Force bound Feelings (Anakin...

By Arialternateendings

455K 11.2K 7.6K

A story that will follow the entire saga with its own individual twists and turns, please do give it a try yo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chqpter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter ninteen
Chapter twenty
Chaoter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thiry nine
Chapter forty
Chapter fourty one
Chapter fourty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter fourty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
Chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter sixty three
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Chapter sixty seven
Chaoter sixty eight
Chapter sixty nine
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one
Chaoter seventy two
Chapter seventy three
Chapter seventy four
Chapter seventy five
Chapter seventy six
Chapter seventy seven
Chapter seventy eight
Chapter seventy nine
Chapter eighty
Chapter eighty one
Chapter eighty two
Chapter eighty three
Ari's tibute
Chapter eighty four
Cbapter eighty five
Chapter eighty six
Chapter eighty seven
Chapter eighty eight
Chapter eighty nine
Chapter ninety
Chapter ninety one
Chapter ninety two
Chapter ninety three
Chapter ninety four
Chapter ninety five
Chapter ninety six
Chapter ninety seven
Chapter ninety eight
Chapter ninety nine
Chapter one hundred
Chapter one hundred and one
Chapter one hundred and two
Chapter one hundred and three
Chapter one hundred and four
Chapter one hundred and five
Chapter one hundred and six
Chapter one hundred and seven
Chapter one hundred and eight
Chapter one hundred and nine
Chapter one hundred and ten
Chapter one hundred and eleven
Chapter one hundred and twelve
Chapter one hundred and thirteen
Chapter one hundred and fourteen
Chapter one hundred and fifteen
Chapter one hundred and sixteen
Chapter one hundred and seventeen
Please read
Chapter one hundred and eighteen
Chapter one hundred and nineteen
Chapter one hundred and twenty
Chapter one hundred and twenty one
Chapter one hundred and twenty two
Chapter one bundred and twenty three
Chapter one hundred and twenty four
Chapter one hundred and twenty five
Final Chapter
A fhousand comments later

Chapter sixty six

1.9K 40 45
By Arialternateendings

It had been a couple of weeks since I got back and Anakin had me taking care of myself up on his cruiser, I hadn't left since initially returning. As far as the council was aware I was still missing, and it would remain that way until the baby came. It seemed in my absence the 501st had gotten very good at keeping secrets. The clones where wonderful and making sure I was alright, always respectful yet making sure I was comfy. Still I wished I could be down helping rather than stuck up on the cruiser.

We'd been providing cover fire for the past few hours, there was nothing more to do. I hated that they were all on the surface and I couldn't help one bit. In fact we didn't even have radio signal to the surface just yet. It also bugged me that this was Geonosis, the planet this whole war started on practically at the hands of my father and I.

"Is there any news yet Captain?" I asked with an agitated sigh as I once more walked out into the bridge and observed the cannon fire. Captain Dice had insisted I take a nap earlier under Anakins instruction. My fiancé was sure being very overprotective, he wouldn't even let me train anymore, which was difficult when I had Ari to train.

"Nothing yet ma'am, we suspect they're still caught in crossfire, a signal should be established once they reach the rendezvous, until then there's nothing we can do." Captain Dice replied while walking over to join me at the front by the main window. Closing my eyes I reached out through the force to the planet below, smiling ever so slightly when I felt his presence.

"...well at least I know they're safe." I sighed while reopening my eyes and staring out through the battle towards the distant planet below. Though he was evidently busy in the skirmish I could feel Anakin keeping his connection open to me, that even in the midst of battle he was watching out for me. It certainly made me feel a lot safer knowing both him the 501st and the others where I between me and the enemy.

"General I think you should sit down, General Skywalker explicitly asked not to have you standing around when there was no need for it." The clone captain spoke up, he'd been watching out for me all day since Anakin left. In fact I'm betting it's one of the only reasons he was left of ship, to be my personal guard and of nanny. It was sweet but unnecessary.

"I'm fine Dice don't worry, Anakin's just being cautious, which between you and me is adorable but also completely unneeded, I'm not tired at all and if I had my way I'd be down there helping." I replied while turning to face the trooper with a small smile.

"All due respect general but I believe that's why he left me with you." Dice replied with a slight chuckle before both out attentions were drawn to a flickering of light upon the holo table nearby. Immediately I jogged over and attempted to boost the signal hoping it was the others making contact from the surface.

"This is Captain Rex calling the bridge, do you copy." The familiar voice of the beloved 501st captain spoke up causing my heart to jump. Of course the fact it wasn't Anakin I first heard left me doing a little afraid, however I could still sense him down there, I knew he was alive.

"Yes Rex this is (y/n), we hear you what's you're progress?" I asked dearly hoping they were nearly done but knowing nothing was ever that simple. We always seemed to run into extra trouble no matter where we were.

"We made it through the first line of defence ma'am, you can send down the gunships, general Kenobi and Mundi require some medical assistance." Rex reported and as he did I looked to Dice and signalled for him to make the order. As my captain left I looked back to the projector with a small frown not likely the idea we may have injured. Still injured was better than dead.

"Are they alright? Nothing serious I hope." I responded while watching a few other figures flickered in and out of view in the background. One was Anakin and the other was Ahsoka, they appeared to be caught up in some form of discussion for now. Rex appeared to look towards his general and then back towards me with a shake of his head.

"Nothing major general but you should-

"(Y/n), can you tell Ari to get her head checked? She hit it and-

"And she's fine Ahsoka, nothing to worry about." Anakin interrupted Ahsoka who in tern had previously interrupted Rex. My brows knitted with worry as the pair appeared up on the holotable. Evidently my fiancé was trying to keep this news from me, I could see it from his expression.

"Anakin what happened, don't lie to try and protect me I'll only worry more." I replied while looking directly across towards my future husband and narrowing my eyes a smidge. He looked back round to face me and sighed rubbing his fingers back through his hair.

"She fell from one of the gun turrets, don't worry though she's fine, she's already trying to run ahead and increase her droid kill count, just relax alright? The situations well understood control." Anakin replied in a calmly tone, his eyes never leaving mine as he spoke. Relived a let out a long breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding. They were all safe, everything was alright. I didn't have to worry.

"Thank the lords, and you, are you alright?" I asked as my worry quickly passed onto my fiancé. I hated having him fight on the front lines alone, I hated that I couldn't help him and I hated being stuck on this cruiser.

"I'm fine, we're all fine, please stop worrying, I'll be back before sundown, just as soon as help arrives we'll finish this mission and get back up to the ship." Anakin replied seeming to try and be kind and gentle but at the same time formal for the sake of everyone around. There were still a good number of clone trooper from other battalions around and he couldn't afford letting anyone else in on our little secret. Still what he was asking me to do was impossible, I'd always worry about how he was. Especially after how little sleep he'd been getting.

"Well that shouldn't be long. I just saw a new cruiser drop out of hyperspace, I believe it's master Luminara Unduli, be careful around her I hear she's the stricter type." I warned casually knowing Anakin was so highly respected by the other Jedi master these day and just trying to mend some simple bridges so he wouldn't face mistrust in the future. It was my fault there was friction between him and the council so I wanted to do what I could to smooth things over. He may not care about their opinion of him, but I did. I didn't want the pair of us being under the councils watchful eye forever, It would be a nightmare to keep our relationship quiet with them always watching.

"Ah, okay understood, I'll try to get the girls under control I guess." Anakin replied why the others cleared away out of view. At least he was trying, though I could tell he wasn't happy about the idea.

"Thank you Anakin, oh and please try not to be a grumpy old sandcastle about it all." I replied wishing I could just melt in his arms round about now. He smiled that gorgeous smile and gave the laugh I cherished every time I got to hear it.

"How could I be grumpy what you come up with adorable lines like that," He replied with a sparkle to his eyes that the transmutation didn't do justice. For a moment the war seemed to fade to back round noise and it was just us. Just our love. "I have to go now Angel, but I'll be back soon I promise you." He added after stealing a reluctant glance off to the side. Sighing I gave an understanding nod and a small frown. Of course our time was brief, he had a battle to win, I'd merely have to wait on his safe return.

"I understand, I'll see you when you return." I replied while looking back to his eyes and giving a small slight smile just so he wouldn't worry. Anakin nodded before cutting the transmutation, the hologram flickering away to nothing as I lowered my gaze.

'I love you Angel.'
I heard he speak through the force directly to me, causing a tiny smile to ghost my lips.

'I love you too sand safe.'

Anakins pov

I couldn't help but smile as I heard her words echo quietly through my mind. She was so sweet, the light and love of my life quite literally. My brightest star and reason for waking, I don't think it could be possible to love something more.

"Skyguy! Soka stole my lightsaber!"

Ah, the destructive duo are back.

Turning around I tried not to laugh for the sake of professionalism as I saw Ahsoka holding Ari's lightsaber above her head while the shorter girl was forced to jump to try and reach it. Crossing my arms across my chest I debated getting involved while just watching them playfully bicker for a few moments, noticing as Captain Rex stepped in line beside me and appeared to do the same. Honestly I was curious to see wether they'd use their training or just run around like other kids their age might. So far it was looking more like the latter, which was causing a bit of a stir with the nearby soldiers.

"I said I'd give it back if you got your head checked! Come on you might have a concussion Ari." Ahsoka replied evidently worried for her good friend. I don't blame her though, Ari did take quite a fall, realistically she should be going back with master Kenobi. However the girl had handily dispersed when the gunships arrived.

"Sir should we intervene..?" Rex asked from beside me quietly so as not to draw their attention to us. I shrugged and looked over my shoulder towards him with a half smirk.

"Let's wait a minute, I'm curious to see how this plays out." I replied with a hum before looking back to the pair. Though they probably didn't realise it was now becoming evident their steps were moving in the same patterns as the duelling methods I'd taught them. Actually they were showing some pretty impressive skills even for just messing about. I'm glad to see at least some of our teachings have made an impression.

"Soka I said I'm fine!" Ari complained while trying to sneak round and hop up onto a crate in order to reach her saber hilt.

"You said that when you broke your arm on Kashyyk - and the time you needed thirteen stitches after crashing your fighter." Ahsoka retorted though I was mostly just watching how she casually moved away from the area of high ground and managed to skilfully slip by the other girl once more. Ari pouted and jumped back down to the red sand, placing her hands on her hips as her eyes scanned over her friend.

"Fine I lie sometimes, but I don't need a lightsaber to fight, Fives can always lend me a rifle again-

"That's not happening," I quickly interrupted sensing this was the point a responsible master should step in. Actually a responsible master like Obi wan probably would've intervened ten or so minutes ago but that just goes to prove the point I'm not responsible. I love these two luke my own kids, but that doesn't mean I'm always going to get things right first try.

"The both of you can continue this later, right now we have a battle to win," I added after stepping between them, plucking the saber hilt from Ahsoka's hand with ease and holding it at my own side as I addressed the pair. "Ahsoka go brief the men on the mission, I'll check Ari's head for injury don't worry." I instructed looking to the slightly younger tortuga, watching as her eyes moved between mine as her friend.

"Okay Master." She replied seeming a little relieved and also a little excited to be doing the briefing. I trusted her completely to do a good job, Ahsoka had been there for me during my worst days missing (y/n) and for that I was incredibly thankful.

She trotted off towards our makeshift base which just left me with Ari. Turning to the girl I could see in her eyes she was scheming something. Ari reminded me a lot of myself as a padawan, she was so mischievous, always getting into trouble. However she dead definitely a lot better at getting people to like her than I'd been at that age.

"I don't need treatment master, it's not like I'm bleeding or anything." The girl insisted while taking a step back as though she were trying to avoid being caught.  I watched her carefully, able to see she had something to hide.

"Ari, calm down just let me take a look." I insisted while taking a step forward, placing a hand on her shoulder in a supportive yet firm grip. I didn't want her getting away but I also didn't want to scare her, she seemed to understand that much at least and turned so I could see where she hit her head. Frowning I gently parted her hair with my fingers, worried by the dry blood sticking together the strands around the still bleeding wound.

"It's not as bad as it only hurts when I cough, shout.,,run...

"So basically all the time then?" I questioned with a small chuckle at how she was trying to brush the injury off. Holding her steady I carefully brushed my fingers over the break line. The girl took a sharp intake of breath and immediately tried to pull away. "Easy there, I'm going to try something." I spoke quietly to try and calm her down since I could feel she was getting nervous.

"Try? I'd prefer you succeed master." Apparently though she wasn't nervous enough to be sarcastic.

Giving a small chuckle I reached forward, hovering my hand over her wound and taking a steady breath. Over the past months Obi wan had been teaching me a new skill, one only a few possessed apparently. Seems I was lucky enough to be one of those few and therefore could manipulate the force to heal wounds. My fingertips began to glow lightly and I felt the strain as her wound began to heal. I couldn't fix major wounds yet, but this wound be simple.

"There, all fixed up, go join Ahsoka and I'll join you in a second." I instructed while leaning back and ruffling her hair to cover the slight tiredness washing over me. It didn't help my case I hadn't slept in a good week. The girl smiled brightly which honestly made it all worth while. Before it could react she leapt forward and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you master." She whispered while I stood there stunned as to how to react. Then as quickly as she'd leapt forward the girl pulled back again and ran along to where Ahsoka was conducting the briefing.

Leaning back to rest against the nearest wall I watched her leave with a smile. Someday I hope the four of us can enjoy a more peaceful time...perhaps even the five of us...

I don't want to loose my family, I won't, they mean to much to me.

Unfortunately an hour or so later however our plan took a bad turn and once again I was left in the dark worried for the safety of those I cared for. The girls buried under rubble of the destroyed droid factory. Of course they'd gone above and beyond to complete their mission alongside Luminara's padawan, sometimes I curse how they picked up on my recklessness. Right now I was internally panicking for their safety as true 501st searched the area, the fact master Unduli was remaining so calm was quite frankly irritating at this point.

"Keep searching! They have to be around here!" I instructed towards an incoming group of clones, watching tensely as they filed off at a run to check the rubble. As I turned I caught sight of Luminara again, finding her casual dementor infuriating. "How are you so calm? You can't just abandon her." I may a snapped slightly though to be fair she deserved it.

"Skywalker you misunderstand," the woman began by saying as she kept looking towards the horizon. "I to care for my apprentice, but if their time has come..." She trailed off a and I balled my fists at my sides at what she was implying.

"I refuse to let them die, they'll find a way back." I responded immediately while glaring to the side and trying not to show my anger. But it was difficult considering the circumstances.

"If my padawan has perished I will mourn her," She began speaking again much to my dismay. "But I will celebrate her as well through her memory." I wish she'd just stop, I refuse to believe they could die on me like this. They're both still out their and unlike this poor excuse of a master I refuse to give up.

"Well I still plan o celebrating this victory with them both in person." I added at a mutter before walking away to continue the search for myself. Being around her was toxic, the way she spoke was infuriating. How could she just give up on her padawan like that, Obi Wan would've never given up on me and I certainly would never give up on the girls.

How could the Jedi think this was acceptable? To give up on padawan so easily. This is precisely why I was starting to loose faith in them, the chancellor told me they had grown corrupted and I must say I'm starting to believe him.

What if as the chosen one, I'm meant to bring balance to not just the sith...but the Jedi as well?

Maybe it's time for a new order of things, the chancellor seems to believe so.

Five minutes later my comlink finally flashed, my heart leaping as I saw it was Ahsoka's channel I immediately took notice alerting the others. Rushing over to where the signal was coming from there was no time to move heavy machinery in so instead I was force to work along side the Jedi master and clear the rubble that way. However it was where worth it when squinting through the dust I caught sight of all three padawans emerging out from the rubble. To my relief both Ari and Ahsoka seemed completely fine, which was a great relief indeed. I won't lie my mind went to a few dark places during the time they were gone...then again that wasn't such a rare occurrence these days with the number of nightmares I keep having.

"I knew they were still alive, I told you we shouldn't give up on them." I couldn't help but pipe up to Luminara as she stepped in line beside me.

"It's not that I gave up Skywalker but unlike you when the time comes I am prepared to let my student go."

What the hell kind of attitude is that?

Without responding I walked away and headed over towards the girls, eager to check they really were alright. No surprises that despite cheeks stained with dust Ari was more focused on fixing her apparently damaged lightsaber hilt while Ahsoka took the more mature approach and gave Barriss a farewell nod. Truthfully if no one had been around I probably would've hugged them but all Luminaras words and general attitude were still bugging me deep down. She seemed so judgmental.

"I knew you'd come looking for us." Ahsoka spoke up with a half smile as I helped her up to her feet.

"I never doubted you for a second snips," I replied soon hearing the second young teen clear her throat from behind me. Rolling my eyes with a small chuckle I kept a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder while turning to look towards my dear future wife's padawan. Well we practically shared responsibility between the pair actually. "Oh you I definitely doubted little one." I teased causing Ahsoka to giggle from beside me as the girl poured and folded her arms dramatically with a huff.

"Very funny, so should I tell (y/n) about this or would you like to?" She responded already seeming to know full well I wouldn't have told the woman in order to protect her from stress. Ahsoka was still laughing but I'm pretty sure that laughter was now directed at me.

"Tell her about this kid and I'll let master Windu know it was you who bleached his robes pink." I replied giving her a half serious look. See this is precisely why I shouldn't be a master, I don't teach I just play along.

"Wait, that was you? You swore to by you needed that dye for yourself." Ahsoka piped up while looking across to Ari who's expression immediately turned guilty.

"You know what you win Skyguy i uh, I have a thing to do - catch you later!" Ari responded in an awkward manner before spinning on her heels and running at full speed in the random direction. Sure enough however Ahsoka was hot on her heels.

"Ari get back here! This conversation isn't over! Was that spray paint really for your fighter?!"

It's official, i have no control of this pair, they're going to do what they're going to do and quite frankly I'm inclined to let them make their own mistakes. Plus it's hilarious hearing what goes on when I'm not around so why would input a stop to it.

Glancing to the side I caught Luminara giving me a disapproving look from the side. My smile fell immediately and I felt a slight burn of anger. How dare she judge me when she was so ready to just give up on her own padawan, at least I'm letting mine live their lives to the fullest. Jedi Luke her are precisely why the order is considered outdated, the chancellors thinks so and so do I.

I protect my loved ones from everyone including them.

Kind of fuller but also not, eh you'll see. Hope you enjoyed this confusing little chapter, I enjoyed writing it for the most part though I'm starting to feel sorry for Anakin.
As always comment your thoughts and please give a vote, love you loads and can't wait to post more.

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