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Pain. Slashing. That terrible curse.

My eyes sprung open but my body didn't move. I wasn't hurting as much as I thought I would be. Sitting up slowly, I peered around and instantly recognized the inside of a tent. It wasn't as nice as the ones my family took on vacation but it was much better than sleeping on the ground.

Thank Merlin for Hermione Granger.

I pulled the blankets off and breathed a sigh of relief to be in new clothes. Jeans and a jumper. I smiled a little as the scent sent a shiver down my spine. It was Harry's.

I got up, wincing a little as a sharp pain went through my side. I lifted my shirt and saw a nice bandage with a little blood seeping through. Hermione really was a miracle worker. A cool breeze comes through the tent and I follow it out, shielding my eyes. The sun was bright but I hadn't really seen it much in the past few months.

My eyes adjusted and just a bit away were my friends. I walked over carefully, feeling a little pain with every step. Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I went to stand next to Ron who was in a sling.

"You look better." He said.

"So do you." I replied, nodding.

"Thanks by the way."

"For what?" I frowned.

"They don't know... but I do. Yaxley went to grab Hermione and you got in the way." Ron said quietly.

"You would have done the same thing." I shrugged.

"That's just it, I tried. And I couldn't reach her. Without you... she would be worse than me." Ron smiled weakly and looked away.

"Worse than us." I corrected him. "You pulled him off me. You're the reason all three of us are still alive." Ron looked at me, his eyes glossy. "Smile, Weasley. You're our hero."

He smiled and looked back at our friends, standing a bit taller. Such an amazing soul, this boy had. No... this man.

"Dissendium." Harry casted.

I followed his spell and watched a tiny object burst into flames and go flying off the fallen tree it had been sitting on. We all followed it, hoping to see a result. The Horcrux was the same as it always was.

"Incendio." Hermione casted.

Even bigger flames insued and I covered my eyes, wincing softly.


"Expulso." Harry tried again. He followed it but I stayed put. "Diffindo! Reducto!"

What followed next was a series of wand waves and wordless magic and still... nothing. The explosions echoed through the trees and I looked around, hoping nobody would come looking for the sound. Hopefully Hermione cloaked it well.

Harry bent down and picked up the Horcrux, putting on around his neck.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it." Harry replied.

"Seems strange, Mate," Ron said. "Dumbledore sends you off to find all these Horcruxes but doesn't tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't that bother you?"

My chest ached as Harry looked at us. He was speechless and it was obvious why. I could sense the guilt bleeding out of Ron as Harry turned and walked away. The other two looked at me and I shook my head.

"He needs a minute." I told them, slipping my hands into my back pockets.

Hermione nodded and turned to Ron. "You should get back to bed. I'll look for some herbs for the soup. Cora? Help?"

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