Force bound Feelings (Anakin...

By Arialternateendings

455K 11.2K 7.6K

A story that will follow the entire saga with its own individual twists and turns, please do give it a try yo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chqpter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter ninteen
Chapter twenty
Chaoter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thiry nine
Chapter forty
Chapter fourty one
Chapter fourty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter fourty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
Chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter sixty three
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Chapter sixty six
Chapter sixty seven
Chaoter sixty eight
Chapter sixty nine
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one
Chapter seventy three
Chapter seventy four
Chapter seventy five
Chapter seventy six
Chapter seventy seven
Chapter seventy eight
Chapter seventy nine
Chapter eighty
Chapter eighty one
Chapter eighty two
Chapter eighty three
Ari's tibute
Chapter eighty four
Cbapter eighty five
Chapter eighty six
Chapter eighty seven
Chapter eighty eight
Chapter eighty nine
Chapter ninety
Chapter ninety one
Chapter ninety two
Chapter ninety three
Chapter ninety four
Chapter ninety five
Chapter ninety six
Chapter ninety seven
Chapter ninety eight
Chapter ninety nine
Chapter one hundred
Chapter one hundred and one
Chapter one hundred and two
Chapter one hundred and three
Chapter one hundred and four
Chapter one hundred and five
Chapter one hundred and six
Chapter one hundred and seven
Chapter one hundred and eight
Chapter one hundred and nine
Chapter one hundred and ten
Chapter one hundred and eleven
Chapter one hundred and twelve
Chapter one hundred and thirteen
Chapter one hundred and fourteen
Chapter one hundred and fifteen
Chapter one hundred and sixteen
Chapter one hundred and seventeen
Please read
Chapter one hundred and eighteen
Chapter one hundred and nineteen
Chapter one hundred and twenty
Chapter one hundred and twenty one
Chapter one hundred and twenty two
Chapter one bundred and twenty three
Chapter one hundred and twenty four
Chapter one hundred and twenty five
Final Chapter
A fhousand comments later

Chaoter seventy two

1.3K 38 79
By Arialternateendings

Obi wans pov

"My apologies Satine, it appears I'm needed." I sighed while picking up my robe as I got up from the couch of the Duchesses hotel room. We'd just been talking, catching up after all these years apart. It was nice and of course I was sad to leave, but if Anakin's condition was going down hill I couldn't just stand by and do nothing.

"Don't worry Obi, I understand," The woman replied kindly as she emerged from the kitchen. She looked gorgeous as ever...I can't believe I ever left her before. Anakin truly was lucky to be so confident. "If it's not to much trouble I'd love to catch up further when you return." She spoke softly while smiling across towards me in the way that always gave my butterflies. She truly was a wonder...

"I'd love that." I responded giving a smile of my own as I walked over towards the door in a hurried fashion. (Y/n) seemed greatly troubled when she contacted me moments ago, she sounded as though she were crying. With everything going on she didn't deserve that pain, the young woman was near seven months pregnant for crying out loud, she should be in bed rest.

Exiting the Hotel room I ran through the halls towards the pairs apartment. It wasn't to far away, and with all the exercise this war had given me it wouldn't take long to arrive. There were some strange glances sent my way as I ran through the lobby but I merely ignored them and kept running the halls until I arrived at their door. Unlocking the latch as fast as I could I slipped through and quickly made my way towards where I could hear the girl crying. She was in the kitchen.

"(Y/n), oh (y/n) what happened?" I questioned as I walked through to see her sat on the floor holding Anakins unconscious body in her lap. Her eyes were teary and full of hurt as she stared down at him running a hand through his hair lovingly.

"...he, he started talking about his nightmares...saying how he couldn't bare to see me die...I couldn't bare it, I love him Obi wan, I love him so when he talked about going to Korriban and learning some sith technique in order to save me I just, I just grabbed the tranquilliser and stabbed it in him - I couldn't take it Obi wan,  I can't loose him..." Again she began to sob while cradling him in her arms, kissing the top of his head sweetly as the tears ran down her cheeks in streams. Letting go of a heavy sigh I knelt down opposite her and reached across to to tidy her hair where it had stuck to her brow. The woman was a mess, and she didn't seem to be getting any better by the second.

"(Y/n) it's alright, now you just go clean yourself up and I'll take Anakin into the living room, everything's going to be just fine, you just focus on calming down, stress isn't good in your condition." I spoke kindly while reaching across to gently tilt her head until she was looking into my eyes. Right now she needed some space from Anakin, seeing him was obviously upsetting to her, more so since she was a ways into her pregnancy. Her hands were shaking as I gently removed them from Anakins sleeping body, trying to steady the tremors across her fingers within the grip of my own hand. The girl nodded and lowered her head with a sniffle.

"Sure, yes, I'll go wash up and pack our bags..." She murmured as I helped her steadily back up to her feet, trying to keep her gaze off Anakin as I guided her towards the door. Once she was away towards the bathroom I turned back around and knelt back on the floor next to where Anakin lay.

"You need to be strong Anakin, she loves you a great deal, don't throw that away over some nightmare," I whispered while working to pick up the man I cherished so dearly. Slipping my arms round his torso i hoisted the man up over my shoulder and took him through towards the couch. "You're my brother Anakin...whatever you're going through I'm right here with you, I mean that." I added softly while setting him down on the couch and watching his peaceful expression as he slept. Force he could look so adorable when he was asleep, reminded me of the days he'd sneak into my room. He was so sweet and innocent back then, it pained me to see him struggle like this.

"Master Kenobi! Can you call my master for me?" (Y/n) called from the other room just as I was picking up the communicator from the counter to call in a favour for transport. Just as I was about to reply and ask what she needed the woman for she called across from the bedroom again. "Oh never mind I found my comlink, just focus on Anakin!" She called across yet again with a strain to her voice from the crying most likely.

"Don't worry he's in good hands - don't over work yourself I'll be through to help in just a second." I called back waiver Er my shoulders in her direction while ensuring Anakin's pulse remained steady. Fortunately he seemed completely fine, as usually he was out for the count while the rest of us were left to clean up.

(Y/n)'s pov

With a bag laid out atop our bed and various clothes strewn everywhere across the sheets where I'd been trying to decide what to bring. Padmè had bought me some maternity gowns which of course I had to bring, but then I was stuck deciding between warm or cold wether attire. I wasn't sure where we'd be hiding yet after all. However the thought did strike me that someone would have to cover Anakin's missions and look after the girls while we were gone. That's when I decided to call up my former master.

"This better be good Anakin you're interrupting my date night at the worst possible moment." The woman growled as she first answered the call. Whoops, this must be Anakins spare comlink.

"Master it's me - I don't have much time so I won't be long I promise, but I need you to cover Anakins missions for the next few days - oh and please ask Nial to take care of the girls." I Instructed while throwing some underwear in the suitcase. Warm or cold we'd still need underwear so it seemed a good place to start.

"Pray tell why would I help that moron." The woman grumbled with a sigh.

"Well you do owe me, you know, for the bar inci-

"Right right I'll do it," she spoke quickly before I could finish, another voice whispered in the background as there was a slight shuffle. "I'll explain later.." I heard her whisper back presumably in such I way I wouldn't hear. In any other circumstance I likely would've blushed thinking about what she was up to but right now all I could think about was getting Anakin as far away from here as possible. "Wait, why don't you want me looking after the girls?" The woman questioned with such genuinely astonishment it was almost laughable.

"Let's see, you scare them and last time Ari attended a mission with you she return with a broken arms and in need of twelve stitches." I responded like the protective mother hen I felt like most days around the girls.

"She was laughing." Kaida responded casually with a small huff evidently not seeing the issue. As a padawan I'd  been the careful one between us, but Ari didn't have the level of responsibility yet to understand not every idea was a good one.

"Yeah well, you let her drive a tank of course she was laughing." I mumbled in response while throwing Anakins clothes in the case and slamming the lid down.

"Okay fine I get it, Nial (y/n) would like you to look after the girls for her for a while, you alright with that?" She asked evidently towards the man in question by the way the volume of her voice dipped.

"Sure I'm okay with that, I'll swing by in the morning." I heard the man say and I media felt let out a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding.

"Thank so so much, now sorry but I really have to go, I'll call you as soon as I can."I replied but before I could cut the line I heard my former master speak up hurriedly.

"Wait wait," she called through to get my attention, my finger hovering over the off switch as I awaited her further words. "Be careful who you trust (y/n), your baby is precious, don't loose it." She spoke in a soft tone I didn't recognise from her. It almost seemed as though she were trying to cover up some sort of pain...but that wasn't like my Master, not one bit.

"I won't." I replied simply in a respectful note of understanding before cutting the communication. Placing both hands on the bags handle I struggled to lift it from the bed and proceeded to half drag half carry it out into the living room. Inside I found Obi wan just ending a transmutation of his own, the mans eyes immediately widening as he saw me.

"(Y/n)! You shouldn't be carrying something so heavy." He lightly scolded while rushing over and taking the bag from my hands with one hand while the arm of his other swept round to support me. Obi wan really was a kind hearted soul.

"Now good news, Rex says the Twilight has just gone in for minor repairs, nobodies watching over it so we'll be able to get away unseen," He added while ushering me over and picking up my warmer robes. As he walked round and helped me thread my arms into the sleeves I gave a relieved nod. At least we now had an escape route. "The question is where do you want to go?" He then asked while moving back round and looking into my eyes for an answer.

"Naboo," I replied without hesitation nor evening thinking about the answer yet still when Obi wan gave me a puzzled look I had an explanation. "It's where we first truly fell in love...well where we admitted it at least, it's a place of happy memories and I hope that will help him." I explained with a pleading look hoping he'd understand.

"Alright, Naboo it is." To my relief he replied with a tiny tug of a smile and a small nod.

I really hope this works...

Ari's pov

"Ari why are you always hiding from the council?" My dear little friend asked as we both ducked down and hid behind the loading crates in the temple hanger. I may or may not be in trouble again.

"Because dear sweet Kestis, the council doesn't agree with my modern way of thinking." I replied while peeking out over the top of the crate and glancing around the near empty hanger. It was still really late so not many other Jedi were around. I'd only gone to visit Cal because I needed a speeder and I didn't think Bynn would appreciate the visit. Okay I lie, Cal was my their inside the boys dorm, he'd pulled Bynn's keys from the counter and brought them out to me to make my grand escape. Unfortunately though Mace seemed to know the speeder unused and was prowling around it like a caged animal. He was so pissed.

"I think it's more they don't appreciate you running around at all hours of the night." The boy responded while peering round the crate beside me, a small grin across his cute face as he spared me a glance. I shot him a playful glare along with a smirk.

"You learn fast my little apprentice," I replied with a playfully proud hum. Glancing back across the speeder bay as the master passed by yet again I got a nifty little idea. "Now come on, I have an idea." I added while taking his hand, moving my gaze back to meet his with a devilish grin.

"...will we get in trouble?" He asked while raising a brow, his little freckled face adorably full of mischief as he looked up to me.

"Now Cal, you know the answer to that."
I replied giving him a little nod as my smile grew.

"Only if we get caught." He chuckled echoing my words from previous occasions, his smile growing just like mine had before. I liked this kid, he's awesome.

"Precisely, now pull your hood up and put your gloves on we've got stealing to do." I replied giving him a pat on the back as I pulled up my own scarf to sober my face. The two of us snuck along behind master Windu in such a way he hopefully wouldn't notice in his exhausted state. I should probably feel sorry for blithering such a busy man, but it's Master Windu so I don't.

"Ari...who exactly are we stealing from?" Cal asked from behind me as we approached the council parking lot.

"Who do you think?" I replied with a concealed grin as I approached a certain well kept speeder. Cal looked at me in disbelief for a few moments before running over to join me by the immaculate speeder.

"No way, you're going to steal his speeder??" The boy questioned while I slid into the drivers seat carefully and placed my bag in the back.

"Steal no," I replied while fiddling with the dashboard wires. The engine started up with a low hum. "Borrow, hell yes - now quick hop in or get caught." I whisper shouted back while patting the passenger seat. The young teen wasted no time rushing round and jumping into the spare seat giving me a head start on pulling out. Peering over my shoulder I cashing sigh of a certain furious Jedi master running towards us and quickly slammed my foot down on the pedal below, speeding us away into the night.

"Shimara! Get back here with my speeder!" Mace yelled after me, this probably the fifth time he's scolded me in the last six hours alone. That might be a new record.

"Ari aren't you worried about being expelled?" The boy to my left asked as I focused on weaving through Coruscant traffic without causing to much commotion.

"Nah not really, whatever they through my way I've suffered worse," now that really wasn't a lie. "Anyway, I'll park the speeder back later tonight, by the time he launched a formal complaint in the morning there'll be no proof I even took it." I added with a shrug while taking a turning towards home.

"But they have-

"Camera's?" I chimed in pulling down my scarf to flash him a smirk. "Oh Cal you disappoint me, look in the bag." I hummed turning my gaze back to the highway ahead and removing a hand from the wheel to toss him my bag. I'd been doing this a long time, nothing surprised me anymore.

So of course I had the camera discs already in my bag, they'd have nothing on me as per usual - well except the whole breaking Anakin out thing but that was a rare occasion.

Unknown pov

I watched alone from atop a disused building at the republic ship of Skywalker left unnoticed by all. Well, almost all. I however was an exception, I saw everything that no one else could, the secrets the lies and deceit. And the future.

Oh the future was wonderful, so much chaos to come. Betrayal and heartache...hated and despair. Yes a truly beautiful thing the future could be, wonderful indeed and useful to those with the power to use it.

To play fate and win...

"Venic! What the hell I called you an hour ago!" The irritating voice of my pawn yelled from across the rooftop. Unfortunately his life was necessary for my plans success, thus I couldn't stop his heart where he stood. He was needed to destroy the Okarian girl...her death pivotal for my dreams to be born into reality.

"I'm not you pet Daramar, I won't come running the second you wish for the pleasure of my company." I sneered while turning to face the elder man with a glare. One month month, that was the time left I had to stand by and bare his presence. Gods I couldn't wait for him to be gone.

"You should've at least called back! I thought we had a deal?" The man growled trying to seem intimidating however I knew there was no brains to match his brawn.

"You're a fool as ever Daramar, now come, we have work to be doing," I spoke clearly while tugging my cape together across my raising and raising my hood with a simple tug. The man parted his lips to speak but I rose a hand to hush him before his words caused more of my own brain cells to numb. "The kind of work that does not require your input, simply listen, nod, and give me the occasional 'yes m'am'." I hummed in instruction without glancing his way as I proceeded on to cross the roof.

"Yes m'am." He of course replied in a cocky tone before following along behind me.

"Good, now we need a ship, droids, and access codes for the Citadel, if this plan is to be successful we will require support from the whole facility, I trust your master has already informed you of such?" I questioned peering back over my shoulder knowing Darth Sidious had likely already shared a similar plan with his assassin here since Dooku could now be trusted. I was only to be enfolded in order to ensure it was successful, but the 'dark Lord' would never know of this. Observing a nod from the man I looked back ahead. "Good, I have commissioned a serum from the witches of Darhomire that will ensure complete surrender form her through the force, in the meantime we shall go prepare the prison...there is much to be done." I added as a smirk tugged at my lips. Soon I shall awaken the lord Vader from my visions, he will rise and rule the galaxy, a galaxy I may walk through freely as Queen. Then he shall see what he discarded for her, he shall see what he missed out on.

I will take it all from him with a snap of my fingers.

And it all starts in a few mere weeks, a few simple weeks and then we strike.

Count your blessings (y/n) Venna...for soon you shall join your mother in death.

I will make it so...

Well you have an enemy, good luck with that one.
Hope you enjoyed this little chapter there will be more coming very soon!

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