The shadow that protects the...

By NatsuDragneelx777

205K 3.1K 2.9K

So this is gonna be my first book so please bare with me. Now onto the actual description "Your kid is quirkl... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Happy Thanksgiving
First Christmas With The Aizawa's
Happy Birthday Izuku
Merry Christmas Everyone
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22


4.5K 69 39
By NatsuDragneelx777

As soon as Izuku got inside and closed the door he was met with a very excited mother practically running towards him. He was half expecting this since he told her about the heroics 101 class, just not what was going to happen since even he didnt know.

"Hey sweety, soooo how did it go? Did you have fun? Did you see any new possible rivals? Did you kick butt? Come on,tell me, tell me, tell me." She said with the energy of a 10 year old going to Disney World for the first time. He just chuckled a bit at her antics before answering.

"It was fine. You could say it was fun. There are a few potential rivals in my sights. And you know I kicked butt." He said in quick succession as he has done this before.

She has always been a ball of energy especially when she started making jokes. She would constantly talk in a fast pace with quick succession of each sentence without missing a beat. It got to the point where it became too hard for others to understand her. In the end he caught her super speed rambling and got his extreme muttering habit from it. Helps him think, but makes him look super weird if your not used to it. A true double edged sword for his social life if he ever saw one.

"Well thats great to hear sweety. Your father said he had to do some patrol's around the city so its just gonna be you and me for tonight." She said getting a bit closer with a smirk on her face.

Izuku gains a smirk of his own. "Oh really?" By now Emi is right in front of him and the two are staring at eachother intensively.

"So what would like first? A bath...dinner...or..." She says letting the last part hang there for a bit knowing that Izuku would understand what she would say next. Which he did, as Izuku just crossed his arms and tilted his head a bit.

"You already know the answer to that. Let me get changed." He said making Emi's smirk grow a bit more.

It was 10:00 at night and Shota was just getting into the door. With a yawn he loudly says "Im home." to get the attention of his family. But he doesn't get a responce of any kind. When he walks into the living room his eyes widen for a bit. He had no words for what he saw except "every time." He says with a sigh and facepalmed.

In the living room on the couch was both Izuku and Emi. Both asleep with Izuku laying on top of her with his head on her chest and their arms wrapped around eachother. The TV was still on with a random old Disney movie(cuz we all know the old Disney movies were far better) playing in the background. There was popcorn and an empty 2 liter soda bottle laying on the floor next to them. Shota just gave a small smile before getting a blanket and putting it over them both. As he was leaving he saw something and looked at Izuku before looking at Izuku with a wicked smirk on his face.

Izuku is waking up and looking around wondering where he is as he isnt in his room. He then realizes that he is in his living room and that he's on the couch with his mom under him. He also noticed the popcorn and soda bottle on the floor and remembered why he was there. Just as he was about to lay back down he got a text from his dad.

It was a picture of him laying on Emi with with a blanket on them. He then got a second message in the same thread by Momo and that made him realize that he was in a group chat with the three. Then another text from Tsu. Both talking about how cute it was. He could stop traffic with how red his face got from blushing so hard. He then looked at the time and saw that it was 7:30. Which made him realize that he needed to get ready for school and fast.

So he got up and rushed to the bathroom and do his daily routine. When he got out he saw more texts coming in from the group chat. He ignores it for now and continues to get dressed. When he is finished he heads into the bathroom to make sure he didnt look weird before he left out. He looked in the mirror and several tick marks appeared on his face. What he saw was his face with marker drawings of glasses a moustache and a little top hat on the very top of his forehead. How it managed to survive a shower and him washing his face he would never know. What he did know was who did it and now he had to make them pay for this. He scrubbed it off and went outside and saw his dad with a shit eating grin.

"Hey son, how did you sleep?" He said trying hard not to laugh.

Izuku breathed in for a second. He just sighed and flipped him off before getting in the car with Momo and Tsu who was waiting for him holding in their laughter. As the car pulls off he looks at the two and see them trying to look innocent. Momo reading a book with a smile on her face and Tsu looking out the window with her tongue sticking out while doing a few ribbits every so often. He sighs and smiles. Looking at them he just looks out the window. "Go ahead." He says smile still on his face.

The two girls waste no time and started laughing. They kept it up till half way mark to school. He didn't say anything just let them have this good laugh. He could never be mad or annoyed at them. Plus he loved their laugh, it was cute in his eyes and he would do anything to protect that.

Soon they made it to U.A. and by then the girls have calmed down. They held Izuku's hand and walked inside heading to their class. Meanwhile one heterochromic boy (a boy with two different eye colors)  saw them and growled in anger. "You dont deserve her Deku. Why is she with a nobody like you instead of me?" He says to himself before sighing in aggravation and walking to class.

As they make their way into the school they are stopped by the media trying to ask questions in the school. More specifically a certain symbol of peace and his teaching abilities. Luckily Izuku had thought of this in case he was outed for being Eraserhead's son. So he tightened his hold of the girls a got ready to leave. One lady approached them microphone in hand. "Wait before you leave please just answer this question. What is All Might like as a teacher at U.A? Surely the symbol of peace is able to teach the newer youth about heroism given his title as #1 right?" She said directing the mocrophone at the teens.

Izuku not being one to turn his head from abashing All Might with no consequences said "He has not teaching ability. He could do much better than read from a book called 'Teaching for dummies' but I digress. Now if you'll excuse us we need to go before we are late for class." With that using the shadows of the people, he along with his two counterparts sink into the shadows and emerge from the shadow created by the U.A sign.

The lady wanted more of an answer than that so she tries to catch up to them. A man within the crowd of media calls out to her but it was too late as a small alarm goes off and a metal gate starts coming down from the top of the gate. Luckily a man was able to pull her back before she was crushed.

"Wh-What the hell was that?" She asked in anger and shock.

"Anyone who tries to crop the gate without a studen or teacher pass then this gate will activate and stop anyone who tries. Everyone calls it 'The U.A Barrier'.

The girl just stared at him shocked. "That thing nearly crushed me." She turns to the man that grabbed her. "Thanks by the way for saving me." She said getting a thumbs up from the man. The media all continue to try and get some answers by shouting. Unknown to them a man in a black hoodie was standing behind them across the street with a wicked grin on their face.


The group of three make their way inside the classroom talking amongst eachother. Once settled the rest of the class comes up and talks to them about the events from yesterday. All explaining their excitement or disappointments of yesterday. Soon enough the bell rings and everyone heads to their seats but still talking to the person next to them. Then Aizawa walks in but not one stops talking except the throuple. After a couple seconds of this go by Aizawa does a pro teacher move. He puts dome eat plug's in his ears with Izuku and co. noticing as well and plugging their ears as well.


The sound reverberated throughout the entire classroom, causing everyone except the group to cringe and cover their ears to stop the noise but due to the sound already ringing in their ears it does little to help. Soon the sound stops and everyone looks up to see Aizawa standing there hand on the chalkboard in a scratching position looking slightly annoyed. He unplugs his ears and gets ready for the day.

"Only three of you noticed I was here and that class has started. I will have to work on that later. Anyway I saw the video feeds of your combat training yesterday and most of you did decent work. That being said...Izuku." He looks at Izuku. Izuku gets a bit stiff getting ready for the feedback.

"While your plan was fairly good it had a few holes that a more experienced villain would have easily seen through. Along with that you let your emotions get the better of you. If it wasnt for Momo's quick thinking things could have gone from bad to worse. Dont let your emotions be the thing that ends you."

Izuku looked down a bit. He was right after all,he let his emotions get the better of him and it could have cost him more than just the training exercise. He has to work on his mental strength more if he wants to use these abilities of his.

"Yes sir. Understood." He said in a slightly defeated tone.

Katsuki scoffs at this. Which didnt go unnoticed by Aizawa."As for you Bakugou." He said with a bit more anger in his voice making Katsuki flinch slightly. "Dont think I wasn't going to say anything about your little performance. For starters you left your partner by herself in any environment that would leave her in a possible unsavory situation. Secondly, your blind hatred for Izuku made you think far too irrationally during your fight. And dont get me started on what you were going to do at the end. The exercise was over yet you had the brilliant idea to use a heavily lethally weapon indoors. Towards your classmates no less. If it was during the actual exercise then i wouldnt be so hard pressed on it. But even then your were gonna do it to your team member in the crossfire." Aizawa sighs trying to calm down.

"You have great potential, far more than most, don't act so childishly. Understood?" He asked with his lecturing tone.

Bakugou looks a little in thought and had a small dissapointed look on his face. He pit his head on his hand and looked out the window.

"Tch. Whatever."

Aizawa then looks towards the rest of the class. "That being said your next task will be what decides your future." He says in his monotone voice.

All the class starts to get a bit nervous as they dont know what he could have planned. Everyone tenses up a bit,all with the same thought going through their minds. "Please dont be another quirk test."

"You will be deciding class representatives." Aizawa said causing all the students to cheer and shout for everyone to pick them. Aizawa activates his quirk slightly scaring everyone and making them all quiet down. "Now, as for how it is done is up to you but I want it to be quiet any style goes so long as it isn't too loud or destructive. You have until the end of the day." With that he reaches into his scarf he keeps on him and pulls out his signature yellow sleeping bag to then go in a corner and fall asleep inside said sleeping bag.

Everyone just watched in confusion, shock and awe at how he could hold that in his scarf without it being a problem. "Does he keeps that with him at all times?" Kirishima asked not expecting an answer.

"Oh yeah he doesnt leave the house without her. She's practically his baby." Izuku said getting looks of confusion from everyone except the bakusquad. Mina then asks the question on everyone's mind.

"Wait how do you know that? Do you live with him?" She asks getting most of the class to look in anticipation.

Izuku just chuckles in nervousness as he never really feels comfortable telling people about their relationship. Not that he is embarrassed or anything just he doesnt want any form of backlash or any special treatment from it. But he didnt have much of a choice in this situation.

"He is actually my dad." He said getting looks of shock from some and nods of confirmation from others. Those few probably had suspicions of it but needed confirmation which Izuku just gave them. Mina had stars in her eyes and Hagakure was waving her arms excitedly. Or thats what it looked like if her arm bands and sleeves were something to rely on. The two rush over to him on the hunt for juicy details.

"Is he really your dad? Whats he like at home? Is he pretty chill or is he still a bit of a grouch?" Mina and Hagakure asked in rapid fire. Izuku was getting a bit uncomfortable but luckily Iida came to the rescue.

"This is not the time for such questions. We have to decide on a class representative before the end of the day. Plus your questions are making him very uncomfortable. So please let us forget this topic for now and focus on the more pressing matter." He said getting everyone to back down a bit.

Izuku looks at Iida with gratitude before thanking him. Iida just nods before returning his attention to the rest of the class. "As for how we will be deciding said representative I propose a voting system. Whoever has the most votes will be the representative of 1-a."

Everyone looked at him a little confused. Kaminari decided to give his opinion on the system. "But we barely know each other save two certain friend groups. So won't everyone else just vote for themselves?" He said getting nods from everyone.

"That is precisely why we should hold said election. We have been here long enough to get a small grasp on each others personalities. Along with that we have seen each other fight in the training exercise yesterday. So wouldnt it make sense that whoever has the mist votes has the capabilities of being the class representative." He said getting some understanding looks from the others.

Izuku nods his head with a smile in agreement. "Thats a great idea lets get some paper strips and everyone gets one slip. We can all get ten minutes to decide on a rep. Then we can put it all in a cup. The one with the most votes wins. That sound alright with you Aizawa-sensei?" He asked getting a grunt in response. Izuku looks to the others and gives a thumbs up. "Alright wegot the green light."

Everyone looks confused. He looks confused at for a moment before realizing that they dont know the Aizawa language yet. "When your around him long enough it gets easier to understand him." The others just nods in acceptance.

Soon enough everyone got slips of paper made thanks to Momo and everyone wrote their answers. Once all the answers were handed in and and counted the results showed Izuku with 6 votes and a tie between Momo and Kiara. This did not stand with a few certain individuals with one being the most vocal. "Alright who the hell voted for that nerd and Ponytail?" All who actually picked them just stayed quiet and tried to look innocent.

Aizawa decides that now was the time to wake up and sees the results. "As it stands Izuku is the class representative with 6 votes and Momo and Nezu are tied for Vice Representative. You two have two options you can decide between yourselves on who becomes the vp or you can work together as Co VP's. The choice is up to you I don't really care in the end." He then quickly falls back to sleep.

Everyone looks at Izuku and he just nods. 'So this is a normal thing for him.' They all thought in unison. But after the confusion died down the three chosen reps walk up to the front of the classroom. Momo and Kiara stood there with comfidence and elegance. Meanwhile Izuku was in between them and was pretty nervous. He didnt really expect to get any votes much less win. Momo chuckled a bit and held his left hand. "No need to be so nervous Izu I know you will do a great job." She said with a smile. This calmed him down a bit then Kiara placed a hand on his right shoulder. "Dont worry we got your back if anything happens." She said with a tiny smirk on her face.

Izuku just sighed and a small smile appeared on his face. He looks at the two girls beside him. "Thank you. Both of you." He gives a morw confident look to the rest of the class. "Im not sure how I managed to win but I promise to work hard and do my best as your class representative." He said with a bow at the end.


It is now lunch time and the class go to the lunch line to get their food. Once they get to the food it is served by none other than the Cook Hero:Lunch Rush (but seriously how is he a hero his quirk is basically cooking. He's no different than Gordon Ramsay.) Izuku ends up feeling out and asking for an autograph getting laughs from his fellow peers. Soon Izuku was looking for a place to sit when..

"Izu over here!" Momo yelled getting his attention. Momo was at a table with Tsu, Kiara, Ochako, Mineta, Tokoyami, Iida and Kirishima. When he gets to the table he takes a seat between Momo and Tsu. "Hey guys, what's up?" He says to the group. Iida being the speedster he is answers first. "We were discussing the results of the election." He said while doing air chops.

This gets Izuku's attention as he still wants to know we voted for him. "Yeah I was meaning to ask who voted for me. I didn't even vote for myself." He said in confusion.

With that Kirishima, Tokoyami, Ochako, Mineta and Tsu raised their hands. His eyes widened slightly at this. He only knew them for about a week at most why would they waste a vote on him. This also left two questions in his head.

He looked at Momo and saw her looking away from him. Hand not raised. She looked at him and grew a bit nervous. "S-Sorry I really wanted to be representative so I voted for myself."

She looked a bit sad after that. She felt like she was a bad girlfriend and didnt support her boyfriend. Izuku just gave her a supportive smile and placed a hand on her head. She closed her eyes in satisfaction at the head pats she was getting. "You don't have to be so hard on yourself. If anything I was hoping you would pick yourself. I wanted you to be class representative. Nothing will change my opinion of you. Especially not something as silly as a class title." He softly grabs her shoulder and leans her on him with Momo giving no resistance.

Momo gains a small smile on her face with a small blush to match. Everyone else just awwws at the pair. Tsu not wanting to be a third wheel just hooks onto Izuku's other arm. "Izu-chan your better not be leaving me out of this." She said with a monotone voice.
But Izuku could tell the difference. He slowly turned to look at her and saw her eyes. It held great annoyance and it was something that really scared Izuku. He could take on any villain that crossed him but he would easily back down against his girlfriends when angered. "O-of course not Tsu-chan how could I possibly leave you out." He said extending his arms out to her. She eagerly takes that newly made space and snuggles close to him.

Everyone just laughs at this. Mineta rests his head on her hands and smirked at the three. "Man you are so whipped aren't you?" He said getting some oooh's from the group. Izuku looked at him for a second with the "I'm impressed but you know your about to get roasted right?" look. "Maybe when you get a girl you will understand. But for now stay in your lane." The group just Oh'd!! At Izuku's comeback with Mineta giving him a impromptu bow in defeat. 

Meanwhile at a different table the bakusquad was eating their food but could hear the group enjoying themselves. One boy in particular could be seen looking annoyed at the throuple. Particularly due to the arm around the black haired beauty. The others notice his brewing anger but couldnt understand where it was coming from except Sora. She knew why this was happening. He had a crush on Momo for years but didnt know how to express it. She sighed and went back to eating her lunch. The thought of romance made her look up at Izuku for a moment. She blushed then went back to her food trying not to think of it too much.

Suddenly an alarm started ringing throughout the building and everyone started to panic a bit. Izuku and the others shot up from their seats looking around at the other students start running for the exit. Iida stopped one of the students who happened to be a third year. "Sir,can you please explain what is going on. What does this alarm mean?" He yelled so the boy could hear him.

"Yeah the alarm means that someone has trespassed onto the school grounds. This hasnt happened in my three of being here." He yelled back before rushing into the sea of students heading for the exit.

The others waste no time and do the same thing. They are soon to come to the realization of how bad of a mistake that was. As soon as they join the crowd they are pushed and shoved around by the panicked teens. Izuku is struggling not to fall on the floor and get trampled by the stamped of U.A. students. One of the students pushed him hard into the window. He was a bit angry at first but when he saw out the window he was a bit relieved. He saw the media people trying to bypass the heroes in the front for answers.

With this he was a bit relieved now he just needed to tell everyone else. He looked around and saw Uraraka trying not to get squished by the crowd. "Uraraka!" He yelled out to get her attention. Luckily she was close enough to hear him through the shouting of the students. She looks over and sees him reaching out to her. She reaches out to him as well hoping to get aome protection and maybe some answers from the green haired boy. She tries to grab hold of his hand but the students keep pushing them and their attempts keeps failing. Izuku didnt like using his powers if he didnt need to but he figured there was no choice. He extends once more and has his shadows extend his reach further and grabbing hold of her. She is a bit surprised by the feel of the dark tendril.

She thought it would be cold and uninviting but it felt so warm amd welcoming. Like she could call it a home if she were sucked up by it. Was this how the darkness felt by itself or was this due to Izuku's influence. She didnt know the answers but couldn't and wouldn't question it any further as the black tendril pulled her towards Izuku. When she was crashed into him he hit the window a bit. She was about to apologize when she got a good feel of his chiseled body.

'My God just how solid is he?' She thought with a blush creeping up on her face. She looked up at him and saw him standing there looking around with a small blush on his face. He then coughed and brought his attention back to the situation at hand. "Ochako I need you to make me float. After that I can find a way to get to the door and hopefully stop this chaos." He said trying to keep a hold of Uraraka and not lose her within the crowd.

She looks a bit unsure if the plan would work but there wasnt much of a second option. She gave him a nod before touching his chest with her hands making him float. He is a bit off balance but after a few seconds he is able to get a good feel for it. He creates two arms of darkness and shoots them at the exit everyone is running towards.

Once latched on he pulls himself towards the exit. On the way there he looks out the window seeing the media trying to get past the teachers/heroes blocking the way. Then he felt his dark arts give off some sort of signal to him. Like a warning signal with one word being repeated in his head.


He has never gotten a warning from it before and knew that whatever it was had to be serious. With this in mind he looks around the area past the media and sees a figure walk into a black portal of sorts. This was definitely bad but he had other things to worry about. He shakes this off for now and lands on the top of the door with his back towards the ceiling in a squated position and both hands holding the edge of the railing. He makes a clone to check around the school for any intruders. He then gets himself ready to calm down the crowd of scared teens. He takes a deep breath and prepares himself. 'This is gonna mess up my voice for the rest of the day.' He thought getting his enough air in his lungs and sending dark energy into his throat.

"WILL ALL OF YOU CALM THE HELL DOWN. I THOUGHT YOU WERE U.A STUDENTS. IF SO THEN ACT LIKE IT!" He yelled with all his might and huffing at the end from using so much of his oxygen.

All the students stop running and looked at Izuku. All of them still pretty panicked and afraid of the possible danger that caused the alarm.He collects some more air and continues his lecture.


The rest of the class stood there for a moment looking at Izuku as he makes sure no one does anything reckless. 'We made the right choice.' They thought in agreement as he smiled at one of the students thanking him for calming everyone down.


At the entrance the teachers were able to get the crowd off of the property. Principal Nezu, Aizawa and Cementos were investigating the barrier that was destroyed to get in. Principal Nezu picks up a piece of the barrier to see it decayed at the ends.

"This doesnt look like something someone from a news reporter could do. There had to be a third party involved."

Cementoss looks at the piece to analyze it and find out how exactly it got like this.

"It definitely wasn't some form of normal explosive. That barrier is able to take continuous assault from Endeavor at full power and have only a burn mark, no more. My guess is someone has some type of destructive quirk that can destroy anything." He says looking at the rest of the damage done by whatever it was that did this.

Aizawa then looks at the school for a moment contemplating something.

"Think it could have been a diversion of some kind? Possibly to keep us out of their hairs for something." He says looking at Nezu and Cementoss getting looks of contemplation in return. Nezu looks at the school for a moment before sighing.

"If that is the case then we need to be more careful. Because if what you say is true this is more than just a diversion. This is a declaration of war."


In another part of the school the man in the black hoodie was rummaging through the school files. As he searched through the countless files on different subjects that are irrelevant to him he finally found what he was looking for.

"Finally. These people seriously need to organize their paperwork." He said in a hushed tone.

He grabbed the folder and was about to pull out his phone when he was suddenly pulled into a headlock. With what little movement he had he turns his head to see Izuku behind him with a serious face.

"Cant say your wrong, this place is pretty unorganized even to my perspective. But thats not your call is it Mr. Intruder." He said with a bit of malice in his voice.

The man just grabbed Izuku's arm with four of his fingers. He pulls slightly so as to get a bit more oxygen in his lungs.

"Come on now. I'm simply a teacher here and I had to get some things. What about that makes me an intruder?"

"So your here getting some papers while students are panicking out there due to a possible threat? Along with that all the teachers here are licensed heroes that have been in the field for a long while. Yet your an unknown to me. I have never even heard of you before and my knowledge of new and old heroes is unrivaled. So my question is who are you truly?"

(I was thinking of putting OST's in my fanfic let me know what you think)

Izuku tightens his grip on the mysterious man. The mysterious man just sighs before getting a serious look in his eyes. He grabs Izuku's arm with all five fingers from both hands and yanks downward breaking the armlock and freeing himself.

"Continuous Disintegration." He whispers as he throws Izuku over his head to the other side of the room.

Izuku tries to use his arms to get up but it is not longer there. He looks at his arms and sees it slowly decaying. He looks at the man and sees him grab the folder and pull out a phone from his pocket. After dealing a number he puts it too his ear.

"Yo. Yeah,yeah,yeah important quest item has been secured. We can continue to the next level and prepare for the raid boss. Any witnesses?" He looks at Izuku to see him looking back at him in horror and anger to which he smirks then looks back at the folder in his hand. "Not for long and no evidence as well. Stealth lvl 100. Come pick me up." He looks back at Izuku with a smile on his face. The decay now leaving nothing from the waist down.

"You are too smart for your own good. Oh well i wont have to deal with you after today. You could have lived a bit longer if you didnt put your nose where its not needed." A black portal opens up next to him. "So long brat. Enjoy your last few seconds of life." He steps into the portal and it along with him disappear. Soon all that was left in the room regarding those two was a pile of ash.



After the incident at lunch, all of class 1-a went back to their class to finish up the day. Everyone is inside the classroom talking amongst themselves about what happened earlier. They were talking about how scary it was to be nearly trammpled on or complementing Izuku for stopping the commotion to which he blushed in embarrassment. He got up to stretch his legs when suddenly he felt his clone disappear, or more accurately, die. He held his head a bit from the influx of information being given to him from the clones memories. His eyes widened and lost his balance a bit. Momo,Tsu, and Kirishima were there immediately to help him stand.

Once they sat him down everyone, except the bakusquad, ran to see if he was ok. He was breathing heavily and he kept holding his arms as if they were going to fall off if he let go. Sora came up and used her ice side to cool him off. After a few minutes he was finally able to relax a bit. Momo looked at him in concern to which he looked back at her.

"Are you ok? What happened is everything ok?"

"During the lunch fiasco I felt something was wrong and saw someone go through a black portal of sorts." This sent everyone into a bit of a panic while getting the more quiet and stubborn ones to be a bit more alert. Mina walked up to them to be sure.

"Are you sure thats what you saw. Maybe it was just something you thought you saw with the whole panic and all the people outside made it looked that way." She said hoping to get a good answer and not one where there is an actual danger.

"I wish I could say you were right. I sent out a clone to check the school just in case. Then in one of the rooms with a bunch of files on us and our plans there was a guy he had blue hair but that was all I could get from him as far as appearances go. He was searching through the files for something and I knew he wasnt a teacher as he wasnt a hero. When i tried to capture him he just threw me away and I started to disintegrate. All he did was grab me and thats what happened. Before my clone died he heard the guy talking to someone on a phone. Saying that they got any important item and to pick them up. Then the portal opened up and he left. Thats roughly what happened skipping a bit of unimportant dialogue."

This left the class a bit unnerved. Someone that can disintegrate you with just a touch was just there and they didn't even notice. Then the door opened and everyone jumped at this and looked to see Aizawa standing there. Everyone sighed but was still on edge about the information that was just given. After a second everyone went to their seats. Aizawa looked at them confused for a bit before he looked at Izuku to see him a bit worse for wear. He decided to ignore it for now and ask him about it later.

"Alright students I'm not in the mood to teach right now so today will be study hall. Dont wake me up amd your fine. Also before I forget you will all be going out tomorrow for some rescue training exercises so be prepared. You can choose to wear your hero costume or just your gym clothes. Now again dont wake me up." With that he goes in the corner pulls out his sleeping bag and goes to sleep.

Everyone is taken aback by the sleeping teacher infront of them. After that everyone just whispers about the training exercises they will be doing tomorrow. What exactly will they be doing,will it be hard,how will they show off their skills in this exercise,etc. Everyone seems to have put the whole possible danger in the back of their minds.

Soon enough school was over and everyone was filing out. Izuku, Momo, and Tsu all got in their usual car thanks to Momo always getting a ride and heading home. But Izuku still couldnt get the thought out of his head.
That if he went to handle the possible threat instead of a clone he would be dead and no one would know how he died. It scared him to no end. That he was just a simple choice away from death. It would probably haunt him for a while until something took its place or something made him forget it. He knee one thing though, if he died it was going to be protecting the people he loves. Nothing short of that would make him satisfied and be fine with death.

When he got home he was greeted by his mother. She heard about what happened at the school. Or to be more precise the outline of what happened. All she knew was some media crew managed to break onto U.A property but that was it. He didnt want her worrying about him too much so he didnt tell her about the whole near death thing. He went to his room saying he was tired and wanted to get some sleep. Which he wasnt lying as he was very tired. While a bit put back, she accepted it as him having a long day of school.

When he went upstairs he texted his dad to tell him to come to his room when he got home saying he had something he needed to tell him. A few hours later and Aizawa was walking through his door to see Izuku taking a nap. He closed the door and went to shake Izuku awake. Once Izuku woke up he saw Aizawa standing next to him. He sat up and stretched a bit before he looked at his father.

"Im guessing you got my text." He said getting a nod from Aizawa.

"Good. Now simply put there was an intruder at school." He said getting straight to the point.

Aizawa just nodded at thus info as he had suspected this earlier. "I had a feeling but what makes you so sure?" He said getting a sigh from Izuku.

Izuku didnt say anything for a moment trying to find the best way to say this but ultimately knew that just saying up front was the best way to do it. There was just one more thing he needed to do first.

"Mom you can come in now. I know your there." He said aloud getting an 'EEP' coming from the hallway. She slowly opens the door with an embarrassed look on her face.

"I guess you found me huh." She says while rubbing the back of her head out of embarrassment.

"Your gonna have to do better than that if you want to listen in on us." Aizawa said getting a small laugh from his wife.

Izuku just sighs before he looks at them with a dead serious look. They knew what this meant. It meant that he had something extremely important to say and its crucial to listen.

"I saw the intruder. He was in one of the teachers rooms looking for some files on something. I couldnt get a real description or what they were after sadly, sorry about that. But I do know that they had very bad intentions and I tried to stop them. To be more precise my clone tried to stop them. But was killed in the process." He said getting looks of fear from Emi and shock from Aizawa.

Aizawa looked at him with a serious look on his face. "When did this happen? Was it during the incident on your lunch period?" He asked already knowing the answer but wanting confirmation.

"Yeah. The worst part about it was the fact that he mearly touched me and threw me and I started to turn to ash. It didnt even stop when he let go of me. By the time I was trying to get up my entire arm was gone and soon just before I died he walked into some dark portal. My guess is its someone else's quirk." He sighed before looking up at his parents to see them with mortified faces.

Emi was on the verge of tears as she could have lost her son forever. Where as Aizawa was just shaking in fear and anger. Fear over the fact of his son nearly dying and anger over the fact that someone would have killed his son.

Aizawa just sighs before putting his hand on Izuku's shoulder. "You did the best you could kid. We can work on your style of approach later but for now get some rest. Im sure you need it." He said getting a thankful smile and a nod in return.

Emi pulled him into a hug with all her might as if he would disappear if she loosened her grasp even a little bit. "Please. I know your going to be a hero and I know that these types of situations are gonna happen anyway but I must ask. Promise me that you will be careful? Dont be too reckless and do something to put yourself at risk." She said making both of the men in her life look at her in sadness.

She truly loved him as if he was her own. She truly wanted the best for him and nothing more. The fact that she could have lost him just by a simple 'I will go, I won't go' decision was scary to her and that scenario would have ended very badly. If two parents and their future daughters in law moarning and grieving over his death. He knew he couldn't make a promise like that without lying right to her face,he knew he could at least try. For her.

"I can only say I will try. No promises on it though. I will do my best to come back to you everyday." He hugs her back making her shed a few tears at this.

She knew that would have been the answer she would get. She knew he couldn't make a promise he didnt know he could keep. That's just the person he is. She let go of him and gave him a nod. She wiped her tears away and gave them a bit of a smile as she could give.

"Well that's all I wanted to say. I'm gonna head to bed. Good night you two." She then left the room and went to her room.

The two men just stayed there for a bit in silence. They had no words to say it the moment. Whatever they wanted to say to each other was already conveyed in the promise with them female greenette of the house. Aizawa just sighed and put a hand on Izuku's head and ruffling it a bit.

"You really got your mother worried there kid."

"Yeah I didnt mean to. I wasn't expecting her to react like that. And stop messing with my hair. Its a pain to deal with a it is."

Aizawa gives a soft smirk before taking his hand away and makes his way out the room. As he is about to close the door he steps for a second and looks at Izuku.

"We truly care about you. We don't want you to get hurt. But we are willing to accept and expect something to happen in the future. We just hope its not too soon. Now get some sleep,you have rescue training tomorrow." He closed the door leaving Izuku to his thoughts.

Izuku just sighs and lays back down in his bed. He crossed his legs and rests his head on his hands and looks towards the ceiling. He still can't get what that guy said out of his head. "We can continue to the next level and prepare for the raid boss." He narrows his eyes a bit. Before he goes to bed he has one last thing on his mind.

'I dont know what are you planning. But whatever it is, I will stop you.'

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