precision, limp as a rag doll, blood pouring out of my neck. Blearily, I see Rai shoot the criminal, his unconscious body joining mine on the cold ground. I choke as blood fills my mouth. It dribbles out the sides of my mouth and out of my nose. 

"Ok! Don't move!" Rai yells as he places the small quick stitcher over my gushing wound. Not that I could move if I wanted to, blood loss is a powerful thing. Through a haze of pain and confusion, I feel the quick stitcher stitch my neck close. I was in that much shock that I didn't even feel the pain that accompanied the stitches. "Ok! Relax! I'm going to get you home! You're going to be fine!" 

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now