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We moved around for another two weeks and Hermione left a little something behind everywhere we went. Practically, I knew it was just in case we had to come back. Focusing on a possession made it easier. However with Ron still gone, those small things might have been a message to him. Just in case.

High up on the rocks on one of our latest stops, keeping watch wasn't much of an issue. It was getting colder so I stayed inside to cook and keep reading. I took over Hermione's tasks as she sat on the steps and listened to the radio just as Ron had.

Harry did a patrol that night and Hermione was in charge of the Horcrux again. I put dinner in a bowl for her but when I offered, she simply curled up even more. I put the food back in the pot and turned up the radio, sitting next to her. Together we listened to the names being listen off before they decided to lighten the mood with music.

Harry came back in and sat in a chair opposite us but neither of us moved. The stillness was paralyzing and for a moment I thought I was suffocating.

Then Harry got up and came over. He held out his hand to Hermione and she hesitated but took it. I sat back and watched as Harry helped her stand and took off the Horcrux. Tossing it aside, he pulled her into the middle of the room slowly and swayed.

I smiled a little and watched as he forced her to dance. A small smile broke across her face and she followed along, slowly loosening up. I laughed the more ridiculous Harry got with her and so did she. I turned up the radio, letting the music fill the tent, no matter how dangerous it was if somebody heard us. Hermione needed this.

They danced and danced, laughed and danced some more and it all came to an end halfway through the song. They each calmed and swayed slowly, leaning into one another. The happiness was short lived as Hermione pulled away and looked at Harry, realizing he was still part of the reason Ron left.

With that last look, she turned away and walked to the kitchen. Harry sighed and sat next to me as we watched her. I turned the radio down as the static got louder.

"How long will she hate me for?" He asked me.


Harry looked at me and I laughed, nudging him. "Give her time. She'll forgive you. Maybe she already has."

"I doubt it."

Harry got up and left, going back outside to. Hermione came back to her seat and sat with a cup of tea in her hand. Turning up the radio slightly, she started listening as the song ended and names were being listed again.

It was like the dance never even happened.


The next day I hit the books hard. We had been wandering for far too long and there had to be something out there that could help us. I suggested to Hermione that she get some air and handed her a book to read as well. Maybe she would find something or maybe it would pull her out of her mood.

After reading for the entire moring with four cups of tea and many bathroom breaks, I came upon a symbol. I had noticed it before but after reading more, it really stood out to me. I left the tent, bundled and warm to see Hermione sitting on the rocks. Sitting next to her, she smiled softly at me as she looked out to the gorgeous grey and blue sky.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Same. Harry still in there?"

"Yeah. Playing with the Snitch." I replied. "You still hate him?"

"I don't hate him." She sighed. "The boys have always been jealous of each other. Ron of Harry's fame and glory and Harry of Ron's family. Both don't realize that they have what they think they lack."

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