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My eyes opened and I sat up.

The sky was blue with a hint of grey from the overcast clouds. I was laying on a beach chair. I stood up slowly, the sand cold under my feet and between my toes. I looked down, wondering I changed clothes.

A long white beach shirt and a white tank top to match.

The sound of the waves caught my attention and I let the pull lead me over. The water pooled around my ankles and I walked along the shore line, welcoming this feeling of peace.

My chest wasn't tense. Nothing hurt. I was confused but... this was paradise.

Looking straight ahead, I noticed a man standing at the shore line a few feet away. He was looking at the horizon was well. As I got closer, the blue robes and white beard made me smile.

"Dumbledore." I said.

He turned to me and that friendly smile welcomed me even more.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, stopping in front of him.

"I'm here to see you of course." He said.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked.

"I believe, we're in your little pit stop before moving on. Or going back." Dumbledore explained.

A small boat suddenly appeared, half on the sand and half in the water. I walked over and ran my fingers along the edge.

"Nothing hurts. I'm dead aren't I?" I looked up at him.

"You're very close to death, yes." Dumbledore said softly.

I looked out to the horizon. "I broke my promise to Hermione."

"Yes you did."

I looked back at Dumbledore, moving my hair away from my face as the wind picked up. Away from the shore line there was a hill. A rather rocky one but I couldn't see beyond it.

"You couldn't do anything to save me, Cora. I want you to know that. My death happened the way it was supposed to." He told me.

I nodded. "I really wish we could have saved you."

"I'm happier here."

"You were such a good guide. You knew just what to say. What am I supposed to I do?" I wondered quietly.

"You're a smart girl. You and Hermione tie for brightest witch for your age." Dumbledore told me.

"Hermione is smarter." I shrugged.

"I'm not so sure. In the books, and tests on paper, Hermione is very bright. School is her strong point. And we've now found survival is as well.

"But you Miss Malfoy... you have a special type of smarts. You're selfless and kind. You saved many people this evening even though Harry has been your main focus for years. You take your knowledge from school and you use it in the perfect ways."

I glanced back to the horizon again as the sun began to set. The sky turned orange, casting a gorgeous and inviting glow.

"You've done well. And you deserve peace my darling." Dumbledore said.

"What if I don't want it. Yet?"

"Then you have a life waiting for you. One you must fight for." Dumbledore motioned to the rocky hill.

"What do I do?" My eyes welled with tears and I took a few steps towards the large hill. It was daunting and I would take a lot of strength.

"Be you. Remember who you are."

I looked back at him and suddenly it clicked.

"Who I am."

"Who are you miss Malfoy?" He smiled.

"I'm a powerful witch. I'm strong. I'm resilient. I am not my family name. I am selfless and kind." I smiled to myself. "I'm in love with Harry Potter." Memories started flashing passed my eyes and I laughed a little, letting tears fall. "I am... Hermione's wits. Ron's jokes. Harry's love. Luna's kindness. Neville's strength. Ginny's perseverance. Draco's effort."

"Make your choice."

I stepped towards the horizon. That would take me on. My soul would be at peace. I wouldn't feel pain. I wouldn't feel heartbreak. Everything would be perfect for me.

But this wasn't over. Harry still needed me. And Draco... how would Draco survive alone?

I turned away from Dumbledore and I knew he didn't need me to tell him my choice. I didn't need to say goodbye to him.

I climbed the rocks. Every step cut deep into my skin but I didn't stop. I pulled myself up and dug my feet in to push harder. My muscles ached horribly when I got to the top. The moment I stood, I closed my eyes and let darkness come.

ESTRANGED • The Final InstallmentWhere stories live. Discover now