The Elite School Of Omegas (C...

By Silkbutterfly

847K 61.9K 32.9K

Jimin is not your average Omega. He's strong, smart and can fight for himself. His parents raised him to be d... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Pop Quiz!
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Begging for votes?
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Questions Anyone?
Your Questions Answered
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter 55 Final Chapter (Part 1)

(Final Chapter)

8.6K 576 654
By Silkbutterfly

   🌿Dear readers, It brings me great joy and great sadness to upload the final chapter of The Elite School Of Omegas.

I finished this chapter months ago, but struggled with uploading it after  I realized that I have spent nearly two years of my life dedicated to this story. It was really hard for me to let it go. I want to apologize to all my readers who thought I just fell off and left my story incomplete. 🌿

🌿I want to personally applaud all of my readers who chose to take this journey with me.  From the bottom of my heart I thank each and everyone of you for sharing your imagination with mine.


Writer Noona.


Jimin couldn't believe that their honeymoon was over and he was already packing to leave.

He thoroughly enjoyed his time in Mauritius and would love to come back and visit the wonderful island many times over.

He and Jungkook never spoke of the little Omega named Thea or Necole again. Not since the night Jimin brought her up. She did however plague Jim's  thoughts from time to time.

At one point Jimin sent Mr. Yoo to the orphanage to check on her status. He just wanted to make sure that she was okay.

He was on his honey moon and with the urging of Jungkook he eventually let it go. He couldn't let this unintentional situation disrupt his life.

Jimin was lost in thought about the situation when Jungkook walked up behind him giving him a back hug. “Is it me or did time fly by?”

Jimin turned around in his arms, putting them face to face.

“I think it went by very quickly, I don't want to leave.” The Omega said semi-pouting in the process.

Jungkook smiled as he spoke, “I think Sungyeol will be very upset if we miss her engagement ceremony.”

Jimin frowned instantly, “OMM, I would never hear the end of it. I talked to her this morning and she was more than worried about our arrival. She thinks  arriving a few hours before the ceremony is cutting it close. I could tell her emotions were all over the place.” Jimin paused for a minute to think, “Yes, you're right. We need to be on time.” Jimin took a step back to look his Alpha up and down admiring their couple t-shirt that Sungyeol had bought them. “You look sexy in your couples t-shirt.”

The Alpha snaked his arms around Jimin’s small waist pulling the Omega back close to him. “You look sexy in yours too. You would look even sexier if I took it off. Should we have fun one more time in this bedroom before we leave?”

Jimin smiled, but pulled back just a little, “Didn't we just decide to be good because we didn't want to be late for Sungyeol's engagement. That dear Alpha will definitely make us late.”

Jungkook looked over at the bed, then back at Jimin, “I think we have time for a quickie.”

“A quickie?” Jimin repeated a little confused.

Jungkook just stared at his mate, “Tell me you know what a quickie is?”

“Of course I know. I mean, I know that quick means fast. So, it obviously means you want to do it quickly?”

Jungkook shook his head slowly in the affirmative. "Your innocence turns me on."

“Im not innnoceant." Jimin stated a little defiantly. "I just don't get why you would want to do it quickly? What’s the fun in that?”

The Alpha starts unbuckling his pants, “I can show you better than I can tell you.” He said, reaching for Jimin. Who quickly stepped out of his reach. Deciding to play hard to get.

However, it didn't last long as Jimin gets lifted up and thrown on the bed. He whoops with laughter as he lands on the bed. “You’re going to get us in trouble if we're late.”

“The only one in trouble here is you.” The Alpha says, as he quickly joined Jimin on the bed.


The flight was smooth from Mauritius to the hotel where the newlyweds are staying at.  The couple made it just in time to get prepared for Sungyeol’s engagement ceremony.

The five star hotel Mr. Yoo drove them too was extravagant to say the least.  With it’s burgundy wine colored plush carpet, golden door frames and the most extravagant chandelier Jimin had ever seen. The teardrop crystals extended to two floors.

It was quiet in the lobby save for the low chatter of the few patrons who were standing around. Jimin imagines it will look a lot different in a couple of hours from now. They were expecting a little over two thousand guests to attend. 

The couple accompanied by Mr. Yoo were greeted by a stranger, who quickly identified himself when Mr. Yoo stopped him before he could get remotely close to the couple.

"I am the wedding planner.” The medium built Beta with strawberry colored hair said. He was shorter than Jimin with tin colored pants and and a rather low slitted p“I was sent down to escort this Omega up to the sublime suite.” He said matter of factly.

Mr. Yoo was already on the phone confirming the Beta’s statement. And nodded to Jungkook as he spoke, "He’s okay, sir.”

“Wow,” Jimin said, looking over at Jungkook. “I didn’t expect us to be parting ways already.”

The wedding planner gave a sigh of frustration.“We have a lot of work to do.” The wedding planner interjected. “Please, right this way Mr. Jeon.” 

Jimin smiled sadly as he left the space beside his mate to follow the wedding planner. “I’ll see you in a little bit.” Jimin said, reassuring himself more than the Alpha.

“I doubt it.” The wedding planner interjected again. "You shouldve been more thoughtful and not have the bride worry if you would make it on time or not."

"Sungyeol was worried? I talked to her this very morning. I assured her we would be on time."

"She may have trust in you, but I don't. Anything could have happened and you would've been delayed. You are an intrical part of this ceremony. Just one slip up and everything would've been ruined."

"But it's not because I'm here." Jimin said, starting to thoroughly get irritated.

"This is not your day. Let's make it about Sungyeol please."

The wedding planner was a super sarcastic Beta and he was starting to get on Jimin’s nerves. 

This abo rubbed Jimin the wrong way.  Jimin didn't know if would be able to keep his mouth shut much longer, as he followed the Beta to his best friend and sister.

He didn’t have to look back to know Mr. Yoo was following them even though he had confirmed the Betas credentials.

It was a short elevator ride up. When the doors opened they were walking into a lavish suite. The room was alive with activity.

The Omega continued to follow the Beta until he saw Tae looking almost urethral in the colors of his house. His hair was longer than he remembered and it looked good on him. He ran to his best friend without so much as a thought. Embarrassing him by hugging him and spinning him around.

“Tae I missed you!” Jimin said, finally setting Tae  back on his feet, but still hugging him closely causing them to sway side to side.

Tae returned the hug smiling as wide as Jimin. Pulling apart only to take a good look at his best friend's face. “You’ve tanned! Your skin looks healthy, shit your practically glowing!” He instantly smirked. “It must’ve been a good honeymoon. I’m surprised Jungkook let you come up for air.”

Jimin immediately blushed, lowering his head for a second before he looked back up at his best friend. “We were on our honeymoon not in heat.”

“I don’t really see a difference.” Tae said nonchalantly.

“You look beautiful.” Jimin said, changing the subject. “Where’s Sungyeol?”

The wedding planner interjected himself again, “Getting ready, like you should be. You’ll have to reconnect later.  I need to get you in a chair for hair and make-up. As I have patiently stated many times before Mr. Jeon, we have much to do.” 

Jimin leaned in close to his best friend so that he wouldn’t be overheard, “I don’t like this Beta. What’s his deal?”

Tae looked past Jimin at the irritating Beta as he spoke, “Chanli is his deal. He was chosen by her, not Sungyeol, at her adamant insistence. He is a nightmare. Neither I nor Sungyeol like him and if you ask me, he’s made this whole ordeal even more stressful than it already is.”

Jimin did not like hearing that. The Beta interjected again, “Mr. Jeon-”

“OMM!” Jimin exclaimed, turning towards the Beta. “Can you give me a second? I haven’t seen my best friend in awhile. I know you have a schedule to keep. I promise I won’t be much longer.” 

The Beta crossed his arms not liking the tone Jimin was using. “Rude much.”

Jimin's eyes narrowed as he spoke, "What did you say?"

"You're not listening to me and it's pissing me off. I'm in charge of this engagement ceremony and when I say let's go, you move."

“That's it. You're fired” Jimin shot back.

“Excuse me? You can’t fire me!” He said quickly, pulling out his phone. “You're not even the bride!”

“What is going on out here?” Sungyeol said. Looking radiant as ever with her hair pulled neatly into a bun. Not a hair was out of place. Her silk and diamond encrusted dress elegantly flowing around her. She looked like a princess.

Sungyeol was surprised to see Jimin. She instantly smiled as she walked up to greet him. “Jimin! When did you get here?”

“Just moments ago.” He said walking to embrace her.

“I thought the voice I heard sounded familiar. Is everything okay?”

“I’m firing your wedding planner.” Jimin said without hesitation.

“What?” Sungyeol exclaimed, confused.

“He’s got to go.” Jimin said looking over at the wedding planner. “Tae said he was oppressing you both and I simply won’t stand for it.”

Tae scratched his head in confusion as he spoke, “That’s not what I said.”

Jimin shrugs his shoulders, “Well, that’s how I took it.”

Sungyeol smiled and spoke calmly, “Jimin, you can’t just fire the wedding planner.” 

“Why not? He’s rude, unprofessional and has an attitude problem.  I came to this conclusion only five minutes after meeting him. Probably hired by Chanli to behave exactly the way he’s behaving.”

It wasn’t even two minutes after Jimin threatened to fire the wedding planner that Chanli came sauntering into the room, looking agitated to say the least.

"What is going on? My wedding planner told me you tried to fire him?”

“Not tried, did.” Jimin said, not backing down. 

“On what grounds?”

“He’s rude and disrespectful. Last I checked he works for Sungyeol, not the other way around.”

Chanli moves towards the trio, but walks past Tae and Jimin straight to Sungyeol. “Is this some kind of game to you? It’s bad enough that you replaced me with a pauper.(Referring to Tae) But now you want to embarrass me even more by declining the wedding planner I picked out for you?”

Jimin moved closer to Sungyol not liking the angry vibes that were rolling of Chanli as he spoke again,

“So that’s what this is all about? You sent your minion in to wreak havoc, because you weren’t chosen as one of Sungyeol’s ladies in waiting? How immature can you-” Jimin’s statement was cut short by his surprise. 

In an attempt to slap Jimin to shut him up, Chanli was stopped short by Sungyeol, who caught her hand only to push it away.

She couldn't resist the pay back as she F
followed the push with a hard slap of her own, right to Chanli’s face.

The sound reverberated all throughout the room. The Chanli was as shocked as everyone else standing in the room. 

In disbelief Chanli brought her hand slowly up to her face feeling the warmth already starting to rise to the surface. Anger immediately started coursing through her veins, as she yelled, "WHY YOU LITTLE-”

SLAP! Chanli felt the sting again, followed by another and another, causing the Omega to stumble back just a little. She was in more shock than before.

Sungyeol had never hit an abo in her entire life, but hitting Chanli was rejuvenating. Hell, It was down right euphoric. It made every ounce of time spent with that wedding planner from hell worth it.

Slapping Chanli was almost life changing and by the fifth slap. Jimin had to intervene, stopping his sister before revenge turned into assault. “I think she gets the point.”

Sungyeol moved as close to Chanli as she possibly could before she spoke, “Do you have something else you want to say?”

Chanli swiftly shook her head no.

“Good. Because as of this moment you will no longer have control over me, is that understood? It you ever so much as think about hurting anyone close to me I won't hesitate to tear you apart.”

Sungyeol felt so empowered in the moment that she walked up to the wedding planner speaking only two words, “Get out.” The flimsy Beta waste no time in grabbing his few belongings and quickly leaving the suite, followed closely by Chanli.

Sungyeol turned to face the rest of the abo’s who gathered at the sound of all the commotion. “Do you need the wedding planner here to do your job?” She asked. The answer “No” was heard all throughout the group as if they were singing a chorus.

"I will give everyone in this room a thousand dollar bonus for all of your hard work and efforts, but the money is also for you to  keep your mouths shut. You will talk of this to no one, is that understood?” 

Everyone silently moved their heads up and down in unison, “Good. Now let's get back to work.”  She motioned with her hands.

Jimin and Tae pulled Sungyeol off to a more secluded area of the suite. Tae was the first to speak, “When did you turn into Sungyeol 2.0? Like damn. I don’t think Chanli will be able to speak for a week!”

“Good because everything that comes out of her mouth is bullshit.”

Jimin’s eyes went wide with surprise. His shock level just continued to rise, but he couldn’t say he wasn’t happy with the new Sungyeol. “Who are you and what did you do to my sister?”

Sungyeol laughed, “It’s really me.” She said, but then her mood turned somber as she started to speak again. “Ever since that day she slapped me in front of her friends and embarrassed me. I told myself that I would never let any abo do that to me again. Yet that’s exactly what I’ve been letting her do, but when she tried to slap you." Sungyeol stopped talking as she relived the moment. "I saw red. It’s one thing to disrespect me, but to try and harm those closest to me was unthinkable."

"I understand." Jimin said, reassuring his sister.

"I'm not going to lie. I know slapping her was wrong, but it was soooo satisfying. I promise I don’t hate her, but now I feel like maybe we're even. Like maybe now she will take me as an equal versus someone she can pushover.”

Tae slowly shook his head in the negative as he spoke, “I don’t know if you can call five slaps to one even, but I agree. As satisfying as it was for you to slap her, it was just as satisfying to watch and I’m sure she has some skeletons in her closet to justify the other four.” The pair laughed at Tae. 

Sungyeol looked at the clock on the wall and gasped. “We have just under an hour left and Jimin you're not even ready!”

The trio rushed around the room with the help of the rest of the staff that remained and like they promised, they didn’t need the wedding planner around for them to do their job. 

Within less than an hour the trio of best friends were without a doubt the most stunning Omegas around. 

They were gathered by the door. Tae held one hand of Sungyeols while Jimin held the other. “Are you ready?” Jimin asked.

Sungyeol felt both nervous and excited as she bobbed her head yes. She had more love in her heart than she knew what to do with. She loved Hobi and she was ready to share the rest of her life with him. There was a brief pause before the two best friends who were more like family guided her out the room.


It was late into the night and unlike Jimin’s ceremonies everything went off without a hitch.  Dinner was underway and everyone was laughing and having a great time. Everything was going so smooth that Jin thought now would be a good time to steal some time away with his lovely future mate.

He calmly walked over to the table containing the VIP guests. He saw Tae laughing and enjoying himself. He liked that his Omega was independent in that way. Not depending on him for his happiness.

The moment Jim arrived at their table Tae acknowledged his presence. He stood to greet him. Jin smiled, at taking the center of attention for his Omega. Jin greeted everyone at the table before he moved close to Tae to whisper in his Omega’s ear, “Would you mind taking a walk with me?”

“Of course.” Tae said, excusing himself from the table. Jin extended his arm and Tae didn’t hesitate to take it. They walked out of the large ballroom down the hall, through a short corridor that led to a small outside garden that was beautifully lit. It gave the garden an almost magical feel.

Jin didn’t hesitate to grab Tae’s hand as they both silently enjoyed the moment. No one spoke until they felt the need too. A thought accrued to Jin as he was the first to speak.

“When we talk, it's always about the heavy things regarding our relationship. What I just realized is that I don’t really know about the small things.” 

“The small things?” Tae asked, somewhat confused.

“Yes, like what’s your favorite color? What's your favorite flower? Do you like reading books and if so what books are you currently reading?”

“Wow!” Tae said happily. Excited to share more about himself. “Well, I can certainly answer those questions. My favorite color is blue. My favorite flower is lavender. I absolutely love the smell and I do like books. I’m currently reading a book called Primary Deviance. I have to say that it’s turning out to be one of my favorites.”

“Primary Deviance? I haven’t heard of it.”

“It’s from an up and coming writer. Her work is good, but not popular yet.”


“It’ll catch on fast. It’s a page turner. Anyways, I recommend it.” 

Jin smiled, “If you recommend it then I shall read it.” He chuckled, “I didn’t know you were so passionate about books.”

“I’m only passionate about the ones I like.”

“Fair enough.”

The moment the pair stopped walking Tae felt lighter. He enjoyed the slightly cool breeze flowing through his hair as he looked up towards Jin. “It's a beautiful night isn’t it?"

“Yes.” Jin replied, not taking his eyes off of  Tae.

Tae angled his head up towards the sky smiling.

“The stars are so bright, It’s almost captivating.” 

Jin disagreed. “I can’t help but notice something even more captivating.”

That caught Taes attention, “What’s more captivating than the stars?” He asked looking over at Jin. His breath caught in his throat by the intensity of the look. “You don’t mean me, do you?”

Jin smiled as he snaked his hand around Tae’s waist pulling him closer. “I see nothing close to the beauty that is you.” He said, letting his eyes drop down to the source of his dreams. Wondering if his lips were as soft as they looked. "You are beautiful. Is it wrong to say that I've been fantasising about my lips touching yours.”

Those words had Taes heart beating faster than he thought possible. Maybe even skipping a few beats.

Jin continued to move in close, but stopped right before the kiss, seeking permission. “May I?”

Tae didn’t answer because he couldn’t. He was too caught up in the moment to form words. He had never been kissed before, so he went with nonverbal communication as he slightly moved his head up and down. He closed his eyes in anticipation of a kiss that he too had fantasized about. 

When their lips touched it was electric. The kiss that was meant to be light, gentle and exploritive turned into something much more passionate, with hidden promises of what's to come.  


It was official. Two of the three best friends were mated.The only one left was Tae and the date was set for a week after graduation, which was looming not too far off in the distance.

The trio were all back at their dorm. A little sad that life had returned to the humdrum of normalcy.

Jimin was excited but not happy at losing two thirds of his school life. In the form of his best friend and sister.

The trio were all sitting around discussing finals and how happy they were for school to be almost over, when there was a knock at the door.

Sungyeol stood up to answer it. She smiled when she was greeted by Mr. Yoo. “Hello, Mrs. Jung. Is Jimin here?”

When Jimin heard the sound of Mr. Yoo’s voice, he was already up and practically skipping to the door.

“What a pleasant surprise Mr. Yoo.” Jimin greeted. "What brings you here?”

“Your mate of course.” Mr. Yoo replied.

Jimin’s smile became even brighter.

"Mr. Jeon awaits your presence at the gate.” Mr. Yoo informed him.

Jimin quickly checked his appearance in the mirror, trying to fix anything that might be out of place. Feeling okay with the small changes he walks towards the door, but Mr Yoo does not move.

Jimin is only slightly confused when Mr. Yoo speaks again, “Mr. Jung is also awaiting your presence at the gate.” He informed Sunyeol, who immediately jumped in to join Jimin to their awaiting mates and before Tae could feel left out, Mr. Yoo also informed him that his future mate was also awaiting his arrival at the gate.

When it was all said and done Mr. Yoo was surrounded by three Omegas who were more than gity to meet their significant others. The smiles and laughter of the trio mixed in with their curiosity, almost had them running instead of walking across campus.

The moment they passed the security gate the trio broke off going in three separate directions.

Sungyeol towards Hoseok, Tae towards Jin and Jimin towards Kookie. Jimin stopped walking because there was something strange about the way Junkook was standing, but he instantly smiled thinking the Alpha was just excited about seeing him.

It had been close to two weeks since they had seen each other last. Even though they had talked everyday. Jimin missed his Alpha very much.

They normally don’t spend that much time apart, but Jungkook had to go on another business trip and just returned back today.

It wasn't until Jimin finally made his way closer to his Alpha that his breath caught in disbelief. A little head with long black curls peeped out from behind his legs. Jimin placed his hand over his mouth in both surprise and nervousness as he glanced back up at his mate. 

“What’s going on?” He asked, but didn’t notice the four others make they’re way over to where he was.

“I know we talk about it, but didn't officially make a decision on adoption. However, you seemed to attach to her very quickly and the fact that you said you wanted to adopt her made me think that you were serious.” There was a slight pause before he continued to talk. “Is this okay? Did I make the right decision because we were both nervous about how you would react.”


“Necole and I.” He said. He turned slightly behind himself to take the little Omega by the hand pulling her fully out from behind him. She wore a mixed look of worry and sadness across her face. Jimin looked from the little Omega back up to his mate.

“Are you saying she’s ours?”

Jungkook smiled hesitantly, “My business trip was really an adoption trip. She is definitely ours. Did I make the right decision?”

“Yes!” Jimin exclaimed. “Jungkook this is unbelievable. Are we ready? What about school?”

“As long as you’re ready, I’m ready and as far as school goes, we have a meeting with headmaster Najoon and Mr. Min to discuss that.”

Jimin slowly approached the new addition to their family. He squatted down before her so that they could be face to face. “Hi,” Jimin said, still in awe.

“Hi,” Necole said, unsure about one half of her new parents.

“I’m so happy to see you again.” Jimin smiled reassuringly.

“Really?” The little Omega said, looking down. Nervously playing with the hem of her new dress.

“Yes!” Jimin said, happily.

“Do you like me?” Necole asked, needing to be reassured.

“Of course I like you! I liked you from the moment I met you.”

The little Omega stopped playing with her dress. Choosing to be brave and look up “Why?”

“Because you remind me a lot of myself.”

“I do?”

Jimin reached up to grab both of Necole’s hands. “Yes, you do and if you want to be a part of our family we would love to have you. Only if you want too.”

The young Omega looked around and all she saw was smiling faces. Smiling faces that were directed at her. She wasn’t used to that. Frowns maybe and a lot of yelling, but nothing like the warmth and kindness she was feeling in the moment. She needed to confirm, confirm before she got her hopes up.

"Are you sure you want me?”

"Yes! I want you more than anything.” Jimin said.

“Well in that case I have to be honest.”

“Honest?” Jimin said, glancing up at Jungkook and then back to Necole. "Honest about what?"

“You know I might cause trouble, but I sure don’t mean too.” 

The group thought that was funny as they chuckled behind Jimin. “Can I fill you in on a little secret?”

“Yes, what is it?”

“I cause trouble and I don’t mean to either. It has a tendency to follow me wherever I go. You know what that means?”

“No, what?” 

“That me and everyone standing around you is pretty good at handling trouble. Isn’t that right sweetheart?”

Jungjook squatted down next to Jimin, “We sure are. We’re almost pros at it. What do you say, Necole? Family for life?”

Necole has always wanted parents and she didn’t need to think anymore about it,”YES!’ she screamed as she hugged her new parents around their neck. They stayed like that for a couple of moments until Necole’s curiosity got the best of her. “Who are they? I mean not including Uncle Wes.”

“Uncle Wes?” Jimin said, looking up at Mr. Yoo who  in that moment chose to turn his back to the group.

Jimin stood up, still holding Necole’s hand as she introduced her to her extended family. “This is Aunt Yeolly and her mate Uncle Hobi.”

“Yeolly? Really?” Sungyeol said.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders, moving on with the introductions. “This is Uncle Tae and his mate, Uncle Jin.”

“Hi” Necole responded, “Another male Omega?”

“He’s my best friend, But he doesn't get any cooler than that.” Jimin joked.

“Whatever.” Tae said rolling his eyes, “Come here Necole. Come here and talk to your favorite uncle.”

Necole looked at Jimin for permission, “It’s okay, you can go.” Jimin said as Tae reached out his hand for Necole to take.

Jimin took Jungkook's hand discreetly, pulling  them back just a little from the group. He didn’t want to be overheard by Necole. “Are you sure about this?” 

“Yes, I am.” Jungkook said.

“What about school?” Jimin asked.

“You’ll finish out the rest of the year as normal. Mother and I will look after Necole during the week and on the weekends you can come home to spend time with her.”

“And next year?”  

“You will do your last year from home. From the talk we had earlier. I thought you might be okay with it. Of course you and I will have to get permission."

Jimin was more than okay with it. He didn’t want to complete his last year without Tae and Sungyeol anyways.

“I want her Kookie, I really do, but I don’t know how to be a mom.” Jimin said, Instantly worrying about the future.

“I don’t know how to be a dad, but we both know how to love and I think that’s what she needs more than anything.”

Jimin let that sink as he looked back over at Necole, "Wow, we're parents.”

“Yep,” Jungkook said smiling, “The coolest parents alive.”

Jimin chuckled at his cockiness, “We’ll let Necole be the judge of that.”  


Graduation Day was a celebration worth talking about. Like every other special event, they had an open campus that was decorated in the school colors.

 Needless to say the excitement on campus was electric. The graduating class of Omegas were leaving and moving on with their lives while a new group will be entering and joining the school.

Even though Jimin was not one of the graduates for this year he felt just as satisfied watching his best friend and sister walk the stage. It was hard not to reflect on the last two years of his life. So many things had happened, good and bad. 

Some situations he  never wanted to think about ever again and some situations he didn’t ever want to forget.

Jmin leaned back in his seat,  crossing his legs feeling very content with his life. He has a mate and a pup, a best friend and a sister.

He never understood what normal was like. He never thought he would be able to attribute that word to his life, but he’s sure this comes pretty close.

He was happy, genuinely happy and he only had positive thoughts for the future. He finally felt content with who he is and what his life has become.

The End...💜

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