Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

By Wolfinator12

145K 3.3K 2.4K

Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... More

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 25

1.9K 46 45
By Wolfinator12

A clear blue sky with not a single cloud visible as far as the eye could see would normaly bring happiness into everyone, but not on this day. The entirety of the members of the Guardian and Hunters Guild that had stayed in Beacon and the entire teaching staff had gathered to lay the five victims, of the latest appearance of Salem, to rest. The atmosphere was somber as Y/n stood next to Coco and Yatsuhashi, not a single word from Ozpins speech got through the dark clouds that were in Y/n mind. Slowly the 4 caskets were let down into the ground as the last body was layed on a pile of wood.

Ozpin: "Mister Schwarz, I think it should be you, as a believer of the Sagas, to let your fellow believer go to Valhalla." Y/n nodded and grabbed the torch he was offered. With a heavy heart he placed the staff the boy had used in life into his dead hands. Setting the logs on fire Y/n took a step back.

Y/n: "The Valcyries have already brought you to Valhalla, feast among my ancestors and our gods. Till the Gjallahorn calls for you once again." Y/n knew nearly nothing about the burial ceremonies of other religions only that they prefer to bury the bodies instead of burning them. Not that Norse were only getting burned on logs, captains would get burned on their own ships and some might even get buried in barrows.

So deep in thought Y/n did not realize that the ceremony was over and people had begun to head back to grief on their own. He only realized that once Ozpin gave him a pat on the back to get his attention.

Ozpin: "I believe you already heard this but none of this is your fault." Y/n nodded as he looked at the stones that had been placed down to mark the graves. "Mind joining me in my office I have a few questions for you."

Y/n: "Lead the way."

Ozpin: "You said that you heard a voice in your vision telling you about your job, what do you think it meant by that?"

Y/n: "It is not possible to tell as of yet. It could mean that my job is to guide souls to their afterlife, but why did I only have to guide those five? Is it because I was there for their deaths? But if so why didn't I see my parents or any of the cultists?" Y/n lamented. "There are so many unanswered questions that cloud my mind. Why did I manage to call upon Salem? Why did that girls wish count even if I was the one summoning her? Where the two Grimm one of a kind or are there more of those things out there? What is the purpose of my visions?" The headmaster nodded in agreement.

Ozpin: "Often times one has to wait until getting the answers they seek." The Sage said wisely. They had entered his office and Y/n sat down on the offered seat while Ozpin went to grab something. He placed a small wooden box in front of Y/n before sitting down himself. "These are the items dropped by the Grimm. The Guardian Guild decided to keep the coins that had been left behind and let these for you."

Opening the box two thin sharp claws sat inside. Y/n decided to use his One-Eyed skill to find out more about the claws.

Type: Material
Rank: A

Ozpin: "If you do not mind me asking but what are you doing?" The man asked intrigued as he saw the runes around Y/ns eye begin to glow.

Y/n: "Upon awaking from my long slumber I had unlocked a skill called One-Eyed, it allows me to see details of an item I use it on. For example I now know these are claws of an yet to be named type of Grimm and they count as A-Rank materials. It works on weapons too."

Ozpin: "Do you think you can use them to make weapons out of?" The Sage asked interested.

Y/n: "It could be possible. I already experimented with combining bossdrops with metals when I made Ruby's scythe. It had an interesting effect on the iron I used but it could have been because of the item I used. Further tests are needed to give you a clear answer. But I do not wish to waste anymore of your time sir."

Ozpin: "Of course, feel free to head back to your guild. I will inform you once there has been any progress on the trial of the Violet siblings."

Y/n: "Let them burn in Helheim." Y/n growled out angrily before leaving. All the way back to his guild he looked at the claws trying to come up for a use for them. Their size could be big enough to make a pair of throwing knives out of or he could throw them into molten metal hoping it would create a new alloy for him to make a weapon out of. His fight against the Grimm had also shown Y/n that he has become to reliant on his Summons, his armor is too weak and so are his weapons. The memory of his acquisition of the pelt of a Ursa Clan mother came back and he could not help to feel excited. Quickly he got changed and went to his workshop, he had a few orders waiting for him, but those could wait a bit longer. He grabbed a big part of his stored leather and began to train his leatherworking skills. "Fen, keep an eye on the levels of leatherworking and armor making."

Fenrir: "Yes Master." Came the answer.

Over an entire week Y/n had made 20 sets of simple leather armor and he even took some time off to get the orders done. He even used runes on those armor pieces he could managing to level up his One-Eyed skill once, resulting in him now being able to see the durability of the item observed but only if it was low,medium or high. One monday of the next week Y/n went to check his character sheet.

Character Sheet: Y/n Schwarz

Class: (locked)

Level: 36

Rank: S


-Strength: 183 / mod: (locked)

-Dexterity: 298 / mod: (locked)

-Wisdom: 107 / mod: (locked)

-Intelligence: 113 / mod: (locked)

-Resistance: 284 / mod: (locked)

-Stamina: 203 / mod: (locked)

-Stat Points: 156 / mod: S+


Worker skills:

-Cooking lvl. 15

-Sewing lvl. 13

-Leatherworking lvl. 11

-Carpentry lvl. 18

-Forging (Weapons) lvl. 25

-Forging (Armor) lvl. 15

-Forging (Mechanism) lvl. 4

-Tracking lvl. 11

-Haggling lvl. 10

-Woodcutting lvl. 8

-Carving lvl. 3

Soldier/Hero skills:

-Swords lvl. 21

-Daggers lvl. 32

-Bows lvl. 36

-Light armor lvl. 38

-Heroic Choice lvl. 6

-Summoning lvl. 52

-Axes lvl. 35

-Shields lvl. 21

-Leadership lvl. 16

-Instincts lvl. 11

Magic skills:

-Shape Summon lvl. 5

-Runesmith lvl. 5

-Runic Enchantment lvl. 6

-Ragnarök lvl. 1

-One-Eyed lvl. 2


-Workers Endurance

-Vikings Body

-Vikings Will


Fenrir lvl. 30

Hugin & Munin lvl. 19

Sährimnir lvl. 6

Heidrun lvl. 5

Jormungandr lvl. 41

It was now time to get started on his new armor. Y/n knew he was going to make a light set of armor mainly using the pelt and some special Beowolf hides he was able to buy off of the auction house. As everything was set up for him to begin he heard a knock on his workshop door.

Y/n: "It is open." Y/n said and the door opened to reveal Stahl. "Oh hey. Your new weapon is on that table over there." Y/n said as he saw the older boy.

Stahl: "Thanks man." The Tank answered as he went to the mentioned table. On top he found the weapon Y/n had come up with. "What is that?"

Y/n: "Ruby calls it a Piercer. It is a contraption you put on your arm and upon pulling the trigger the stake will extend forwards, no further movement needed other than for reloading which can be done by simply raising it straight up. Go ahead and test it out on any of those armor sets over there." Y/n pointed at the leather armors he knew there the worst out of the bunch.

Stahl: "Don't mind if I do." The boy equipped the strange weapon and went to a set of leather armor. Raising the weapon so the stake pointed at the middle of the chestpiece Stahl looked at Y/n. "How do I pull the trigger?" Y/n raised his right hand and made a fist with his pinky outstrechted, Stahl copied him.

Y/n: "Now pull in your pinky." A loud thunk could be heard as the mannequin hit the ground, a sizeable hole going right through the armor and into the wooden body. "Now try to reload it." He instructed and went through the motion needed to do so. The mechanism worked as intented.

Stahl: "God damn, how did you even manage to build this?"

Y/n: "It took me forever to figure it out but once I had a plan things just fell in place. But because this is a unique weapon you will need to either come to me for a new one or repairs, optionally you can buy the blueprints so you can go and try your luck at other blacksmiths." Y/n explained before pulling out a piece of parchment. "It took me 43 hours of work to make your weapon, it is mostly made out of steel as per your request and the rank is C. I will not charge for the materials I had to use in my failed attempts seeing that I came up with the idea of your changing your weapon. All in all it would cost you 40 Gold Lien, sorry but that is the cheapest I can go."

Stahl: "Oh don't worry my friend, this baby is well worth it. But what about that blueprint, how much for that?"

Y/n: "Another 40 Gold Lien. It is a one of a kind weapon and I could make a fortune when I am the only one that can build it."

Stahl: "Fair, fair. Here you have 100, keep the rest as thanks." Y/n caught the bag of coins and counted to make sure the promised amount was inside, which it was.

Y/n: "Glad doing business with you." He said with a smile.

Stahl: "Yeah, thanks again. Can't wait to test this baby on some of my classmates."

Y/n: "Oh if you are going to use it on a human I would recommend screwing off the sharp tip, just to prevent any fatal injuries." Stahl nodded and grabbed the blueprint Y/n had placed on the table. After saying his goodbyes Stahl left and Y/n turned back to his work. Not wanting to rush it, it took him three days to finish his new armor. It looked rather simple in design the only special details were the black and white color scheme and the bear head that made up the helmet. "Ok lets see." Activating his One-Eyed skill Y/n could not help but smile.

Grimm Pelt Armor (unnamed)
Type: Light Armor
Rank: A
Durability: High

Y/n: "Perfect.

Gefðu mér styrk,
gefðu mér hraða,
veittu mér mótstöðu,
gefðu mér visku,
gefðu mér greind,
gefðu mér þrek,
Fela Berserkers."

Fenrir: "Give me Strength."

Sleipnir: "Give me Speed."

Jormungandr: "Give me Resssissstance."

Hugin: "Give me Wisdom~."

Munin: "Give me Intelligence.~"

Alfromr: "Give me Stamina, energy, vigor."

Y/n: "Berserker's Hide." The entire pelt began to be covered in runes and Y/n felt his energy get sapped out of him, he feared he was going to run out before the full enchantment had been finished but as he neared the last of his reserves the process was over. "This will help out a lot. Hey Fen I have some energy left want to have a look what will happen if you manifest overtop the armor?"

Fenrir: "Waiting for your call." Came the answer. A bit of hassle with his new armor Y/n was ready and gave the wolf the go ahead to manifest. It was quiet clear that Fenrir was able to improve the armor even further. Visually the armor now dorned two wolf heads on the shoulders and a few more tuffs of fur.

Y/n: "Thank you Fen." Y/n said as he unsummoned the wolf, reverting the armor back to its original form. "Now I only need to find a use for you." Meant were the two claws laying on his desk. "So many options... maybe I should think about this a bit longer."

That is it for this chapter now it is up to you to vote on what Y/n should make with the claws. The options are:

1: Two Throwing knives

2: Two Daggers

3: A Sword

4: An Axe

5: A weapon for other guildmates

Like always please comment on the option you want (as in directly on it).

Work on the HololiveEN x Male VTuber Reader Fanfic has begun but there won't be a release until February. Although I will publish a vote book sometimes soon which I will use for all votes in the future.

Stay healthy and have a nice week.

Wolfy out.

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