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6 years later

Faith rode her bike down the street of Eglington, the small town she resided in after being discovered at the hospital. She woke up not knowing where she was or who she was. Except for the I.D in her pocket and the photo of a baby.

Getting a life together was easy. She discovered she enjoyed writing and potion making. She may not have practiced much magic but she did home remedies for people and was always hearing how she was a roaring success.

She stopped her bike at the little bakery at the end of the street and got off, pulling down her dress as she walked into the store.

"Hello Robert." She greeted the boy behind the counter.

"Faith! We've got your favourites today!" He pulled out a chocolate chip cookie and she smiled.

"Always looking out for me, are you?" She handed him the money after he packaged it for her and said her goodbyes.

She tucked the cookie into her purse and rode further down the road out of town. The breeze whipped by her nicely and and she breathed in the summer air.

The first two years coming back were rough. She had no idea where to go and what to do before discovering her passion and for a while, she was in St. Mungo's. She met Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom there. They didn't speak often but when they did they talked about the food and how wonderful it was but Faith was sure they didn't know what they were talking about. Nothing about it was good or home cooked, it was just their minds being screwy.

She had dreams. Nightmares actually, many of them. Every night she would see a few faces and she knew she knew them, but she couldn't name them. It was frustrating but with the help of a counselor, the nightmares became melodic dreams over time.

Faith arrived in the next town and parked her bike outside the children's club she worked at. She went in and saw all the wee ones playing.

"Bit late today." Krista said from behind the counter.

"A few more minutes of play doesn't hurt anyone." She set down her purse and grabbed the book she would be reading today.

Going into the playroom, all the kids quieted the moment they saw her. All but one boy. His hair was turquoise and for some reason it sparked some recognition in her but she didn't say anything. Instead, she sat in her usual chair and gave them the best story time she could give.

They had never been so attentive.

She finished easier than most did and had time for questions before the parents arrived. Saying goodbye to them all when it was time, Faith stood up and started cleaning up the toys.

"Um, excuse me." A soft voice said.

Faith stood up and nearly dropped the bucket of toys. "Hi..."

"Hi..." He smiled softly.

Faith felt her face turning red and looked away quickly, refusing to be caught in his dreamy eyes. Then she noticed she had seen his eyes before.

"Have we met?" She asked. He was the person from her dream. Or... one of them.

"No." He said quickly. "I just wanted to say thank you for the reading. Teddy here heard about it from another kid at school and we thought we would try it out. This is the longest he's been able to sit still."

"Oh it's not a problem at all." Faith smiled and watched the turquoise haired boy spin in circles. She laughed. "He has lots of energy."

"He does." His smile was incredible and Faith almost melted right there. "Yeah, anyway, I just wanted to say hello. And thank you."

ESTRANGED • The Final InstallmentWhere stories live. Discover now