Someday Soon ¦ rosekook

By monamonte

38.4K 2.7K 428

Unknown to the two of them, Jungkook and Chaeyoung started liking each other back in high school. But neither... More

1 - Coming Home
2 - It is really you
3 - password and wallpaper
4 - Twist of Fate
5 - my little chipmunk
6 - the twins' intervention
7 - friendzoned
8 - date
9 - It's okay to be selfish.
10 - oddly familiar
11 - what are you trying to do here
12 - complication
13 - more than okay
14 - knowing what she wants
15 - Jeon
16 - Someday Soon
17 - not very convincing
18 - Rain, rain, go away
19 - dilemma
20 - tough choice
21 - I like you
22 - wishing to be his = hers
23 - Hey Stupid, I Love You
25 - The Talk
26 - free time
27 - been dealt with
28 - Certainly Uncertain
29 - out in the open
30 - WHY
31 - unfinished business
32 - A push-pull cycle
33 - when her friends did their part
36 - first interaction
37 - Girls

24 - Playgirl

762 64 9
By monamonte

Chaeyoung's POV

When my eyes landed on the orange rose plant that Jungkook has given me, I was frozen in surprise.

It was way back college when I asked him to give me that. I was getting fond on flowers then that I started learning about what they symbolize. When I came across the orange rose, one of its meaning mentioned about wanting ones friendship to go to the next level. I immediately thought of Jungkook so I impulsively sent him a picture of an orange rose plant.

So it was kind of expected when I cried in happiness while looking at the actual orange rose plant. It was not a picture that Jungkook teased me about. The orange rose was growing with its roots buried on the soil beaneath it.

I was actually overjoyed after finally receiving it from Jungkook, especially when I learned that he was the one who planted and took care of it over the years. Though I was not able to reveal my selfish reason for asking him to give me that specific plant, I surprised both Jungkook and I when I suddenly asked if I could give him a kiss. It was a mere peck on his cheek but it was my way of answering all of his questions about us.

I guess this was the point of no return for both us.

"Park," Jungkook called.

I gulped as I worriedly thought of where this conversation was going.

W-wait, I don't think I'm ready for this. Jeon, please . . .

Ring! Ring! Ring!

My savior!

I rushed to grab my ringing phone from my bedroom. It was Taehyung. He called to remind me about our date and asked for me to get ready as he was already preparing himself. I enthusiastically agreed, forgetting about my predicament with Jungkook for a while.

But my smile instantly faded when I bid Taehyung goodbye.

I was telling myself that it was just Jungkook and that there was no need for me to worry. But all my thoughts vanished into thin air when I stood right in front of him. He was standing in the middle of my living room, restlessly walking back and forth before he stopped when he noticed my presence. I slowly approached him, not knowing what to say.

"Jeon, I . . ."

"Park, please."

We both said at the same time while looking straight into each other's eyes.

"Of course, it can wait." Jungkook said before taking a step closer towards me. Then he grabbed my hand as he added, "I would always wait, for you."

Jungkook always had a way to warm my heart, like now. His patience with me was notable. I felt like I don't even deserve it anymore. But I'm still grateful about it. So until then, I am hoping that Jungkook would stay the same.

"I, uh, Taehyung-oppa . . ." I looked down, embarrassed to look at him. "It was him who called so I should be getting ready."

Jungkook annoyingly huffed and pulled me against him. "No, you're not going anywhere."

I was shocked at what he did and the possessiveness evident in his eyes. I was in awe as I stared back at him. I felt like he was challenging me to move with the way he was looking at me and his tightening grasp on my hand. A part of me wanted to stay and settle everything with him. But my cowardice, which always got in the way, was pulling me stronger.

I lifted our clasped hands and trapped his hand in both of mine as I promised, "Of course, I'm staying this time."

Silence filled the room as Jungkook and I remained looking at each other. And I was getting lost in Jungkook's presence when I suddenly remembered Taehyung. I quickly pulled away from him and kept a distance between us.

"But I really need to go." I pleaded, trying my best to look cute with a pout on my face.

He groaned in response.

"Park, how could you ask me this? You're going on a date with some other guy."

"And that some other guy is Taehyung-oppa, my best friend's twin brother and one of your friends too." I interrupted.

"The same friend who denied knowing you." He spat.

"Don't be too salty about that! I did not know that you knew each other as well. I only realized it that time when you introduced me to your hyungs."

"Yah! Park Chaeyoung, why do you keep on defending him?" He asked in frustration.

I put both of my arms over my chest and smirked at him.

"Hmm. Perhaps . . ." I shrugged before running back to my room. I quickly locked myself inside while laughing to myself.

"Park . . ." Jungkook loudly knocked on the other side of the door. "You can't leave me hanging like that. Tell me the truth, please. What do you feel about my hyung? Park!" He cried.

... ... ... ... ...

To say that I was surprised would be an understatement when I saw Jungkook in my living room. He immediately looked up when I came out from my bedroom. Then his brows drew together as he scanned his eyes over my body.

I was wearing a square neck floral print mini dress. I completed my look with a medium-sized leather handbag hanging around my body and a pair of tan strappy heels.

I awkwardly smiled at Jungkook and waved him goodbye before rushing out of my apartment.

"Don't forget to lock up!" I shouted at him.

I was halfway through his apartment when he caught up to me. He appeared in front of me and blocked my way with his arms and legs spread wide.

"Park, you're not going anywhere, especially in that dress."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oppa is already waiting for me in front of the gate. Please Jeon, let me through."


"Ugh! Jeon, move aside right now while I'm still asking nicely."

"No! Get inside your apartment right now while I'm still asking nicely."

"Now you're just pissing me off." I exclaimed.

He looked at me from head to toe before saying, "Well, you're just . . ."

"Just what?"

"You're looking too pretty to hangout with my hyung." He sighed. "So I, uh . . . I refuse to let you leave." He reasoned with a stutter.

I groaned in frustration.

"Whatever Jeon! I'm still not going to go back to my apartment to change what I'm wearing. It's either you move aside or . . ."

"Fine! You never let me win anyway." He grumbled before pulling me to his apartment.

"W-wait, why are we going inside? I'm telling the truth, Taehyung-oppa is already waiting for me. I need to go."

"I only need to grab something before I will let you off. I promise."

"Then you don't need to bring me with you. I will wait for you here."

He squinted his eyes at me before shaking his head in objection.

"Don't you trust me? I promise . . ." I started to say before Jungkook interrupted.

"I trust you. But not others who might see you here . . . looking pretty and . . . alone. So just get inside before I will make you." He threatened.

I scrunched my face at him as I unwillingly let him drag me inside his apartment and stopped by the doorway.

"I'll wait for you here."

He briefly looked at me before he left and went inside his room. It did not take him much time when he came back with a denim jacket in hand.

"Are you going out, too?" I asked.

"Now that's a brilliant idea! I should just go with you."

"No, you're not." I tried my best to block him from going out his apartment.

"Park!" He stamped his feet like a little kid.

If he was not looking adorable, I would really be annoyed with him right now.

"Why did you bring out your jacket anyway?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Oh! This." He placed it over my shoulders. "You might need this."

"Jeon, it's summer. The sun is shining bright outside so I don't think . . ."

"You're bringing this, at the very least, to your hangout with my hyung."

I chuckled at his jealousy.

"Actually, it's a date." I declared, enjoying this chance to tease him back.

He grimaced in response as he locked up his apartment. Then he marched towards the elevator while dragging me behind.

As we stood in the middle of the elevator, I could sense the difference in the atmosphere around us.

We stood next to each other with a narrow space separating us. Our arms were hanging on our sides. Knowing that his hand was just a few inches from mine, I could feel a tickling sensation on the tips of my fingers. I was itching to . . .

Jungkook suddenly grabbed my hand, catching me in surprise.

It was very subtle but the way his hand trembled could not be denied. So I lightly squeezed his hand to ease both of our nerves.

Then he chuckled out of nowhere.

I quickly turned my head to look at him, silently asking what he was laughing at.

He pulled me by the shoulder with his free hand so that we would be standing while facing each other. His hand slowly slid down from my shoulder to my hand. Then he intertwined each of our hands together.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay? And . . . have that talk with me?" He softly asked, I barely heard him.

I sighed, my anxiety rising up at his questions. "But you promised . . ."

"Of course, I can wait." He answered with a reassuring smile.

I was about to say something when the sound of the elevator opening resonated around the constricted space. Jungkook pulled me out and we headed outside. He was leading the way while I was dragging my feet as I kept a slow pace behind him.

We were already right in front of the gate when I unknowingly halted my steps.

"Park?" Jungkook called, pulling me back to consciousness.

I only looked at him in response, surprised at my own actions.

I knew what I want and that was him, this man before me, Jeon Jungkook. But I always found reasons to mum about my feelings. It was never easy to understand. I even confuse myselft a lot of times. But the one thing I was mostly certain about was the way I always felt concerned with the matters of Jungkook, however small or seemingly insignificant that was.

"Taehyung-oppa and I . . . we made plans beforehand so I must go. I, uh . . ." I tried to explain but he interrupted me.

"This . . . is exactly why we're stuck in whatever . . . this is." He chuckled but he was clearly not amused about our situation.

I was wearing a frown on my face as I looked at him.

"But like I said, I will be waiting. I promise." He added in a soft whisper, melting all my worries and fear.

I was still in a daze at his words when I felt him nudge me by the shoulder.

"Now go if you must. If you stay for another minute, I might actually lock you up in your room." He annoyingly looked at me as he added, "Why did you have to doll up this much to meet Tae-hyung? Argh!"

"So . . . we're good?" I asked, slightly nervous to hear his answer.

He rolled his eyes at me with his arms crossed over his chest.

"As I said earlier, you never let me win anyway. So go on and enjoy your day or whatever. Don't mind me. I have plans too so you don't need to worry . . ."

I moved a step closer to Jungkook as I tiptoed to brush my lips on his cheek for a split second.

"And you'll be waiting for me anyway, so there's really no need for me to worry." I said while lightly tapping his cheek. Then I walked off right away, not waiting for his response or reaction.

"Aist! This woman is such a playgirl. How could she go on a date with another man after kissing me twice today?!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Happy New Year! ✨🥳😘

I feel so bad for this very late update. So for those who are still waiting, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Do know that I'm trying my best to update as often as I could.

Also, I'm forever grateful for everyone's support. Stay safe!


AND . . . I am totally excited for our girl's solo debut. You sure are, too. So let's all support Rosé, alright? 😊

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