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A scream echoed and I gasped, sitting up sharply. I knew instantly it had come from me.


I gasped again, my breathing ragged as someone grabbed my wrists too tightly.

I pulled but Harry sat directly in front of me, holding onto me as I panicked. I looked around but Ron and Hermione weren't in their beds. They stood a few feet away, close to each other and watching me.

"Breathe, it's alright I'm here." Harry said softly.

"What happened?" I heaved.

"You set the door on fire." He nodded behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see the door to the kitchen blackened and splintered.

Tears pricked my eyes as I realized what was happening. I pulled my wrists away and stood up, quickly going back through the doorway towards the main hallway.

I had to be in a different room. I had to get away the furthest I could.

I pushed open the first door I saw and slammed it shut, pacing the room as my head pounded.

What had I been dreaming about? Draco. Pain. But what I exactly? Draco's torture? Why couldn't I remember?

I groaned and and glanced around the room, suddenly unsure of where I was. The wallpaper was green with nice details but it was the large tree that stopped me.

I stepped closer and I recognized named put underneath faces. I looked up and squinted, reading in the dark.

The Black Family Tree.

I ran my hand over my mothers face. I forgot she was born a Black.

"You were related to Sirius."

I looked at the door and then away, checking out all the witches and wizards in my family.

"Yeah. A cousin. Just like Tonks. Except I never met him. Not really." I replied quietly. I looked at him again, forcing to keep my eyes on him. "Did I hurt anyone?"

"Just the door." Harry smiled softly, walking over to me.

"It's not funny."


"Harry I can't go with you. I don't know what I'll be like. My powers are unpredictable and I can't promise I won't hurt anyone." I said quickly.

"Stop." Harry gently grabbed my face in his hands, forcing me to keep eye contact. "It's not going to be easy but I'm here for you. I am, Cora. I meant what I said last year. I do love you. The four of us will find the horcruxes and destroy Voldemort."

"What changed?" I asked, pulling away.

"Nothing really. I just know how I feel about you and I know you can be trusted. Simple as that." Harry explained.

"Too good to be true." I shook my head.

"But it is true. Ron and Hermione, we're worried about you."

"That wasn't worry I saw Harry, that was fear!" I cried. I quickly wiped away tears and turned back to the wall. "Most of my family turned to the dark side. Maybe that's my fate."

"No." Harry slid between me and the wall and I backed up. "Only if you let it."


"No. You won't go dark while we're around. Do you hear me?" He was stern and so sure. How could he have believed in me so much when I was almost too afraid to sleep?

ESTRANGED • The Final InstallmentWhere stories live. Discover now