ESTRANGED • The Final Install...

By WritersArtist

964 22 11

Cora has had a pretty good two years at Hogwarts, but all of that is about to change. Taken prisoner, she's... More

PART 1 - One


71 1 1
By WritersArtist

"It's not anywhere else, we've checked!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Unless you've got an entire library in that bag, there's nothing else we can do, we've hit a dead end." I told her, slamming one of the books closed.

It went flying into the snow and I groaned, putting my head in my hands.

"You should really control that, Cora." Hermione sighed and got up to grab it.

"Yeah. I've noticed, thanks." I replied.

She came back and sat down, wiping the snow and dirt off the book. I pull out her gift from Dumbledore and skimed the pages.

"The Tales of Beetle the Bard." I read aloud. "Mum used to read this to me every night. And Dumbledore gave you a stupid children's book."

"It's stupid now. That man has a reason for everything." She replied.

"Then what's this reason?" I went back to the first page and held up the book so Hermione could see the symbol. "He must have drawn this if it was his copy so what was he trying to tell you? There are no notes in the book, this is the only thing inked in."

"I don't know, Cora." Hermione replied, snatching the book back.

I sighed. "Xenophilius Lovegood."

"No way." Hermione said.

"Hermione I know he's weird but we have to. He is our only lead. Unless you want to raise Perveral from his grave to ask why this exact symbol is etched into his stone." I snapped.

Hermione looked at me, her eyes challenging but I challenged her right back. Our stare down lasted only a few more seconds because of the cold and luckily I won.

"Fine." Hermione took a breath. "Logically it makes sense."

I scoffed. "Logically."

I grabbed the bibliography and skimmed those pages next. I stopped short, catching Dumbledore's handwriting. I had seen it once in one of my papers. McGonagall thought the Headmaster should read it himself and I got top marks for it.

"'Mione." I tugged on her jacket and she looked over. The symbol was written almost as a signature right next to Dumbledore's first name.

Harry shouted from inside.

"What's going on in there?" I called in, getting up quickly.

"Nothing!" The boys replied.

Hermione and I ran in and stopped short. I almost forgot Ron was back.

Being out in the cold for a few hours got to me more than I thought. My fingers started to hurt as they thawed and I quickly shoved my hands into my pockets to warm them faster.

"We need to talk." Hermione told them.

"Now?" I frowned.

"Well while we're here."

I rolled my eyes.

"Right." Ron answered.

"Not to you." I said.

Hermione moved away from Ron, standing in front of all of us. I didn't move.

"We think Xenophilius Lovegood is our next clue." She said.

"Sorry?" Harry questioned.

"Cora." Hermione waved me over.

I opened the bibliography to the right page and let the boys crowd around to see it. "It's a letter Dumbledore wrote to Grindelwald. Look at the signature. It's the mark again."

"It keeps popping up." Hermione sat down on the step. "In Beetle The Bard, in the graveyard in Godric's Hollow."

"It was there too..." harry said absentmindedly.

"Where?" I asked.

"Outside Gregorovitch's wand shop." He replied.

"But what does it mean?" Ron asked.

Hermione looked at me and I gave her a look. She knew I was right now.

"Look," I turned to Harry. "Finding the next Horcrux is an absolute mystery to all of us. But this... this means something. The bibliography and the graveyard is one thing and suspicious enough but now, it's in his private book. The only person we know of that knows about it and is still alive, is Xenophilius. You said he was wearing the necklace at the wedding. He's our next stop."

"Harry, it's the only lead we've got." Hermione added, standing back up.

"Yeah." Ron walked over to stand next to Hermione and I closed the book. "We ought to see Lovegood. Let's vote on it. Those in favour..." He lifted his hand and I shook my head slightly, praying he would see and stop.

Hermione looked at him, not at all amused, before leaving the tent.

"Cora-" Ron tried.

"No matter what I say, it's not gonna help. She's a woman of her own mind, Ronald. She's even taking it out on me." I shrugged. "Patience I guess."

He nodded and started packing the things we wouldn't need tonight. The boys caught on and helped me out. We didn't make up a bed for Ron but I offered to give up mine, so I changed the blankets, knowing he still had his. I didn't know when he packed before he left but he was able to take quite a few things.

Harry came up to me as I packed the last of my potions and held up a small journal. I stood up slowly, not reaching for it like I should have.

"You left it on the table." He said quietly.

"Sorry." I slowly took it back.

"Impressive. Improved liquid luck. Reducto in a bottle... Forget Me Not?" He frowned.

"Just in case I'm taken again." I explained quietly.

"Dangerous. You don't even know what it does."

"I know it takes about a year to make. And I know I only have one vile. And I know depending on the dosage... certain memories can be lost forever." I told him.

"And you want to risk that on... being captured?" Harry asked, a bit speechless.

"Harry I... I can't go through that again. And if I survive it... how am I supposed to sleep?" My eyes watered without my permission and I tilted my head back slightly, trying to stop them. "I don't want to remember my family. A war..."

"You may not want to accept it but we are your family now. Not them." Harry said.

"But they are." I smiled softly and wiped away my tears as they escaped. "Because as you know, there's nothing like a mother's love."

He nodded. "Can... can it be reversed?"

"Yes. I put a failsafe in it. The only problem... it's not easy to break. I don't actually know how to do it." I replied.

Harry took a breath and I knew he was starting to understand. I kissed his cheek and tucked my book into my bag before crawling into his bed. He crawled in after me and pulled me close, not wasting any time.

"If you take it... and forget about me. I'll come find you." He said.

"Unless you die." I whispered.

"Unless I die."

"Then I'll be lost. Forever."


We set out in the late morning and for some reason, I was a little nervous to see my friend. I hadn't even given the girl a thought on this whole journey and of course she would understand, she was Luna Lovegood. Still, it felt weird to visit her after going through so much.

We apparated together after packing up and knowing good Wizards would be smart right now, the protection charms would be tight. The valley was clear and for a moment, I wanted to go for a bit of a run. The woods could be beautiful but after being in them for so long... it just felt too crowded.

Also, no snow here. That made things much warmer.

Harry took my hand and slowed down and I followed, catching on. Hermione and Ron would be stuck together and forced to say something. Hopefully nothing awkward.

"You're not cupid." I told him quietly.

"Doesn't mean I can't try." He hissed back, smiling a little.

We watched the two ahead of us exchange a few words but then there was silence between them. Hermione hung back while Ron urged up the hill and I rubbed her shoulder gently with my free hand.

"When are you gonna stop being mad at him?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm always mad at him."

"Fair." I shrugged.

Ron stopped at the top of the hill and we caught up quickly.

"Luna." He sighed.

"Luna." The rest of us said the same.

The house was still a bit far off but now that it was in our sights, the nausea was back. Who know what we would find. I would go mental if this was another dead end.

We reached the porch and I knocked, quickly trying to fix my hair. I didn't want Luna to think I was as disheveled as I truly was. Odd because she wouldn't judge me no matter what I looked like.

"Keep off the dirigible plums?" Ron asked.

I glanced around at the floating plums and shrugged. I learned not to question the Lovegood's.

The top door opened and there he was. Xenophilius didn't look anything like I thought he would. In fact... he looked a little like my father. At the sight, I froze, suddenly back in the manor all over again.

"What is it?" He snapped. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Hello, Mr. Lovegood." I moved out of the way so he could see Harry. "I'm Harry Potter. We... we met a few months ago." He came up the stairs and glanced at us quickly. "Could we come in?"

The disheveled man didn't even answer. He unlocked the bottom half of the door and walked back into the house. Harry walked in quickly and Ron and Hermione followed. I frowned and waited a moment.

The sign on his door read that Mr. Lovegood was an editor for the Quibbler. That wasn't unusual. I looked around and noticed the kites floating in a line above the house. Again, in tune with the Lovegood name. Nothing too weird, but something was off. Should he not have been kinder? Like Luna? I had seen him at the train station once and he was bright, full of life. A little yellow at one point even but I thought that was just what happiness looked like.

I finally stepped into the house and closed the door, refusing to lock it back up. I wandered as I listened to the footsteps upstairs. The kitchen was a mess and I was sure something was rotting in the sink.

Luna wouldn't let things get this bad, would she?

I climbed the stairs quickly and came face to face with Mr. Lovegood. He looked me over before disappearing downstairs.

"Where's he going?" I asked quietly.

"To make tea." Hermione replied, glancing around nervously.

Harry pulled out a seat for me and I sat eagerly. The pain from the cruciatus curse wasn't as bad lately but it still had some effect on me. At random moments my legs would get weak or tired or a stabbing pain would hit me. I was grateful for a chair when I could have one.

Ron and Hermione took their own, leaving one for Mr. Lovegood when he got back. Harry sat on the arm of mine and I leaned back into him gently.

"Quiet." Ron said softly.

"Odd." I said.

"Very." Harry finished.

Mr. Lovegood returned with the tea for all of us and I took the mug gratefully. He sat down and was quiet. Nobody knew what to say and frankly, it was a lot more awkward than anything going on between Ron and Hermione.

"Where is Luna?" I had to break it. It was much more painful than that blasted curse.

"Luna?" He asks. "She'll be along."

Nobody responded. I decided to try the tea and Hermione followed my lead. One taste and I thought I would throw it up. I forced myself to swallow it and I watched as Hermione's face turned sour. Ron's wasn't as bad but it was clear he didn't like it either.

"So... how can I help you, Mr. Potter?" Mr. Lovegood asked.

"Well actually... it was about something you were wearing around your neck at the wedding. It was a symbol." Harry explained.

"You mean this." Mr. Lovegood pulled the necklace from his shirt.

"Yes exactly." Harry nodded. "What we were wondering is... well... what is it?"

"W-well, it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows, of course." Mr. Lovegood said.

"The what?" Hermione and Harry asked.

"The Deathly Hallows." He repeated calmly. "I'm guessing you're familiar with the Tale of the Three Brothers."

"Yes." Hermione, Ron and I said while Harry said no.

He looked back at us, confused.

"We have it. In here." I pointed to Hermione's purse and she pulled it out quickly. She opened it up and I got comfortable going back in time to when my mother used to tell it as Hermione spoke. "There were once three brothers who were travelling along a lonely, winding road, at twilight."

"Midnight. Mum always said midnight." Ron interrupted. Everyone looked at him and no words were said. I knew our faces said it all. Still, he was most interested in Hermione's angry one. "Twilight's fine. Better actually!"

"Do you want to read it?" She snapped.

I held back a small smile. "Keep reading 'Mione."

She sighed and did as she was told.

The Tale of the Three Brothers was one of the most famous stories in the wizarding world. It was just a kids story, something for magical children to hold onto. We were taught right from young, not to cheat death, ultimate power was unattainable and life was a gift. I had always loved that story.

Somehow I had forgotten it as I grew up.

"So there you are. Those are The Deathly Hallows." Mr. Lovegood said once Hermione was finished.

I opened my eyes, sitting up quickly as I realized how real that story had just felt. I didn't even know I was drifting. Mr. Lovegood was by the window now and he seemed a little more shaken than before.

"Sorry sir, but I still don't quite understand." Harry said.

Mr. Lovegood looked at us and then raced around. He grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper. We all got up and followed as he drew a solid line on the paper.

"The Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in the world." He said. He drew a circle at the bottom. "The resurrection stone." Next was a triangle, connecting everything. "The cloak of invisibility. Together, they make The Deathly Hallows. Together, they make one master of death."

"That mark was on the grave in Godrick's Hollow." Hermione said.

"Mr. Lovegood, does the Deathly Hallows have anything to do with the Peverell family?" I asked.

"Uh... I-I-" The man started to fidget as he walked back to where we were sitting. "Ignotus and his brothers Cadmus and Antioch are thought to be the original owners of the Hallows and therefore the inspiration for the story. Uh... Uh..." He grabbed the teapot and peeked inside. "You're tea's gone cold. I'll be right back."

He raced downstairs and I looked over the railing as Ron grabbed his bag.

"Let's get out of here. I'm not drinking anymore of that stuff, hot or cold." He grumbled.

We quickly grabbed our things, agreeing, but I stayed back. I grabbed Harry's hand so he would stay behind as well.

"Harry, I've got a really bad feeling." I whisper to him.

"I know. Me too."

"Harry, where is Luna?" I asked, harsher.

His eyes went a little wide as he realized the seriousness but he didn't respond. He led me down the stairs where Hermione and Ron were watching Mr. Lovegood stare out the window.

Hermione glanced at me as nobody moved so I stepped forward. "Thank you sir."

He jumped and spun to face us.

"You forgot the water." Ron said.

"Water?" Mr. Lovegood frowned.

"For the tea." Ron said.

"Did-did I?" He laughed manically and crossed to the other side of the room, quickly getting water into the kettle. "H-how silly of me!"

"It's no matter, we really should be going, anyway." Hermione said.

"No you can't!" He screamed.

I clutched my bag and stepped back as he charged through to get to the front door. He slammed himself into it, whimpering and muttering incoherently.

"Sir?" Harry asked.

He turned to face us slowly and I stepped forward. "Sir?"

"You're my only hope." He said shakily. Nobody replied and it took him a minute but he continued. "They were angry, you see... about what I'd been writing. So they took her. They took my Luna."

My heart sank and I stepped back as Mr. Lovegood slowly walked up to Harry. We all watched as he gently pushed Harry's hair back to reveal his scar and my breathing hitched slightly.

"But it's really you they want." He said.

"Who took her, sir?" Harry asked, pulling the man's hand down.

"Voldemort." Mr. Lovegood grunted out.

The familiar sound of deatheaters knocked the wind out of me. Harry pushed me to the floor as the house was practically exploding in every corner. Hermione screamed but I couldn't look up to see if she was okay. Glass shattered and stone exploded. The wood panelling threw splinters at my face, all while Harry pushed me to crawl towards the other two. I saw their hands outstretched and I quickly reached when I was close enough. Harry grabbed on and I felt that familiar pull.

It happened so fast, I wasn't sure what happened until I fell into somebody's arms.

"Ello lovely."

A snatcher. Shit.

I kneed him hard in the jewels and stepped away, apparating as quickly as I could. Thinking of Harry was enough to get me there in one piece but I knew I had to be quick. He took one look at me when I got there, already surrounded by snatchers.

"RUN!" I screamed.

Someone wrapped their arms around me and the forest was gone in second. I fought the moment my feet touched the ground but I wasn't quick enough. He hit me hard and I hit the floor almost just as hard. Turning onto my back I pushed my hands out and watched as he went flying. I pushed myself to my feet quickly and ran towards the door.

I knew I couldn't apparate with my heart rate this high but if I could get away I could-

I let out a pained scream as something like knives ripped through me. I fell to my knees and groaned as I was dragged back. I put in a chair and magically tied down as a Deatheater took my wand and my bag.

"Well, well, well." Aunty Bella cackled and I resisted the urge to vomit. "Didn't think we would catch up did you?"

I spit at her feet, still breathing heavy from the curse that just went through me. The pain was back like never before but as long as they didn't catch my friends, I could handle it.

Aunt Bella laughed harder and I pulled at the restraints but it was no use. They started to burn, adding to the pain coursing through my veins.

"I see you have new gifts." She pointed to the deatheater lying unconscious on the floor. "My, dear you have to tell me how you did that but first... Harry Potter. Why are you alone?"

"Eat shit." I snapped.

"Very well." She shrugged and pulled out her wand.

The curse ripped through me differently than before. I didn't know if it was because I was still in so much pain or maybe my body was handling it differently. But I couldn't stay quiet like I used to. I screamed so loud I was sure the whole house would hear me.

Maybe Harry would hear me.

I don't know how long it was but I was sure I had stopped breathing at one point. The world was faded and getting dark and my muscles didn't work no matter how much I begged them to.

She left... maybe. I couldn't tell who was there or even where I was. I recognized mum's voice but barely. Could have been someone else.

Something was familiar when Bellatrix came back and I forced my neck to work, looking up. The shapes and colours were all the same and my muscles responded. I pulled against the restraints as someone tied something over my mouth to keep me quiet.

Bellatrix grabbed Harry, showing him off to somebody. I looked around, forcing my eyes and brain to work. What was happening? Family. My family was there. Hermione, Ron and Harry were there. Only Harry didn't quite look like Harry. He was quite ugly really.

Jinx. Hermione. Smart.

My body shook as I forced my muscles to stay awake and the gag on my mouth was getting wet. I was crying.

Draco checked Harry over but I could tell he didn't know if it was him. He wasn't sure. And they couldn't go to Voldemort without being sure.

Bellatrix started screaming and I jumped, more tears streaming down my face. I still couldn't make sense of what was going on. The boys were dragged off somewhere and I blinked hard, forcing myself to focus.

"Draco, take your sister off. I want to have a conversation with this one. Girl, to girl!" Bellatrix commanded.


Draco untied me and pulled me up. I tried to fight, pushing against him but my knees only gave out. I screamed through the restraints but it wasn't enough and Draco could carry me out no problem.

He pulled me too the next room over before I had the energy to shove him off. I collapsed against the dining room table and forced myself to stay upright.

"You weren't supposed to get caught." He growled, getting close.

I threw a punch and got him good. He stumbled back as I pulled the gag off, still crying but just pissed now. He looked at me, shocked and a bit scared but I didn't move.

"Has to look like I tried to fight you." I told him, gasping slightly.

"You know what I have to do." His eyes welled up and I knew it wasn't from the punch.

"I know." I whispered. "Do it."

"You can't take much more of it."

"I know."


I couldn't scream this time. Tears and strangled breath were what left me this time. Draco only held the spell for a few seconds but it was enough for me to see stars. He yanked me to my feet and practically dragged me all the way back to the living room before throwing me right next to my best friend. I rolled to her side and went limp, giving my limbs a rest.

Her arm was outstretched and with a few tears running down her face, the word Mudblood carved into her skin. She closed her eyes and I did the same. Death would have been sweeter than this.

"The same... won't be said for these two." Bellatrix muttered, walking over to us.

I grabbed onto Hermione's hand. We lived or died together and I refused to accept anything different. She squeezed my hand and I knew she agreed.

Magic flew around and I opened my eyes to see Harry and Ron fighting mum and Draco. Hermione was yanked from me and I gasped as someone pulled me to my feet. I tripped, my knees weak but whoever it was held me up enough for me to see what was going on.


The room went quiet and I looked over to see a knife at Hermione's throat. Bellatrix was smiling cockily as she always did and Hermione was too weak to fight back. My legs shook as I forced them to function.

"Drop your wands." She commanded. "I said drop them!"

Harry and Ron did as they were told and Bellatrix told Draco to grab them. I watched my brother get them both, shaking in his own skin from recent events.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. It's Harry Potter." Bellatrix whispered. "He's all bright and shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him."

Harry looked at Draco and I followed his gaze. Draco gave him a strong look back but I couldn't read it. Dad lifted his sleeve and I pushed against the Deatheater holding me but he just squeezed me. That was enough to send a shock of pain through my body.

Something squeaked and the room fell silent again. We all looked up but couldn't see much past the chandelier. Suddenly, it snapped and the Deatheater holding me let me go. Bellatrix screamed and someone tackled me to the floor right before it crashed.

"Come on!" Harry.

He pulled me to my feet and pulled me back to our friends at the banister before wrestling Draco for our wands. Draco didn't fight very hard but I would thank him when my life wasn't hanging in the balance. Dobby had saved us and we had picked up a straggler. A Gringots goblin. He was the same one I saw every time I went to the bank with mum.

I leaned on Harry when he got back to us. "Stupefy!" He stunned my dad and I watched him fly across the room.

"Stupid elf!" Bellatrix cried. "You coulda killed me!"

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or... seriously injure." He replied.

Thank Merlin for that Elf.

Mum waved her wand but Dobby was quick. He snapped and caught her wand as it flew to him.

"How dare, you take a witch's wand!" Bellatrix screamed. "How dare, you defy your masters!"

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf! And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter, and his friends." Dobby exclaimed.

We all reached towards him as he held out his hand and I held onto Harry tightly. That familiar pull was relieving but the landing wasn't quite right.

The ground was wet and mushy underneath me. I sat up and looked around, recognizing a beach right away. The air was still cold but it was better than where we were. Hermione and Ron were in each other's arms a few feet away and Harry was just getting up.

"Cora." He quickly came over and helped me over to our other friends. "Hermione, you're both alright. We're all safe."

I nodded, unable to speak. My head was still reeling and every part of me hurt.

"Harry Potter." A weak voice called.

We all turned to it and I let out a breath as Dobby stood with a knife in his stomach. Bellatrix got him. Harry rushed over and sat down, catching Dobby as he fell into his arms.

"Hold on... Hermione... has something..." Harry looked at us and I sunk into Ron. "Cora... your bag..." I shook my head softly. "Help me!"

I leaned into Ron more as he held both me and Hermione. We could heal injuries but this one... Hermione and I wouldn't have been able to fix that.

Harry shook. I pulled away from Ron and pushed myself up, ignoring my own shakiness and pain. I took a step and collapsed but someone caught me. I looked up and Luna was there. She was beaten and pale, but she was still Luna. She helped me over to Harry and we sat down together as he held Dobby's lifeless body.

"We should close his eyes, don't you think?" She said softly. She gently closed his wide eyes. "There. Now he could be sleeping."

God bless her heart.

"I want to bury him." Harry said. He turned to me. "Properly. Without magic."

I nodded. "Then we do that."

I pressed my forehead against his and he leaned into me, holding onto Dobby tighter. Luna left us, saying something about preparing for the burial, leaving us alone. Harry didn't move for a long time and neither did I. I stayed with him. Breathed with him. Cried with him. When he was ready to let go, Ron took Dobby and got Harry a shovel.

Harry and I wandered the beach, looking for the perfect spot. We finally picked one at the top of a hill, right in a small grove where Dobby could call it his own. Harry dug as the sun started to come out, Hermione and Ron came to join us, carrying Dobby wrapped in a cloth. Hermione passed him to Harry and I watched as he gently put the elf in the hole he had made. We all helped to push the same and dirt back into the hole, burying Dobby for good. Harry sat when we were finished and the rest of us stood back.

Hermione and Ron stayed for about an hour before she had to lie down. I really should have gone with him, but I couldn't leave Harry. I stayed, sitting next to him again to keep him company.

"You should go inside." Harry said softly. The sun was beginning to set and the cold was back a little.

"I don't want to leave you." I said.

"Please..." He looked at me, his eyes full of tears. "I'm not burying you too."

I nodded, understanding what he meant. I kissed his cheek softly and got up. That's when everything hit me at once. The pain. The ache. The nausea. The headache. The dizziness. I didn't even remember how I made it back to the house but when I did, I knew it was safe to stop fighting.

Luna caught me as everything went black.

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