By HoshiUtsukushi

273K 11.6K 27.5K

Rest well, King. More

What the fuck is this chapter
A note
Final A/N


7K 277 748
By HoshiUtsukushi


Hello readers, so I've decided to write every outcome on every choices but I'll only continue the choice you guys voted for. I just wrote the other for fun! Have fun reading!

Also, I'm so sorry for posting this chapter so late! I have to fix the errors and typos so sorry for the delay, if you see any typos please feel free to point it out anytime!

Note: Scroll, a scroll is a digital device. It contains the person's personal data, description, everything. Students and official tank, fighter, marksman, mages have a scroll. Students have scroll but they can't bring it home. They can only have their own official scroll when they graduated.

when closed ↑↑

When open ↑↑


A. To the garden.

"I think we should go to the garden."

You suggested them and they only nodded their head, the four of you found yourselves infront of the garden. The school have total of 6 gardens in them, and yeah. That's how big the school is.

The four of you chatted as you walked around the garden. Well, it's more like wilbur and niki chatting since you and technoblade stayed quiet on the other sides. The four of you stopped infront of a gate, there's a sign on the ground next to the gate that said; The Maze

'So it's a maze.' The three of them read the sign and suddenly, there's a booming voice that almost made you yelped, "WILBUR! TECHNOBLADE!" The voice shouts. The four of you turned around almost immediately. On the distance were two students, the first one had blond curly locks that swayed on the wind, he wore a white and red shirt, black jeans and brown combat boots. The other one had brown locks, green button-up shirt, black jeans and black combat boots. He wore the largest smile ever.

The two students finally came into view infront of you. "Tommy? Tubbo? Aren't the two of you supposed to be in class right now?" Wilbur spoke to the two student. "Class just ended" the brown haired boy replied. "I watched the fight earlier and what the fuck?! Why did the two of you just gave up on two womens?! What the hell's wrong with you?!" The blonde kid complained.

He looked at you and niki, his glare hardening when his eyes landed on you. "They don't even look like that strong! What happened to the 'Blood for the blood god' and to the 'It's never meant to be'?!" He continued to complain. "Tommy i-" wilbur tried to explain but was interrupted when the kid named tommy spoke again. "Niki is just a mage! Sure she can fight but she's not that strong! And you!-" he pointed at you. "-I don't know who you are but you look like you'd be surrending to the first blow." He stated.

You only rolled your eyes, your hands itching to reach for your sword and cut his tounge out. Wilbur sighed and technoblade only face palmed. "Trust me tommy, don't underestimate them." Wilbur finally spoke without getting interrupted. He looked at the two of you and niki only smiled, waving at him. You only averted your eyes to the flowers around the garden, afraid that you might lose control and kick this kid to mars.

"Oh yeah?! I challenge you to a fight then!" Tommy declared. And now, now this caught your attention. "I'm down." You quickly spoke, itching to get your hands over this kid and kick his ass to mars. The three of them looked at you, niki noticed your annoyed figure and chuckled nervously. "Y/N are you sure?" She asked and you only nodded. "Alright then, I'm down too." Niki said and the two boys only looked at the two of you with shock in their faces.

"Niki, Y/N are you serious? He's literally a child-" before wilbur can finish he was interrupted by Tommy's booming voice. "I AM NOT A CHILD!" He stomped his feet to the ground like a child. "So, is it me and niki versus you?" You asked, tilting your head as you do so. Tommy chuckled as if he was mocking you. "Of course not! My buddy here will help me, right tubbo?" He turn to his friend named tubbo.

Tubbo only looked at him with a confused look. "I didn't said I was helping you-" before he can finish he was interrupted. "See?! He said he'll help me!" He laughed and put an arm around tubbo's shoulder and tubbo only groaned. "Fine." He muttered under his breathe.

"Look, they're literally children and you'll fight them? That's so childish-" techno finally spoke but is interrupted by tommy. "On the count of 3!" He started. People do be really getting interrupted a lot by tommy.

"One! "

You unsheathed your sword, creating a satisfying sound with it's blade and on it's sheath. It's Ruby color shone under the sun and it illuminate Tommy's face on the blade. Niki gulped, opening her umbrella and putting it against her shoulder.


Tommy and tubbo both unsheathed their swords, the swords were from the school. They're not allowed to buy their own weapons until they're graduated so they have to use the school's weapon for the mean time.

"One! Go-"

Before tommy can finish his sentence, you had ran forward with your sword in your hand, niki soon followed afterwards. Summoning a blue magic and throwing it to tubbo, tubbo dodged her magic and held tightly to his sword, he was waiting for her to come forward since he knew if he charged forward there'll be an opening for him.

Your sword clashed with Tommy's diamond one. You put your weight in it and pushed him backwards. You're not holding back anymore, those insults really pushed you to your limit. You have a very short temper and his insults didn't helped it. He was taken a back by the sudden force but quickly tried to push his weight on the sword.

Wilbur and Techno watched on the side, none of them tried to help tommy and tubbo. They're too amused watching the fight unfold before them. Niki seems to take it easy with tubbo, giving him many opening to strike her but she always mange to block them with her umbrella. She threw less magics at tubbo, knowing he's just a child she's going easy on him.

Meanwhile on you and tommy, you seems like you're not holding back now, which is true. You shift your body to the right and raised your leg and kicked tommy on the side, he yelped and stumbled sidewards, he managed to stand still but his legs feels jelly. Wilbur snorted and techno only face-palmed. You yanked your mini dagger under your dress and threw it towards tommy. He yelped once again, barely having time to Dodge the flying dagger.

The dagger sliced his cheek a little and he hissed in pain. You charged forward, sword in hand and he barely had the time to get into a fighting stance and before he knew it, you were already infront of him. Your Ruby sword high in air, ready to end him. He closed his eyes as he waited for the blade to be plunged to his heart.

But he felt nothing, he opened his eyes and you stood there, your sword still high in air as you stood there. Your eyes darkened as you stare at his blue hues. Niki and tubbo had paused their fight to watched you and tommy fight. Wilbur and techno seems too into it to make a move. You sighed, lowering your sword and putting it back to it's sheath.

"As much as I want to slice your tounge and feed it to the Lamias, watch your mouth. Did your parents teach you that attitude?"

You walked pass him and yanked your dagger that was plunged into a tree, you put it back under your dress and you look back at him, giving him a glare before walking towards the maze.

You needed to cool off, you entered the maze without turning back at them.

B. Excuse yourself and sleep in your room.

"I'm feeling kinda tired, I'll go sleep in my room."

You excused yourself and they only nodded in respond. "Sleep well!" Niki said and you smiled in respond, walking away from the four of them. You venture through the millions of stairs before getting to floor seven where your room is.

You panted, the stairs don't really help at all. Sure, it was still early but you can't help but be tired. The 2 hours ride through here is already tiring, then walking around through the tour then sparring with your new-found friends. It's a long day for you.

You sighed, opening your room door with the keys Quinn had given to you, you put away your sword into a chest and also put your dagger in there. You put away your red capea and also put away your combat boots. You're now left with your red dress. You didn't bother changing into your pajamas and just grabbed some random book in the bookshelf then plopped on the bed.

You opened the book and before you can even start reading the book, a noise startled you. The bookshelf you grabbed the book you were now holding now is slowly opening like a door. This caught your attention and you grabbed your sword on the chest. The bookshelf finished opening and on the other side is a hallway.

You debate with yourself for a minute to wheather go there or not. After about a minute of thinking, you finally decided to enter the secret passage way. She tightened her grip on her sword, soon walking towards the newfound secret way.

You walked and walked, the hallway is so long to the point your feet starts to get tired. You groaned, thinking on going back and just sleep. As she was about to turn around a door was now on her view. She walked up towards the door until she was infront of it.

She turn the doorknob to see if it's lock or not, fortunate for you, it was unlock. You turn the doorknob and pushed the door, entering the new room. The room were massive, four bunk beds were on each corner of the room and a chandelier hanging on top of the ceiling.

The room was dim, you can see three figures sleeping on the bunk bed. The person who's sleeping on the bottom bed shift and turn to your direction, she has blonde hair that was tied to a high ponytail and black sleeveless turtle neck, that's all you can see since she was covered in blankets.

The other one has his back turn to you. He has messy dirt blonde hair and green hoodie, then the last person were sleeping on top of the bunk bed where the Blondie was. You can only see it's figure since it's dark and you can't see what her hair color is.

The dirty blonde boy shift, he sat up and yawned and you panicked, quickly shutting the door you entered.  You quickly walked back to the never-ending hallway and managed to go back to your room. You picked up the book that was on your bed and put it back to it's shelf.

You watch as the bookshelf moved by itself, closing the secret passage way as if it was never discovered. You put your sword away and plopped down on your bed. 'That's not real, I'm just tired. I need sleep.' You chanted in your head as you buried yourself in blankets, soon hugging the darkness and soon, you were on dreamland.

For those who reads my other book, that room might be familiar to you. ;)

C. To the library

"I say we go to the library."

You stated and techno perked up, his bored face turned to an excited one. "That's a great idea! Let's go!" Niki tugged wilbur's arm and the the four of you walked around the school before finding the library.

The four of you entered the silent room, the librarian noticed the four of you and she bowed almost immediately, you gave her a smile and walked around the library. Soon, the four of you separated ways, niki went to the romance section and you guessed that wilbur went after her too.

You went to the history section, you're not a big fan of history but when it comes to history of fighting you're so into it. You browsed the million books that was displayed on the bookshelves. When you found nothing interesting you exited the area.

The library was huge and when I say huge, I meant is that the library is a two story building. The library is away from the other building and you guessed it's because of the students always making noise outside the library. You walked upstairs, soon finding another set of million of books that were displayed on bookshelves.

You walked into a random section. You didn't get to read what section you were in but you grabbed a book anyway. You flipped open the book, reading the first sentence that was written on the book. And soon, you were deep in love with the book. The book was about the history of magic which intrigued you a lot. You're not a mage but you found this book interesting.

"Didn't know you're into magic." You jumped when the voice spoke. It sounded close and you turned around, a familiar long pink haired came into your view. His Ruby eyes stare at your E/C ones. "Oh, no I'm not. I just found this book interesting that's all." You smiled before flipping another page. You noticed he was holding a maroon book. "What about you? What are you reading?" You asked and he flipped open his book. "The history of Sun Tzu." You heard that name earlier before the spar.

"What's it about?" You put a finger to the page you were currently reading and closed your book, your attention was now on his book. He started ranting about this guy named Sun Tzu and how he idolized him. You listened to every word that came out of his mouth, soon finding yourself deep in thought with his book.

You happen to steal a glance to his face and you can't help but notice the little scratch you made in his cheek. He noticed your staring and he looked at you. "What's wrong? Is there something in my face?" He spoke and you nodded. "I thought you got that treated?" You point at his cheek and he raised a hand to feel it.

"Oh, this?" He pointed at the scar and you nodded. "I forgot to tell the nurse." You raised an eyebrow, "we all drank health potion, how can that happen?" You asked and he sighed in defeat. "Okay fine, I didn't drink the health potion. It tasted horrible." He responded with a bore tone. But in reality, he didn't drank the health potion because he wanted the scratch to stay there for a while.

Call him weird but for him, he wanted the scratch to stay there. He felt like it was a trophy for him, displayed in his face. He wanted to show off to everyone that a person finally landed a scratch on him. And that there's finally someone who can actually beat him. It was admiration. "Speaking of..." He trailed off, he closed his book and he looked at you. "That was impressive not gonna lie." he looked away, not used to give people compliments. "Oh really? Thank you" you replied with a smile.

It was ages ago since someone had manage to lay a scratch on him and that was a memory he wanted to seal away forever. His eyes turned back to you. "Who taught you how to fight?" He asked, trying to ask a question one at a time. You smiled at the question, remembering your master. "My master. My parents hired her since I was a kid, she's an amazing person." Techno raised eyebrow, his questions were now piling up. "Since you were a kid?" He asked.

"Yeah. You see, I have this weird ambition in life that I wanted to fulfill." You started. "I wanted to be a warrior." You spoke and techno tilted his head. "How's that weird? Many princesses like you were a warrior. Just like niki, she's a queen and yet she chose to be a mage. Queen puffy, she's a Queen to but she's also a tank. Alyssa, she's a princess like you and she's also a marksman." He rambled on the princesses and Queens that chose to be a warrior.

"Yeah, I get that but my parents were against the idea." You started but then stopped midway, 'what am I doing? Why am I opening to a man I just met?' You smiled, "that's for time." You changed the topic. He only nodded, understanding and didn't chose to push it any further. "How?" He asked and you tilted your head in confusion. "What do you mean?" You asked. "How did you managed to land a scratch on me?" He asked.

"I just found an opening, that's all." you chuckled and opened your book once again. He fell silent and you continued where you left earlier. You noticed his lack of words and you turn to look at him. "What?" You asked. He had been looking at you for a minute now. His red eyes looking at your E/C ones. There's that weird look in his eyes again. It's like he wanted to say something but is debating to say it or not.

"Nothing..." He murmured and he also opened his book and started to read. You shrugged your shoulders and turned your head to read your book, you lean your back to the book shelf behind you, not putting all of your weight, afraid to knock the bookshelf over.

D. To the fountain.

"We should go back to the fountain."

You suggested and they all just nodded their heads, agreeing on silent, the four of you walked back to the fountain where Quinn had gathered the four of you.

When you got back, you saw Quinn talking to someone. The guy wore a white mask white a disturbing smiley face on it, his dirty blonde hair were a mess but still manage to look good, unlike the four of you, he was only wearing a green hoodie, black jeans and a pair of combat boots. A netherite sword were hanging on his hips.

The guy caught your stare and he informed quinn about it. She turn around and saw the four of you. When the four of you were infront of them, she smiled and clasped her hands together. "I suppose you're done exploring the school?" The four of you only nodded in unison. For some reason, techno hardened his gaze towards the guy.

"I'm sorry for being late, I'm Dream, a fighter, from omáda óneiro." The guy introduced himself. "I ready toured him around the school so if you guys need anything just call me!" And with that, quinn leaved the royals to themselves. The three of them suddenly fell in a uncomfortable silent. Seems to be uncomfortable with the man here.

You see, the omáda óneiro kingdom don't really have a nice friendship with the énosi nystaléon agorión kingdom. They fought for decades, exchanging war cries for years. At the end, the énosi nystaléon agorión kingdom still won. To everyone's surprise, The omàda óneiro accepted their defeat.

His gaze turned to you, "I don't think I've seen you around here." He stated and you straighten your posture. "Y/N Damon. From the Damon family, it's a pleasure to meet you." You introduced yourself, he stare at you for a minute before holding out his hand for a handshake, you grasp his hand but was surprised when he bought your hand up to his lips, he tilted his mask slightly enough to show just his lips. He placed a kiss on your knuckles and put back his mask. "It's nice meeting you." He said.

Your mind is currently a mess. He had just kissed your hand just as how techno kissed yours earlier. 'Wait does that mean they had an indirect kiss? Wait what-' your two remaining braincells argued with each other, 'was it an indirect kiss?' Your brain hurts from all this thinking so you decided to drop the topic inside your head.

He turn to the others and he smiled under his mask. "It's been so long, Technoblade." You can feel a threatening aura between the two of them. They exchange glare in secret, techno might look unfazed but in reality he wanted to strangle this man here and there.

This is gonna be a long day.


You chose Letter C. To go to the library.

"I say we go to the library."

You stated and techno perked up, his bored face turned to an excited one. "That's a great idea! Let's go!" Niki tugged wilbur's arm and the the four of you walked around the school before finding the library.

The four of you entered the silent room, the librarian noticed the four of you and she bowed almost immediately, you gave her a smile and walked around the library. Soon, the four of you separated ways, niki went to the romance section and you guessed that wilbur went after her too.

You went to the history section, you're not a big fan of history but when it comes to history of fighting you're so into it. You browsed the million books that was displayed on the bookshelves. When you found nothing interesting you exited the area.

The library was huge and when I say huge, I meant is that the library is a two story building. The library is away from the other building and you guessed it's because of the students always making noise outside the library. You walked upstairs, soon finding another set of million of books that were displayed on bookshelves.

You walked into a random section. You didn't get to read what section you were in but you grabbed a book anyway. You flipped open the book, reading the first sentence that was written on the book. And soon, you were deep in love with the book. The book was about the history of magic which intrigued you a lot. You're not a mage but you found this book interesting.

"Didn't know you're into magic." You jumped when the voice spoke. It sounded close and you turned around, a familiar long pink haired came into your view. His Ruby eyes stare at your E/C ones. "Oh, no I'm not. I just found this book interesting that's all." You smiled before flipping another page. You noticed he was holding a maroon book. "What about you? What are you reading?" You asked and he flipped open his book. "The history of Sun Tzu." You heard that name earlier before the spar.

"What's it about?" You put a finger to the page you were currently reading and closed your book, your attention was now on his book. He started ranting about this guy named Sun Tzu and how he idolized him. You listened to every word that came out of his mouth, soon finding yourself deep in thought with his book.

You happen to steal a glance to his face and you can't help but notice the little scratch you made in his cheek. He noticed your staring and he looked at you. "What's wrong? Is there something in my face?" He spoke and you nodded. "I thought you got that treated?" You point at his cheek and he raised a hand to feel it.

"Oh, this?" He pointed at the scar and you nodded. "I forgot to tell the nurse." You raised an eyebrow, "we all drank health potion, how can that happen?" You asked and he sighed in defeat. "Okay fine, I didn't drink the health potion. It tasted horrible." He responded with a bore tone. But in reality, he didn't drank the health potion because he wanted the scratch to stay there for a while.

Call him weird but for him, he wanted the scratch to stay there. He felt like it was a trophy for him, displayed in his face. He wanted to show off to everyone that a person finally landed a scratch on him. And that someone can actually beat him. It was admiration. "Speaking of..." He trailed off, he closed his book and he looked at you. "That was impressive not gonna lie." he looked away, not used to give people compliments. "Oh really? Thank you" you replied with a smile.

It was ages ago since someone had manage to lay a scratch on him and that was a memory he wanted to seal away forever. His eyes turned back to you. "Who taught you how to fight?" He asked, trying to ask a question one at a time. You smiled at the question, remembering your master. "My master. My parents hired her since I was a kid, she's an amazing person." Techno raised eyebrow, his questions were now piling up. "Since you were a kid?" He asked.

"Yeah. You see, I have this weird ambition in life that I wanted to fulfill." You started. "I wanted to be a warrior." You spoke and techno tilted his head. "How's that weird? Many princesses like you were a warrior. Just like niki, she's a queen and yet she chose to be a mage. Queen puffy, she's a Queen to but she's also a tank. Alyssa, she's a princess like you and she's also a marksman." He rambled on the princesses and Queens that chose to be a warrior.

"Yeah, I get that but my parents were against the idea." You started but then stopped midway, 'what am I doing? Why am I opening to a man I just met?' You smiled, "that's for time." You changed the topic. He only nodded, understanding and didn't chose to push it any further. "How?" He asked and you tilted your head in confusion. "What do you mean?" You asked. "How did you managed to land a scratch on me?" He asked.

"I just found an opening, that's all." you chuckled and opened your book once again. He fell silent and you continued where you left earlier. You noticed his lack of words and you turn to look at him. "What?" You asked. He had been looking at you for a minute now. His red eyes looking at your E/C ones. There's that weird look in his eyes again. It's like he wanted to say something but is debating to say it or not.

"Nothing..." He murmured and he also opened his book and started to read. You shrugged your shoulders and turned your head to read your book, you lean your back to the book shelf behind you, not putting all of your weight, afraid to knock the bookshelf over.

The two of you read in silent, the noise of turning the page over is the only noise that can be heard. "Be honest with me, Y/N." He suddenly spoke, startling you. You turn to look at him to see him already looking St you with serious eyes. "Are you adopted?" He suddenly asked.

Suddenly, the conversation you and niki had earlier entered your mind and you chose your words carefully. He might've noticed something was off when the kiss didn't worked, he wanted to be sure. He wanted to be sure if you're telling the truth or not. "That's bold of you to ask." You said, smiling and putting a finger on the page you were just reading then closing it. Using your finger as a bookmark. "Of course not, I'm not adopted." You continued, not breaking eye contact with him.

You felt like if you broke eye contact with him you'll be exposed. He looked at you for a minute before nodding. "Why did you ask?" You asked, wanting to know if he'll answer truthfully. "It's nothing." You smiled, knowing that he's clearly lying. 'How unusual of someone who have the kiss of pséma to lie.' You only nodded your head in respond. Suddenly, he moved infront of you. His towering figure now infront of you, you were trapped between the little space that the bookshelf behind you provide and techno.

He inch closer, he took your hand where he had kissed earlier and bought it to his view, you knew what's he's gonna do next. 'He's making a fool of himself. I'm immune to poisons.' The urge to laugh suddenly boomed in your body but you quickly formed a serious face, trying to get a hold of yourself. He held your hand inches away from his lips, "you know that lying is not a very great choice right?" He spoke, placing a kiss on your knuckles.

"And yet everyone still chose to do it."

As he was about to reply, "Y/N! Techno, there you-" the voice stopped midway and you turn to look at who it was. It was niki and wilbur, "Okay, I'm sorry we'll be at downstairs if you two are done-" wilbur hurried niki to the stairs and the two of them walked downstairs. You just realized how bad the two of you looked at this position.

"I think we should get going." Your face felt hot and you yanked your hand away from him, you looked down. Hoping to hide the blush that was displayed on your cheeks. You speed walked towards the stairs and onto where niki and wilbur are. You can hear techno's faint footsteps behind you.

When the two of you came to view of niki and wilbur, they turned to the two of you. "Are the two of you done?" Wilbur asked as if it's normal. "Look, it's not what you think okay? We're just talking." You explained. Looking at him with a glare. "Sure, sure, the blush on your cheeks proves it all." Hr chuckled and you can feel your cheeks get hotter. You took a peek at techno and to your surprise, he's also blushing. He was looking away and he let his pink hair fall over his face to cover the pink tint on his cheeks.

"Just shut up." You glared at him and he only laugh, you just met wilbur hours ago but it felt like he'll use this as an advantage to blackmail the two of you in the future. You went to the counter where the librarian sat. "Can I borrow this?" You asked and the librarian only nodded with a smile. You thanked her and you exited the library, you decided to wait for them outside so here you are, waiting for them.

The library door opens and the three of them walked out. "Where do we go now?" Niki asked. "I'm tired, I'll go rest in my room. If you need something I'm at the seventh floor." And with that, you excused yourself. You're actually not tired at all, it's still 2 in the afternoon. There's so much to do, but you chose to excuse yourself since you don't want any awkward moment to happen.

You walked away from the library building, walking towards a staircase and sighing. 'Why do they have to put our rooms at the seventh floor? These stairs are hurting my feet.' You complain in your head as you reach the third floor. After minutes of walking which feels like hours, you're finally at the seventh floor.

You pant, the stairs really did waste half of your energy. When you caught your breathe you started walking towards your room. You stood infront of your room, fiddling with the key and inserting it. You heard footsteps on the hallway but you didn't bother to check who it was. You pushed open the door and was abut to go inside when a voice called out. "Excuse me!" The walking turned to jogging and a man in his early 20s stood infront of you.

"Yes?" You spoke, looking at the strange man. He wore a white mask, a smiley face is drawn in it. A green hoodie and black jeans, a pair of combat boots, his hair is the color of dirty blonde. "Are you a student? This floor is only for guests." The man spoke, his voice being muffled by the mask but it's still understandable. "No, I am not a student. I'm Princess Y/N Damon from the Damon Family." The guy stood there for a minute before speaking. "But the Damons don't have any children." He replied, suspicion raising.

You sighed, pulling out your scroll and pressing the 'on' button. The scroll opened, the transparent device was handed to him. He looked at the scroll, reading at what it says. When he finished, he handed it back to you. "I'm sorry for raising suspicions on you my lady, let me introduce myself." You grabbed back your scroll and put it in your pocket. "I'm dream,a fighter, from the omáda óneiro kingdom. It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady." He extended his hand for a handshake and you grabbed his hand and gave it a shake. "Likewise." You replied, flashing him a smile.

'Wait, did he just said that he's from the omáda óneiro kingdom?' You had never seen the kings from the omáda óneiro kingdom up until now. You heard the great war that happened between the omáda óneiro kingdom and the énosi nystaléon agorión kingdom. They fought for years, decades, the omàda óneiro kingdom is known for their great people but they can be pretty stubborn as hell. So it was a surprise that they concede defeat one day.

You guessed that the school also sent them an invitation, and of course. They accepted. "If you'll excuse me, I need rest." You said and he only nodded. "I wish you a good rest, my lady." You only nodded and gave him a smile. He nodded in return before turning to his back and walking away. You closed your door and sighed. You put your sword and dagger away and you kick off your boots and plopped down on the bed.

You sighed, enjoying the comfy sheets of the bed. Before you knew it, you were fast asleep.


You opened your eyes, you yawned. You sat up and stretch your limbs. You look at the window and saw that it was night time. You slept through the entire day. You frowned, looking to the clock to see it was 12:44 AM.

You yawned once again, standing up and putting on your boots. Figuring out that you won't be able to fall back asleep, you decided to take a walk around the school. You grabbed your sword that was laying on the ground and put it on your waist. You walked towards the door and opened it, not bothering to lock it you walked towards the stairs.

After all of the walking down the stairs, you were finally on the first floor. You sighed, begining to put hate on the staircase. You walked around the school, figuring out there's nothing much to do. The lamps that's displayed around the school is still lit up. The school is oddly quiet, with no students walking back and forth around. You found your feet taking you to the garden.

You walked and walked, enjoying the breeze that the wind gives you. Your hair dance around with the wind as you walk. The trees around you stood tall and the colorful flowers were standing on the ground. Attracting anyone who looks at them. The school's garden is pretty big. They have the total of 6 garden in them, you don't know which garden you are in but that doesn't really matter.

You stopped infront a gate, it was a golden gate. It wasn't lock or anything and a sign was displayed on the side of the gate for you to see. The sign reads: The Maze. You shrugged your shoulder, opening the gate and walking to the maze. You have no idea how big the maze is but you just kept walking.

The grassy walls that surrounds you were eye catching. There were flowers blooming here and there, it was a sight to see. You kept walking and walking. Turning corners to corners when you come to an end. You heard footsteps and you stopped to make sure the footsteps weren't yours. When you stopped and the footsteps didn't, you put your hand to the hilt of your sword.

You felt the footsteps getting nearer. And you unsheathed your sword. Getting to a fighting stance as you waited for the footsteps to come closer. The footsteps then stopped, making you raise an eyebrow. "My lady?" A familiar voice spoke and you spun around to see dream. He was frantically putting his mask on with panick visible in his figure. He might've thought that he was alone and took off his mask. "Your highness! You scared me!" You yelled. You then put your sword back in it's sheathe.

"What are you doing here?" He finished putting his mask back and put his arms on his side. "Can't sleep." Was the only thing you replied. "I can say the same." He placed his hands on his pockets and walked towards you. "Care to join me for a walk?" You only nodded and the two of you started walking around the maze, trying to find the exit. The two of you walk in an comfortable silent. Your footsteps are the only thing that made noise.

"Your not actually their child aren't you?" He suddenly spoke. You didn't bother to look at him and only nodded. "Was it that obvious?" You chuckled. "Yeah. The Damons haven't have any child for years so it was a surprise when you said that your their child." He gave in a little chuckle. You look at him with wide eyes, "you're not mad?" You asked. Confuse on why he's still talking to you. He looked at you, you guessed that he held a confused face under his mask.

"Why would I be mad?" He asked, confusion laced his voice. "Well, because I'm an orphan?" He looked at you for a second before bursting in laughter. He wheezes, and you felt worried for his lungs for a moment. When he finished his laughing fit and when he finally caught his breathe, he spoke. "There's nothing wrong being an orphan. Why would anyone be mad at an orphan?" You looked down on the grass. "Prince techno does." You replied and he fell quiet.

"So you've met him." His voice turned serious and you only nodded. "You see, he hates orphans for a reason. A dumb reason. Does he know that your an orphan?" He asked and you Shook your head. "No." He tilted his head in confusion. "How? He have the kiss of pséma doesn't he?" You then smiled in return. "I'm immune to poison." He then looked at you with a surprise expression in his face under his mask. "Really? That's so cool!" He exclaimed and you only laughed in return. He sounded like a child.

"Anyways, don't let him know that you're an orphan, he'll go insane." He stated simply. "I know. And also, please don't tell him that I'm an orphan" he only chuckled in return. "Your secret is safe with me, my lady." You smiled. Happy to hear that he agreed to keep your secret. "Thank you."

Before you knew it, the two of you were on the exit of the maze. You yawned, feeling tired. "Thank you for accompanying me for a walk, my lady" he said and you smiled. "It's nothing." You said and he nodded. "I'll go now, thank you for talking to me." You said before turning around. "Goodnight your high--" before you can finish he interrupted you. "Please, just call me dream. I'm not used on people calling me that." You nodded. "Alright, dream. I'd like you to call me at my name too. So that we're fair." You smiled at him and he nodded.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Dream."


Morning came and you got ready since you were called in a meeting with the others. You were finally on the first floor and you walked towards the principal room. Students were walking back and forth to go to their own classes.

You knocked on the door and you heard a muffled 'come in'. You turn the doorknob and entered the room. You saw that everyone was already there. Dream, niki, wilbur and techno. The principal room were large. It have many bookshelves. Five chairs were placed infront of the principal's table. You sat on the last seat. You look at your side and saw niki. You gave her a wave and she smiled at you.

"Now that we're complete, let's start shall we?" The principal spoke.

"First off, I'd like to thank all of you for accepting our invitations. We appreciate it." He smiled and the five of tou only nodded.

"So-" he trailed off. Putting five pictures on the table.

"These are our top 5 greatest students around here in the school."

You took a look at the five students. The first picture is a picture of a male student. He have blonde curly hair, his eyes were ocean blue and he wore a white and red shirt.

The second student is also a male. He have brown fluffy hair and he have this large smile. His eyes were chocolate brown and he wore a green button up shirt.

The third student is still a male. But this time, the student seems.... Weird? The student have black and white hair which you thought is cool. His skin is also the combination of black and white. His eyes were two colored, green and red. He gave you an enderman vibes.

The fourth photo were a photo of a female student. She have dirty blonde hair that reached just above her shoulder blades. She have the same white smiley mask as dream have. 'Are they related?' She also wore a green hoodie.

The last photo is a female student. This student have brown hair and chocolate eyes just like the other student.

"Their name is on the back of the photo, you can look at them later. For now-" he trailed off. Pulling out five scrolls and putting them on each photos. "-it's their first day where they had to go out of school for a mission." He stopped, looking at the five of you.

"The five of you were here to help them if they needed help. Each of them will be given different quests. They will come to you if they needed help." He explained.

"You all are free to choose who you want to take care of."

And with that, the five of you stood up. You watch as the four of them looked at the photos and soon, they began taking their own students.

Dream picked the girl who have the same mask as him, he opened the scroll that's placed beside the photo and he reads it. After reading he goes back to his seat. Techno and wilbur looked at each other before nodding. Wilbur took the photo of a boy who's have the blonde curly hair. He picked up the scroll then reads it, techno picked up the photo of a boy that gave you the enderman vibes and he also picked up the scroll. You looked at your choices. You hum before picking up a photo.

It was the photo of a boy. You turn the photo around to see the name. 'Tubbo' was written on it. You picked up the scroll and reads it, on the corner of your eye, you saw niki picked up the last photo with a smile. You darted your attention to the scroll and started reading.

Name: Toby Smith
Age: 17
Kingdom: énosi nystaléon agorión kingdom


Toby Smith is a mage, he is one of our best student here at school. He is known for loving bees, he is 17 years old and is great friend with Tommy Innit. They hang out a lot around the school and often spar.


•Go to Black Forest
•Get 5 ender pearls
•Bring healing herbs
•Kill 5 Zombies

After reading it's scroll you went back to your seat. His quest is pretty easy so it'll be easy to guide him. You just hope he'll cooperate with you.

"Now that you've chosen your own students, please wait outside the gates for them."

And with that the five of you were dismissed. You all went different ways to go to the gates. When you arrived at the gates there were horses waiting for all of you.

You are the first one to arrive at the gates and soon there were five of you. You waited for your student, looking around the school and soon enough, there were five students walking to the five of you.

"Wilbur!" A student yelled and they went straight to wilbur. The two of them chatted while waiting for the others. You watch as the students went straight for their leaders. You watch as a boy waved at you and walked towards you.

"Hello! Are you the one who chose me?" He gave you a bright smile and you swore that smile almost blinded you. You gave him a smile and nodded. "Yes, are you tubbo?" He nodded and you gave him his scroll. "Oh! My scroll, thank you!" He take a look at his quest and he only nodded. "My name's Y/N Damon. I hope we get along well." You introduced yourself with a smile. "Are you perhaps related to the damon family?" He asked and you nodded. He replied with a small 'oh'.

you walked towards a horse and pet the horse before riding it. You looked at tubbo to see him climbing a horse. "Where are we heading to, Y/N?" He asked and you smiled. You haven't been there yet and you'll happily explore the forest.

"To the Black Forest."

You mounted the horse and tubbo did the same. You pulled on the reigns and the horse ran, tubbo tailing behind you. The two of you were the first one to go. "Black forest? I heard that that's where monsters lives." He spoke behind you, you slowed your horse a little to let him catch up to you. "Yeah, that's why we have to be extra careful." Although you have a child to take care of you can't help but feel excited. You haven't been on the forest for once.

He replied with a nod. Gripping the horse's reigns tightly. It's his first mission out of school, he won't deny. He felt nervous but excited at the same time. He have a skilled fighter with him so he have nothing to worry.

The forest is near the school so the travel were short. You stopped your horse and tubbo did the same. Tall trees towers over the two of you under the sunlight. The forest possessed a dark aura that'll make people feel uneasy.

And that's it for tubbo. He felt uneasy just looking at the forest, he turn to look at you to only find you smiling wide while looking at the forest.

"We're here."

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