Autobots, Rip and Tear until...

By AmirGH777

44.8K 393 830

It has been 19 years since the demonic war, sealing hells forces temporarily, earths people then begun wonder... More

Bio and weapons
Chapter 2: The slayer meets team prime
Chapter 3: Marauder meets the Decepticons
Chapter 4: Rescue mission
Chapter 5: The DYNGUS
Chapter 6: A family to take care of
Chapter 7: An undead army
Chapter 8: Moving in
Chapter NEIN: Space bridge 2.0 and what is Unicron
Chapter 10: The alliance that shall never happen again.
Chapter 11: Orion Pax.
I'm going to put the story on hold for a few weeks.
Authors Note
Chapter 12: Finally, inner peace
Chapter 13: A Family reunion.
Chapter 14: First time?
Chapter 15: Not a Time to relax.
Chapter 16: Dissension among the ranks
Chapter 17: Da'at Yichud
I'm going to take a break
Chapter 18: Nemesis Prime
Chapter 19: Cylas's eternal damnation
Chapter 20: Armada
Chapter 21: Flying mind
I am back guys
Chapter 22: Operation Metro
Chapter 23: Triangulation
Chapter 24: Triangulation (2)
Chapter 25: Toxicity
Chapter 26: Hurt
Chapter 27: Iraq 2011
Chapter 28: New Recruit
Thank you all!
Chapter 29: Energon in Vietnam
Chapter 30: Legacy
Chapter 31: Operation Knightstrike
Chapter 32: Tragedy strikes
Chapter 33: Rip and tear semper fi
Public announcement
Chapter 34: Alpha; Omega
Chapter 35: Hard knocks
Chapter 36: Inside job
Chapter 37: Regeneration
Chapter 38: Darkest Hour
Part 2-Chapter 39: Darkmount
Part 2-Chapter 40: Scattered
Part 2-Chapter 41: Prey
Part 2-Chapter 42: Rebellion
Part 2-Chapter 43: Project Predacon
Part 2-Chapter 44: Chain of command
Part 2-Chapter 45: Evolution
Part 2-Chapter 46: Minus one
This book is on permanent hiatus and I will not be updating it.

Chapter 1: Get lost

6.2K 53 244
By AmirGH777

It has been nineteen years since the death of the icon of sin, turned into merely blue ashes and the end of the demonic invasion of earth, and since then the world became united and celebrated every year on the seventh of July to mark the end of the war and people have been wondering where the doom slayer has been since those nineteen years or was he just an illusion but they didn't know that he was watching over them peacefully from orbit while he creates music and reads books in the DOOM fortress

Then the doom slayer gets up and walks over to a computer that displays arc broadcasts and presses "play the newest broadcast" then a female voice spoke.

Female ARC broadcaster: This is an arc broadcast, it has been nineteen years since the demonic invasion so let us celebrate this day but remember the people we lost during the war... Our family and friends are all in a better place but we have questions such as "where is the doom slayer" and "what is he doing now".

Flynn: Ya know if yall looked up in the sky, you should see a fortress floating around and think "hmm that looks like something the doom marine would live in".

Samuel Hayden: You do know that would take hours for the entire world to see AND the human vision is not strong enough to see something in outer spa-


Samuel Hayden: Says the one who needed to re-learn the human language plus that was Olivia Peirce and the UAC who opened the portals.

Flynn: You were the seraphim and you placed me in the divinity machine knowing it was going to get rid of my ability to speak so if anything let's settle this on call of duty: Modern warfare 2 reboot remastered remake seven on rust... Do you feel me?

Samuel Hayden: I do not think that would be necessary.

Flynn: Then I will just rip you out again but I won't because I need you to be my guide.

Samuel Hayden detects a "meteor" heading towards earth.


Flynn then puts on his helmet and pushes down a silver sphere that had his mark on it and hopped over to enter the portal which opened up In a forest where "meteor" landed and looks to see an odd cube with markings on it that didn't seem to come from hell, sentinel prime or the asteroid belts.

Flynn: What the hell is this thing?

Samuel Hayden: Conducting scans... Scans 100% complete... So apparently this cube is called "the Allspark" and it comes from a distant world called "Cybertron" that went into a civil war and went into two factions, the faction fighting for freedom is called "Autobots", and the faction fighting to conquer the universe is called "The Decepticons"... Touch it and see what happens

Flynn then touches the cube and it starts to transfer itself into him and he has sees visions that reminded him of the visions he saw when he touched the helix stone in the Lazarus labs back on mars.


Flynn: I feel like I drank lava and started seeing shit you wouldn't believe.

Flynn then asks Samuel to open a portal to the closest bar because he wanted a drink.

Samuel Hayden: If you insist I guess*opens portal*.

Team Prime POV.

Rachet was detecting a cybertronian signal crash landing to earth so he informs Optimus Prime.

Rachet: Optimus look.

Optimus: What is it, old friend?

Rachet points at the screen, he was getting the reading from.

Optimus: It's the Allspark.

Rachet looks back to see three Decepticon signals intercepting the allspark.

Rachet: Optimus the Decepticons are intercepting the allspark.

Bulkhead: How many?

Rachet: Well one Dark Energon signal, Megatron, and two normal Energon signals.

Arcee: Airachnid and Starscream.

Rachet: Wait... I'm getting another life signal right next to the allspark.

Optimus: Another Decepticon?

Rachet: No... It is emitting energy of unknown origin, and it appears to be a human

Jack: *Whispering* The doom slayer.

All the Autobots turn to Jack.

All of the Autobots except Bumblebee: The doom slayer?

Arcee: You know what forget it, just send me to the Allspark's location.

Rachet: Wait... It's just moved into jasper.

Arcee: Send me to its location NOW!!!

Rachet switched on the ground bridge and Arcee transforms into her vehicle mode and goes into an alleyway where she could see a 7-foot person, possibly male in green armor already duking it out with Megatron, Airachnid, and Starscream.

Doomguy POV.

Doomguy then walks through the portal and exits in an alleyway where he can see the bar called "The slayer's bar".

Flynn: Oh that's really funny.

Flynn walks into the to see the bartender who was already shitting his pants from seeing him through the windows.

Flynn: Jack daniels with three ice cubes, please *puts a hand in the warp pack to find no money* shit I ain't got money.

He looks over to see a man in a suit drinking some beer put money on the table and says "I'm paying for him"

(this is agent fowler)

Flynn was shocked to see someone pay for his drinks so casually then Samuel Hayden speaks into his ears and says.

Samuel Hayden: That man is William fowler a C.I.A agent, a former army ranger who works with the Autobots remaining on earth to keep their identity hidden from the world

Flynn: I will speak to him later *chugs down his cup and burps* aww man it's been a long time since I had a drink let alone have someone pay for them.

Then everyone in the bar including Flynn and Fowler all heard three consecutive explosions outside so Flynn pulls out his boomstick and sees three tall beings and the first looking relatively skinny with jet wings on his back and missiles on his wrists then sees another one who looks female well due to her characteristics and also had spider legs attached to her back and the final one who was the tallest out of them with sort of a gladiator look with a cannon attached to him arm.

Everyone was panicking in the bar but calmed down because the doom slayer was there and announced "EVERYBODY JUST STAY CALM WHILE I KILL THESE MOTHERFUCKERS"

Flynn then saw Arachnid walk over to the bar so immediately looked up, pointing the super shotgun up as well as he saw cracks in the ceiling, and then the roof was completely removed and saw arachnid looking down like this

Flynn: *Austrian accent* You're one ugly motherfucker

while pointing his boomstick, the arachnid Decepticon proceeds to underestimate him

Arachnid: And what are you going to do?... Fight me with your toy?

She then chuckles but then a hook was attached to her chest and sees the doom slayer flying towards her with his forearm and fist covered in a red aura and punched her in the face which sent her flying thirty meters back on the asphalt road.

Starscream looked in shock and screams


Doomguy: *no accent* I dunno who the fuck are you, but you are definitely not my lord.

Starscream then tries to open fire upon the doom marine by firing both of his missiles but unfortunately for him, the slayer caught both of the missiles with his hands and threw them back to him which when they hit him, he fell to the ground.

After all of that, Megatron decided to act, powering up his cannon and firing but the slayer activated his mobile shield generator with his chaingun and decided to wait it out and realized that the timer for the shield was running out and Megatron wouldn't stop shooting so he quickly switched off the shield and dashed to the right and switched to the mobile turret mod



The massive hail of minigun rounds hitting Megatron tore off the armor plating on his left arm, forcing him and the Decepticons to retreat.


Suddenly a green portal opened that they used to retreat.


The doom slayer then turns around to see another robot but seemed more friendly due to her blue and pink color scheme so he decides to hold fire and see what she will do.

Arcee: *Puts her hands up* Hey relax I'm on your side.

Flynn: And what proves that

Fowler: Because she is part of the Autobots!

Flynn: Oh hey Fowler, thanks for paying for my drink.

Fowler: And how did you know my name is fowler?

Flynn: Samuel Hayden scanned you and told me that was your name.

Fowler: Samuel Hayden?... I thought he died in the invasion 19 years ago

Arcee: Hey human in armor, what is your name?

Flynn: My name is Flynn Taggart Blazkowicz or you can call me Flynn.

Arcee: Well Flynn... My leader would want to meet you.

Flynn: I'm more of a lone wolf.

Samuel Hayden: You should accept her offer.

Flynn was going to protest but decided to agree.

Flynn: Ok then take me to him.

Arcee then transforms into her vehicle form that was a motorbike which reminded Flynn of Terminator 2: Judgment Day from 1991 where Arnold beat the ever-loving shit out of 3 to 5 guys in a bar and took off on a motorcycle.

Arcee: Alright hop on.

Flynn: Whatever alien robot.

Arcee: Call me Arcee.

Arcee then starts up her engine and drives away into the sunset.

Seven hours later...

It was nearing night time and as this was happening Arcee just wanted to know, who is the slayer and what was his backstory.

Arcee: So Flynn who are you exactly.

Flynn then sheds a tear and answers.

(Play the music as you read this paragraph and read it slowly so it matches)

Flynn: I was once a US Marine deployed to Afghanistan in 2022 when my commanding officer commanded me to shoot innocent civilians which I neglect the order. I saw him pull out his M-4 to open fire, I then shot and killed him to which I was dishonorably discharged from the Corps and sent to Mars to be the janitor of mars installation by the UAC which led up to the first hell portal opening which led up to me becoming a Marine again and then killed all the invading demons and I went back to earth to see my wife raped and then killed by a baron of hell while my three-year-old son was split in half by a hell knight and my bunny daisy head on a spike... Then I vowed to kill every demon and close the hell portal, trapping myself inside hell until I entered another portal which I thought was going to lead me back to earth but I found myself in a valley outside a castle's walls and was found by two Knight sentinels who took me as a prisoner of war where I was going to die like a dog on the front lines but found myself trained to become a night sentinel. But then the demons of hell followed me to Sentinel Prime but then I was submitted to the divinity machine by the Seraphim who is now Samuel Hayden and essentially became a god then I was betrayed by the priests who sealed me and my sentinel squad in hell when we were supposed to destroy an evil energy source factory and then all my comrades died and I vowed to rip and tear every demon until I was done until a demon called the wretch forged a new set of armor which I called "the praetor suit" and I killed probably 20 decillion demons and lived in hell for 4 quadrillion years.

Arcee: I-I-i'm terribly sorry for your loss.

Flynn heard this and it almost sounded like she was having tears from hearing this.

Flynn: On top of that, both of my parents died in a suicide bombing when I was at my wife's house who was my girlfriend at the time. My wife's father, who was my first commanding officer when I joined the Marine Corp died two months into my first deployment when I was fresh out of the Marine Corps recruitment depot in San Diego (USMC boot camp) in 2011, three years later, my childhood best friend, Johnny Miller was executed in Iran in 2014.

(BTW, the battlefield 3 campaign takes place in Iran)

Arcee went completely silent, realizing that all of the Autobot's despair and suffering meant nearly nothing to Flynns' suffering.

Flynn: So what is your backstory?

Arcee: I can tell you it once we are at the base, for now, I just need to recharge.

Flynn: What do you mean by recharge?

Arcee: You humans would call it "sleep".

Flynn: Makes sense... Oh look you can "recharge" in that abandoned factory.

Arcee then drives over to the factory and returns to her robot form, stretches and they both enter to see a bed factory.

Flynn: How convenient that this factory makes beds.

Arcee: Oh and uhh Thanks for ... Punching Arachnid.

Flynn: Who's Arachnid?

Arcee: The female deception you punched in the face.

Flynn: Ya mean the one who underestimated me and called my super shotgun a toy and to be honest I gave a blood punch to her because of it.

Arcee then lays down and closes her optics (eyes).

Arcee: Arent you going to sleep

Flynn: Girl I have been asleep for about five million years before I was extracted from the cursed sarcophagus so I guess I will be put on security for the night.

Arcee: So you will be my night guard?

Flynn: Yeah.

Team prime POV.

Jack was starting to get worried as the time was now 9:05 PM and still Arcee hasn't returned.

Jack: Wheres Arcee.

Rachet looks at the monitor and sees Arcee go into a power down.

Rachet: She just powered down for the night.

Bulkhead: I think it's time for us to power down as well Doc.

Rachet: Considering our Energon reserves, I agree.

Optimus: Agreed old friend.

Before the team went to power down they sent the children back home via the ground bridge and then went to power down.

At about 12:30 midnight Flynn decided to go to bed not because he was tired rather it made him whole and reminds him of his old life long ago. He would do anything but dark magic to see his wife and infant son again, he thinks to himself that they are definitely suffering down in the darkest pits of hell so he sheds a few tears before going to bed.

---Dream, Afghanistan, May 24th, 2022---

Lieutenant Colonel Cole Walker, first lieutenant Liam Rico, Sergeant Major Samuel Dylans, Master Sergeant Jonas Williams, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Staff Sergeant Flynn Taggart Blazkowicz, and corporal Delmar Berry were all in a JTLV(Joint Tactical Light Vehicle), rolling through Afghanistan with Quinton driving the vehicle and the music playing from Liam's speaker that he brought with him.

Flynn: The last time I rolled through these streets, I got captured and almost beheaded

Liam: Glad that Stanford decided to send in 350,000 thousand more troops, all the special forces, good air support, and naval support.

Flynn: Now we're not getting ambushed left and right if they're already dead.

Jonas: President Charles Stanford is a Marine like us, we don't pull out.

The 46th president of the United States, President Charles Stanford was a former US Marine who served in the gulf war and won the election in 2020.

Charles had some rough policies, he decided to stop jerking the hornet's nest in Afghanistan and sent in 350,000 soldiers and Marines, he told SOCOM to put all special forces in and had the Navy hammer the Taliban with hypersonic missiles and with the F-35B stealth multirole jets as Stanford wanted to keep the air force to not be spread thin as there are rising tensions with Russia and China.

Stanford put the United States in a 25% war economy so military spending increased by twenty-five percent and increased sales of weapons to Saudi Arabia and Iran, now that Iran was no longer in a civil war and the exiled son of the Shah returned while all who were in support of the theocracy from 1979 were executed to prevent such a regime to rise again.

Stanford's advisors recommended that everything sold to Iran would be sold at 1/4 the price due to Iran's economy needing to be rebuilt while everything that was sold to Saudi was to be doubled the price.

It is a very rough policy that the prince of Saudi Arabia did not like so they did the same with their oil.

The 350,000 soldiers and Marines he sent in weren't just American, they are comprised of NATO soldiers and Marines.

Flynn: You don't pull out, I do.

Delmar: How the fuck do you not have like three divorces? Because every Sergeant in this JTLV and every sergeant I ever knew except you, had like three divorces by the time they're a staff?

Flynn: Watch your mouth corporal or I will make you push harder than a woman giving birth.

Delmar: sir yes sir.

Then everyone started getting a radio transmission from command.

Command: This is command to Sentinel 2, you have a situation developing, over.

Cole: This is sentinel 2 lead, we are passing through street Elizabeth, what's seems to be the problem.

Command: Be advised, if you continue driving through, you will face a possible ambush, but we have an AH-1Z Viper inbound, callsign Wyvern-2, command out.

Delmar: Oh my fucking god, can the Taliban give us a fucking break and not ambush us for the thousandth time.

Flynn: Welcome to the club kiddo eventually you will learn that the Taliban, not the people alright, the Taliban are only good at fucking goats, send women and children with suicide vests at us, and ambush because they only know guerilla warfare.

Jonas: *Yawns* Can't wait to come home to see my wife cheating on me with Jody.

They continued driving for a bit as Flynn began singing "You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, run on for a long time, sooner or later God'll cut you down, sooner or later God'll cut you down"

Flynn pulls out a heart-shaped locket, given to him by his wife as he opens it up to see a picture of her. She is a very beautiful woman, she had curly, blonde hair, her ocean blue eyes which caught the attention of every man but her motherly touch which warmed the coldest of hearts, Flynn was excited to see her again once this deployment was over, all he had was just two weeks left and then he can embrace her and his three-year-old son. He plans on retiring from the US Marine Corps once this deployment was over so that we could be there for his son during the most precious years of his life.

The thing about Marines or soldiers is that when they retire, they need time to feel more like civilians again, this involves many things, taking a very long vacation, around 5 months, having a lot of sex with their partner, enjoying the outside weather, and giving them emotional support.

Flynn needed all of that, he hated not being around his wife, he hated having to go to places where it is dry, hot, and very sunny, he just wanted to wake up the next day, next to his wife in bed after a long night of having sex, Flynn was a helluva lot bigger and stronger than his wife, Flynn is 6'8 while his wife was 5'8 but she would always try being dominant in bed which would always end up with Flynn forcing her into submission. Flynn is also feeling guilty of not being there for his three-year-old son for all three of his birthdays, he was only there when he was born, while his wife loves his son, she still wants to have a daughter so Flynn also promised his wife to impregnate her and give her a daughter when he returns from Afghanistan.

Flynn really wants to fuck her right now but he's on the other side of the world, fighting a war that should have ended 11 years ago but he remembers the noble cause, in the end, giving Afghanistan a more democratic government and helping give women's rights back after the Taliban took it away.

The fact that people in Afghanistan would rather hang onto the landing gear of airplanes than live under Taliban rule speaks volumes, people in America have refused to speak the pledge of allegiance, burnt the flag, and not stand up for it.

He fought for America's freedoms but all he gets when he comes back to the US is a bunch of sore losers calling him a baby killer, is this what his grandpa felt from coming back from Vietnam?

The US fought against Nazis, Communists, Japanese, and racists only for the youth to become what the US swore to destroy, now the youth are a bunch of Nazis, commies, Weebs, and racists.

(Yes I'm not using the original face from the family photo and that is because Doomguy before being kicked out of the USMC was only 28 years old so using this photo matches the age range of his wife)

Flynn: *thinks to himself* two more weeks, just two more weeks, and I can see you again.

He kisses the picture and puts it back into his pocket

Five hours later...

They arrive at their destination as everyone gets out of the vehicle to see a bunch of men, women, and children waiting for their daily prayers to begin so they begin to walk past them but then Cole stops walking as everyone else does and turns towards the civilians.

Cole: Flynn, fire upon those goat fuckers.

---Flashback end, Abandoned bed factory, July 8th, 2185---

Then about 3:30 in the morning arcee woke up to see flynn in bed next to her and he was thrashing around as if he was having a nightmare so she placed her servo(hand) on his hand and pressed it which helped Flynn calm down in his sleep.

Arcee: *Whispering* For such a terrifying person, he sure still needs someone to help him sleep.

Flynn wakes up for a brief moment.

Flynn: *Whispering* You remind of me my wife when I came home from deployment when we slept, she would hold my hand as I erm... would move a lot while sleeping, it helped me calm down. *Closes eyes*

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