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Hermione handed me a small cup and I grabbed the bag Draco packed for me. Odd and not at all comforting, but he had given me a few hairs. Whether they were his or my mother's, I was about to find out. Hermione and I got our outfits ready and mixed the potion once more to make sure the Polyjuice wouldn't turn us into anything less than what we were supposed to.

"Cora?" I looked up and watched as Hermione stopped stirring. "You promise me... promise that you won't do anything... stupid. We don't need another hero."

I chuckled softly. "Even if I wanted to Hermione, I don't think I could."

"I mean it."

My smile faded and I nodded. "Promise."

She nodded and poured the polyjuice into our cups. I rounded the table and hugged her, pulling her right into me a little too hard. I didn't care. I gave her a good squeeze and she squeezed back.

"You're an incredible witch Hermione and you're the best friend I could have ever asked for." I told her.

"You too Cora."

I took a deep breath, swallowing the tears that threatened to spill and pulled away. With that, Hermione and I went to meet the boys in the living room.

"You have the hairs?" Harry asked us.

We nodded and held them up.

"You're sure that's hers?" Ron asked Hermione.


I knew that look on her face. She was 50/50, but it was the best bet we had. The boys left the room to change and said they would meet us at the top of the hill near Dobby's grave. Hermione and I added the hairs and took the potion.

Terrible sensation it was, turning into someone else. Only I was most relieved to see my mother's face looking back at me when I peered into the mirror. I didn't want to look like Draco more than I already did.

Hermione and I climbed the hill slowly with Griphook at our side and everything about her made me want to punch her right in the face. Polyjuice worked too well.

"Well... how do I look?" She asked the boys.

"Hideous." Ron replied.

"Astronomically." I added.

"Shut up." She seethed.

Aunty Bella really wasn't a looker. On shy Hermione, she was actually a little worse.

"You can give that to Hermione to hold, all right, Griphook?" Harry told the Goblin.

Hermione bent down and Griphook slid the sword into her bag. It disappeared and I silently thanked Merlin for what magic could do. We all moved closer and Ron held out his hand first. Everyone hesitated, taking a moment to think over what we were about to do.

"We're sure about this?" I asked one last time.

"It's the only next move we have." Harry nodded.

Hermione put her hand in Ron's then Harry did. I took one last breath and put my hand at the top.

"We're relying on you Griphook." Harry said as the Goblin walked over to us. "If you get us past the guards and into the vault, the sword's yours."

Griphook gave Harry a disapproving look and latched his rough hand to ours. The pull was over just after it started and suddenly we were in Diagon Alley.

This was no longer the place I used to visit when I was eleven. It was dark and cold. There weren't any kids or happy families, it was quiet.

Hermione climbed the stairs but I didn't move, suddenly overcome with terror.

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