For Me? | Bakugou X OC

By amina_da_awkward

7.5K 1.1K 198

UA High is reimagined as a college in this novel. When Amari Natsuko gets accepted, she's excited to start he... More

1- How We Got Here
2- Manifestation
3- UA
4- The First Years
5- In Your Eyes
6- The Invitation
7- Apologize
8- What's So Important
9- The League of Villains
11- Could Be Trouble, Part 2
12-The Pros
13- Reflecting
14- Midterms
A/N again
15- Confusion
16- Think Long and Hard
17- Figure It Out!
18- Just Before, Part 1
19- Just Before, Part 2
20- The Dance, Part 1
21- The Dance, Part 2
22- Round 2
23- Living Arrangements
24- Carmen
25- Captive
26- Search and Rescue
27- Let Me Tell You A Story
28- God
29- New Room
30- The Plan
31- Conjure
32- Regal
33- Hell
34- Mission
35- Quirk Manifestation
36- Safety, Part 1
37- Safety, Part 2
38- Recovery
39- First Day Back
40- Cool Off
41- Party Planning
42- Guests
43- Let's Get Started!
44- Seven Minutes
Thank You.
Update :)

10- Could Be Trouble, Part 1

159 27 6
By amina_da_awkward

"Please be careful, Amari!" Uraraka says before her, Tsu, and Iida rush outside. Bakugou, Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari are all around the table, beginning to plan their course of action, Sero having gone outside to buy us time. Mina quickly nods, and walks towards me. "Amari, you got this. Just lay low, we'll tell them you left." She gives me a hug and rushes out with Kaminari." If you need us, for any reason, put another wall around me, okay, Amari? I'll be right in." Midoriya smiles, and leaves, Todoroki right behind him.

"Bakugou, we should get out there." Kirishima worries. Bakugou has a stern look on his face, and they begin to get up. He comes closer to me, and I approach him. "Please be careful out there, I'm leaving a soft spot in the barrier by your window, it'll close as soon as someone passes through. If you're worried, please don't hesitate to go through it." He smiles. "Worried about me, Amari? I'll be fine. They're the ones who should worry." His wild grin returns to his face, and he returns his attention to the door. "Stay in my room." He says to me, before running out with Kirishima.

Quickly after I hear the door slam behind Bakugou, I grab my notebook and write, "An invisible, impenetrable bubble surrounds the house I'm in, with only one weak spot, enough for one person to pass through, Bakugou's window." I feel the power leave my body in a swift wave, and sit right back down on the couch, my head spinning lightly. I hope they're able to defeat these villains, and I hope the help that's on the way is enough. A couple seconds pass and I find myself able to get up. Weakly, I shamble into Bakugou's room and sit in the corner, behind his dresser. I hear a shift in the window, and hear it close, feeling the bubble close with it. I rush out, expecting to see Bakugou, and I'm greeted with someone who I'd seen a while earlier.

His shaggy, wavy light blue hair fell over his face and just around his shoulders. His eyes were red, but held different feelings than that of Bakugou's red. They held evil, and the red resembled more of blood than a raging fire. His outfit was loose and black, with red and black sneakers. Several dismembered hands clung to his body, a single hand obscuring the rest of his face. I back into the corner. "You're..." I start, and he finishes, with a coarse, raspy voice. "Tomura Shigaraki."

"How did you get in here?" I demand, and his eyes scan the room. "Did you think that a forcefield quirk would keep me out, pinky? I've seen that before, I know what it looks like." So, he thinks my quirk is forcefield? "What are you even doing here? Aren't you supposed to be out there, fighting with the rest of your league?" I counter. He laughs a little, which sends chills down my spine. "New blood is definitely way more interesting than these kids I've seen and fought about a dozen times already." He rips the hand off of his face, and I see that his skin is pale, and flaky. "Plus, my new guy is more than enough to keep them at bay, they don't need me. You're much more interesting."

New guy? Now they have another villain? I start to gravitate towards the bedroom door. "Where you going, Pinky? We're closed in, so you might as well stay put." I look at him, knowing my attempt to seem stoic and unbothered is starting to falter. "Listen, I don't know why you think I'm who you want, but I'm not, Shigaraki. You should really leave before the heros get here." I say, my back against Bakugou's door. "No, Amari. I do think you should be with us. Join my league. You have so much potential. You could be trouble, that hotheaded blonde could be trouble too. But you choose heroism. It's a shame, really."

How does this freak know my name but not my actual quirk? I open the doorknob and run out to the back door, knocking on the windows. I see a bit of a fight going on in front of me, but everyone is moving too fast for me to tell who's who. Bakugou immediately turns around, and sees my fearful expression. I see him yell something to the group, and Midoriya nods. He immediately makes a large explosion in front of him, and begins running towards the door, and Shigaraki comes closer.

"Don't make me hold you back from there, Amari. I don't want to have to kill my most promising adversary."

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