only angel- harry potter

foreverwinterlover द्वारा

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Riley Madden is a student at Ilvermorny school of magic in America when she, along with all of the Ilvermorny... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Author's Note

Chapter 24

867 20 15
foreverwinterlover द्वारा

During the summer, Riley found herself consumed by grief over the losses of Noah and Amira. The weight of their absence bore heavily upon her heart. She longed for the comforting presence of her other cherished friends.

She also missed Ron, Hermione, and the Weasley twins. Their laughter, companionship, and shared adventures seemed distant memories.

Hazel, too, held a special place in Riley's heart. 

While Hazel spent the entire summer with the Weasley family, Riley remained at home with her parents in Texas. 

Despite the physical distance, they maintained conversation through letters, cherishing the connection that bound them.

Yet, amid her yearning for her dear friends, Riley couldn't deny the overwhelming ache for Harry. 

He had sent multiple letters, even sharing his home address, but she had chosen not to respond. Riley desired to focus her attention solely on her boyfriend, diverting her feelings away from anyone else. 

No matter how hard she tried to get rid of her emotions for Harry, they persisted, a force that could not be extinguished. 

When Riley would mail to her boyfriend he only responded once which was a few days after summer vacation began and he too also gave Riley his house number. She tried calling but no one would ever pick up. She also tried mailing him but he never responded either.

She was confused and slightly hurt.

For the whole summer, Riley spent her time at the community pool with her muggle friends. Her body had matured more and she had gained a lot of attention from boys. In response, she would always flip them off.

In addition to enjoying her time at the pool, Riley found herself going to bars. Though she never drank or smoked, she relished in the joy of dancing. Somehow with the makeup she wore, the bars never asked her for identification.

She had also gotten her driver's license finally. Having turned fifteen almost a year ago, she had finally mastered the art of driving, granting her newfound independence.

During the nights, Riley would often sneak out to meet her muggle friends at movie theaters or parks.

On one particular night, Riley went to the bar alone. Feeling tired from her dancing, she settled down by the bar and politely approached the bartender.

"Hi, could I please have a glass of water?" Riley politely requested the bartender.

The bartender glanced at her, appraising her appearance. Riley adorned herself in a sparkling pink dress that accentuated her curves, paired with matching high heels.

The bartender returned after a moment, handing her a glass of water with a sly wink.

"Enjoy, cupcake," he said with a smirk as Riley chugged the glass.

Suddenly, Riley's vision began to blur, and a splitting headache overwhelmed her senses.

"Fuck, did he spike my water?" Riley muttered to herself, massaging her throbbing temples. Glancing at her watch, she saw it was already two in the morning.

The blonde got out of her seat and stumbled her way through the crowded dance floor, apologizing incoherently to those she bumped into. Finally, she reached the exit and stepped out into the cool night air before finding a telephone booth on the street. 

Feeling the gentle breeze against her face, Riley rummaged through her purse and discovered a piece of paper with two numbers scribbled on it—Theo's and Harry's.

She hesitated briefly, gazing at Theo's number before swiftly dialing it. Holding the phone close to her ear, she noticed a group of men across the street smirking in her direction.

"Come on, Theo, pick up," she whispered anxiously, her red nails tapping against the phone's surface.

When no one picked up, she quickly dialed Harry's number, and to her relief, someone answered right away.

"Dursley residence, Petunia speaking," said a woman in a posh voice.

"NO, THERE IS NO HARRY POTTER HERE!" the woman shouted abruptly.

"Ma'am, please, I just need to talk to him, it'll just take a second," Riley pleaded, maintaining her composure.

"HARRY, THERE IS SOMEONE ON THE PHONE WHO WANTS TO SPEAK WITH YOU. COME HERE, BOY!" the woman screeched, causing Riley to instinctively cover her ears.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Riley whistled under her breath, wincing as she gently pressed a hand against her throbbing head.

Amidst the shuffling of footsteps, a groggy voice came through the line. "

"Hello?" Harry asked, his morning voice carrying a hint of drowsy allure that Riley found attractive.

"Harry?" Riley questioned, even though she recognized his voice.

"Riley! How are you? You never respond to my letters anymore," Harry's voice carried excitement.

"Harry, I'm glad to hear from you too, but I really need help," Riley said urgently, her words slightly slurred as she noticed the group of men approaching her.

"I'm drunk right now, and driving home is dangerous. There's..." Her sentence trailed off.

"There's a group of guys coming," Riley informed him.

"Alright, I'm coming to get you. Where are you?" Harry asked, concern evident in his voice.

Riley looked up at the street sign, struggling to focus through her blurred vision.

Her hazy gaze landed on the green sign, revealing the name Finley Avenue.

"Okay, I'm coming, hold on Riley," Harry hung up the phone and then immediately ran upstairs to get his wand and apparated to where Riley said.

He was confronted by a group of burly men dressed in black, encircling Riley's petite figure. Each of them wore a matching smirk on their face.

"Hey there, sweetheart, are you lost?" one of the men slurred, his hand reaching out to grab the blonde, but Riley swiftly evaded his grasp.

"Back off, you pig," Riley spat defiantly, her voice laced with determination.

"What did you just call me, bitch?" the man's eyebrows shot up in anger, his face contorting as he charged toward her.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Harry yelled as he shoved his way through the circle of men and wrapped his arm around Riley's waist.

"Fuck she's already taken," one of the men growled in frustration.

"Let's get out of here," another man said, and the entire group quickly retreated.

Harry released his grip on Riley's waist, allowing her to regain her balance. She stumbled towards him and wrapped her arms around him, seeking comfort and support.

"Harry, I'm exhausted. Can you please take me home?" Riley pleaded, her eyes wide and bloodshot, resembling those of a deer caught in headlights.

"Yeah, of course. Let's go. Where did you park your car?" Harry asked, assisting her as she pointed towards a dark blue Toyota.

Opening the car door for her, he helped her settle into the plush seat. Taking his place behind the wheel, he started the engine.

"Riley, you'll have to guide me to your home, okay?" Harry spoke gently, his concern evident in his voice. Riley looked at him and nodded in response.

Riley pointed him in the right direction, and the car ride proceeded in silence, save for Riley's sporadic bursts of giggles.

"You're pretty, Harry," Riley snorted. Harry had a small smile on his face as Riley pinched his cheek.

"And you're drunk," he said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Did I wake you up this morning you sounded tired," Riley looked concerned.

"Your morning voice sounded really hot though," Riley's previous frown turned into a devilish smirk.

Harry ignored this and answered her.

"Yeah, I had just woken up because Aunt Petunia barged into my room but it's no big deal. You're more important," Harry said casually as he turned into her neighborhood.

"I'm sad," Riley said suddenly, her gaze fixed on her lap, her lip curled up in a pout.

"Why are you sad, Riley?" 

"Theo hasn't contacted me at all this summer, despite me sending him numerous messages," the blonde revealed, her hands trembling as she spoke.

She hadn't cried in a long time and didn't want to at the moment because she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of her crush.

"He must be a terrible person then. If I were dating you, I would never do that to you," Harry asserted, his voice filled with sincerity and loyalty, his gaze unwavering.

"Thank you, Haz," Riley murmured, her words interrupted by a burp that escaped involuntarily.

"Do your parents know that you're out?" Harry asked calmly.

"No, I sneak in and out using that ladder," Riley pointed to a ladder attached to the side of the house.

"Here, I'll help you," Harry offered as they both exited the car and began ascending the ladder.

Once they reached the roof, Riley retrieved a key from her purse and unlocked her window. However, in her clumsy state, she lost her balance and fell onto the floor, hitting her head in the process.

Startled, her owl Peaches fluffed up its feathers from within its large cage.

"Ow," Riley mumbled, rubbing her head, while Harry slipped into her bedroom.

Her bed was adorned with a collage of photos featuring her, Amira, and Hazel. Pictures of her with fellow Hogwarts students adorned the walls, creating a tapestry of cherished memories.

A string of colorful Christmas lights added a whimsical touch to her room.

Riley groaned as she struggled to remove her pink dress, the alcohol further impairing her coordination.

Respecting her privacy, Harry averted his eyes.

"Harry, I can't take this off can you help me," Riley said motioning to her pink dress.

"Yeah, are you covered?" Harry asked.

"It's fine, Harry," Riley said as Harry turned around.

With careful hands, Harry gently pulled the tight dress over Riley's head, leaving her in a lacy black bra and matching panties. A blush crept onto his face, and he quickly turned around again while Riley fetched a t-shirt and sweatpants. Her own cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. 

While she changed, he tried so hard to drive away his sinful thoughts.

"I'm finished, Harry," Riley yawned, collapsing onto her bed and pulling the covers over her head.

"Thank you, Harry," she smiled, nestling into her pillow.

Soft snores soon came from her, indicating her sleep.

Harry sighed, standing by her side and admiring her sleeping form. Riley was always beautiful, even in her sleep. 

The fact that Theo didn't bother to message her at all infuriated him. If he were in Theo's position, he would shower Riley with affection and make her feel cherished.

Bending down, Harry gently brushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead.

"You have no idea how much I love you," he whispered, caressing her cheek, knowing that his words would go unheard.

Harry then apparated back to his home with the Dursleys.


A few days had passed since Harry met Professor Slughorn, the new potions professor at Hogwarts, and he finally arrived at the Weasley house.

Before entering, Harry spotted Ginny in the midst of brushing her long red hair.

"Hedwig?" Ginny called out as she descended the stairs, catching sight of Harry's beautiful white owl. She also noticed his scattered luggage beneath a table.

"Mum?" Ginny turned to her mother, who stood near the stairs.

"What is it, Ginny?" Mrs. Weasley's fiery red hair was visible as she made her way down.

"I was just wondering when Harry got here," Ginny exclaimed happily.

"What? Harry- Harry who?" Mrs. Weasley inquired, her hands planted firmly on her hips.

"Harry Potter, of course," Ginny responded with excitement.

"I think I would know if Harry Potter were in my house, wouldn't I?" Mrs. Weasley dismissed the notion.

"His trunk is in the kitchen... and his owl," Ginny informed her mother.

"But no, dear. I highly doubt that," Mrs. Weasley brushed off the idea.

"Harry? Did someone say Harry?" Ron Weasley's head suddenly appeared.

Ginny rolled her blue eyes.

"Me, nosy. Is he up there with you?" she asked her brother.

"Of course not. I think I'll know if my best friend's in my room, wouldn't I?" Ron scoffed.

"Is that an owl I heard?" Hermione's voice rang through the Weasley home.

"You haven't seen Harry, have you? Apparently, he's wandering about the house," Ginny told Hermione.

"Really?" Hermione asked coming down the stairs. She was in her pajamas.

"Really," Harry said from behind Ginny.

"Harry!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed with delight.

Ginny quickly hugged him, followed by Ron, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley.

"What a delightful surprise! Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" Mrs. Weasley inquired.

"I didn't know. Dumbledore," Harry stammered.

"Oh, that man! What would we be without him? Anyway, I'm going to prepare a lovely dinner for you all," Mrs. Weasley announced before scurrying off to the kitchen.

"A bit of toothpaste..." Ron started to say, intending to wipe off some mint green toothpaste from the corner of Hermione's mouth with his thumb. But she moved away before he could.

"Is Riley here?" Harry asked eagerly, thinking of the blonde girl he had encountered a few days prior when she was drunk.

"No, not yet. She's sorting things out with her parents about returning to Hogwarts and such," Ginny explained.

"And Hazel has been with George all day," Ginny added.

"GINNY!" Mrs. Weasley's voice echoed from the kitchen.

"Coming," Ginny groaned as she headed towards the kitchen with her mother.

"So when did you get here?" Harry asked Hermione as the trio made their way upstairs to Ron's room.

"A few days ago. All though for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming," Hermione told him while shutting the door behind them.

"Mum... sort of lost it, last week. Said Ginny and I have no business going back to Hogwarts. It's too dangerous," Ron confided to them.

"Oh, come on," Harry rolled his eyes.

"She's not alone. Even my parents. They're Muggles, know something bad's happening," Hermione said tying her brown hair back into a ponytail.

"Anyway, Dad stepped in. Told us she was being barmy and... Took a few days, but she came around," Ron shrugged his shoulders.

"But, this is Hogwarts we're talking about. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer?" Harry asked the two.

"There's been a lot of talk recently that... Dumbledore's got a bit old," Hermione spoke.

"What rubbish! Well, he's only... How old is he?" the boy who lived questioned.

"A hundred and fifty? Give or take a few years?" Ron joked, causing the group to burst into laughter.


Riley and her parents apparated to Diagon Alley, prompted by Hazel's message about Fred and George's new shop. Eager to support them, Riley carried her luggage through the nearly deserted street. Many shops had closed down due to Voldemort's return.

Drawn by the chatter near a corridor, Riley guided her parents in that direction. There, she was greeted by a large, red-colored store adorned with a person on top holding a moving top hat.

"Wow," Riley exclaimed as she entered the shop, where multi-colored fireworks and rockets whizzed past her.

"Riley, we're going to leave now, alright?" Riley's mother stated, scanning the shop with curiosity.

"Yes, Riley darling, please stay safe this year. With the Dark Lord's return, we want to ensure your well-being," Riley's father placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I'll be fine, Daddy," Riley reassured Mr. Madden, then embraced him tightly.

She then hugged her mother, who planted a wet kiss on her pale cheek. Mrs. Madden gently caressed her daughter's cheek, overcome with emotion.

"I love you so much, Riley. You're growing up so fast, baby girl," she said, her voice filled with emotion, followed by a kiss on Riley's forehead.

"Mom!" Riley groaned playfully as Mrs. Madden released her hold.

"Keep in touch," Mr. Madden said before they disappeared into thin air.

"Step up, step up! We've got fainting fancies, nosebleed nougats!" Fred and George Weasley's voices echoed in unison.

Oh, how Riley had missed those two.

"And just in time for school," Fred chimed in.

"Puking pastilles!" George finished as they hurried toward a big-boned child with curly orange hair and prominent freckles.

"Riley!" someone screamed and lunged at Riley, wrapping their arms around her.

"Ah!" the blonde screamed.

It was Hazel, and Riley eagerly squeezed her friend in return.

"Riley, I missed you!" Hazel squealed with delight.

"Welcome to the shop," Fred greeted Riley, embracing the smaller girl.

"Nice to see you again, Fred, and you too, George," Riley acknowledged George, who had his arm around Hazel.

Harry and Ron approached them.

"Hey, you two," Riley hugged Ron and then embraced Harry, feeling a blush creep onto her cheeks. Harry also sported a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Come on!" Hazel grabbed Riley's arm and led her toward an area labeled 'Wonderwitch Products.'

Ginny and Hermione warmly hugged the blonde American.

"We missed you!" Hermione exclaimed, eliciting a smile from Riley.

"What are these?" Riley asked, examining a pink heart-shaped potion in front of her.

"Hello, ladies," the Weasley twins appeared behind them.

"Love potions, eh?" George raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, they really work. Although, judging by what we've heard about you, sis... You're doing just fine on your own," Fred teased Ginny, who rolled her eyes.

"Meaning?" Ginny scoffed, shooting a glance at her brothers.

"Aren't you currently dating Dean Thomas?" George inquired.

"Score!" Riley cheered, extending her hand for a high-five. But Ginny didn't reciprocate and gave her friend a sly smile.

"It's none of your business," the youngest Weasley sister retorted, prompting her nosy brothers to shrug and walk away.

As Hermione held the love potion, Riley noticed a guy with curly blonde hair checking her out. She nudged her friend, who glanced at him and immediately put down the love potion.

"Oh, you're no fun," the blonde pouted.

"Leave her be, let her make her own choices," Hazel intervened, adopting a motherly tone.

"Ok mom," Riley grinned.

"Come on, let's go," Ron suggested after the twins had overpriced something for him simply because he was their brother.

Harry and Hermione agreed, and they all departed.

"Are you coming, Hazel?" Riley asked her friend, who shook her head.

"I'll stay with George," Hazel smiled at Riley.

"Hi, Ron," a pretty girl with curly brown hair and a pink headband greeted him.

"Hi," Ron replied as the four of them left the shop leaving Hermione staring after the girl with a curious look.

"How are Fred and George managing it? Half the alley's closed down," Hermione asked as they walked down the nearly empty street.

"Fred believes people need a laugh these days," Ron explained.

"I think he's right," Harry concurred.

"Well, at least they know how to make everyone laugh," Riley shrugged as they passed Ollivander's wand shop, which was now closed.

"Oh no, everyone used to get their wands from Ollivanders," Hermione lamented as they entered the abandoned shop.

From the window, the group spotted Draco Malfoy and his mother walking down a dark alley, both appearing as though they didn't want to be followed.

"Harry, is it just me, or do Draco and his mother look like they don't want to be followed?" Ron asked, prompting the group to slip out of the shop and trail Draco.

Draco quickened his pace as he entered a dimly lit store.

After a few moments, the group heard Mrs. Weasley's loud screech.

"Come on, Mum will be eager to make a big dinner now that Riley is here," Ron said, and he and Hermione headed back toward the Weasley twins' shop.

Harry paused for a moment, still keeping an eye on Draco.

"Harry?" Riley interrupted, gazing at the handsome boy in front of her.

"Sorry, yeah, I'm coming," Harry replied, joining her.

"Hey, I wanted to thank you again for taking care of me when I was drunk," Riley smiled at Harry, who adjusted his glasses over the bridge of his nose.

"Anytime, Riley. I'll always be there for the ones I love," the boy who lived expressed.

Riley's cheeks immediately flushed, mirroring Harry's own blush.

"That's really sweet, chosen one, really sweet,"


That was Chapter 24. Ahhh Harry is such a sweetheart. Anyways what do you think of Theo not responding to Riley? And Harry taking care of Riley? Anyways I'm so excited because I have a break this Friday. I hope you all have a fantastic day.

xx Asiya

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