Accused (2)

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- 2 Weeks After The Trial -

I open my eyes wearily to see the stale, pale grey ceiling that is my cell. I push myself up and stretch. On my side table I see my stack of 10 books (the maximum is 10), my crown bead that Rai had sent, a small elephant plushie from when I was 4, a paint set, a deck of cards Terry, my cell neighbour, and I often use, and a photo of my friends and family. All gifts from my friends and family.

I smile. I miss them so damn much. I wrap my soft purple blanket around me, remembering the night I'd bought it. I had attempted running away. Rai had sent it to me when I mentioned the cold sheets in my letter.

I pick up the elephant I'd so cleverly named Phanty and held it close to my chest. I set it down and silently admired my artwork I had painted on the wall.

I've been in prison for 2 weeks. 2 weeks of working my case. 2 weeks of desperately missing my family and friends. And most of all, 2 weeks of missing my job.

- flashback -

"In you go." The gruff police officer ordered.

I feel his harden hands push me into the vehicle.

I take a seat on one of the benches. Opposite me is a boy not much older than Piper.

"Hi." I say stiffly, taking in his scars and tattoos.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"Nothing." I sigh.

"What are you in for?" He asks me.

"Murder." I breathe out. No sense letting people think I'm soft. I don't want people treating me horribly because they think I'm weak.

"Same. Triple homicide." He replied with a satisfied grin. Seeing the look on his face made my stomach churn.

"Nice." I grind out. "Who'd you kill?" I ask in fake interest.

"Two 12 year old girls and a police officer." He says smugly. I feel sick at his reaction to his crimes. "How about you?"

"Maize Queen." I say with a fake smile.

His jaw drops.

"No way!" He says astonished. "You killed the Princess? You killed a Queen!"

Princess. A name people called Maize because she was just as stuck up. Now, I'm not so sure she was a princess.

"You bet." I reply through my teeth.

"That's unbelievable, that's amazing, that's... woah." He said with a star struck look in his eyes.

"Thank you." I say with a horrible sensation in my stomach.

"I'm Terry, Terry Allen."

"Henry, Henry Hart."

- time skip -

When I got to the prison the first thing they did was direct me to a room.

I sat down in a small chair next to a desk. A woman with two armed guards on either side of her sat in the desk.

"Mr. Henry Hart, 17, charged for murder of Ms. Maize Queen. 10 years in prison. Is this correct?" She asked.

I nod my head.

"I didn't do it." I say quietly.

"Then why are you here?" She said sarcastically.

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