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Heat. Cold. I was constantly switching from one to the other. Pain. That was back with a vengeance. It was in my chest now, like a constant terrible pressure. I was sure I was too young for a heart attack but after everything, maybe not anymore.

I was in and out for two days, completely bed ridden. Hermione and Luna were constantly by my side. Ron would come and read from Beetle the Bard and I got to see Fleur and Bill. Bill truly looked like a Weasley, even with that huge scar. But I could see why him and Fleur tied the knot.

"Who knew, we would be here." Fleur told me on the second night. I was finally awake for more than two hours and I could see what this war had done to her.

I smiled a little. "Who knew?"

She set my soup on my bedside table and moved closer. "Cora you don't have to fight."

"Yes I do." I argued.

"No! No you don't. Do you have any idea what's happening to you?" Fleur asked.

"I'm fine."

"Except you're not!" She snapped. I closed my mouth and she sighed, taking a moment. "The cruciatus curse can do many things. Have many after effects. You've endured it over time and a lot more than your body can handle. The Longbottom's went crazy but you... Cora you're dying."

I took a deep breath and turned away. I knew that already. I had known for some time, but hearing it was something different. Hearing it was worse than the pain I was in.

"I can't stop." I told her.


"Draco is trapped. And so many more good kids are trapped in a world so dark they can't see the light for themselves. I have to fight for those like Draco. For those like me."

"Can't you go back to being that annoying little girl who set the teacher's table on fire?" Fleur giggled.

I laughed and groaned, holding my stomach. "Actually it was Madame Maxime's office too."

"Why would you do that?" Fleur gasped.

I smiled. "How else was I supposed to get transferred to Hogwarts? Draco needed me."

Fleur kissed my forehead and left me be.

We were both right. I had to stop fighting, but I couldn't. I didn't care that I was dying or that my life was slowly slipping away. Voldemort had to be stopped.

The third day I had had enough. I needed to get out of bed. I pushed the blankets back and commanded my muscles to move my legs over the edge of the bed. Somebody knocked at my door just as I was about to stand and I told them to come in. I pushed myself up but my legs gave out and the person caught me quickly before sitting me back on the bed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Harry chastised.

"Trying to bloody walk." I sighed.

"You have to stay in bed." He said.

I looked at him. "You know."

He looked down, crouching in front of me. "I overheard Fleur yesterday..."

"I'm not staying in bed."

"I meant what I said, I'm not burying you too, Cora!" Harry exclaimed.

"And I meant what I said! We're in this together!"


"Look Harry..." I sighed. "You need all the help you can get. We know about the Deathly Hallows and we know now what he's after and with that wand, he becomes the most powerful wizard in the world. You can't go against him with those Horcruxes still out there."

"Cora... please..."

"Hey." I cupped his cheeks in my hands and smiled a little as he looked at me. "I want to survive this. But I want you to win."

"I want you safe." Harry replied.

"If he wins, nobody is safe."

Harry sighed and grabbed my hands. He kissed my hand and stood up, still holding on. With a bit of a pull, he helped me to my feet and guided me around the room to get my footing back. There was no way I was sitting out of this fight.

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