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"It's not anywhere else, we've checked!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Unless you've got an entire library in that bag, there's nothing else we can do, we've hit a dead end." I told her, slamming one of the books closed.

It went flying into the snow and I groaned, putting my head in my hands.

"You should really control that, Cora." Hermione sighed and got up to grab it.

"Yeah. I've noticed, thanks." I replied.

She came back and sat down, wiping the snow and dirt off the book. I pull out her gift from Dumbledore and skimed the pages.

"The Tales of Beetle the Bard." I read aloud. "Mum used to read this to me every night. And Dumbledore gave you a stupid children's book."

"It's stupid now. That man has a reason for everything." She replied.

"Then what's this reason?" I went back to the first page and held up the book so Hermione could see the symbol. "He must have drawn this if it was his copy so what was he trying to tell you? There are no notes in the book, this is the only thing inked in."

"I don't know, Cora." Hermione replied, snatching the book back.

I sighed. "Xenophilius Lovegood."

"No way." Hermione said.

"Hermione I know he's weird but we have to. He is our only lead. Unless you want to raise Perveral from his grave to ask why this exact symbol is etched into his stone." I snapped.

Hermione looked at me, her eyes challenging but I challenged her right back. Our stare down lasted only a few more seconds because of the cold and luckily I won.

"Fine." Hermione took a breath. "Logically it makes sense."

I scoffed. "Logically."

I grabbed the bibliography and skimmed those pages next. I stopped short, catching Dumbledore's handwriting. I had seen it once in one of my papers. McGonagall thought the Headmaster should read it himself and I got top marks for it.

"'Mione." I tugged on her jacket and she looked over. The symbol was written almost as a signature right next to Dumbledore's first name.

Harry shouted from inside.

"What's going on in there?" I called in, getting up quickly.

"Nothing!" The boys replied.

Hermione and I ran in and stopped short. I almost forgot Ron was back.

Being out in the cold for a few hours got to me more than I thought. My fingers started to hurt as they thawed and I quickly shoved my hands into my pockets to warm them faster.

"We need to talk." Hermione told them.

"Now?" I frowned.

"Well while we're here."

I rolled my eyes.

"Right." Ron answered.

"Not to you." I said.

Hermione moved away from Ron, standing in front of all of us. I didn't move.

"We think Xenophilius Lovegood is our next clue." She said.

"Sorry?" Harry questioned.

"Cora." Hermione waved me over.

I opened the bibliography to the right page and let the boys crowd around to see it. "It's a letter Dumbledore wrote to Grindelwald. Look at the signature. It's the mark again."

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