The Voice

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Episode: Back To The Danger (Part 2?)
Oh my god guys, you have no idea how long I've wanted to write this. 

"Get little me into the Densitiser!" Rai yells from the hallway, still trying to fight off the newly indestructible Drex. 

"I'm trying!" I shout at him while attempting to wrestle kid Rai into the Denstitiser. 

"Try harder!" Rai yelled, frustration. 

"Let me go!" Mini Rai begged. 

"I'm trying to make you a superhero!" I growled. 

"I don't want to be a superhero! Stop!" Mini Rai plead. 

"Who doesn't want to be a superhero!" I shouted, it wasn't much of a question. I tightened my grip on his wrist when he cried out in pain, I immediately let go, helping people was driven into my mind like someone had installed it onto my hard drive. "Oh kid! I'm sorry, where does it hur-" I feel a kick to my stomach, as weak as it was, coming from an eight year old, it caught me off guard. Of course it was a trick. Damn kids. 

A fall back onto my back, not realizing where I was until it was too late, I stood up. Too slow, I realize I'm standing on the Densitiser's pad. Mini Rai quickly pulls the lever and suddenly I feel my body stiffly seizing up before shaking rapidly, a quiet gargled scream escaped my lips. I feel a horrible burning spread through my body. I can't help a pained grunt escape my lips.
I vaguely see Mini Rai looking scared before pulling back the lever. 

I fall onto all fours, my body trembling from stress and sheer exhaustion. 

Mini Rai runs over to me, "Are you ok?" Kid Rai shouts at me. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, please forgive me! Don't tell my Da-" He almost got through his last sentence when I used his own trick against him. I flipped him onto his back, knocking the wind out of him, before heaving myself up and throwing the switch. I watch tiredly as Mini Rai was bombarded with particles.

After a few seconds I switch off the Densitiser, still feeling the exhaustion creep through my body. 

I make my way over to Mini Rai before grabbing his shoulder, trying to stabilize both him and I. 

"How do you feel?" I ask weakly. 

"I feel great!" He says enthusiastically, which was better then I could say, but to be fair, he was in the Densitiser a lot shorter than I was. 

"Hold on," I grab a pipe shaped scientific instrument and whack Mini Rai over the head with it.  

"Hey!" He shouted in surprise. "Hold on, that only hurt for a second." 

"Awesome, that's - that's awesome." I sighed, the same weak energy rolling off me. 

"Mister, are you ok?" Mini Rai asked nervously, obviously worried that he'd done something wrong to me. 

"Uhh, yeah, just, I need you to test something on me." I slur, I hand him my laser. "I need you to shoot me." 

"What!" Mini Rai shouted, alarm in his tone. 

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I say as he stares down at the device in his hand. I briefly notice him staring at Captain Man and Drex battling in the background, Adult Rai seemingly now indestructible again based on the fact that he wasn't cradling his arm anymore. "Don't look at them. They're not important." Mini Rai simply nodded before hovering his finger over the trigger button. "Shoot me Rai!" I command with such force that it surprised both Mini Rai and I. Mini Rai stabbed the button with his finger and a laser beam shot out and struck me in the chest. I feel the burning pain in my chest before it evaporated into nothing. 

"I'm so sorry sir! You told me to, I didn't think!" Mini Rai rambled, obviously worried by the brief pain shooting across my face. 

"It's ok, we're both indestructible." I say. "Now come on! Move out of the way!" 

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