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The cold was worse in the street than up on the rocks. Night had come quickly because of the winter season. I shivered slightly and watched Harry and Hermione make up again. I knew he was about to thank her for this idea and backing him but she just mentioned his chopped hair. She was never to cut it again and he agreed.

I smiled softly and looked around, staying back as Hermione and Harry walked on. The snow crunched under my feet and I took in a deep breath. I loved the winter and I honestly never thought I would see it, let alone... feel it ever again.

"I still think we should've used Polyjuice potion." Hermione said. I was not drinking that again so I was the first to say no back on the rocks.

"No." Harry said softly. "This is where I was born. I'm not returning as somebody else."

A bell tolls and the sound of singing and laughing came from one of the only buildings with lights on but everywhere else, a few christmas lights were hung up.

"Harry," I heard Hermione say a few feet away. "I think it's Christmas Eve."

I let out a breath and let the tears escape. Harry came back to me but I didn't wipe them away.


"Christmas." I whispered. "Used to be my favourite holiday."

"When this is over... we will have the best Christmas ever." Harry promised. I nodded and he wiped away my tears gently.

Holding out his hand, I slid mine into his and he walked me back to Hermione who wrapped her arm around mine and the three of us walked down the street, snow crunching under our feet. The singing grew louder and Harry stopped as we came to a church with a cemetary.

"Do you think they would be in there? Mum and dad?"

"Yeah I think they would."

Hermione was the first to walk into the cemetery and Harry followed slowly. He squeezed my hand tighter and together, we checked the gravestones. I was looking for anyone but the Potters, but I knew that's all Harry was looking for.

I wiped the snow off one headstone that looked too lonely and Harry stopped short. I looked at him, then followed his gaze and there it was. He had found it.

Lily and James Potter.

"Hey, Harry." Hermione called.

I turned back to her but Harry didn't budge. My sad look traveled across the lot and Hermione slowly came over, standing on the other side of Harry as she read the headstone.

Hermione got on her knees and made a small flower garland of lilies. I added a few pretty vines with the hand Harry wasn't crushing and Hermione stood back up, holding onto Harry's other hand. I laid my head on his shoulder and held onto his arm as he stood so still, I thought he wasn't breathing.

"Merry Christmas guys." Harry said.

"Merry Christmas." I whispered.

"Merry Christmas." Hermione said.

We stood in terrible sadness for a few minutes until Hermione shifted slightly. Harry barely noticed but I looked at her, instantly seeing a figure just outside the cemetery. Hermione looked at me, alert and a bit tense.

"Harry," I whispered. "There's someone watching us. By the church."

Harry looked over and the person didn't move.

"I think I know who that is." Harry said.

Looking closer, I noticed it was an old woman. She turned and started walking away and Harry let our hands go to follow. Hermione and I exchanged a confused look and followed quickly, staying close to him.

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