The Gangleader Paction

Від AverageClicheGirl42

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It's the middle of the night and it has finally come to your attention that you have mercilessly devoured the... Більше

Prelude: ➣ Boba with The Author
Synopsis: ➣ The Gangleader Paction
Chapter 1: ➣ You've Been Punk'd
Chapter 2: ➣ Bury You 6ft For Ab-DUCK-ting Me
Chapter 3: ➣ I Didn't Ask To Be A Part Of A Taylor Swift Song
Chapter 4: ➣ Doesn't He Have Anything Better To Do Than Kidnap Innocent Girls?
Chapter 5: ➣ Dead Duck! I'm A Dead Duck!
Chapter 6: ➣ When Voldemort Grows A Nose
Chapter 7: ➣ But He's My Sexy, Annoying, Uptight Gang Leader, Not Hers!
Chapter 8: ➣ I Don't Play Damsel In Distress
Chapter 9: ➣ Stupid Zoo Escaping Through My Stomach
Chapter 10: ➣ I Look Like A Walrus
Chapter 11: ➣ Xavier's Girlfriend
Chapter 12: ➣ Part-time Tycoon, Half-time Gang Leader, And Full-time Asshole
Chapter 13: ➣ They Just Can't Get My Nose Right
Chapter 14: ➣ Two Ghosts In Luigi's Mansion
Chapter 15: ➣ Yes, The Duck Can Cook. Surprise I Know.
Chapter 16: ➣ Happy...I Mean, Gabriel The Cat
A/N: Hold Your Fire!!!
Chapter 17: ➣ From The Deepest, Darkest, Blackest Part Of My Heart
Chapter 18: ➣ Why Couldn't I Be Born Normal?
Chapter 19: ➣You've Got To Be Ducking Kidding Me
A/N - 13 Reasons Why...
Chapter 20: ➢Deformed Snapchat Filter
Chapter 21: ➣ Short Girl Problems
Chapter 22: ➢ Bingo Boingo
Chapter 23: ➢ Anna Oop-
Chapter 24: ➢ Evil Loathsome Little Cockroach
Chapter 25: ➢ Frequent Kidnapping Card
Chapter 27: ➢ My Stupid Feathery Ass
Chapter 28: ➢ What In The Duke Of Hastings?
Chapter 29: ➢ Some Home Alone Shit
Chapter 30: ➢ It Can't Get Any Worse, Can it?
Chapter 31: ➢ Up The Stair, Not Down The Pole
Chapter 32: ➢ Doing The Harlem Shake
Chapter 33: ➣ Giving Fish CPR
Chapter 34: ➣ Looks Like Voldemort Finally Grew That Nose
Chapter 35: ➣ Daffy Duck PJs and Hello Kitty Band-Aids
Chapter 36: ➣ Xavier's Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 37: Sorrows Sorrows, Prayers

Chapter 26: ➢ Bippity Boppity Bitch

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Від AverageClicheGirl42

I'm back and woah am I killing it with these back-to-back updates. Phew, I'm good.

Anyways, because a lot of you say you can't remember shit that's happening, I chucked in a short fun chapter where we can catch up with our favorite Duck!

(That's Daddy Levi Ackerman for those of you who may not be aware teehee ☝︎)

🐥 -----------------------🐥

"KEEEEENNNNYYYY!!" The black-haired male hissed, tossing the foot-long blade in the direction of the brown-haired gunslinger.

My T.V screen flashed in colors and the sound of slashing swords and blaring guns sounded around the room. I sat cross-legged on my rickety sofa, munching on the microwavable popcorn I bought yesterday while watching the two characters duel on my small screen.

"Get him, Levi," I muttered absentmindedly staring at the screen watching my favorite character in the entire series get screen time. 

Upon my adventures watching random shows, I realized have a weirdly peculiar taste in men. I mean this show literally features a 6"2 blonde walking Greek god of a character called Erwin Smith, and yet I choose to simp for the 5"2 malnourished orphan. 

I always one to love 2D men over real ones.

Leaning back on my couch, my thoughts wandered back to the events that happened last night, actually more specifically the lack thereof. I can't remember ducking shit. Last I remembered, I got into Mr. Argent's car with one of his very big members, and the next thing I know, I wake up in my bed, tucked in and not a thing out of place.

Actually, to add to the weirdness, all the groceries I had abandoned on the street that afternoon were neatly arranged into my drawers and fridge. Okay, Fairly Oddparents, you can come out now! 

But wait! There's more! I distinctively remember only buying one pint of cookie dough Ben and Jerry's but this morning when I opened my fridge to marvel at my long-awaited ice cream, I was seeing double. 

For once it wasn't just my iron deficiency acting up again!

I had to specifically smack myself to ensure I wasn't just having a beautiful dream and in reality, I was still stuck ice-creamless in Xavier's mansion. But no, they were really there. Did I accidentally buy two? That would explain the wing and webbed foot I had to pay thinking I was paying for toilet paper.

I decided not to question it or look into it any further. Besides, I knew better than to look a gift duck in the beak...or something like that. 

Currently, it was 3 pm and I had abandoned all productivity and sat on my couch, watching another one of the shows I recently started but never got to finish. It was a little gory, but it didn't really faze me because no ducks were hurt in it...only the people died.

I had spent the entire day doing absolutely nothing and it was getting kind of boring. Usually, if I were back at the mansion, Gabriel would've woken me up by sitting on me, I would've had to fight for the last piece of bacon with Jason, while Nate and Natasha watched in amusement. Then Xavier would've forced me into doing some chores and I would land myself in some duck shit that Xavier would have to get me out of, all the while threatening to kill me. 

Ah, what a typical day in the life of Skyler Brooklynn.

But now that I was alone, what was I suppose to do now? Should I go out on a walk? ....Maybe even clean...?

Yeah on second thought the walk sounds nice, time to catch some rays. 

Throwing myself off the touch, I shuffled my way to the kitchen before tossing my empty popcorn bag in the bin. As I shut the bin lid, my eyes caught sight of the envelope Mr. Argent dude had given me sitting on the countertop. I don't even remember putting it there, but I was glad I hadn't lost it.

Taking a seat at the breakfast bar I slid the ticket out of the envelope. It was a plain black piece of card with a shiny silver lining around it. No names were written on it, except for the design of a 6 pointed star symbol written in silver ink with a few words decoratively around it. They were in another language and god knows I can't even speak English well let alone be bilingual.

Mr. Argent boss man said that Xavier was an old friend of his. How old exactly? Xavier was like in his early 20's while Argent looked like he was a hop, skip, and cigar away from death. If they were old friends, Xavier must've been like...5?

What? that doesn't make any sense. I was clearly missing something important here.

And why wouldn't Xavier want to go to a party hosted by his old friend? Why was having me there going to make him want to come more? Were they both planning on using me as a live shooting target?! No don't be ridiculous Skyler, Xavier wouldn't bless you have a quick death like that...he'd torture me first.

I gulped before shoving the ticket back into the envelope. The date on the ticket was issued for tomorrow and I was still deciding if I should pull a sickie. 

No, I couldn't bail, Mr. Argent expected me to come, and considering the gang members he had sent out to retrieve me, he knew where I lived! Something didn't sit right with me concerning Argent but then again Xavier Dante is another mess that never fails to boggle my mind so who was I kidding?

Now that Xavier's team was out of the question for me to harass for answers, and Mr Argents members don't seem like they know how to talk, who else could I ask? Who else was involved in this hassle?

I racked my brain for something, anything concerning Xavier in the last month. Involuntarily skipping past the times I've seen Xavier training without his shirt, and the times I've seen him talking to his members with that strong and controlling voice of his, or even the way he-


My eyes widened at the thought that flashed in my head. Theo Jackson! I groaned, slouching my shoulder down at the dead-end I reached. There is no way in ducking hell, living or dead, I'd go and see Theo and his little buddies again. The last time I barely made it out without Xavier, as much I wouldn't like to admit. 

Not to mention Xavier made me pay dearly for it later.

I vaguely remember Theo being involved with Xavier, he gave him an envelope. From what I recall that night Xavier was drunk out of his bedonkers, he said there were tickets inside. Could it be the same event?

What else did he say about those tickets? Come on brain think!

Instead of recollecting Xavier's words, my brain instantly fast-forwarded to the part where Xavier had me cornered on the benchtop of the kitchen, where he had kissed me. AGAIN. 

"Ooooookay calm down," I told myself, furiously patting my cheeks trying to calm the blush that was exploding on my face. "Now is really not the time to think about that,"

His body was pressed up so close to mine, I could smell the musty cologne rolling off him. Before I had a chance to ask him 'what the duck?', or to run away screaming. He reached down, cupping my face in his grasp.

My eyes widened as I felt something soft press against my lips.


"Stooooooooop thinking about him Sky!" I groaned, feeling the blush reach my ears as they starting flaming and possibly puffing out smoke. "Bad Skyler! Not time for Niagara Falls, THINK!"

"Tickets," He replied shortly. 

Xavier kissed me. STOP.


Xavier's lips were on mine. His soft pink lips- STOP.

"To the location my...

He. Kissed. Me. On purpose- 

Not now Sky! Bippity Boppity bitch get your shit together! will appear at," He continued lowly.

His target? Wait a minute. Who was his target? Could that be someone who was attending Argent's party? Ughhh I'm so confused. I was exerting way too much brainpower on this.

There are so many people on Xavier's Bingo Book it was hard to tell.

I groaned in exasperation not being able to think straight with all these flattering images of Xavier floating around in my head. I don't even know why I cared so much about him, he hated me. He says the harshest things to me and yet here I am still trying to figure him out. 

I rubbed my hand on my head in exhaustion. I needed to stop worrying so much, Argent didn't seem like a bad guy, and whatever was going to happen tomorrow night was strictly between Xavier and whoever he was playing cat and mouse with. 

That is, I mean if my usual bad luck doesn't act up and I end up just being a sitting duck like I do in most situations. You know what it doesn't matter, if anything goes bad I'll just run away like I always do.

"Here we go again," I told myself bitterly, heaving myself off the barstool I sat on and beginning my walk out of the kitchen.

But first, I needed a cold shower. 

🐥 -----------------------🐥

Hey hey HEY! *smiles in Bokuto*

Forgive me, but I speak the language of the weebs (although personally, I'm very volatile) and decided to feature a chapter on it :) Till next time which will probably be like tomorrow since I'm smashing these chapters out.

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