You'll Be Ok, Ok?

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This will most likely be short. Henry still has his powers in this chapter. 

Piper's Point of View

I've got to say, when I come home, I just wanted to make a cup of tea and watch old reruns or something, maybe Friends™ or Criminal Minds™. I don't think that's a lot to ask for. I just wanted to come home and relax, well if I watched Criminal Minds™, I would not be relaxing but you get the sentiment. But alas, that was no longer how I saw my night going, because as soon as I got home, I saw my brother pacing back and forth, muttering under his breath. The was wringing his hands and cracking his knuckles, his cheeks flushed, his breathing was coming out in short pants. I could just make out that he was muttering numbers from one to ten repeatedly. 

With all the information gathered, it wasn't hard to figure out what was happening. Henry was having a panic attack. Now I was in no way unfamiliar with panic attacks. I never had them personally, but Henry was no stranger to them. Ever since I found out about Henry's secret, I'd also been let in on his other major secret; he suffered from panic attacks. It wasn't unimaginable, based on his everyday life and the amount of times he's nearly gotten himself killed, can you really blame him? 

I wrack my brain, trying to think of anything that could have set him off. They hadn't been on any super dangerous missions lately, really it had only been Jeff that had been causing trouble. Even so, Henry has fought more battles than most so it could be any number of things.  

"Henry," I start, unsure where to begin, "what happened? Are you ok?" Of course he's not ok, don't be stupid!

Henry nods, visibly trying to pull himself together, and failing at that. There was a shakiness to his steps that I hadn't noticed before. 

I get closer to him, closing the distance between us. From there, I could hear a quiet, high pitched hum. At first I thought it was coming from the lights or something, but I then realised it was Henry. Obviously I wasn't meant to hear it. 

I wanted to say something, but I just didn't know what was appropriate for this situation. I didn't even know what was going on, so instead, I'm forced to stay helpless, unsure of what to do next, watching as my older brother falls apart.

Henry's shoulders seemed to rise and fall quicker and quicker as his breathing turned to hyperventilation. I catch sight of Henry's eyes, both filled with panic and fear. I finally decide to take action. 

"Henry," I say slowly and gently, "why don't we go to your room for a second." I offer. 

It seemed to take Henry a couple of seconds before he comprehended what I was saying, but when he did, he slowly nodded. I take his sweaty hand in mine and lead him upstairs to his room.

Where he promptly loses it. 

One sob turned into another, and another, and another, and suddenly, he can't stop, it's not long when Henry is no more than a metre away from me, his hands moving a mile a minute, gripping his hair in distress, then cracking his knuckles, back to his hair, he's picking at the hair elastic on his arm; no doubt from the amount of times Charlotte or I had asked him to hold on to them, his hands are scratching at his arms, then just his right hand scratching his left, then he's scratching his face, his hands are back to his hair. 

Finally he settles on hugging himself around his midriff, trying to apply pressure. At some point, he begins to rock on the balls of his feet. It's not ideal, but at least he's stopped scratching. 

"It's alright." I console him. "It's ok. I don't know what happened, but I know it's going to be ok. You're just at home, you're safe." 

Henry sucks in a shaky, sobbing breath, shaking his head back and forth, seemingly getting lost in this motion. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. He looks back at me with desperate, helpless eyes, a frustrated gravely whine escaping his lips as he struggles to find the right words to explain what's going on. 

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