Lunar Dream (Sunnew)

By kyeoulpin

38.7K 3.2K 2.2K

"Please, don't eat me! I have a weak heart, you won't like it!" "Ew! No! I'm not gonna eat a random person's... More

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Sixty One
Sixty Two (End)
I Guess (One Shot)
Still Memories
Still Memories (Part-2)
Because It's You (Sangcob)

Forty Nine

475 39 49
By kyeoulpin

A/N Call me attention-seeker but I do enjoy reading comments. Where are you now~~~

Younghoon listened on as Chanhee recounted the happenings that night.

"What else happened?" Younghoon asked. He already knew Chanhee and Hyunjoon got captured and that they came to save them. But it turned messy. 

The whole residence in which they were captured caught on fire. It was utter chaos. 

Younghoon remembered being afraid when he saw the explosion in one of the residence building. He remembered being afraid because he was alone at that time, trying to find Chanhee and Hyunjoon. He remembered being afraid not knowing whether his boyfriend or his brothers were safe or not. 

Chanhee let out a soft sigh, gazing at the clearing rain. He spread out an arm, feeling the cool rain droplets.

"I.... I didn't tell you guys about something." Chanhee spoke, voice barely above a whisper. 

Younghoon tilted his head. Chanhee had kept a secret all these years? Why? They were his brothers. He kept silent for Chanhee to continue. 

"I met a kid." 

Chanhee grunted in pain as he and Hyunjoon ran away. Changmin was in the lead with Joonyoung and Younghoon covering the back. 

"Split up!" Joonyoung yelled. Younghoon and Joonyoung turned left, disappearing into the shadows while the other three hopped over the fence. 

"Argh!" Chanhee yelped as he landed alerting Hyunjoon. He ran beside Chanhee and helped him up.

"How can they torture you like this?" Hyunjoon said in horror as he stared at the numerous gashes all over Chanhee. 

"It's fine. Let's keep going." Chanhee gritted his teeth.

"Chanhee, keep it up. We just need to get past this hurdle." Changmin said. Chanhee and Hyunjoon nodded. 

They moved soundlessly through the residence, trying to avoid vision. It was quiet. It contrasted so much with what was gong on in the dark. 


Changmin backed up when a masked man dropped down in front of him. He drew out his sword. Changmin narrowed his eyes at him.

"Why are you doing this to us when we've done nothing to you!"  Changmin hissed. The man gave no reply, instead aimed his sword at Changmin's throat.

Chanhee noticed the man from before when Hyunjoon and he struggled against the group of assassins. Chanhee coughed violently, making Hyunjoon panic.

"Hyung, you can't stay like this any longer." 

"I'll be fine. Help Changmin." Chanhee barely managed to speak. Whatever daggers they used on him had some kind of effect on his healing powers, making him helpless.

"No, get Chanhee away. I can handle this." Changmin said with a determined tone. Hyunjoon nodded and wrapped an arm around Chanhee's waist and slunging Chanhee's arm around him, carrying him away. 

The man moved to stop Hyunjoon but got blocked by Changmin. They glared at each other.

"You deal with me." Changmin spoke dangerously. 

The man did not speak, instead took action immediately. But Changmin smirked. 

The man was obviously human and he was rash. Just makes this a lot more easier, Changmin thought. 

The man weaved and slashed his sword at Changmin strategically. Changmin responded just as quick, dodging every thrust and landing a blow himself. Changmin had to admit, the man was skilled.

But not skilled enough. 

The man knelt down, clutching his chest and huffing for breath. Changmin saw red. He saw red ever since he saw Chanhee with his wounds and Hyunjoon with scarred eyes. 

Changmin was kind.

But not kind enough to let someone who hurt his brothers go unscathed. 

Changmin calmly picked up the sword the man dropped. He walked to the man, making eye contact by lifting  up his chin. 

"You don't touch my brothers." He gritted out. 

And thrusted the sword directly at his chest. The man could not get out another word, eyes vacant. He plopped down the ground, pathetically. 

Changmin did not feel an ounce of pity at all as he walked away. Leaving the dying man. 

On the other side, Hyunjoon and Chanhee had a hard time. Hyunjoon went behind a building and laid down Chanhee. They could escape if they jumped over now.

"Hyung, wait for a while. I'll go get Changmin hyung." Chanhee nodded as Hyunjoon ran back. He made himself comfortable and relaxed a bit

"Halt." A stern yet little voice said. He turned his head around and almost let out a coo. 

Standing in front of him was the cutest little boy he had ever seen. He was likely a true bone judging from his luxurious attire. The boy was holding a wooden toy sword and he had a scowl on, probably meant to scare Chanhee. 

"Why are you in my home! State your reasons!" The boy yelled. 

Chanhee didn't know what to reply. For starters, he hurt so bad, he'd rather not say anything. 

"Why are you hurt?" The boy's voice now turned soft with worry. He must've seen the numerous thin slashes on Chanhee. Chanhee smiled at the child's innocence. He shook his head to show he was fine.

"You're not fine! I'll help you." The boy stomped over. He attempted to help Chanhee up which only hurt him more. 

"Sorry! I didn't mean to.... whoa, your hair's pink." 

Chanhee's eyes widened. Shit, he forgot to conceal his hair.

"It looks so cool! Can I touch it?" The boy's eyes twinkled. Chanhee shook his head making the boy pout.

"Fine. But let me go find help." The boy ran away before Chanhee could stop him.

Shit, shit, shit. Chanhee thought. Every movement hurt for him. But now, he couldn't stay here. He could get discovered when the help came. 

He forced himself to get up. Trying to conceal himself, he stuck close to the buildings and moved in silence. 

Then, the explosion happened. 

Chanhee's eyes widened in surprise. It happened in the place Hyunjoon and Changmin was. And where was Younghoon and Joonyoung? 

"Wait, the kid!" Chanhee exclaimed. The boy took off in the direction of the explosion. Chanhee bit his lips and concentrated his energy on saving his last bit of power. He made up his mind and ran towards the place. 

He whipped his head here and there looking for his brothers and the kid. It was utter disaster and chaos fused into one. The buildings were burning everywhere, fire flames bursting out. 

A screech caught his attention. Chanhee searched for the crying sound. He ran towards it when he spotted the kid, trapped in a pile of fallen burning wood. 

"Chanhee hyung! Why are you here! I told you to stay back." Hyunjoon pulled him back before Chanhee could advance further.

"Hyunjoon, go and find the others. I'll be right back."

"But hyung! You'll get captured again!"

"I'll be fine, now go!"

"Hyung! Chanhee hyung! No, don't go! HYUNG!!"

Hyunjoon's voice blended in with the surroundings as Chanhee ran towards the kid. He crouched down, scooping up the half-unconscious boy. He felt for his pulse, relieved when there was the slightest beat. He looked around. 

He ran until he found a well. Opening it up, he pulled up the bucket. Chanhee checked the boy again. Fortunately, the boy was still alive but he was unconscious from the fumes. 

"I'm sorry. But you'll be safe here." Chanhee whispered. 

He lifted the little boy into the bucket and lowered him a bit in the well. Then he covered the well partially. Once he made sure the rope was tight enough, Chanhee looked at the boy. Then ran away.

Younghoon was confused as Chanhee continued to talk.

"So, you saved a little boy that night. How come we never knew?" Younghoon creased his brows. 

"It sort of got forgotten after Hyunjoon's disappearance. And also because I felt guilty about it. Because I went to save that boy, we lost Hyunjoon."

"But we found him again. Alive and well. So no need for guilt now." 

Chanhee smiled slightly at Younghoon's encouragement. 

"After that night, we all hid away. But I sneaked out at times." Chanhee continued.

"To check on that boy?" Chanhee nodded at Younghoon.

"He became lost on the streets. But fortunately, he met someone just as lost as him. That someone helped him grow up and even now, I can see that they have a bond unlike others."

"Now? So, you're still watching him."

Chanhee took a while before replying. 

"Yes. I may have been protecting him behind his back. Until he met Hyunjae, there was no one he could depend on. It was hard watching him struggle."

Younghoon nodded, then eyes widening in realization.


"I'm glad Hyunjae decided to help him, take him under his wings when he, himself, is in a lost state. I didn't trust Hyunjae at first so I kept an eye on him. But turns out, I didn't need to."

Younghoon pondered upon Chanhee's words, trying to connect the dots. 

"........Sunwoo's the kid..., isn't he?" 

Younghoon's jaw dropped when Chanhee nodded. 

"You've been watching him all these years?" 

"Not exactly, I've been watching him until Hyunjae came. Once I saw he had gained someone on his side, I stopped. He didn't need me anymore." 

"It must've been a surprise when you met him again. Maybe you should thank Youngjae he ate that pork." Younghoon said, making both of them chuckle at the thought.

"You know what's funny? I never knew his name the whole time I've been protecting him. I just referred to him as the 'raccoon' kid, since his face was dirty with smog that night." 

Younghoon laughed at the nickname, Chanhee joining in as well. 

"But I'm guessing Sunwoo never knew?"

"No. And I prefer to keep it that way. Whatever caused that fire that day, scarred him badly. Bad enough he erased it from his memory. And I'd like to keep it that way." 

Sangyeon and Juyeon glanced at each other as they stepped into the familiar residence gate. Their Father sent horses to escort them. 

"Hyunjae hyung is gonna be fine, right?" Juyeon asked quietly. Sangyeon nodded. 

Their Father had sent another letter when they arrived at the inn. But the letter only called for the two of them, leaving Hyunjae.

Hyunjae shrugged, saying he preferred not seeing him anyway. But still, Hyunjae was his son. Isn't Father too cruel? Juyeon thought.

"It would be better than getting insulted again. That's all Father does when he sees Hyunjae." Sangyeon said. 

The two walked through the familiar garden, following the path leading to their Father's quarters. As they stepped into the building, someone came out of their Father's room. 

Kun bowed his head in respect when he saw the two brothers. Then, without a word, walked away. 

Juyeon's eyes trailed after Kun, feeling a bit unsettled. Sangyeon nudged him, beckoning to enter the room. The two stepped foot into the room they hated so much. 

"I had to call you personally just to make you visit? What kind of sons are you." Minister Lee's first words were so predictable, it made Sangyeon scoff internally. 

The two brothers didn't say anything. Minister Lee looked at them unapprovingly, then beckoned them to take a seat. 

A few seconds passed before anyone else continued. Juyeon only stared at his teacup while Sangyeon stayed motionless. 

"How is your training process? I hope it's not strenuous." Minister Lee said. 

"It is fine." Sangyeon gave a short reply. Minister Lee smirked.

"And you, Juyeon? How are you coping in that..... place?" 

Juyeon finally looked up at his Father. He could feel the past fear creeping into him again. Sangyeon glanced at him worriedly. 

"It's good."

"Good? You still don't know how to judge." 

"Stop." Sangyeon said, making Minister Lee pause.


"Stop trying to pressure Juyeon. Why did you call us here." Sangyeon said with a firm voice.

"Of course, you're my sons. I-"

"Don't bother trying to beat around the bush. You've never considered us your sons. Merely pawns to elevate your social status and to feed your greed for power." 

Minister Lee stared hard at Sangyeon who did not back away. 

"That is upsetting to hear from my first born. As expected, you've been hanging too much with Hyunjae. Those creatures at Hae Baragi would be giving you too much ideas."

"Hyunjae doesn't have anything to do with what I think. And, they are not creatures." Sangyeon gritted his teeth, trying to maintain composure. But it was hard considering how his Father knew just which button to push.

"This only further confirms my decision was correct." Minister Lee spoke, sipping his tea leisurely. 

"What decision?" Juyeon spoke again. The word sounded ominous. 

Minister Lee smiled mysteriously. Sangyeon's eyes trembled, trying to wreck his brain on what the heck his Father could've done. 

"I heard you didn't come alone. You brought Hwall and one of those creatures with you." Minister Lee said. 

Then, it clicked. 

Juyeon stood up abruptly, glaring hard at his Father. Sangyeon was wary since this was the first time his little brother had done something like this. 

"What are you planning to do to them? No, what did you do to them?" Juyeon said, voice dangerously low.

Minister Lee stared at him in fake obliviousness.

"What ever do you mean?" He said. 

"Father, please don't do what you'll regret."

"I never regret."

"Then, I'll make you." Juyeon's voice was firm. His fists clenched tightly, his veins popping out on his neck. 

"You will never be able to surpass me. Remember, Jueyon. The apple never falls far from the tree. Your destiny is already decided." Minister Lee said for his final words. 

He stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the two brothers in confusion. Juyeon and Sangyeon glanced at each other and nodded. They had to get back to the inn, right away.

Juyeon ran to the door, forcing it open. But it didn't budge. 

"Hyung!" Juyeon said, frantically. 

Sangyeon rushed towards the windows, flinging it open. He cursed under his breath when it was all blocked up with bricks. He ran back to the door, struggling against it. 

"That bastard trapped us in here." He muttered.

"What do we do? I don't think he'll leave Hyunjae hyung alone." Juyeon said, worriedly.

"He even knows we brought Joonyoung and Hwall with us." Sangyeon said, eyes flickering around to find any escape from the wretched room. 

"We need to get out fast." 

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