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Hermione insisted I get Madame Pomfrey to look at me. I didn't want to bother her with all the other injuries going on but eventually, even Ron grew annoying. I took them up on the offer just to shut them up and let them take me to the Great Hall. They sat me on a bench and I cringed, my entire body in constant pain.

Hermione left to see where the nurse went and Ron leaned back, keeping his head down. I watched him for a few minutes then looked around for his family. They were huddled together, just holding each other close.

"Go be with them." I said quietly.

Ron shook his head. "You need me."

"No, Ron." I squeezed his hand. "They do."

Ron looked at them but they didn't look at us. They were too much in their own world. Ron looked at me and his eyes watered instantly. I pushed on his back a little and he got up, walking over to them. His mum pulled him right into a hug and I turned away as the crying was getting to me.

I stopped short when I noticed Lupin. His hand was almost touching someone else's and I knew instantly just by the look of her top... I had seen that a few hours ago.


She came back.

My breath hitched and I looked around, noticing more and more people I had taken classes with laying on the floor. None of them moved. None of them breathed.

I squeezed my eyes shut and let a few tears fall.

Who wanted to know this? Who wanted to remember any of this?

Someone sat next to me and I opened my eyes to see Draco. He didn't look at me at all. He only grabbed my hand and squeezed, breaking down instantly. I pulled him into me and he held on for dear life, sobbing harshly. I hugged him tighter and ran my hand through his hair.

"I'm okay. I'm alright." I whispered.

"I'm sorry!" He cried. He pulled away and I wiped away his tears as they came. "I'm so sorry! Cora I'm sorry!"

"Shh, shh it's alright. I'm alive." I smiled weakly and he sobbed harder, taking a hold of my hand.

"You were right," He whimpered. "This... this wasn't worth it. I should have taken my chances with you."

"Who knows what would have happened if you had." I shrugged. "It could have been different. Worse."

"I could have helped." He insisted.

"Or we would both be dead." I replied. "We did what mum told us to. We survived."

"I love you, Cora. I'm so sorry."

"Shut up. Apologizing is weird for you."

Draco laughed and I smiled softly, sitting back as my eyes wandered back to Tonks. Draco followed my gaze and he leaned back as well. His arm wrapped around me and I leaned into him, laying my head on his shoulder.

"She had a son..." I whispered. "A beautiful... baby boy."

Draco pulled me closer and I squeezed my eyes shut hard.

I just wanted everything to be over. Everything needed to go away.

Hermione came back with Madame Pomfrey and I sat up as she instantly got to work. I told her what hurt and she gave me something to drink and had bandages on hand. She felt up my side and it hurt worse than I thought it would. She told me I would need a real hospital. The only thing she could do was mend my outside wounds and move on to the next person.

She popped my knee back into place and it hurt like hell. Tying it up, that was the last thing she did before she left.

It was still dark and there was no sign of anyone or anything. There was nothing left to do, but wait.

ESTRANGED • The Final InstallmentWhere stories live. Discover now