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Harry let Fleur take care of me the next day. With my potion expertise and her wonderful caregiving skills. By the end of the night I felt much better. The magical bandaid would hold for now.

I rested even the next day just to make sure I could stay convincing. Once the sun went down, I heard laughter outside. I pulled the curtains back a little and watched Ron set out a chair for Hermione as Bill carried a tray of drinks.

I smiled and grabbed my jacket, putting it on and taking my time to descend the stairs. Going out the back door, I almost crashed right into a laughing Bill who was still offering drinks.

"Sorry, Malfoy. Lemonade?" He asked.

"Sure." I giggled and take a glass.

Ron set out the rest of the chairs and I took a seat next to Hermione. Fleur was off somewhere and Luna came out with some food for us to eat. Small sandwiches for everyone.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked.

I shrugged. "Not perfect but better."

"Good. We're gonna need you."

"Need me? You have a plan?" I asked, sipping my drink.

"Harry will want to explain when he comes out." Hermione said.

I nodded and watched Bill start a small campfire as Harry finally made an appearance. Everybody took their seats and silence followed.

"Alright. We're all here." Harry stood up and took a deep breath. "So Bellatrix was pretty angry when she thought we broke into her vault which means, something valuable is probably in there. My best guess, a Horcrux."

"I'm sorry... you want to break into my aunt's vault?" I frowned.

"We have to get that Horcrux." Harry said. I nodded and sipped my drink, letting him continue. "Griphook agreed to get us in."

"What's the catch?" I asked quickly.


I glanced around the circle and noticed the looks people were giving each other. No one would meet my eye.

"Since I've been away for some time, can someone let me in on what the hell is going on?" I snapped.

"The catch is... the sword." Harry said. "It's a trade."

"Don't tell me you agreed." I seethed.

"We had to." Hermione said.

"There could be a way around the deal but we just have to get in there." Ron said.

I looked at everyone again then back at Harry. Now he was looking at me and he was confident. More confident than I'd ever seen him.

"You think we can get in and out undetected?" I asked.

"Hermione has one of Bellatrix's hairs. You look just like your mother. Ron can dress up and I have my invisibility cloak." Harry explained.

I sat forward, resting my forearms on my knees. "You understand how dangerous this is. We can't just walk into Gringotts like it's nothing, we have to play the parts."

"We know. And we're ready. Are you?" Harry asked.

I smiled a little. "I'm gonna try and not be offended by that."

Harry smiled and lifted his lemonade. "Tomorrow we set out."

We all raised our glasses and took a sip. Harry sat back down and I leaned back, getting comfortable.

"So..." Bill crossed his leg over the other and looked at me. "You got expelled from Beauxbatons."

"Every school heard about that, what happened!" Ron laughed.

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