Custom Made For You

By GinSamu

110K 4.3K 360

Tolmer Senikos is just your average guy. He's a designer living a normal life. Until, one day, he unexpectedl... More

Chapter 1- The Ground, The Car, The Man
Chapter 2- Um, Isn't This Kidnapping?
Chapter 3- Curse You, Fancy Bottles!
Chapter 4- I'm Sorry, Who?
Chapter 5- How Do I Exit Life?
Chapter 6- Oh, Fancy Restaurants!
Chapter 7- The Whole World Is Getting Interrupted
Chapter 8- Annoying People And Steaks
Chapter 9- No Vodka, Wine Or Whiskey For Me
Chapter 10- My Job Is On The Line, Again
Chapter 11- So, I Might Have A Brother
Chapter 12- Dayum, Those Sweat Pants Though
Chapter 13- Hang In There, Samson
Chapter 14- Don't Get Me Started On How Messy I Am
Chapter 15- Send Help? Please?
Chapter 16- Can You Find The Peace In My Day?
Chapter 17- Tolmer.exe Has Stopped Working
Chapter 18- B-Bestie?
Chapter 19- This Might Be The Best Or Worst Idea
Chapter 20- Cool Onesie?
Chapter 21- I Am Freaking Out Right Now
Chapter 22- Invasion Of Woman In Red?
Chapter 23- Vastel...Is Weird
Chapter 24- Noooo! Not him!
Chapter 25- Shut Up, I Know I'm Thirsty
Chapter 26- Ah, Crap, Here We Go Again
Chapter 27- Welp, The Universe Is Testing Us
Chapter 28- I Think I'm About To Lose It
Chapter 29- Choo, Choo, Potential Danger Incoming
Chapter 30- Are You A Stalker Now?
Chapter 31- Too. Much. Intimacy!
Chapter 32- I Am Such A Dumbass! AHHHHH!
Chapter 33- Free Shots...?
Chapter 34- Ah, Yes, Bad Choices
Chapter 35- Undo! Undo!
Chapter 36- Status: Unknown
Chapter 37- Talking, Lots of Talking
Chapter 38- Time To Hunt Down A Human
Chapter 39- Hold Up
Chapter 40- Panik
Chapter 41- Oxygen! I Need Oxygen!
Chapter 42- I'm Big Brain
Chapter 43- Whoops, I Messed Up (Yes, Again)
Chapter 44- Ight, Imma Head Out
Chapter 45- Oh Mah Gods, Ze Guilt
Chapter 46- I Wish We Were Talking About Cupcakes Instead
Chapter 47- I Want All Of Him
Chapter 48- People Forget That Nightmares Are Dreams Too
Chapter 50- Bad Morning Much?
Chapter 51- Hot Day, Bad Model
Chapter 52- Aaanndd, Action!
Chapter 53- I Have Complex Feelings Towards This But Okay
Chapter 54- Airi Can Be A Matchmaker At This Point
Chapter 55- *Awkward Silence Intensifies*
Chapter 56- Is This What It Feels Like To See A Couple Fight?
Chapter 57- I Swear, I'm A Responsible Adult
Chapter 58- The One Question I Don't Know The Answer To
Chapter 59- Ah, Yes, Getting Rudely Interrupted Yet Again
Chapter 60- No, We Did Not F**k
Chapter 61- Personal Space Was Not Taken Into Consideration
Chapter 62- Give Me Back My Sleep
Chapter 63- Well, Ain't This A Memory Roller Coaster
Chapter 64- No, I'm Not Going To War
Chapter 65- Okay, Toxic Much? Also, Help!
Chapter 66- Car Rides And Feelings
Chapter 67- Well, At Least No One Was Fired, I Think
Chapter 68- Wait, Is He Even Human?
Chapter 69- Nice Number But Seriously, What?
Chapter 70- More Opening Up And Talking
Chapter 71- Things Would Be Fine, Right?
Chapter 72- Yes, Fancy Restaurants, Again, But Not For Me Only
Chapter 73- You Know, Anxiety Is A Bitch And A Half
Chapter 74- Task Somehow Successfully Completed
Chapter 75- New Land, Immediate Problems
Chapter 76- Maybe This Is Nice After All (Only If You Do It Right)

Chapter 49- Small Talks Suck

842 33 0
By GinSamu

 "Tolmer, time to wake up, you're gonna be late for work," a gentle voice call out. Although I felt well rested (which, mind you, I haven't felt like that in a long time), I needed more. Yes, I was getting greedy at that point, I know.

Yet, the calling continued, followed by a series of persistent shaking. I shut my eyes even tighter than ever, refusing to wake up from my dreamland (the good kind).


A short gust of hot breath was blown directly into my ear, resulting me jumping up, completely wide awake. My hand covering my ear, face flushed.

I couldn't see very clearly without my glasses, but I could tell the blurry figure standing in front of me was none other than Luzien.

"Ah, you're up," he exclaimed. Proceeding to mumble under his breath at how he thought that worked unexpectedly well.

My lips quivered, I couldn't even make a sound of defense. I stared his way before abruptly looking away in embarrassment. Memories of yesterday's events sent me spiralling into shame. I refused to believe that I was the one who made the first move to kiss him, and I absolutely refused to acknowledge the fact that I cried in front of him like a brat.

His confusion wafted in the air, as he stepped closer towards me, "Hey, what's wrong?"

His soft voice sent my heart beating a kilometre a second, my mouth wouldn't seem function whenever he was within my 2 metre radius.

"You alright?" his voice sounding perturbed, he placed the back of his hand onto my forehead. The distance we just had was closed up, he was standing in front of me, our bodies were so near, I could see his facial feature in detail even without my glasses.

"Weird, no fever, where else do you feel sick?" his hand still on my forehead. I slapped away his hand, murmuring under my breath that I was fine.

He sighed, "C'mon, Tolmer, if you are sick, just say so."

"Just leave me, we'll be late for work," murmuring, I looked away. "I can't change with you around, can I?"

"R-right," he scratched the back of his beet red ear. "I'm just going to leave you here then."

He closed the door slowly without making a sound. I planted my face into the bed once he disappeared from the room. I groaned into the mattress, in hopes of shaking of the unwanted feeling of abashment.

I sighed, I knew I had no escape of the draining world.


The silence between the two of us made me ridiculously uneasy, I felt as if I had to say something to fill the gap.

'Just make some small talk with him,' my brain suggested. Of course, I followed it's suggestion. (Why do I do this to myself?)

"I have a question," I said as he entered the car with me. I have always wondered about him.

"Hm? Sure, go on," Luzien didn't look at me once as he started the car.

"How are you able to leave the HQ and just go around so freely?"

"So you don't think I'm much of a CEO?"

Ah, I phrased it wrongly, didn't I?

I shook my head, "Well, n-no? It's just that-"

"It's just that I just don't seem to care nor do I look busy, right?"

"No, I just- I thought-"

I messed up. All I wanted was for the atmosphere to not be so uptight, why is this so hard?

"Don't worry, I get why you think that way. I have someone back at the HQ to take care stuff for me. I like to look at things myself, it's easier for me to make changes if needed and I can avoid listening to the unwanted rumours about someone and just look at their work. In case you were wondering, yes, I still have to think about the structure of the company, the money, the management and stuff like that," he informed as he came to a stop at the traffic light.

"Oh, sorry, I was just curious," I looked away from him, feeling a little irritated at myself for asking so much.

He shrugged, eyes still on the road. "Don't worry about it. I just like all my best employees to work as close to me as possible. It's how I learn things."

"Do you also-" My phone rang.

What a good timing. (Note the sarcasm.) 

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